Chapter 349: Yinshan Village

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

After a moment of impotent rage, Mu Sicheng gave in to Bai Liu's mischief with despair.

What can be done? Bai Liu won't even know he's being played if he doesn't tell him, so there's that.

Mu Sicheng dragged Bai Liu behind the paper daoist, and a short distance ahead of them were seven women with umbrellas and seven zombies walking side by side, moving one step ahead of them.

Although separated by a paper daoist, the eerie scene still made Mu Sicheng's skin tingle, fearing that one of the men in front of him might suddenly turn around.

Halfway across the bridge, Mu Sicheng, unwilling to look at the horrific scene ahead, takes a couple of deep breaths and turns his head to look at Bai Liu next to him.

Mu Sicheng was inexplicably relieved to see Bai Liu's composure, as he held his breath and did not exhale, walking forward without looking away.

Mu Sicheng was about to withdraw his gaze when he suddenly noticed a ghastly white dripping hand slowly reaching out from underwater on the bridge behind them, bracing itself on the bridge deck and climbing up.

The hand brought the body up in a few moments, the woman in white prostrate on the ground, her hair dripping wetly, her shoulders twisting unevenly from side to side in a very unnatural position, as if the bones were spinning inside the shoulder joints holding the whole body up.

The woman stood up slowly, holding her umbrella forward, shielding the upper half of her face.

She moved forward in small steps, on her toes, so fast that in the blink of an eye she was close to the backs of Bai Liu and Mu Sicheng, a coldness that froze the spine of the woman and made it almost impossible to move.

The woman took two steps forward, and she was on the back of Bai Liu's shoulder.

Mu Sicheng saw the lower half of the woman's face break into an eerie smile the moment she was affixed to Bai Liu, her slightly open mouth full of blackened mud and water plants that spilled out of her lips as sewage.

Mu Sicheng was so shocked that he squeezed Bai Liu's wrist violently, sensing an oppressive danger from the woman behind him that made him afraid to even speak.

Bai Liu stops walking, no longer moving forward. The woman leans forward behind Bai Liu's shoulder and neck, her head hanging low, and does not move.

Water dripped from the woman's damp hair, falling down the ends to Bai Liu's neck, and the coolness that spread from her body grew heavier and heavier, causing a cold white air to rise between Bai Liu's breaths.

Mu Sicheng stood frozen in place as he watched the paper doyen in front of him shake his bell further and further away, but dared not move a muscle.

His sixth sense tells him that if he and Bai Liu run madly off the bridge now, Bai Liu will be caught and drowned by the Bridge Martyr.

Mu Sicheng himself has crossed the bridge once without incident, relying on this rule.

How is it that when it is Bai Liu's turn to cross the bridge, a martyred ghost crawls out from underneath it?

Mu Sicheng's eyes rolled quietly as he carefully scanned the woman next to Bai Liu, and just as Mu Sicheng moved his eyes to look over, the woman leaning on Bai Liu's shoulder slowly and gently lifted her umbrella and tilted it in Bai Liu's direction.

The lower half of the woman's face is shapely, with a greenish-white complexion and a smile at the corners of her mouth, black mud and sand pouring out of her mouth and nose all the time, and the nails of the hands holding the umbrella are full of mud and sand, which one can see was left behind by struggling and scratching and swallowing at the bottom of the river before she drowned.

And the upper half of the face being revealed ......

Mu Sicheng drew a cold breath as he watched.

The woman has no upper half of her face, her skull has been crushed inward and deflated, so much so that only half of her head remains, and only the cross-section of her nose is visible above the bridge, the white sieve-like bones filled with mud and sand that is leaking out of her mouth and nose like a funnel, staining Bai Liu's white shirt.

Bai Liu, up close and personal with this half-headed martyred bridge ghost, remains unmoved, his face calm as he starts walking towards the bridge with the woman leaning on his shoulder.

Mu Sicheng watched in dismay as Bai Liu moved towards the bridge, anxious and devastated.

"You'll be dragged off the bridge when you get to the end of it!" Mu Sicheng was so anxious that he couldn't help but winced as soon as he saw the shape of the upper half of the woman's face, "Dragged down by the martyred bridge ghost, your head will hit the bridge pier and you'll die just like her!"

Mu Sicheng himself is not a living person, he has no body, so even if he is dragged off the bridge, he will be fine, but Bai Liu is a living person! If he's dragged off and dies, he's really dead!

Bai Liu was quick to grab Mu Sicheng's wrist and lift the umbrella she was holding up for him, gesturing to Mu Sicheng to look inside the umbrella.

A brand new yellow talisman, inscribed [Binding Talisman], was affixed to the inner side of the umbrella.

Mu Sicheng was shocked: "Who put this up?"

The other end.

"Brother Kong, you've been very thorough." Yang Zhi pushed the torch he was wearing on his head and sighed, "Actually, I think Bai Liu and Mu Sicheng would have died once they entered the tomb. ..."

Kong Xuyang glanced at Yang Zhi: "What do you know, there is no show effect if you win without a fight, if they die in the tomb mechanism themselves, am I winning them?"

