Chapter 124: Loving Orphanage

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Liu Huai's voice, trying to hold back some emotion, came over the phone: "...... Jiayi, can I come and get you now? I want to see you."

Liu Jiayi's originally indifferent expression softened to the naked eye, and the tone of her voice leapt to life: "But the orphanage won't be open until tomorrow, so can you wait for me until tomorrow? We'll see each other tomorrow!"

"...... Someone told me about a tunnel that leads to the orphanage, I followed it here." Liu Huai closed his eyes, his throat rolled, his voice choked uncontrollably, "...... I only have 1 life left, I may not be able to wait until tomorrow, Jiayi, I want to see you before I die."

Liu Jiayi's breathing paused for two seconds, and her expression instantly seemed to freeze into an inch of ice.

Clutching her phone in a death grip, Liu Jiayi didn't even notice Liu Huai's tentative use of the word life 2 directly in his words to her, but instead asked directly and quickly, "How did it drop so low? Where are you now?!"

Shouldn't Liu Huai be in the hospital? Even if Liu Huai gave up hunting for her blood and made a deal with Bai Liu to protect the child, Liu Huai's personal skills shouldn't have dropped to this level even against monsters and Miao Feichi! Liu Huai's skills can still be used to run and hide.

With Liu Huai's character, he hates to be controlled, and with her hints, Liu Huai also understands that Bai Liu controls people with items and requires their consent, and with the multiple limitations of Bai Liu's skills known, Liu Huai shouldn't and can't be easily controlled by Bai Liu and used to the point of having only a little life left!

What the hell happened last night? Why did Liu Huai's life level drop to 1?

--A Liu Huai with only 1 life, it's almost as if an opponent who knows her nature well is deliberately saving her for bait.

The idea flashed through Liu Jiayi's mind, but was quickly interrupted by Liu Huai's weak voice.

"I'm in church."

If she doesn't renew Liu Huai's life tonight, Liu Huai will surely die - Liu Jiayi thinks of this quickly.

"Okay, brother, you stay in the church and don't move." Liu Jiayi took a deep breath, she walked anxiously from side to side, forcing herself to calm down, but her hand was shaking badly as she held the phone, "Will you wait for Jiayi to come over? Jiayi will be here soon!"

Liu Huai's voice became softer and softer: "Can I really wait for you, Jiayi?"

Liu Jiayi's eyes were red and she gritted her teeth, "I can wait, brother, trust Jiayi, I won't let anything happen to you, I'll be right there!!!"

There was a long, long silence from Liu Huai before he spoke very, very softly, in a voice so soft that it could barely be heard.

"I believe in you, Jiayi."

Liu Jiayi breathes a sigh of relief.

When he hung up, Muke anxiously went up to Liu Huai and asked, "Well, does Liu Jiayi suspect you? Is she coming over?"

Liu Huai shook his head slowly and woodenly, "...... She didn't suspect me." He added after a pause, "She seemed ...... flustered."

"Panic means she cares about you, she should come, but she won't be totally unprepared, the church is a safe place for her, she might be a little less wary if it's set here." Bai Liu rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "But I think Liu Jiayi's vigilance, even if she panics, might change when it comes to the location."

Liu Jiayi hurries through the orphanage in the night with a solemn expression.

Gone were the black witch's robes, a symbol of status and poison, and in their place were the very unusual, hand-me-down clothes of the children in the orphanage.

Liu Jiayi tapped on her system panel and storage, which was projected directly onto her consciousness and could be "seen" directly by her, and after clearing one side of her system storage and personal panel, her long, thin eyebrows knitted tighter and tighter - After clearing one side of the system storage and personal panel, her long, delicate eyebrows tightened -

[System Warehouse: Player Liu Jiayi, your visualization function category props are about to be emptied, your demand for this prop is high, it belongs to the daily necessities category props, please replenish it in time]

[System Alert: Player Liu Jiayi, because your personal skills are special within "Love Welfare Home", after entering the game, for the sake of game balance, the following restrictions are placed on you -]

[...... The CD time for your personal skill antidote has been extended from 1 hour to 6 hours ......]

