Chapter 231: The moonlight is actually beautiful today.

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Tang Mo covered the eyes of Fu Wensheng, who was closest to him, with great speed, while Mu Huixue covered the eyes of Chen Shanshan.

Tang Mo felt a wet heat in his palm and the boy in his arms' body trembled, unable to stop the tears from flowing down his face.

Chen Shanshan was much calmer, taking Mu Huixue's hand, her voice hoarse: "...... is fine." The voice was so mute that the young girl fell silent when she heard it. After another moment, Chen Shanshan looked at the modern city in ruins and spoke again. This time, her voice was firm: "It's really okay."

All did not speak.

And so, for a long time, the six men stared silently at the shock and magnificence of this death.

Finally, Fu Wenduo reached out and pulled the curtains closed, and everyone snapped back to attention.

Fu Wensheng wiped away his tears, his heart still stifling. He knew that The black tower had said that every day for seven days more than two thousand of The black tower would disappear, along with the cities and people of the area. But ......

"It wasn't that hard to defeat the circus leader when the four big brothers joined forces, it really wasn't that hard. But why, why ......"

Why, when he saw with his own eyes the collapse of human civilisation, he realised just how cruel the game was.

How many people can they save?

Every day, more than 2,000 The black towers disappear. There are only six of them, and there are five The black towers in the world.

Andrei suddenly stood up: "I'm going to Berlin."

The crowd understood what he meant, and Mu Huixue subconsciously stood up, "I'll join you."

Andrei looked at her with dark eyes, his voice husky: "You stay."

Mu Huixue froze.

Andrei gave Mu Huixue a deep look and, without giving a reason, he picked up the fur coat he had taken off to heal his wounds and turned to walk out of the building. Tall, strong Russian men walked along the deserted roads, the streets and alleys filled with players fleeing from other places, all heading north.

In the midst of this swarming crowd, only one tall, sturdy figure bucked the crowd and headed firmly west.

The place he was going to was Europe.

Even though he might not get there in seven days, and even though he might die at any moment on the way because The black tower had disappeared, he had to go.

Fu Wenduo stood on a high building and watched Andrei's back. After a few moments, he said, "Let's go elsewhere to see if there are any surviving humans, and tomorrow we'll leave for Guangzhou."


After the disappearance of The black tower in these parts, the area became an unoccupied ruin. Everything is clear-cut, the two ends of the same road, one unchanged, the other reduced to concrete fragments.

Tang Mo stood in the middle of the road and held his hand out to the line where the two zones met. He turned his head and said, "It's okay. It seems that one way to survive the seven days now is to find an area that has disappeared and survive in it. Most people should be able to think of this method, and I guess soon they will turn back and hide here for seven days in peace."

The crowd walks towards the eightieth form.

Unfortunately, they did not find any Chosen members. It is not known whether they died under The black tower or whether they escaped unscathed.

The crumbling bricks and tiles of the tall buildings were piled up on the earth in a small mountain. It was only when all the modern buildings collapsed that people realised that the civilisation that man had built on this earth had surpassed nature itself.

The sun is shining on the land.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo set out to find the surviving humans and search some ruins to find information about the disappearance of The black tower. Chen Shanshan and Fu Wensheng rested among them. Fu Wensheng has had a very shattering night and is the least mentally capable of the six members of the team, and recalls how he lost his cool in the early evening, and the child feels remorseful.

He quickly toughened up.

There was little he could do but expend as much of his psychic powers as he could to make a more advanced healing mineral water.

Chen Shanshan was writing and drawing in her book when she looked up and around and suddenly realised that Mu Huixue had disappeared. The young girl furrows her brow, thinks about it and gets up to look for the other side.

The bright moonlight spills over the ruins of the city, which is empty and silent in all directions, with not a single soul to be found.