"That's the game itself that killed them, it's not my business, so how am I going to suck the popularity out of Bai Liu and get those viewers who supported him to switch over to me?"

" Bai Liu must die." Kong Xuyang's eyes were grim, "And he had to die at my hands for this match to get me into the top 100 in terms of popularity and get a death-free pass."

"Otherwise hit the back Russell Cemetery ......"

Kong Xuyang's face twitched twice at the mention of the name, and his face sank a little more: "This guild is so evil that they might find a player who can restrain both of our skills, and they don't want to die, so it's hard to fight without a death-free card."

Yang Zhi laughed twice, "That's why Brother Kong, you've thought things through. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have thought of putting a [Body Binding Charm] on one of the martyred ghosts when we crossed the ghost bridge, so that she couldn't follow us off the bridge and stay trapped."

"You're blocking Bai Liu's only way out."

Kong Xuyang gave Yang Zhi a slightly smug look.

"There is another way to cross the bridge apart from putting on the [False Body Charm] like we did, which is to follow the Paper Daoist, that thing will drive the seven zombie husbands of the martyred bridge ghosts across the bridge, seven is the extreme number in this tomb, the martyred bridge ghosts on the bridge are at most seven, these seven martyred bridge ghosts will not follow the body after they find their husbands, and the person will be able to cross the bridge safely."

"So when I was crossing the bridge, I trapped a martyred bridge ghost under the bridge with a [binding talisman], which was the eighth martyred bridge ghost."

"This eighth martyred bridge ghost will climb onto the bridge when the seven martyred bridge ghosts on the bridge have found their husbands and are ready to descend, so that by whatever means Bai Liu uses, he will surely encounter this martyred bridge ghost that I have prepared especially for him."

Kong Xuyang smiled smugly and venomously: " Bai Liu would have been dragged off the bridge by this woman and hit half his head."

Bai Liu is not walking too fast or too slow, and the woman to his right, who is holding his umbrella, is also not too fast or too slow.

But the closer we got to the bridge, the lower half of the woman's face changed its expression from a happy smile at the beginning, to a pursed lip at the back, to a clear downward slant at the corners of her mouth now, as the woman turned half her head closer and "looked" straight at Bai Liu.

She seems to have sensed that Bai Liu is not her husband, and her expression grows more spiteful and sinister.

The umbrella also started out by just covering Bai Liu's head, and then slowly sank down, seeming to envelop Bai Liu's entire body in the umbrella.

After almost all of Bai Liu was enveloped in the umbrella, the surface of the umbrella was stained with blood, as if someone had jumped off a bridge with the umbrella in their arms.

The strong stench of corpses, water, and blood emanates from the area.

Bai Liu peeks out from his umbrella to look at Mu Sicheng and says with a gesture: "Wait for me to arrange this.

Before he could finish his sentence, the woman's face emerged from behind Bai Liu's, her lips opening and closing rapidly against his ear as if she were speaking, but all that came out was a kind of clacking, knuckle-twisting sound.

The faster she spoke, the quicker she spoke, the clucking and turning of her knuckles in unison was goosebump-inducing to hear, and even with only half a face, you could see how resentful and hateful the woman's expression was.

Sewage, mud and blood flowed from her mouth.

Bai Liu stuck his head back inside the umbrella and the cackle of that joint turning stopped for a moment.

Then Mu Sicheng looked across the umbrella and saw the shadow of the woman's half-head gently pressed against Bai Liu's ear, her jaw slowly opening to an uncanny angle, and the next moment the cackling sound was frantic.

Mu Sicheng A ghost looking on in a cold sweat.

Bai Liu is already being followed by the Martyred Bridge Ghost, what can a mortal do about it!

As the Paper Taoist chases the zombies and martyred bridge ghosts off the ghost bridge one by one, Mu Sicheng discovers that the bridge is close to their eyes!

The shadow cast by the woman on the surface of the umbrella was only half a head at first, and as it approached the bridge, Mu Sicheng watched creepily as the shadow on the umbrella moved and grew.

The blood on the surface of the umbrella continued to fade, leaving the surface and flying to the shadow, while the head absorbed the blood and actually squirmed and grew the upper half of its face!

Mu Sicheng was on the verge of cardiopulmonary arrest, but of course, if he were in Bai Liu's shoes, he would have gone into cardiopulmonary arrest.

What was on the surface of the umbrella was not blood at all, but chunks of flesh, broken bones, brain matter, the upper half of the woman's face that had splattered on the umbrella when she jumped off the bridge in the first place.

These stick to the inside of the umbrella, and as they gradually approach the bridge, they fly from the top of the umbrella to the top of the woman's face as if the scene is played backwards, twisting and fusing to shape the upper half of her face.

The ghost of the martyred bridge repeats a pre-mortem cycle on the bridge.

The process of going under the bridge to the bridge is the process of dying, so they are what they were after death, and the moment when they walk from the bridge to the bridge and have to jump down again is the process they were before life, and within that process they become what they were before life again.

The woman in front of her was finally fully restored to her pre-birth form.

Published at: 07/20/2022 17:10