[...... you have the universal blood ......]

This long list of restrictive regulations is something Liu Jiayi has encountered often after playing the game, as her personal skills are unique and she is always limited by the dogby system in various dogby ways.

The dogby system needs to card mortality to differentiate difficulty, and if the game happens to have her as a healing skill witch in it, mortality is very bad to card, so the system will try to find ways to card her as a witch.

The King's Guild has racked its brains to get the most out of Liu Jiayi's skills, including pairing Liu Jiayi with various control players and mitigating the limitations on Liu Jiayi's skills by controlling players to share the mortality rate.

But it's hard to say how well it worked, as Zhang Gui died after only a few practices.

Usually Liu Jiayi sees these restrictions and swipes past them without a smile on her face, as she is used to being stuck like this in games.

But this time Liu Jiayi was not so calm when she looked at the restrictions, her "gaze" stopped for a few seconds at the first and third articles and she couldn't help but curse: "The system, fuck you!"

[System Alert: Underage players are prohibited from abusing profanity and have been blocked for you as (System I *Your Dad)]

Liu Jiayi took a deep breath to stop looking at the system panel that made her so angry - she had used the antidote, her healing skill, on herself exactly once at 5:30 pm because of that poisonous mushroom poisoning buff, and her skill CD was normally once an hour.

But this game, because life is a core pass stat, the system extends the CD time for her antidote to once every six hours.

This means that her next use will be just after 11:30, which is very close to the early hours of this [sick day] on Thursday.

Liu Jiayi, distracted and worried, is walking faster and faster.

The orphanage will start wandering around after nine o'clock chasing their deformed children, who are corpses and cold things. Liu Jiayi doesn't have many visualization props left at the moment, so she'll go without them for now, but although she can't see, she has very good hearing and she's lived in this orphanage for a while and knows the map well.

The sound of these deformed children moving around is loud, and Liu Jiayi is able to position himself by these sounds and dodge them calmly by turning his head sideways, unlike the way he was whisked away by these deformed children before.

When she was only a hundred metres from the church, Liu Jiayi ducked into a corner to hide from the deformed child behind her.

Liu Jiayi gasped as she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes to calm her heart and breathing, her mind once again beginning to wonder uncontrollably about the veracity of the information she had received, from Liu Huai, during this brief period of rest before she was about to arrive -

-- Is Liu Huai really down to one life? How did he find this tunnel in the orphanage that even she didn't know about?

Liu Jiayi has a very strong sense of being lured into a trap, the same sense that Hearts lured her into using props to enter the guild.

She knew it wasn't right, but it was her brother she was putting in the trap.

The architect of this trap knew her well enough to know that even if it was a trap, she would have jumped.

But what Liu Jiayi doesn't want is for Liu Huai not to be the bait in the trap, but to be a participant and a leader in it, rather than a trap.

She doesn't want to doubt Liu Huai, but she can't help it. This suspicion, rooted in her bones from a harsh upbringing, has saved Liu Jiayi's life in many a critical situation, and she is naturally suited to this bad game of not trusting each other.

Liu Jiayi is undoubtedly the person in the world who wants Liu Huai to live the most. For this purpose, she would risk her life to save Liu Huai, and she would trade her death for Liu Huai's life, but because Liu Huai cannot come forward to harm her.

In the cold night air, Liu Jiayi took two deep breaths, her brow furrowed, a serious expression that was heavily at odds with her childish face. Liu Jiayi hesitated for a long time before she finally dug her thin fingers deep into her dress pocket and pulled out a teardrop-shaped glass bottle of a gushing, clear liquid with a line in fancy script [ Psyche].

[System prompt: Does player Liu Jiayi use the prop (Tears of Psyche)? If you use it, it will guide you in your indecisive choice and lead you to the ending that God Xiang Ming will give you].

[Prop Rating: Transcendental Prop, possessing the power of fate comparable to that of the gods]

[The system has detected that player Liu Jiayi has already used this item, further use will enhance the effect of this item, do you want to continue using it?