Naturally, Chen Shanshan did not know that Mu Huixue, whom she was looking for, lay at the very top of the ruined hill beside them. She rested on her right hand and looked at the white moon. After a long moment, she stretched out her left hand and squinted her eyes. The moonlight pours through the gaps in her fingers, and the dappled shadows shine on her face.

And so it was that the world's most powerful returnee basked in the moonlight and looked at it.

Five minutes later, Mu Huixue laughed, "If you're here, why don't you come out. I thought we were already considered friends, or is that ...... teammates?"

A dull footstep sounded from behind the ruins.

Wrapped in a thick fur coat and with his face buried in a hat, only his green eyes show. Andrei stomped one foot after another on the broken masonry glass to the top of the hill of ruins. He did not say a word, nor why he had gone and returned, but simply looked at Mu Huixue with a quiet gaze.

Mu Huixue looked at the moon and said, "Why did you come back."

After a long silence, Andrei's voice was low and muffled, "I was halfway there when I decided to come back and kill you." There was a sharp pause in his voice and Andrei's eyes flicked to the side, then continued to turn his head to Mu Huixue, "I'm sorry, but we both know ...... you had to die."

Mu Huixue : "Are you afraid to die."

Andrei : "No fear, if you don't want to, I can kill myself after I kill you."

But you must die.

The latter words were not spoken by Andrei.

Mu Huixue, of course, knew what he meant. She looked at the moon and laughed: "Actually, I am not afraid to die. Since you are not living for yourself, what did you kill me for. Do you still want to resurrect your daughter, or your wife?"

"I will not bring Valentina back to life. I promised you that you had killed 78 people, and I lost that bet, so I will not kill you to bring Valentina back. But there are still more than three million human beings alive in this world, a world where Valentina has lived. Even if all those 3 million people are dead ...... I don't want this world to disappear. So, you know, it's him I'm going to resurrect."

"Even if perhaps the truth is not that, and killing me to resurrect him, we may not always find that last tower?"

Andrei closed his mouth and didn't make another sound.

Mu Huixue propped up her arms, looked at the moon and smiled, "But with only one percent hope, you can't give up, can you." The next moment, she said, "Why are you still hiding, come out."

A few seconds later, Chen Shanshan silently emerges from behind the rubble.

Andrei and Mu Huixue were speaking in Russian. Mu Huixue turned his head to look at the child and said in Russian: "Do you understand?"

It is only normal for a child this young to not know Russian.

She is, however, Chen Shanshan.

Chen Shanshan was silent for a moment and replied in Russian: "My teacher taught me."

Mu Huixue froze for a moment and then said, "You're the smartest kid I've ever met. I know it's your ability, but I'm curious, just from that conversation Andrei and I had, do you know what we were talking about?" She winked slyly, "How about if you guess right, I give you a secret."

Chen Shanshan was tempted to say that she didn't want Mu Huixue's secret at all, but instead of speaking up, she closed her eyes and recalled the conversation they had just had for a moment. When she opened her eyes again, her voice was calm: "Killing the first place in the Time Rankings will bring back a player who died in the game. Andrei went and came back because he wasn't sure if you would kill yourself and kill yourself to resurrect this person, and he was worried that you were afraid of dying, so he came back and tried to kill you himself."

At these words, Andrei looked surprised and looked at Chen Shanshan so seriously for the first time.

This was not the first time Mu Huixue had fought the young girl, and she sat on the floor, clutching her knees, looking at Chen Shanshan with interest : "Go on."

" Andrei said he didn't kill you to resurrect his wife and daughter, and now it seems that he had been chasing you to kill you before to resurrect his wife and daughter. But now he doesn't want to do that. Not for the sake of his loved ones, he wants to kill you, and with even greater determination, so there can only be one reason ...... that the person he is trying to resurrect has something to do with the attack game on the seventh floor of The black tower." After a pause, Chen Shanshan looked up and spoke with certainty: "That man knows where the last tower is."

