Chapter 123: Loving Welfare Home

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

They searched every classroom, every bedroom, every floor, every toilet cubicle, everywhere, almost to the point of digging.

Miao Feichi leaned against the wall to catch his breath, he raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead and cursed, "Fuck, where the hell is this little blind girl hiding? I've used up all my fucking reconnaissance props and there's no trace of her, if I didn't know she'd never make it out of this orphanage, I'd wonder if she'd gotten out!"

Liu Jiayi ran out of the orphanage to clear the level, and the system would send out a clearance alert, but now Miao Feichi and the others have not received any clearance alerts from the players, which means Liu Jiayi is still inside the orphanage.

"There's only the church left to find." Miao Gaojiang also gasped for breath, his face showing obvious fatigue as he couldn't afford to drink a stamina restorer, "but we've been hanging around the road to the church, there's no way we can't see her if she's gone past."

" Bai Liu was over there guarding the church, and Liu Jiayi killed Bai Liu's children." Miao Feichi said, "She was crazy to go over to Bai Liu's side to deliver heads."

But Liu Jiayi had to go to church, because when zero hour passed on Thursday, Liu Huai would go into a state of [Sickness] and his life expectancy would start to drop - and Liu Huai only had two points of life left, so if he didn't wait for Liu Jiayi to treat him in time, he would die tonight.

After all, Liu Huai's hands had been chopped off by Miao Feichi, so there was no reason for Bai Liu to bring Liu Huai along with him.

Before midnight comes, it will be Bai Liu, who has 0.5 life, who will die before Liu Huai.

So Miao Gaojiang, too, waited, and spent time waiting for the midnight reaping of Bai Liu's life.

"I told you not to rush, don't worry about Bai Liu." Miao Gaojiang looked at Miao Feichi somewhat wearily, "Once Thursday arrives, we have more life and resistance, we can consume Bai Liu and his men."

Miao Gaojiang was about to say something to Miao Feichi, but the moment he met his face, Miao Gaojiang's pupils flinched and his hand, which was about to tap Miao Feichi on the shoulder, stopped in mid-air.

Miao Feichi turned his head over and his otherwise handsome face was gone; his face was covered with the face of a, senile, sickly, bloodless woman who smiled eerily and opened her mouth to speak to him, with boiling water still boiling and smoking and bubbling dripping from the corner of her mouth.

[System Alert: Player Miao Gaojiang's spirit value is unstable and has experienced a shocking drop! Please restore your spirit value quickly!

Miao Gaojiang's breath caught as he shook his hand and ducked his head to take a quick swig of mental bleach, telling himself it was all a hallucination, caused by the after-effects of his own enforced drop in mental values.

Miao Feichi, who was standing next to him, gave Miao Gaojiang a strange look: "Father, what's wrong with you? I've been acting strange since the beginning, what did I ask you? What are you doing all of a sudden?"

Miao Gaojiang barely calmed down as he squeezed out a smile to look at Miao Feichi: "...... What did you just ask me?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Miao Feichi waved her hand mirthlessly, "I just don't get Liu Huai and Liu Jiayi dying for each other, it's so stupid, I'm wondering if they're up to something else."

"...... Aren't they brother and sister? No matter how bad they are there's still blood kinship there, right?" Miao Gaojiang murmured.

"Kindred spirits? I couldn't do something that stupid anyway." Miao Feichi snorted and said disdainfully, "If I were Liu Jiayi, I would have escaped on my own, regardless of Liu Huai's death."

Miao Gaojiang's breath caught again and his eyes reddened a little as he looked down and took a sharp swig of mental bleach: "...... Let's keep looking for Liu Jiayi ."


Church, 8.47pm.

Liu Huai, who was resting against the wall, glanced at the time and his eyes hid some concern: "...... Jiayi won't be found by them, will he?"

"I don't think that's likely." Little Muke shook his head, "Liu Jiayi knows this orphanage too well, even better than the teachers, she's not going to be that easy to find if she wants to hide." He pursed his lips and lowered his quivering eyelashes to whisper, "...... this kid can kill Bai six and Miao Feichi without making a sound, don't underestimate her, but she can be ruthless and ruthless, if she meets someone, it's not clear who will die. "

Liu Huai heard this and the anxious look on his face lurched and faded like a tidal wave: "...... too."

The famous Little Witch, who was brought back by the King's Guild at a great cost, is not without a little means and props to save her life.

Bai Liu agrees with little Muke: "Wait, this orphanage should be like an amusement park for Liu Jiayi, it's a map she knows, she has healing skills, Miao Gaojiang's condition is obviously not right, and she was actually whipped by little Bai six, a novice, in the tunnel. I think Liu Jiayi should have been more careful, she wouldn't have been found so easily."

Muke looked over at Bai Liu in desperation: "So we're just going to do nothing and wait here? Liu Jiayi doesn't even know we're in church, and by the time zero passes, you'll be in a very sick state! Your life expectancy will be instantly wiped out!"

Liu Jiayi will definitely treat Liu Huai, Muke and little Muke as a life preserver.

