Chapter 19: Goblin, give me back my grandpa!

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

The students, hidden in the gym, leave through each of the four gym doors.


Another bullet, piercing the blackness of the night, shot through the concrete floor.

"Police pistols generally have a range of 50 metres or less, and no more than 100 metres at most." The little fat man said quickly.

They were divided into three groups, Li Wen and Mr. Li with the weaker two reserve students to save their lives and see if they could sneak in at any time; Chen Shanshan and Qiao Feifei, another official player girl, were on the same side, Tang Mo knew that Chen Shanshan had powers and she was stronger than the normal reserves.

Fatty and Tang Mo are on the same side, in charge of the main attack.

"Why didn't those stowaways make a sound when they stepped on the glass this time? And those traps at the door didn't trigger?"

Tang Mo lowered his voice: "They attacked twice last night, the second time because they stepped on the glass and you found out where they were and took precautions. They won't make the same mistake this time. They should have entered the school in some other way."

The two men left the gym and hid against the wall.

Tang Mo's eyes are fixed, scanning his surroundings carefully.

The darkness of the night was like a silent beast, staring at everyone with bloodthirsty eyes. There are many trees in the school, and the cold wind makes the shade sway, the huge dark shadows rustling in the darkness, the only sound in this murderous night.

Tang Mo Sideways: "Give me a nail ......"


Tang Mo dodged to his left with great speed, but the speeding bullet inevitably grazed his right arm and hit the wall between him and the little fat man. The two men looked at each other and ran in separate directions.

The stowaways with guns hide where they can be seen, and Tang Mo has communicated his strategy to Fatty before the battle. If the worst came to the worst, the two men would split up and not give each other a chance to gather fire. Now it's the worst case scenario, with the enemy in the dark and the most dangerous gunman hiding in the shadows.

Bang, bang, bang!

Tang Mo, with a large solid wooden stick in his hand, rushed into the nearest school building to the gym at great speed.

The bullets kept firing behind him, grazing his heels and piercing the ground again and again. He paused for a moment before Tang Mo turned his head into the school building. In his eyes, a bullet flew past his eyes and into the wall.

Tang Mo strides into the school building.

But as he entered the school building, his body suddenly stood up with cold hairs and he reflexively swung his large stick behind his head. There was a loud bang and a violent crash from behind Tang Mo. The knife collided with the wooden stick and a gaping hole was made in the stick by the knife, causing Tang Mo to take two steps forward and the other man to take a step backwards.

"Nice strength ......" a hoarse laugh accompanied by a sarcastic tone rang out, "but you're still going to die!"

Without saying a word, the sneak attacker came straight at him. Tang Mo raises his stick to meet the attack.

The knife and the stick clashed and scraped, both of them very fast, and the clanking sound was constant. The knife was even longer than Tang Mo's stick, and the man used it to leave bloody cuts on Tang Mo's shoulders, waist and elbows as he was forced backwards and downwards.

Seeing that he had gained momentum, the man attacked even more violently. With such a good knife, even if he slashed casually, it was enough to pose a threat to others. Not to mention the fact that he was a stowaway with great strength, and each swing of his greatsword sent a wind-breaking blade whistle through the air.

Tang Mo's dodging was getting slower and slower as the long knives swung forward erratically and haphazardly.

It was at this moment that the man swung his sword with great force and struck Tang Mo's head from the left side. Suddenly, Tang Mo, who had just been dodging, dropped down and the steel sword swung past his eyes, and with his stick in his right hand and his left hand on the ground, he struck the man on the knee.

The man let out a muffled grunt of pain and the sound of bones cracking was very loud in the darkness.

The man stumbled a step and almost fell to the ground, using his large knife to brace himself on the ground to steady himself.

Tang Mo stood up and wiped the blood seeping from his chin. For the first time he got a good look at his enemy. It was a tall, powerful man, at least 188 tall, with a bald head, a muscular body and a green and black tiger's head tattooed on his left arm.

The nearest building to the gymnasium was the school building, where the stowaway had almost caught Tang Mo off guard by ambushing him early. Tang Mo did not dare to take it lightly. Both regular players and stowaways recover quickly and Tang Mo's cut is already itching, which means it is scarring.