Mu Huixue laughed out loud as she applauded, "You really are the smartest kid I've ever seen. No, you're probably the smartest player I've ever seen. Your answer is nine times right, except that Andrei and I aren't sure if that person will find the last The black tower or not. But you can guess who Andrei is going to resurrect. As a friendly reminder, you know that person."

Chen Shanshan squeezed his fingers together and looked at Mu Huixue.

"...... is he?"


Chen Shanshan almost blurted out, "Why!"

Mu Huixue asked rhetorically, "Don't you know why? Only he knows where the last tower is."

Chen Shanshan's mouth dropped open and she soon calmed down. The young girl looks at Mu Huixue for a moment and then at Andrei.

In the middle of the ruined modern city, the black woman with the high ponytail sat on one of the highest hills, smiling at her. The moonlight on her body looked cold and lonely. Beside her, the brown-bear-like Russian player stood silently by her side, no murder in his eyes, but his attention was always on the woman in black.

As soon as she ran, he would catch up with her and kill her in every way possible.

Mu Huixue had no intention of running away, and as Chen Shanshan turned to leave, she said, "Let her kill me."

Chen Shanshan steps back on his feet and turns his head.

Andrei looked down at her, "She?"

Mu Huixue spread his hands: "Since it's all about death, who doesn't kill me the same? I'd rather die at the hands of a little friend than a guy like you. She's much cuter than you."

Andrei looked hard at Mu Huixue, who was still smiling, but her eyes were firm and determined to die.

They were never people who feared death.


The strong man of Russia walked down the ruins, no longer talking about killing Mu Huixue himself.

For the first time, Chen Shanshan feels at a loss for words. She stood on the ruins and saw Mu Huixue take out a small, delicate compass with her hand. She said, "Actually, I asked Fu Wenduo and Tang Mo to kill me together before, saying that I wanted to die, but in fact I still wanted to live. Don't get me wrong, I'm not as afraid of death as Fly is, and I don't want to live that much either. But the truth is like what the circus master said today, he can't kill me, none of you can kill me. Because ...... I have this compass."

Taking out the fallacious compass, Mu Huixue took out a dagger with her other hand. She aimed the tip of the blade at her heart and stabbed it in violently.

Chen Shanshan exclaimed, "You?"

"It's alright, I can't die from this injury even without the fallacious compass." Mu Huixue wiped the blood from her lips as the dagger brought out a trace of heart blood and applied it to the compass. She patiently stained the needle of the compass with blood as she said, "You're a clever little friend, but a long time ago, when I cleared the fourth level of The black tower, the one that brought the two worlds together, can you guess why I had already cleared the fourth level, but suddenly failed to do so, and it took me ten days to do so? "

Three months ago, The black tower suddenly sang a song for an unknown player. The black tower, who is always aloof, praised the player with great enthusiasm and unabashedly expressed his fondness for the player.

Mu Huixue had cleared all four levels of The black tower and almost started The black tower version 4.0 straight away. Suddenly, her passage came to an end and the update of The black tower was temporarily suspended. It took half a month before she officially cleared The black tower again and started The black tower 4.0.

Chen Shanshan pondered, "Because of the fallacious compass?"

Mu Huixue : "Wow, you're really good at this."

Not understanding the Cantonese phrase did not stop Chen Shanshan from understanding what it meant. She explained, "You just said that because of the fallacious compass, you can't die anyhow. Then you asked this question again. Obviously, your failure to pass the fourth level must be because of the fallacious compass."

"You've finally guessed wrong."

Chen Shanshan is stunned.

"It wasn't because of the fallacious compass. At that point I attacked the tower just to have The black tower BOSS kill me and die in the game. I didn't want any returnee to kill me and resurrect someone else, nor did I want to give away 260,000 rests to a murderous returnee, so I chose to enter the tower attack game on the fourth floor of The black tower. But sadly, I cleared that game. As I did, I saw the fallacy compass ......" Mu Huixue's blood completely stained the needle of the fallacy compass as she laughed, "A normal The black tower monster couldn't kill me, but what about the fallacy compass? So the moment I got through, I started grabbing this compass."