Liu Jiayi's grip on the bottle tightened slowly, and she looked down at the tear-like liquid gushing from the bottle, breathing heavily as her mind recalled the tear-stained face of Mu Sicheng, who had been hurt by Liu Huai after being controlled by Zhang Gui, and what Hearts, the woman who had given her the prop, had said to her The woman who gave her the prop, Hearts, said to her.

Hearts leaned back on the couch, her arms and legs stretched out lazily as she looked at Liu Jiayi who had come to her: [Ah, you said you used this prop, this prop guided you to do something that hurt Liu Huai, do you doubt that this prop can achieve your purpose? Little witch, this is an extraordinary prop given by the system, the effect can't be wrong, and have you heard the story of Psyche?

Hearts smiles and mops his cheeks: [Psyche, a woman of many suspicions, was so beautiful that she made Venus, the goddess of beauty and love, jealous, and so Venus wanted to torment Psyche out of jealousy, and she sent her son Cupid, the god of love, to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest beast in the world, terrible parents, right? To make your own child do such a thing.]

[With parents like these, one has to wonder if this Cupid is a bad guy, too, and it seems that Cupid often turns a blind eye to such bad things that Venus does and aids and abets them].

[But Cupid seemed to change suddenly, he would not do this to the innocent Psyche] Hearts whispered, [He suddenly saved Psyche and hid her and treated her very, very well, just blindfolded Psyche and made Psyche blind in front of him, not seeing what he was like]

[It made Psyche wonder whether this man who loved her was an ugly beast or a god who had come to save her, and she was tormented by this doubt day and night, not wanting to remove the cloth that had blindfolded her and hurt the Cupid who loved her and saved her from her own misery, but at the same time wondering, what if this was a beast pretending to be a normal person to trick me?

Hearts stepped down from her seat with that light elegant smile on her face and reached out to touch Liu Jiayi's foggy eyes: [Finally, doubt defeated Psyche and she removed the cloth covering her eyes and she saw Cupid for what he really was, but unfortunately Cupid was also hurt by Psyche's doubt and he flew back to heaven and Psyche was tormented by painful guilt day and night and shed tears]. tormented by pain and guilt and shedding tears]

[But do you know how this story ends? Hearts whispered and laughed as if compelled, and she put the glass bottle full of teardrops into Liu Jiayi's hand, whispering as if compelled, [Psyche brought back Cupid who had flown back to heaven through the ordeal, and they lived happily ever after]

Hearts lowered her eyes, wrapped her white arms around Liu Jiayi's neck from behind, bent down and whispered in Liu Jiayi's ear: [Baby, it's not a big mistake to doubt, Psyche is with Cupid too, doubt is the medicine to reveal the true nature of each other so that you can be together forever without any problems, isn't it?

[When your doubts falter, you can drink your tears and ask Psyche, who has achieved happiness through doubt, and Psyche, who has become a god, will tell you what to do].

Liu Jiayi eventually took the [Tears of Psyche] prop given to her by Hearts, but she used it more cautiously, as it would have clearly hurt Liu Huai.

Although the result of this hurt seems to bring her and Liu Huai closer together every time - not unlike what Hearts said.

But Liu Jiayi did not want to see Liu Huai in pain. Liu Huai had seen Liu Huai's heart ashes once before, when he was forced to hit Mu Sicheng.

When Liu Huai logged out of the game that almost killed Mu Sicheng, the emptiness in his eyes, as if he couldn't see anything, made Liu Jiayi feel empty and palpitated.

She feels very strongly that a part of Liu Huai's fledgling emotional world has been permanently stripped away by her doubts.

Liu Huai will never have a friend again, Liu Jiayi has destroyed the possibility of him having one.

Since then, Liu Jiayi has been controlling her use of the prop and her suspicion of Liu Huai - she hopes that one day she will never have to use it again.

But this time, this time - Liu Jiayi's lips were pursed tightly, her face a visible struggle, tormented by doubt and fear, like a Psyche with a blindfold on, wondering whether Liu Huai, waiting for her in the church, belonged to the god who had saved her, or to a beast in human skin who wanted to tear her apart. The Beast.