With the man's knee broken, Tang Mo didn't hesitate to raise his club, but he was a step too late. The man was able to get to his feet and swung his sword at Tang Mo.

The situation changed again. Tang Mo kept attacking, and the man could only parry with his sword. As time passed, the man walked faster and faster, as if the wound on his knee was almost back to normal.

Tang Mo bellowed angrily and struck the man directly in the head with a club.

"Damn it, there's no point in hiding!" The man suddenly threw down his big knife and crossed his arms, facing Tang Mo's wooden stick undaunted. His eyes were wide open as he sank into the air, only to hear him roar in a full-blown rage, "Boy, give back my grandfather!"

Tang Mo only heard the word "yeah yeah", but he didn't understand it yet, and suddenly a wave of unease washed over him.

Tang Mo swung his wooden stick in the air and changed direction hard, hitting the wall of the school building and giving Tang Mo a recoil that sent him dodging towards the other end of the corridor. Just as he stopped his attack, he saw the big muscular man open his mouth wide, forming a circle, and a blazing gas spurted out of his mouth, and the next second, a torrent of flames.

The big man crosses his arms and spits out flames from his mouth. His eyes were wide, as if he were an enraged Luohan, staring straight at Tang Mo as flames erupted.

Tang Mo turned around and ran.

The big man's flame was faster than he was, directly in front of him, about to burn his hair on his forehead. Tang Mo bent down to avoid the flame, which burned into the wall, crackling the white wall ash and peeling it off the wall.

Tang Mo is on his hands and knees, dodging the flames along the walls and on the ground. Like a fire-breathing dragon, the flames burned and the temperature in the air soared. The flames scorched the concrete floor, and Tang Mo's stick had already turned into a pile of charred wood under the flames.

The flames disappear and Tang Mo crouches on the ground, breathing heavily.

The big man's spirits were excellent, and he was able to walk freely on his knees. He picked up his sword, which he had thrown to the ground, and, with a wild laugh, struck Tang Mo again. With his bare hands, Tang Mo could only keep dodging and evading.

The big man was swinging his sword really roughly and just kept slashing. Tang Mo, however, had not learnt fighting techniques either, and the two of them were simply engaging in the simplest of combative strikes with the superb physicality of full players and stowaways.

"Anyone who sees my psychic powers will die!"

The sword slashes in front of Tang Mo's eyes, he sidesteps it and turns to run away. The man rides after him.


Tang Mo had just run out of the school building when a bullet was fired at his feet.

He looked sweaty, but his gaze was cool and sharp, staring straight at the spot where the gun had been fired.

The big muscular man chased after Tang Mo as a bullet exploded at his feet. Twice he ducked his head to avoid the bullets that came his way. By the time the ninth round was fired, Tang Mo and the muscle man were already running into the gym.

As soon as the two men entered, six bodies fell into view on the floor.

The big man froze for a brief moment, and soon sneered as he swung his knife at Tang Mo. What he didn't expect was that at the very moment his knife went up, the dark-haired young man, who had been dodging in disarray just a moment before, suddenly turned around and came face to face with him.

"No!" A flicker of danger rushed through the big man's mind and he turned around and tried to leave. But his body was faster than his consciousness and his slash went straight at Tang Mo before he saw the youngster raise his right hand to swing at him in the same way.

But he didn't have any weapons in his hands!

The big man stared straight up, he didn't blink once, but in a flash, he saw a huge match appear in the man's hand.

A large steel blade meets a giant match.


The large blade broke and the match head struck the big man hard on the head. There was a crisp crack of the brain and the big man fell to the ground with a crash, white brains and bright red blood quickly flowing everywhere. His body was twitching, not quite dead yet, his eyes staring straight at Tang Mo and the giant match in his hand. His lips opened as if to speak, but he could not utter a single word.

The strongest of bodies could not survive having their heads split open by Mosaic's matches.

Tang Mo gasped heavily and looked over at the man who had fallen to the ground. The man doesn't say anything, and Tang Mo knows what he wants to say.

"Why didn't you make the killer move until now, and deliberately act like you're in a mess? On the one hand, it was to trick you out of your psychic powers, which Chen Shanshan said had a three-minute time limit, and exactly three minutes and two seconds have now passed. On the other hand, it is to prevent you from being alert." Tang Mo's expression was cold, and his words were calm, "But the most important reason is not to kill you, but to find that person."