Chen Shanshan's eyes widened as she thought about the many possibilities, but never imagined that Mu Huixue would abruptly terminate her fourth floor of The black tower just to snatch away a rare prop.

Blood dripped down the needle of the fallacious compass to the ground, and the moment the drop of blood hit the ground, a muffled sound escaped Mu Huixue's throat. Her face instantly went pale, as if something had disappeared from her body.

Mu Huixue throws the fallacious compass towards the earth, and the tiny compass takes on a parabolic shape, smashing into the ground. But halfway through its flight, it disappears into the air.

Mu Huixue: "The circus master is right, this kind of item should not be possessed by the player in the first place, it's a bug, a bug caused by my powers, and what's happening now is probably The black tower's revenge."

Chen Shanshan's mind worked quickly, she guessed three or four possibilities, but was not sure.

After disposing of the fallacious compass and returning the stolen items to The black tower, Mu Huixue patted her clothes and stood up. She walked up to Chen Shanshan and smiled, "Well, now you can kill me all you want. I won't resist."

Chen Shanshan looked up at her and finally couldn't resist asking, "...... Why me?"

Mu Huixue was slightly stunned, as if she had not expected the children to ask this question.

She looked down at this girl, who was always calm and terribly strong, and after a long time, she reached out and gently touched Chen Shanshan's head: "Because the person I brought back to life and later killed by my own hand was really like you."

Mu Huixue's face was a helpless and wistful smile, and when Chen Shanshan looked at her like this, his lips opened but he didn't ask.

After a few seconds, Chen Shanshan said calmly, "Since you have decided to die, I want Brother Tang Mo to kill you."

Mu Huixue because he misheard: "What?"

Chen Shanshan said with a serious face, "As you may have guessed, Brother Tang Mo's ability is to collect other people's powers. But this ability is so unbelievable that the stronger it is, the more difficult it is for him to collect it. In fact, if he wanted to obtain a psychic ability of your level, the only way was to kill you." On the little girl's innocent face was an incomparably serious look as she said very nonchalantly, "Since you've decided to die, why don't you let Brother Tang Mo take your supernatural power?"

Mu Huixue : "......"

Mu Huixue curled his fingers and gave Chen Shanshan a firm flick on the forehead.

The little girl's head went red for a moment and she reached up to cover her forehead.

Mu Huixue said expressionlessly, "You're not like her at all on this point. I'm dying and you can't say anything nice? Kids, you can't behave like that, you know."

Chen Shanshan lifted his head and said with a straight face, "Can I call Brother Tang Mo?"

Mu Huixue : "......"

"OK, go ahead, I'll wait for you here."

Chen Shanshan : "Good."

Chen Shanshan turned and ran, Mu Huixue watched her back, and a moment later she lay down again, basking in the beautiful moonlight, as if every second of sunlight was a second less and she would never see such a view again in her life.

And unbeknownst to her, the short-haired girl squeezed her fingers to death as she turned to run down the rubble. Fingernails sunk deep into her palm, and the eyes of this outrageously sensible girl, who had no problem offering a final exploit even in the face of life and death, squeezing the value of her life clean out of her, were wet.

But the moment before the tears fell out, she raised her hand to wipe them away, still looking as calm as ever.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had just returned to the ruined hill when they ran into Chen Shanshan.

The young girl looked at Tang Mo with a blank expression and told him what had happened. Tang Mo was stunned as he turned his head to look at Fu Wenduo. The two nodded gently, then walked up the hill together and soon saw Mu Huixue lying at the top of the hill.

Noticing their arrival, Mu Huixue stretched and rose to her feet.

She walked up to Chen Shanshan, curled her fingers again and flicked her head.

Andrei had been hiding in the shadows for a long time, and when he saw Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo return, he too came out and stood aside without saying a word.

