Chapter 120: The Orphanage of Love

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Then before Muke could react, Bai Liu grabbed the unconscious Muke by the back of his collar with one hand and brought him to his feet, then turned with that hand over the shoulder and half over Liu Huai, who had lost his arms, and gripped the fishbone whip in his hand, Bai Liu exhaled a shallow breath with a quiet gaze, and inhaled again, "Open the door! Muke, the game is not over yet."

Liu Huai, whose face was as white as paper, suddenly interrupted Bai Liu, his wavering gaze lingering on Bai Liu's face for a second or two: "Wait, you promise, if you live, you'll save Jiayi?"

Bai Liu: "I promise."

Liu Huai closes his eyes as a wrist guard emerges before him.

[System Alert: (Cynic Wristguard), after a debauched poor dog has been damaged, the damage can be delayed for 14 hours by his optimism, but if the player has not cleared the level after 14 hours, the damage will be stacked on the player together].

"This prop was originally left to Jiayi by me, for her to use when she escaped, but now it seems ......" Liu Huai let out a bitter laugh, "she won't be able to use it."

A little witch with healing skills does not need such lowly props that delay damage to protect herself.

Liu Huai turned his head to Bai Liu, the smile on his face growing more and more bitter and relieved, "I don't have a hand to use either, so here you go Bai Liu."

Bai Liu didn't say much, he just took the wrist brace and looked at Muke at the door.

Muke glanced back at Bai Liu, and after making sure that Bai Liu did not waver, he too took a deep breath and pushed the door open with a still shaky hand.

At this time, 8.40am on Wednesday morning.

Ground floor security access.

The nurse stood a little cowering in fear some distance away from the safe passage, she didn't lean over but swallowed hard and reached out to point to the dark entrance, "It's over there, there's a tunnel entrance on the ground floor down around the corner, from there you can go straight down to the orphanage church, I won't go there."

After saying this, the nurse saw Miao Gaojiang and Miao Feichi leaning over without any hesitation and could not resist calling out to them, "No one is allowed to leave the ward until nine o'clock! I'm just showing you out, you can't just-"

Miao Gaojiang turned around and approached the nurse with an expressionless face and with a few quick steps he was in front of her, the taller Miao Gaojiang strangled her and spun her around, a crisp interlocking of bones sounded at the junction of the nurse's neck.

Her eyes widened in shock, her pupils dilated, and she slowly collapsed helplessly.

"Dad!?" Not only was the nurse shocked before she died, but even Miao Feichi was shocked, "What are you doing killing npc's?! It's liable to cause a backlash!"

Miao Gaojiang's chest heaves violently, his eyes a little red, but his face still not at all expressive, sweat dripping down his jaw despite the ease with which he killed a man, and the biceps of his shoulders writhing as if they hadn't stopped, giving Miao Gaojiang a violent and repressed aggressive look, his back to Miao Feichi takes a deep breath and looks a little odd.

But soon Miao Gaojiang calmed down, he paused and cleared his throat, "We can't delay a minute, this nurse npc in we have to wait until nine o'clock, the little brats over there must all be plotting their escape, we have to get over there quickly."

Reluctantly persuaded by this reasoning, Miao Feichi drew his twin swords and moved step by step towards the safe passage, and the moment he was about to step into the passage, Miao Gaojiang suddenly asked Miao Feichi in a soft voice, "Don't you think this nurse looks like your mother?"

Miao Feichi paused for a moment as he swept his eyes over the green face of the young nurse lying dead on the floor - a face completely different from the woman he remembered who had given birth to him, Miao Feichi withdrew his gaze and looked a little oddly at Miao Gaojiang: "What's wrong dad? "What's wrong with you dad? This NPC looks nothing like that dead woman, okay."

"Is that so?" Miao Gaojiang muttered as he glanced back at the face of the nurse NPC who had fallen to the ground, "Then maybe I was mistaken."

On the nurse's young body was eerily an aged, baggy, sickly face that smiled strangely at him, a face he knew all too well - the face of his wife, Miao Feichi's mother, who slept beside Miao Gaojiang on countless nights and whom he could see as soon as he opened his eyes.

This face appeared on the face of the nurse who, to Miao Gaojiang's eyes, had just opened her mouth exaggeratedly wide with every utterance, so wide that it drew a twisted shifting sound from her jaw joints, so wide open that she smiled at Miao Gaojiang and could easily see the inside of the mouth she was speaking There is no tongue.

Miao Gaojiang withdrew his gaze, he raised his hand again to wipe the sweat running from his temples to his cheeks and settled himself to look towards the exit, " Feichi, you take the lead, I'll take the back."


Because of last night's bombing, the nurses did not have the energy to patrol each floor to manage the patients. Bai Liu found an opening to take the lift and rush to the ground floor, only to find that the safe passage had been cleared and only a mess remained.

This represents good news and bad news.

Muke breathed a sigh of relief, "No more going head to head with these monsters."

Bai Liu's eyes rested on the shredded children and the syringes flying everywhere, and his eyes twitched: "Miao Gaojiang, they're in the tunnel."

He shrugged upwards at Liu Huai, who was sliding down from him in a state of depression, and Bai Liu quickly moved inside, followed by Muke, and around the corner on the ground floor there was a yellow bin full of medical waste, filled with various blood transfusion bags and syringes, and a very simple, child-sized bed of fixed bandages, supposedly to prevent blood from being drawn. children moving around.