Hearts' laughing voice appeared in her ears, [Doubt is your antidote, Jiayi, drink it].

Her hands trembled as she gripped the glass bottle of teardrops, the tears ironing coldly on her palm in the glass bottle, making her want to shiver a little.

Liu Jiayi didn't have time to hesitate for long, she took a deep breath, wrapped her hands together around the teardrop shaped glass bottle in her palm, lowered her head and jaw against her clenched hands and whispered, "I'm going to use the prop."

Her thin back arched, her lips resting on her thumbs, her posture reverent like a girl who is praying for divine favour.

[System Alert: Player Liu Jiayi confirmed use of prop (Psyche's Tears), prop is loading ......]

The liquid in the bottle in Liu Jiayi's palm began to drop and disappear, and she couldn't help but close her eyes as a tear automatically slipped from the corner of her eye - the tear of Psyche.

When she opened her eyes again, Liu Jiayi had a strange sense of foreshadowing in her mind. She clicked on her system repository and used a visualization prop that she was going to save for her final escape, [Swimming Snake Night Vision Pupil], driven by a very strong intuition.

[System Alert: Player Liu Jiayi uses a prop (Night Vision Pupil), which can be used to see the creatures around him with thermal imaging technology, the duration of use is 12 hours, the number of uses is once].

Liu Jiayi's eyes are covered with a layer of contact lenses, the kind that snakes use when their pupils stand up in the dark.

Liu Jiayi, armed with this prop, looked towards the church that loomed in the night a few dozen metres away, and was about to walk towards it when she raised her eyes as if a needle had been stuck in them.

Psyche removes the blindfold to see the handsome Cupid.

Liu Jiayi puts on her glasses and sees Liu Huai, who has deceived her.

She could clearly see thermal images of four people in the church a few dozen metres away - this meant that Liu Huai was not alone in the church, there were at least three other people in addition to Liu Huai, and there was no apparent coercion between the actions of these four people, but rather they were relying on each other in what appeared to be a The four men acted without apparent coercion, relying on each other in what appears to be a cooperative relationship.

Several players guarded a place waiting for her, and her brother said nothing about the situation.

The cold night breeze blew on Liu Jiayi's face, and she felt her breath and expression go numb, her mind, which had been feverish, cooled by the night breeze, and Liu Jiayi noticed many discrepancies before.

Liu Jiayi slowly took out the phone, she blinked her hollow, dark grey eyes, holding back the liquid that was about to spill out of her eyes, and dialed Liu Huai's number without any emotion on her face, her tone was completely different from the fearful, trembling tone of her expression: "Hello, brother, I'm about to touch the church, but it's too dark for me to see. ...... can you come out and pick me up alone?, to a man."

There was a long silence, and Liu Jiayi saw a man stand up crookedly as she dialed - a man without arms, supported by someone. Her nails were pinched into her hands.

Liu Huai has no more hands!

Liu Jiayi's eyes were fixed on the hot figure holding Liu Huai - Bai Liu, who was definitely Bai Liu.

"Brother, can you come out?" Liu Jiayi's mind reeled as she stood still in front of the church and asked in a low voice.

The breathing there was a little faster, then a little slower: "I can, Jiayi, where are you, I'm coming to you outside."

Liu Jiayi gave a location and said that a child was chasing her crying and asking Liu Huai to come over quickly, then hung up the phone, Bai Liu was the one holding the phone for Liu Huai, after he put the phone down Liu Huai turned to Bai Liu, who looked at him thoughtfully: " Liu Jiayi guessed that something was wrong in this Liu Jiayi guessed that something was wrong in the church, she still suspected you after she calmed down, Liu Huai."

"I know." Liu Huai lowered his head to look left and right at the breaks in his arms, moved his stumps slightly at either end, and smiled bitterly, "And I wonder if she'll trust me a little when I get out and she sees what I've become for her."

Bai Liu did not answer Liu Huai as he found it unlikely.

"I'll go out alone." Liu Huai was just about to leave when Bai Liu pulled her back.