The big man's eyes were wet with blood and his eyelids trembled so much that he could not open them. But after Tang Mo said this, his body jerked violently and he reacted strongly.

It was at this point that a horrified voice rang out from the bell tower not far from the gym, "Ah, how did you ......"


After this one shot, there was never a second one.

"Last night, that gunman only showed up once and kept hiding in the shadows firing cold shots. He should be weak in close quarters combat. If it was an ordinary sneak attack, to be cautious, he would have changed his position after one shot. But just now you were chasing me and he had to back you up in time and wouldn't have had time to change his position."

From the bell tower, a small, fat man poked out the window and shouted excitedly, "He's dead, he's dead!"

Tang Mo nodded at him and turned his head to look again at the muscular man who had fallen to the ground.

The big man twitched, his body growing rigid. But in the end, he actually curled his lips into a strange and excited smile. Until his body was completely cold and his heart stopped, his corpse still had that strange smile on it.

Tang Mo's heart felt something was wrong when two harsh screams rang out.

"Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Li!!!"

Tang Mo immediately ran out of the gym.

On the athletic field, a one-armed man draws his knife and flings the blood from the blade to the ground. In front of him, Mr. Li fell to the ground with a thud, his chest pierced by a large knife.

Blood was pouring from Mr. Li's mouth and stinging blood was gushing from his heart. Li Wen was holding Mr. Li, who also had seven or eight wounds on his body. He and the two prep students struggled to press their hands against the hole in Mr. Li's heart, but they could not stop the bleeding and soon their hands were wet with blood.

There was not a single wound on those two prep students.

A dozen flowers have sprouted abruptly on the wide athletic field. There is no grass in the school's athletic field, it is artificial turf. But these flowers just grew out of nowhere on the artificial turf, without flowering, they were just ordinary moonflowers and roses.

The one-armed man standing in front of the flowers is a short, lean man with a scar on his face that runs from his left eye to the corner of his mouth in an ugly, horrible way. He had no right arm and used his left hand to hold the knife. Bright red blood dripped clatteringly along the tip of the knife as he smiled sorrowfully, his eyes looking grimly at Tang Mo.

"They're all dead?"

Tang Mo Mo gripped the large match tightly, looked warily at the other man and said coldly, "Dead. Only you are left."

"It is only I who will live." The short, thin man gave a strange laugh and pointed his knife at Mr. Li, who had fallen in a pool of blood: "He's dead."

Li Wen reached out and probed Mr. Li's nostrils, his voice stiffened, "Not breathing ......"

The two prep students froze.

From the dark corner of the athletic field, a figure suddenly sprang out, "I'll kill you!!!"

Before the angry Qiao Feifei could react, Tang Mo was already at her side, grabbing the girl by the arm and bringing her behind him, while waving a match at the knife.


There is no doubt that the great sword once again shattered into two pieces.

There was a gleam in the one-armed man's eyes as he looked blazingly at the large match in Tang Mo's hand, "It's actually so powerful!"

Qiao Feifei is unnerved and covered by Tang Mo. Chen Shanshan sighs and also runs out of the corner, pulling Qiao Feifei to Li Wen's side.

Zhao Ziang came running back from the clock tower with a happy smile on his face as he entered the athletic field, but suddenly saw Mr. Li in a pool of blood and the smile disappeared.

"Mr. Li!"

People die after all.

Tang Mo had already guessed that these people would sneak in, but he had set up traps in every corner outside the school. Tang Mo and Fatty said that the stowaways did not step on the glass to make a sound because they were prepared. But Tang Mo had in fact left something to chance.

During the day, he and Li Wen rearranged the glass in the road, leaving a curved pathway for walking.

If the stowaways had been clever enough not to step on the glass and make a sound, they would have taken this route, thus revealing their location. If they had been smarter and had seen Tang Mo's intention to stay out of the way, they would have stepped on the glass and revealed their location.

However the worst came to the worst, they didn't step on the glass, but they didn't go that way either. So when they appeared they took the crowd by surprise. Luckily Tang Mo had prepared a hand in advance and discussed strategy with Fatty, otherwise the situation might even have been reversed now.

Tang Mo gripped the giant match and asked, "How did you get in here?"