Everyone else had a chance to get through, but Bai Liu, with a 0.5 life expectancy, had no way back.

If Liu Jiayi doesn't treat Bai Liu by twelve o'clock on Wednesday, then this orphanage is Bai Liu's last game.

Bai Liu's gaze falls languidly on the statue in the church: "Isn't there still zero point five."

Muke is stunned.

Bai Liu looked back at Muke, who was stunned, and smiled nonchalantly: "Is 0.5 too little? 0.5 is a lot, it's the difference between life and death. 0.5 keeps me alive, the game is not over, what's the hurry?"

He shook the wrist in his hand as Bai Liu continued, "I still have a prop to resist damage and survive until at least twelve tonight, but I think Liu Jiayi will call for it voluntarily when it's nine o'clock."

"But even so, Liu Jiayi is hardly going to treat you voluntarily, is he?" Muke wrinkled his eyebrows, he pushed little Muke, who was a bit confused, into Bai Liu's face, looked straight at Bai Liu and said very solemnly, "Later at nine o'clock the underground will open again, you have little Bai six's number, you can take little Bai six's blood and my children back to the hospital and let little Bai six to escort you back and use their blood to heal your blood lingzhi first, your life value is too dangerous!"

Liu Huai also sat up a little and followed suit, looking at Bai Liu: "That would indeed be a safer way for you to go."

"And then leave you unattacked people here?" Bai Liu's gaze swept over Muke's face and Liu Huai's broken arms, " Miao Feichi could have swept both of you away with a single backward shot."

Muke tried to speak, but Bai Liu calmly interrupted Muke: "And you told little Muke to come with me, my previous statement about needing 1.6 children's blood was just a theoretical deduction of the minimum mortality rate of an investor, it was an investor's blood reishi that needed at least 1.6 children's blood, not that 1.6 children's blood would necessarily save me. ."

"What if the game has a 75 percent mortality rate? So little Muke needs to bleed me out to save me, do you let him do that too?"

Muke pursed his lips and looked down without answering - it was clear that Muke had thought of the situation, but he wanted to gamble that both young Muke and Bai Liu would survive.

When Bai Liu saw Muke like this, he thought to himself with a slight headache that Muke had learnt nothing else from him but to gamble first.

The young Muke's face was already white as he pushed him out, his hands twisted together and shaking as he peeked at Bai Liu.

"Liu Jiayi is the key in this game, that's why the system is trying to limit her, her healing skill allows the kids to hang on to their life points while they bleed out." Bai Liu calmly analyses, "As long as she's on our side, we can all get through the game alive."

Third floor, orphanage director's office, by the window.

Liu Jiayi, dressed in a black veil, is expressionlessly "watching" Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang, who are looking for her below, as the door to the office behind her surges with a strange sense of barrier fluctuation, which looms as if it is about to disappear at any moment.

[System Alert: Player Liu Jiayi uses a special level prop (Magic Space)]

The two men from the dean's office came up once but couldn't find them and were blocked out by Liu Jiayi's props.

Liu Jiayi learns from Bai six that the director, an NPC, died last night, so the director's office is a space that no one will set foot in for a long time, and there is no better place to hide someone in the whole orphanage.

And she did stay here to fool the father and son.

" The props that Hearts gave me really work well." Liu Jiayi mumbled to himself with little emotion on his face, "Not bad for a top quality item from the warehouse of a big guild like the King's Guild, why must you follow Mu Sicheng instead of joining this guild, why didn't you come in when I asked Hearts to recruit you ...... prefer to follow a dangerous person like Mu Sicheng."

"You'll only be an assassin with him to help deflect swords and harm, and you'll get yourself killed."

[Jiayi, I have a friend!

He knows that I'm not very good at growing up, and I told him all about it. ...... But he doesn't mind where I come from! He's a very nice guy! He just has a few, rather unavoidable pet peeves, which I can accept! We can kind of understand each other, haha, play games together and stuff, it's fun!

"Silly brother, how can there be good people in this world? We have never met a good man." Liu Jiayi dropped her slender eyelashes and whispered indistinctly, " Mu Sicheng is not worth the importance you attach to him to this extent ...... has he ever given anything for you? Why do you suffer so much for betraying him?"

You've done the same betrayal to me a million times, haven't you?

Have you ever felt pain for betraying me, brother?

Liu Huai's painful tears surfaced as he hugged Liu Jiayi and wailed until he was emotionally spent, shedding tears unconsciously.

[I have no more friends, Jiayi, I did the wrong thing to protect you!

Liu Jiayi clenched her fists slowly, and soon she collected herself as she touched a quartz watch on her wrist with the case removed, her fingers falling on the folded hands, "It's nine o'clock."

Liu Jiayi took out her mobile phone, her voice instantly brushed with a layer of honey from that somewhat cold tone to a tiny micro-softness, Liu Jiayi absently wrapped her index finger around the lasso for hanging up the phone: "...... Brother, are you there? We couldn't run out today either, can you come pick me up tomorrow?"

Published at: 03/29/2022 17:10