Bai Liu looks at Liu Huai: "We'll follow you out."

Liu Huai was startled and was about to object when Bai Liu nonchalantly stated the reason: "It is now nine o'clock and soon monsters of the type of children playing flutes will come out of the exit under the idol, which will not harm children but will take them away."

His eyes fell on little Muke, who was peeking at him from behind the seat: "The church is no longer safe for little Muke either, before there were other investors in the tunnels to attract the attention of these children, but now that our phones can be occupied and there is no phone ringing to attract the attention of these monstrous children, there is a good chance that little Muke would be their new target."

Little Muke bit his lower lip and retorted, "But little Bai six is just like those deformed kids now, right? Kids crawl out of tunnels, which means little Bai six will come out of them! I can stay with him!"

"But he's already a little monster." Bai Liu lowered his eyes and looked at little Muke who looked at him stubbornly with his face raised, "You as a normal human being would risk being alienated by staying with him as a monster for a long time, as well as I don't really know what his current state is, so you'd better ...... "Stay with us.

The longer he is alienated the more he is affected, and Bai Liu is not sure how long his fourteen-year-old self will last before he turns into a mindless monster, so it is safer to just take little Muke away.

Little Muke was dragged out of the church by Big Muke, who wanted to stay in the church but Bai Liu wouldn't allow him to, so Bai Liu didn't hesitate to use force when he could have used it to suppress the situation.

Bai Liu and Muke went out through the bushes at the back of the church, while Liu Huai went out through the front door alone, Bai Liu and his group went around the back to the side of the church and hid behind the side door of the church, where they could see Liu Huai walking out through the front door.

The loss of his arms made Liu Huai's balance a little difficult to maintain as he staggered out of the front door and slowly into the night, with the ghostly sounds of children's laughter and the sound of small footsteps and shuffling on the floor approaching Liu Huai's side.

Muke put his hand over the still struggling little Muke's hand and, a little scared, he leaned close to Bai Liu's ear and whispered extremely quietly, " Bai Liu, I remember that there were monsters of wandering deformed children in the orphanage at night, Liu Huai wouldn't be killed by those wandering deformed children before he got close to Liu Jiayi, would he? "

"No." Bai Liu replied softly and with certainty, "Liu Jiayi will not let Liu Huai die."

As Liu Huai was about to be approached from behind by a deformed child, Muke was tempted to call Liu Huai's attention to the fact that Liu Huai was now in a trance, seemingly oblivious to the irregularities around him and continuing to walk straight ahead.

But someone was quicker than he was to call out Liu Huai.

A small, faint girl's voice, tinged with tears and fear, came through: "...... Brother? Is that you?"

" Jiayi! It's me!" Even though he knew Liu Jiayi had lied to him, the moment he heard the voice, Liu Huai followed his years of habit and instinct and turned his head quickly, he answered Liu Jiayi with a bit of urgency and looked around for Liu Jiayi, "Brother is here Jiayi! "

Liu Jiayi is pressed against the wall, she cautiously lifts her head to look at Liu Huai and the moment Liu Huai turns his head in response, the deformed child on his back jumps up and lunges towards Liu Huai's back!

Muke couldn't resist the urge to remind Liu Huai, but Bai Liu calmly stopped him: "Watch."

The moment Liu Huai was about to be jumped on by the deformed child, Liu Jiayi also cried out and stumbled towards Liu Huai, and the moment she jumped on him and hugged him tightly, Liu Jiayi's original fragile and panicked expression disappeared.

Her chin rubbed against Liu Huai's shoulder as if she were clinging to it, her tone soft and obedient as she called out to her brother, without a trace of expression on her face, a black conical potion bottle appearing in her hand at some point.

Liu Jiayi tilted his wrist expressionlessly and poured the magic potion from the bottle over the monstrous child monster that was about to pounce on Liu Huai.

The little creature, with its mouth wide open, melted and rotted into a puddle of black liquid before it could even scream, melting silently into the earth.

Muke, who was hiding in the back, looked stunned: "...... This kid is an A-rank monster, Liu Jiayi killed it so easily, is she an S-rank panel ......"