How could you get into the school without stepping on glass or going that way and not trigger a single trap.

An unpleasant laugh escaped the man's throat, "Come in? We haven't been out since the beginning!"

The little fat man exclaimed, "No ...... it can't be! How is it possible that you guys haven't been out all this time? Have you guys been in school all this time?"

"This school is so big, how would you know where we are hiding?" The man's small eyes swept over everyone's body, especially looking at Chen Shanshan's two young girls a few more times, "For the past two days, I've been watching you guys set up those useless traps. I was going to sneak up on you guys last night, but I didn't expect this kid to suddenly appear, so I'll let you live another day."

The feeling that the bad guys were staying with themselves all the time gave all the students the creeps.

Chen Shanshan clenched his teeth in remorse: "I didn't think of it, I didn't think it through."

Qiao Feifei shook her hand, "I don't blame you, who would have thought that these bastards would leave the school and then turn around and come back and hide in our school. It's them who deserve to die!"

As the one-armed man listened to Chen Shanshan and Qiao Feifei, a strange light shone in his eyes as he looked at them, his lips curled up.

Tang Mo's eyes flashed and he took two steps to the side to block the two girls. He said, "Your companions are dead, and you still don't want to run away?"

"Why should I run away? Now it is you who are going to die." The man gripped his broken knife and pointed it at Tang Mo. His blade was only half broken, but he was undaunted, even as he looked at Tang Mo with a deadly gaze.

Tang Mo Mo squeezed the match in his hand, a sense of unease growing in his heart. He turned his head to the dozen flowers beside him and shouted, "You go and destroy these flowers!"

The one-armed man shouted coldly, "Dream on!" He said wielding his broken sword to stop the students who were trying to destroy the flowers.

Tang Mo struck a match and the man reacted extremely quickly to block it with his broken knife. With a clang, the half-broken blade was struck by the giant match, and from the point of impact, a spider web of cracks emerged on the blade. With a snap, the broken blade cracked into pieces and could no longer be used.

"Go and destroy the flowers!" Tang Mo yelled at the top of his voice.

All four of them rushed to the bush, except for the two prep students who were still clutching Mr. Li's body in disbelief. The little fat man gripped the root of a rose with both hands and gave it a tug, he exclaimed, "I can't pull it! This thing is harder than steel!"

The strongest student in the school, Fatty, was unable to destroy the flowers, and the others were even more helpless.

Tang Mo finally understands where the tension that she has never been able to relax comes from.

This one-armed man is surprisingly more physically fit than Tang Mo. He looks short and skinny, but his body is all tight and muscular. These muscles don't come with being a stowaway; this man was far more physically fit than the average person before Earth came online. His reflexes were on a par with Tang Mo's, but his fighting skills and strength were far superior to Tang Mo's. Even when he is now unarmed and with his bare hands, he is able to dodge Big Match's attacks time and again, and has only been hit by Big Match once.

"Use your psychic powers and make sure you destroy those flowers!"

The little fat man's forehead was covered in sweat as he responded and a long, thin nail appeared in front of him. He concentrated his mind and aimed the long nail at the thin root of the rose. Whoosh! The long nail turned into a silvery dark shadow in the air and penetrated the rhizome. A spark like a metal clash erupted as the nail struck the rhizome.


The little fat man grabs hold and keeps poking the roots with his nails. His nails were too thin, and he could not guarantee that they would penetrate the thin rhizome every time. For each flower destroyed, at least twenty pokes were needed. It took two minutes to actually destroy one flower.

Fatty: "I have a gun here, and this rhizome is probably about as good as steel, so if you use a gun you might be able to destroy it too. There's eight rounds in it, it'll destroy at least one flower."

The little fat man subconsciously handed the gun to another official player, Qiao Feifei. Qiao Feifei, however, was dumbfounded: "This ...... is a gun."

"Yes, it's a gun, try it, concentrate and keep your eyes on this rhizome."

Qiao Feifei gathered her courage and prepared to reach for her gun, but while she hesitated, one hand had already taken the gun in the little fat man's hand. The short-haired girl stared stoically at the moonflower rhizome in front of her, holding the gun in both hands and aiming it at the thin rhizome. Chen Shanshan's hand did not tremble, his eyes were firm and he pulled the trigger.