Mu Huixue laughed brightly, "She has told you everything, right? I'm not afraid to die, sometimes there's no point in living, I'm probably more valuable dead. Andrei was right, the third clue given by The black tower was destined to kill me. If you don't do it, Andrei will do it, even I will do it myself. I'd be wasting my life, not giving you the power. So let's use it and let you kill me, Tang Mo."

Fu Xiaodi learnt the truth from Chen Shanshan, who said, "No, Sister Mu , you really want ......"

The child couldn't say the word. He didn't understand how the game could be like this all of a sudden when we were all raiding The black tower together during the day.

Mu Huixue, who has a surprising patience with children, crouches down and strokes Fu Wensheng's head. "This city, it's gone." She strokes Fu Wensheng's head and shows him the devastated earth beneath his feet. "Not suddenly, from the moment Andrei and I saw that clue, we understood what The black tower meant, knew this day was coming, we just didn't face it until now, when the city disappeared before us."

Fu Wensheng clenched his teeth, he wanted to say something, but nothing could come out.

Fu Wenduo : "Does it really have to be like this?"

Mu Huixue raised one eyebrow and looked at him, " Mr. Fu, I've already thrown away the fallacious compass and returned it to The black tower, and you're just telling me this now?"

Fu Wenduo didn't answer, he wasn't there again just now.

Tang Mo also said, "You don't have to do this now, it's not the last moment yet. Maybe there's a turnaround, there's another way to find that tower."

"And then watch hundreds of thousands of people disappear with The black tower every single day for six days." Mu Huixue smiles, "The black tower gave that clue, which means it was the only way. When Grea said today that The black tower was going to take revenge on me, something suddenly dawned on me."

" Tang Mo , obviously that guy has been very lucky, so why is he suddenly very unlucky to run into two teammates going out together. As long as it wasn't those two powerful players going out, or even just any one of them, he wouldn't have died. But he did. Now that I think about it, it's not The black tower getting back at him, it's The black tower getting back at me."

"Maybe he's not the only one who can find The black tower, and maybe he's the only one who can raid it."

"So ...... Tang Mo , kill me."

Tang Mo clenched his fingers and looked steadily at Mu Huixue. After a long moment, he took two silver butterfly knives out of his pocket.

Mu Huixue looked over at Chen Shanshan and waved at her with a big smile: "Take my place for more moonlight in the future. I said earlier that if you guessed correctly I would tell you a secret. I don't really have a secret, it's just that a long time ago before I killed that person who looked a lot like you, she said she wanted to return to Earth and wanted to see the moon. There is no moon in the world of the returnees, only daylight. This baton I'm handing over to you now, so get more sun."

Chen Shanshan looked calm, but she didn't say anything.

Mu Huixue smiled, "Hmm?"

Chen Shanshan : "...... good."

By this time, Tang Mo had walked up to Mu Huixue.

Mu Huixue put away his smile and looked at him seriously, "Then let's get started ......"

She raised her eyes, her gaze firm, and said in one word: " Tang Mo , kill me and resurrect Bai Ruoyao."

The crisp female voice drowns out the evening breeze and Mu Huixue grins a frankly optimistic smile.

Two days ago, The black tower, sixth floor, Noah's Ark.

Neither Tang Mo nor Fu Wenduo noticed that as they turned over their red slips of paper to read the twelve characters on the back, Mu Huixue and Andrei also turned over theirs and saw the words written on them.

There were only three words, but they were enough to keep the two powerful players on the sixth floor of The black tower in place for a long time.

The moment they saw those three words, they suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of irony.

Mu Huixue and Andrei saw the clue clearly, and the piece of paper turned to dust and disappeared. But those three words were burned into their hearts and pierced their eyes, never to be forgotten. Those three words were -

'Bai Ruoyao'

"The moonlight is actually quite beautiful today."

A flash of silvery blade light, a moment that was actually brighter than the moonlight.

Published at: 09/26/2022 21:04