"No, the little witch's attribute panel I heard Mu Sicheng say is only A, not even A+, worthy of being the number one new star." Bai Liu faintly hooked the corner of his mouth, "Huge skill potential, no wonder it once caused all the major guilds to grab it."

Liu Jiayi's eyes twitched after killing the child and Bai Liu saw her looking at him.

She tilted her head and wrapped her arms around Liu Huai's neck, slowly shaking the liquid bottle of poison in her hands, staring at Bai Liu without a trace of emotion.

It was a threatening gaze, the meaning clear - this monster I killed is what will happen to you.

"Can she see us?!" Muke was amazed, " Didn't Liu Huai say that Liu Jiayi was really invisible? It's usually a problem to move around."

"Visualization props, I think, Bai six and I said, but to see where we're hiding so clearly in the night, it shouldn't be a regular sight-restoring prop." Bai Liu's tone remained calm, "Then I can see why she suddenly called Liu Huai out, she saw more than one person in the church."

Muke reacted quickly and looked at Bai Liu with some anxiety: "What then? She knows that Liu Huai is lying to her, how are we going to get her to come and treat you?"

Bai Liu's eyes narrowed slightly: "I'm afraid that's difficult."

"This little witch should be more interested in killing me with poison than saving me with an antidote."

Liu Jiayi holds Liu Huai close in a possessive and controlling position like a doll, her gaze sweeping over the red patch representing the living in the distance and finally landing on Liu Huai's empty shoulders, her hands able to touch Liu Huai's severed arms, Liu Huai hissing in pain at the touch.

The sound of this voice caused Liu Jiayi's expression to twist slightly for a moment.

Liu Jiayi buried her head into Liu Huai's shoulder and took a deep breath, trying her best to suppress the emotions that were about to spill out of her voice: "...... Brother, how did your arm become like this?"

"Brother is trying to save you." Liu Huai whispered as warmly as ever to comfort Liu Jiayi.

Liu Jiayi could not see Liu Huai's vacant expression, nor could Liu Huai see Liu Jiayi's struggling expression, they were so closely embraced, their heartbeats both tense and quickening with the proximity of each other, before they turned away from each other at the same time and spoke the words that pierced the veil of non-existent warmth.

"Brother, you just tried to ambush me in church, didn't you? Did you want to draw my blood?" Liu Jiayi asked.

" Jiayi, are you a little witch?" Liu Huai asked.

Liu Jiayi's pupils tightened to a point, Liu Huai fell into an eerie silence, Liu Jiayi's breathing sharply as if she had asthma, and she backed up several times as if she had stepped on a thorn, looking at Liu Huai with a look of disbelief.

And Liu Huai, half on his knees, looked at Liu Jiayi with a silent, sad look, as if he had accepted everything.

" Jiayi, since when did you go from being my sister, to being a witch?"

Liu Huai whispered, "I underestimated you, Jiayi."

Liu Jiayi shook her head frantically, tears slipping from the corners of her eyes as she staggered backwards in a succession of panic, the disappointed and dishevelled tone of Liu Huai, kneeling before her, almost making Liu Jiayi want to go mad.

At the moment Liu Huai is like a beast that scares her - even though she has just snuggled up in Liu Huai's arms for warmth.

"I'm not, brother." Liu Jiayi reluctantly retorted, "I don't know anything about little witches, who told you that!"

"Don't call me brother Jiayi, I don't deserve to be your brother." Liu Huai staggered to his feet, he shook his head very lightly and lowly in a trance-like smile, "You've been smarter than me since you were a kid, indeed it's like everyone says, you were born to be a college student, you'd be great if you weren't invisible, I've always felt that way all along."

"You are indeed very good and brilliant, you have played me like a fool and I didn't even notice." Liu Huai looked at Liu Jiayi, who was still shaking her head, and looked at her with a look that seemed to be looking through her into the distant past, in a tone so light that it was as if she was talking to herself, "If only you weren't my sister."

"If only you were someone's sister."