The bullet grazed the rootstock of the moon, chipping a thin gash.

The powerful recoil caused the young girl, who was only in her first year, to stumble backwards half a step, and without waiting for the little fatty to speak, she raised her gun again and banged two more shots.

Qiao Feifei watched from the sidelines, relieved: "It really works."

Even the two reserve students ran over to help. Fatty used his powers to penetrate the rhizomes and Chen Shanshan destroyed two flowers with his pistol. The other three students and Li Wen worked hard with kitchen knives to cut the roots of the flowers, and with their efforts, they were able to make a gaping hole in them about ten times.

Tang Mo holding a large match, holding the one-armed man.

The two men collided several times on the athletic field, the one-armed man's right shoulder having long since been shattered by a large match. A normal man would have been unable to get up by now, but he was a stowaway, and he remained grim and confronted Tang Mo.

Tang Mo's condition was no better, the man had only one hand left, but the fingers of that hand curled up and slammed his middle finger into Tang Mo's ribs. Tang Mo heard a crisp fracture ring out from inside his body - one of his ribs was broken.

That's real fighting.

If the man's other hand was still there, even if Tang Mo had a big match, he wouldn't have been able to get it out of his hand.

But he doesn't have the other hand.

Taking advantage of his illness, Tang Mo waved a large match, found the slightest hint of a man's absence and struck a match to his head.

The one-armed man couldn't dodge. He knew the power of the giant match and that a blow to the head was certain to kill him. Without hesitation, he raised his left arm to the side of his head and swung it outwards.


The man used his left hand to stiffly redirect Tang Mo's match, grazing his scalp. A small dark shadow traced a parabola through the air and landed on the athletic field. The man looked up with a grim expression at Tang Mo, where all that remained was a bloodied break at his left wrist, which had landed on the ground a short distance away.

"I'll kill you!!!"

Tang Mo, without saying a word, raised a large match and chopped at it. But the man suddenly looked up at the sky and laughed wildly: "You're all going to die, you're all going to die! The only one who will survive is old me, only me!!!"

Tang Mo followed his gaze.

The moon is dark in the vast night sky, and there are no stars around. A large black cloud drifts slowly from afar, obscuring half the moon, which is only a tiny pointed hook.

"Do you know what my powers are? You think they're just ordinary flowers? It's not! My supernatural power is better than that fool who only breathes fire, and a hundred times better than that fool who 'possesses a hundred rounds of ammunition for every gun'! My flower has now absorbed the essence of the moonlight, and as soon as this cloud covers it, completely, my flower will bloom!"

Tang Mo brushes his head to look at the flowers.

Fatty has destroyed six flowers, Chen Shanshan two, and the others have combined their efforts to cut one.

There are three flowers left.

As the dark clouds gradually enveloped the moon, the outermost petals of the three flowers twitched gently. Everyone heard a crunching sound, the sound of the petals beginning to bloom. Petals swayed gently in the evening breeze, and the more they unfolded, the clearer the rich, deep purple stamens inside became.

"When all my flowers bloom, you will die. It is highly poisonous! When the poison disperses, only I will live, only I!" The one-armed man had lost an arm and a hand and had gone into a frenzy. He kept mumbling "death", and his vicious eyes stared at the Tang Mo crowd, desperate for them to die right now.

Tang Mo didn't have the heart to bother with him, he ran straight up, waved a match and chopped at a flower.


This rose shook gently and Tang Mo took a closer look and the stem was bent by 15° by a large match. Surprisingly, even the big match couldn't split it!

"Go to hell all of you hahahahaha ......"

In the sky, dark clouds obscure the moonlight as Tang Mo wields a large match without blinking to split the flowers.

However, he had only split a flower and the moon was already completely covered by dark clouds.

"You're all dead, all of you!"

Tang Mo walked up to another flower, this one on the verge of full bloom, with only the last layer of petals still firmly covering the stamen. The stamens are a piercing, deep purple, brightly coloured and highly poisonous, which can be seen with the naked eye.

Tang Mo raised the match and before he could strike it, he suddenly saw a faint black mist well up on the man's face in his afterglow. The black mist seemed to be somewhere he had seen before, wrapped around the man's head.

At that moment, a gust of wind kicked up from the flat earth. Before the crowd could react, in a flash, the pale moonlight once again whipped up to the ground.

The smile on the one-armed man's face suddenly froze and he looked up, his eyes widening in disbelief: "No! This can't be! How can it be!"

When Tang Mo looked again, the dark mist around the man's head had cleared. But the unexplained wind from earlier had blown away the dark clouds that had obscured the moon. When the moonlight shone again on the petals, their bloom stopped momentarily. It took Tang Mo two minutes to cut off both poisonous flowers in their entirety.

The one-armed man saw this and pulled out, a tiny nail going through the back of his head and out in front of his forehead.

The one-armed man's eyes widened and he fell to the ground with a crash.

The little fat man's trembling voice rang out, "Is he ...... he dead?"

Tang Mo's grip on the large match slowly relaxed, "Well, he's dead."

No one knows how the dark clouds that covered the moon suddenly cleared, only that it was a coincidence. Tang Mo, however, knew that before the battle began, he drew a circle. Instead of cursing the strong-looking fire-breather and the gunman, he cursed the one-armed man.

The unknown enemy is always more terrifying than the known one.

Tang Mo was just saving his hand in case of an emergency. He himself was not sure if the "draw a circle and curse you" power would work, and what it would do when it did. But he would do it, and it seemed to work very well.

With the enemy dead, the students instantly relaxed and fell to the ground. Chen Shanshan still had the pistol in her hand, sitting on the ground, even though the gun was empty, she held on to it for dear life, as if it were safe.

The students combined their efforts to carry the bodies of the three stowaways to the toilet, joining the two stowaways who had died earlier. They stomped on the bodies of the five with great hatred, stomping them until they were unrecognisable before throwing the bodies into the trench of the toilet.

Mr. Li's body was moved by the children into the hallway of the gymnasium.

There were seven bodies in all, lying peacefully on the cold floor. I don't know who cried first, but the sad, sorrowful cries echoed through the gymnasium. When the crying was over, the fear of having killed someone came back to haunt them.

Little fatty Zhao Ziang had just killed the gunman and the one-armed man. When he killed them he was so full of vengeance that he didn't even think he had killed a man. Now he runs outside the gym, holding onto a pole, vomiting constantly.

The other children gathered around in fear as Chen Shanshan handed out water and food to everyone. Li Wen walks out onto the athletic field without saying a word, not seeming to have recovered from the big fight she just had.

"This may not be the last time you kill someone."

A bland, calm voice rang out from behind the little fat man.

The little fat man had thrown up so much that even bile was coming out, and when he heard the sound, he turned to look.

Tang Mo took a bottle of water and threw it to him, his face expressionless and his voice calm: "The world has changed. You need to grow up if you want to survive. Your powers are useful, you can protect a lot of people, and you can protect yourself."

The little fat man wiped the bile from the side of his mouth. His eyes flickered and his lips twitched. After a long moment, he gritted his teeth and said firmly, "I know that if I don't kill them, they'll kill me. I was right, I just ...... just didn't quite fit in."

"Don't rush, take your time to get used to it." Tang Mo says.

"Brother Tang Mo, when you killed that man, were you scared?"

Little Fatty only knows that Tang Mo killed the fire-breather, but not that he had killed a stowaway before. Tang Mo's voice is calm: "The first time I killed someone, I was a bit scared. But more than being scared, I was worried about being killed."

The little fat man nodded dumbfounded.

Tang Mo didn't say any more.

If he had to choose between the two, he would not hesitate to let the other die.

After comforting the fat boy a little, Tang Mo walks alone to the pond in front of the gymnasium, reaches out his hand and pulls a book out of thin air. Opening the book, Tang Mo's eyes suddenly froze as he touched the first line of text.

[Alter Ego: Goblins, Give Back My Grandfather!

[Owned by: Xu Qiang (stowaway)

[Type: Atomic type].

【Function: A blazing flame emits from the mouth, which lasts for 30 seconds and reaches a temperature of 961°C】.

[Grade: Level 2].

[Restriction: Three minutes cooldown, hands crossed before use, roar "Give me back my grandfather"].

[Remark: Xu (4) Qiang (wa) said that everyone who has seen my powers is dead, except Tang Mo].