Liu Jiayi froze in place, her ears almost ringing with a pang that made her unsteady on her feet at Liu Huai's words.

The night breeze blew coldly against Liu Huai's face, and Liu Huai felt cold, his eyes and expression had a cold desperation that sank to the bottom of the water, but in the eyes of Liu Jiayi, who was in a trance, there was a glowing, glowing, glowing red.

Instead, the red mass faded to blue in Liu Jiayi's eyes because of the weakness - a sign that Liu Huai's body temperature was slowly dropping.

This means that Liu Huai is probably going to die.

Liu Jiayi squeezed out a smile as she reached out to grab Liu Huai's coat, but halfway there she turned her head sharply and looked over, "Who's over there! Come out!"

Two large, looming red shadows walk far away, dragging the red shadow of a child, one of which seems to be dragging something on its hands, hanging on the ground with the sound of a knife surface scraping against the concrete.

Bai Liu's eyes followed Liu Jiayi's direction and his gaze focussed, "It's Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang."

"How did they get to this part of the church?!" Muke looked vaguely devastated, "We haven't tricked Liu Jiayi into coming to our side! We can't defend our side against them! We're all down to single digits in life!"

"I had expected that with the deterrent effect of little Bai six, they would not dare to come to the church easily, after all, there is a hidden one over here that can counter their attacking power." Bai Liu looked vaguely over the edge of the side door at Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang who were approaching this way, "It's true that they didn't come this way during the day because of this, but I don't know why they changed their minds."

Bai Liu's eyes settled on the face of Miao Gaojiang, who was approaching, and he watched for a moment with slightly narrowed eyes: "Miao Gaojiang is not in the right state, he is far away from Miao Feichi."

The closer we get, the more we can see that Miao Gaojiang is not in the right state, it's past nine o'clock yesterday and Miao Gaojiang's stamina slots have been restored, but he's walking with his highest level of defence skills on before he can see anyone else with only one Miao Feichi around, his eyes trembling a little lazily, as if he's still afraid of fearing him next to him Miao Feichi, his only biological son, who had been working with him as a teammate.

Bai Liu was familiar with this state of affairs with Miao Gaojiang, as Liu Huai had also experienced it not long before.

"The aftermath of a burst of falling mental values can cause a person to dwell in subconscious fear." Bai Liu says with little emotion, " Liu Huai has been controlled by subconscious fear before, and being controlled by the subconscious fear brought on by this aftereffect can only have two outcomes, suicide or murder."

Liu Huai is clearly the first, and this Miao Gaojiang -- Bai Liu's eyes fall on his clenched fist, his gaze moving slightly.

It seems that this Miao Gaojiang is the second one.

A Miao Gaojiang ...... Bai Liu with his defenses on full blast and a tendency to go crazy and hurt people frowned in a rare frown when he thought of what Zhang Gui had said to him before he died during the last round.

[Players who appear to hurt people because of abnormal mental values have a name in the mouths of our normal players, called Junction Monsters, who are already in reserve for monsters, and even more insane and powerful than monsters because of their emotional insanity, making their attacks even more insane and powerful.]

Miao Gaojiang's eyes were slightly glazed, a regal red suffused the circle of his eyes, staring forward. Miao Feichi had sensed that Miao Gaojiang's state was not right, but Miao Gaojiang would not tell him what was wrong, when Miao Gaojiang's mental value dropped and exploded in that explosion last night Miao Feichi had already been blown out of consciousness and did not know that his father was in a very dangerous state of being a junction monster.

Miao Feichi gritted her teeth and tried to stop Miao Gaojiang: "Father, didn't you say we could wait until after midnight to kill Bai Liu and then come over to the church to pick up the pieces?"

"Why are you in church at nine o'clock? What if that little Bai six is still there?"

Miao Gaojiang looked at Miao Feichi's face, which was shifting from man to woman, and his eyes grew red and he breathed heavily: "We'll fight hard even if he's more! Feichi, dad can't wait that long!"

If he doesn't pass out, he won't be able to resist attacking Miao Feichi, the aftermath of that mental burst drop is getting worse and worse, his mental values are now very high and low.

They'd searched everywhere else in the orphanage and the Liu Jiayi cub wasn't there, so it was probably in the church, the safe area for children - he needed to find the blood of Miao Feichi that Liu Jiayi was carrying and get through to get out with Miao Feichi, then go to the The Guild's warehouse for any post-apocalypse relief.

Miao Feichi tried to speak up to dissuade him, feeling impulsive with such a plan, but Miao Gaojiang gave him a terrifying look, veins pulsing in the corners of his forehead.

Miao Feichi shuts up with a tingling head.

-- Miao Gaojiang is usually very submissive, but when Miao Gaojiang has to do something, even if Miao Feichi thinks it is unreasonable, he has to go along with Miao Gaojiang.

Looking at Miao Gaojiang, who was mechanically walking closer and closer at a faster and faster pace, Bai Liu gave a quick order to Muke: "Take little Muke back to the church and look for little Bai six in the tunnel, if he is still in good shape bring him out, if he is not you go straight back to the church and hide. "

But Bai Liu hasn't received a call from little Bai six yet, this kid is usually very punctual, this time it's already past nine o'clock, the channel has been open for so long and little Bai six hasn't called Bai Liu, which only means the status of little Bai six ......

Bai Liu's eyes were slightly sunken, but he had nothing better to do now.

He had to have a core of fighters to break through a Miao Gaojiang with full defence - a Miao Gaojiang they couldn't handle at all, even with Liu Jiayi, and with a top attacking Miao Feichi, they would have been all but destroyed.

Gritting his teeth, Muke took little Muke's hand and walked towards the church, whispering close to Bai Liu's shoulder, "Don't go up there rashly, but wait until we find little Bai six before you trick Liu Jiayi into treating you."

Bai Liu nods noncommittally.

As a result, Muke had just gone around the side door and was coming around the main entrance when little Miao Gaojiang, who had followed Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang all the way here, suddenly panicked and broke free of Miao Feichi's grip while Miao Gaojiang was out of it and Miao Feichi was alert to his surroundings. Miao Feichi suddenly panicked and broke free from Miao Feichi's grip and ran frantically towards the church.

Miao Gaojiang's burst of speed gave no one a chance to react as he ran into the church, gasping for breath and red-faced, and locked the door from the inside, blocking out Muke, who was just about to poke his head in.

His hands trembled and he fell to his knees after doing this - the zombified investor was horrible.

When he saw that a safe area like the church was close at hand, little Miao Gaojiang couldn't help but run in, driven by a desire to live, and locked the church door behind him, although he didn't know how long he would last.

Muke looks at the locked door of the church, knocks twice and is left with his eyes wide open - the passage is locked in the church by little Miao Gaojiang!

Miao Feichi came after the fleeing little Miao Gaojiang, who had looked at the closed door to curse twice, as if pulling out his twin knives to violently break it down, only to find Liu Huai and the big and small Muke Liu Jiayi all in front of the church door.

He raised his twin swords warily and looked round, then raised his eyebrows a little incredulously and whispered to Miao Gaojiang next to him, "Father, that little monster isn't there!"

Muke alertly pulls little Muke behind him as he confronts Miao Feichi and the others in a protective stance, his eyes resisting drifting to the spot where Bai Liu is hiding, his heart beating so fast that he can't breathe.

Bai Liu should never come out when there's no core matchups like this! He'll lose his 0.5 if he gets tickled!

"We've been swindled, that little monster may not have made it out of the church at all." Miao Gaojiang looked at the shuttered church with a grim and twisted expression, "But first it looks like we've come at the right time, everyone's here, just in time for us to take it all in."

Miao Gaojiang swept an aggressive look over little Muke, who was hiding behind him, and Liu Jiayi, who was standing in front of Liu Huai with a stony expression, and smiled like a normal, middle-aged, good old boy, a smile that was creepy: "Everyone's here."

" Feichi, open S section." Miao Gaojiang gave the order without any emotion on his face, "Make it quick, catch the kid."

Published at: 03/30/2022 05:10