The Tang Mo version can only be used once a day at a maximum temperature of 800°C. Before using it, you need to cross your arms and shout "Give me back my grandpa". I think this ability is perfect for Tang Mo, this is the kind of ability Tang Mo should have, my kind of chicken ability is a shame!

Tang Mo: "......"

You've even cursed yourself in order to hurt people!

And using two idioms in a row!

Tang Mo's face kept changing as he closed the book with a thud.

He will never use this ability in his life.

Absolutely not!

"Would you like some water?" A female voice came from behind them.

Tang Mo put the bitchy alien book behind his back without moving a muscle and turned his head to look at the short little girl.

Chen Shanshan came over with a bottle of water and a piece of bread. Tang Mo took the bread: "I've had the water, no need."

Chen Shanshan nods his head.

Fatty had finished throwing up and was back in the gym, he needed to rest. Outside the gym, Tang Mo and Chen Shanshan are left.

Chen Shanshan: "They're all asleep. He said he couldn't sleep and wanted to go to school and see his alma mater again."


"...... This time, thank you really."

Tang Mo looks at the little girl with short hair.

Chen Shanshan's gaze was steely and calm: "Not only for this, but also for remembering my father's last wish and coming to see me for him. Next I want to stay with my classmates, we will leave the school and go together to see what the world is really like out there."

Tang Mo raised an eyebrow as he picked up on the little girl's off-color comment, "You know I was going to take you with me?"

"I know, I can probably guess." Chen Shanshan has little expression on his face, mature enough not to look like a thirteen or fourteen year old. "But now that Mr. Li is gone, I don't want to leave anymore."

Tang Mo looked steadily at the little girl, he smiled a little and did not speak again.

Tang Mo did have the idea of taking the little girl away. Not that it was for any pretentious care of the daughter of a deceased person, nor was it because he felt sorry for the little girl and wanted to protect her. It was purely because the child was so smart and her powers were so strong. Even the book on psychic powers commented that Tang Mo had gotten lucky to collect Chen Shanshan's powers, so it was clear that Chen Shanshan would be a very strong helper.

Although she has little force, she is certainly much more useful than Li Wen.

In this unknown and dangerous world, Tang Mo would like a smart teammate.

But with the death of Mr. Li, Chen Shanshan seems determined to stay. Although Tang Mo felt sorry for him, he would not be persuaded.

"Can I call you ...... Tang Mo Brother?"

Tang Mo nods with a slight frown.

The little girl smiled, and although she was ordinary and not really good looking, she had a little dimple when she smiled. "You'll be leaving tomorrow, won't you? I hope we can meet again later. By then, I will be stronger. Brother Tang Mo, thank you."

Tang Mo curled his mouth and was about to speak when a low magnetic voice sounded in his head -

[...... disturbing you?

Tang Mo: "......"

Almost instantly, Tang Mo heard who the voice was.

Chen Shanshan was very perceptive: " Brother Tang Mo, what's wrong with you?"

Although the little girl was just calling out to Tang Mo in a normal tone of voice, she was still a teenager and her voice was brittle, so when she called out, there was nothing wrong with it, but when she said "I'm disturbing you", Tang Mo felt strange.

On the contrary, the man said it again: [Sorry to disturb you, I'll come back another time].

Tang Mo's mouth twitched, "It's not what you think!"

Chen Shanshan: "...... Tang Mo Brother?"

Tang Mo calmed down and said, "You go back first, I'll go look for Li Wen."

Chen Shanshan gave him a suspicious look, her eyes twitching as if she was guessing something. But she quickly turned her head into the gymnasium and didn't ask any more questions.

Tang Mo takes the white turkey egg out of his pocket and, as expected, a faint glow is shining on the egg.

He frowned, his expression hard and his tone a little bad: "Mr. Fu ......? Your voice is ringing in my head right now, not unlike the last time we contacted each other. But let's leave this matter aside for now, what do you want?"


The author has something to say.

Tangtang [expressionless]: This bitchy book doesn't even have the guts to scold itself in order to scold me.

The book of the different abilities baby: Tang Mo Tang Mo, do not worry about the rain, people have umbrellas, Tang Mo has a head ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Mr. Fu School: #Just when I'm ready for a date, I hear my future daughter-in-law flirting with another girl, what should I do?

Published at: 02/26/2022 21:04