It looks like this is where the early children were brought in to have their blood drawn and then the bodies were dumped in the medical waste bin along with the blood drawing paraphernalia.

The investors, who sucked the blood of the children, didn't even want to see the brutal process and only allowed the nurses to quickly process the [raw herbs] in a dirty, small corner for the compassionate [investors].

The bin had been roughly kicked open, and underneath was a square, cellar-like entrance, which was not large, Bai Liu's visual estimate was only about 40cm by 40cm, basically the size of an exit for a child to pass through, but luckily for Bai Liu, they were now thin and long enough to pass through the entrance.

There are some messy footprints next to the entrance, probably left by Miao Feichi, and Bai Liu asks Muke to help hold Liu Huai for a moment before stepping forward to hold the door handle by its loop and pulling it upwards to open the cellar door.

All at once, billowing dust, earthy debris, the strong smell of blood and the warm dampness of fungal decay and fermentation poured over the door panels, the scabs of blood from who knows how long they had been frozen and how many individuals puffed and brushed off, revealing the thick, mouldy wooden boards themselves beneath.

The dust floats and hovers in the darkness of the cave like tiny particles that only those who have almost drowned in it can see swimming in it.

Bai Liu held his breath as he looked up at a nervous Muke and jumped without hesitation, not giving Muke any chance to stop him.

"I'll go down and you guys can come back down when I say it's okay."

Muke looks up and down in a panic.

It didn't take long for Bai Liu's voice to come from below with some reverberation, "No problem Muke, you put Liu Huai down first and then come down yourself."

Muke carefully moves Liu Huai without arms, transporting him down first, and then down with his own arms braced against the edge of the narrow opening.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Muke also let go, and after he felt himself sliding diagonally through a wet and sticky passage, he finally landed, but the texture of the ground felt strange, soft and puffy one by one, with a strong smell of blood and mushrooms, as if he had stepped on a field of mushrooms.

Muke slowly opened his eyes and drew a breath of cold air at the sight before him.

All four walls of the tunnel were densely covered with a variety of mushrooms, colourful, of varying sizes and fluorescent flashes, like the mucous membranes of a sick and infected human stomach covered with puffy, moist patches that seemed to burst with the juice that corroded one's arms when squeezed.

The whole tunnel was filled with a strong smell of secretions and fermented matter, smelling like mushrooms that had been soaked in poor quality wine with sand and soil for twenty years, making people dizzy and want to vomit.

Liu Huai and Muke both had a slight gag reflex, with only Bai Liu doing slightly better.

Muke covered his mouth with a vomit: "Why are there so many mushrooms growing here?"

"The dampness and darkness combined with the fact that this tunnel is where the bodies were dumped, the humus would have been perfect for mushrooms." Bai Liu moved forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow, the soft, moist mushrooms could have gone past his ankles with one foot as he looked around the tunnel, "And if I'm not mistaken, there are poor quality blood lingzhi that were cultivated and discarded here by those investors."

Muke was stunned: "Unwanted blood lingzhi? Isn't that something to be treasured?!"

"It's the blood of a 'pure' child that produces the blood lingzhi that is treasured." Bai Liu's eyes skimmed over a slightly pulsating, heart-sized blood lingzhi on the wall, "We are now in a timeline of ten years ago, when this group of [investors] had not yet perfected their child screening mechanism, or were in the pre-middle stage of the screening process, which would inevitably produce failures. bad, or toxic, and not usable by these [investors], so they were thrown in here."

Bai Liu looked to the other end of the tunnel, "If I'm not mistaken, this tunnel would be where the ballad was sung about [being buried in the earth on Sunday]."

The tunnel was like a canal growing and multiplying inwards, with a strange life force stretching and closing slightly as Bai Liu breathed in and out, but a closer look revealed the slowly pulsing blood primroses, and the bodies of deformed children lying motionless with their eyes open, their telephones scattered around their hands.

Bai Liu went up to pick up a phone and was informed that the phone had lost energy and was unusable due to the complete death of its owner.

Most of these deformed children were cut up into incomplete pieces by Miao Feichi's twin knives and scattered among the mushrooms.

Some of the mushrooms on the ground had been cut or trampled, and Bai Liu looked down to follow the trampling marks, "Come on, they're going in, we've got to hurry."


At the other end of the tunnel, little Miao Gaojiang, carrying little Muke on his back, was panting and puffing. He was hot and sweaty, panting heavily on the soft, slippery ground, which doubled his physical effort on this difficult path.

Little Muke, with little Bai six's blood bag on his back, glanced anxiously at the time - Bai six had told him he had to be there by nine o'clock, otherwise the investors would all be out by then and they would be caught and all would be finished!

What they didn't know was that two investors who had left before nine o'clock - Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang - were already coming down the tunnel.

Little Muke was getting anxious as he watched the time pass: "Miao Gaojiang, hurry up! We won't be able to get away when the investors come out to arrest us after nine o'clock!"

"I don't think we'll have to wait until after nine o'clock." Little Miao Gaojiang wiped the dripping sweat from his face, his face tinged with fear and embarrassment as he turned his head to look at little Muke who was lying on his shoulder, "I heard someone coming closer on the mushrooms, they were walking fast."

Little Muke's face darkened after a moment's pause: "How fast, and will we be able to run back to the church in time?"

The church forbade the killing of children, it was a safe zone, and there was no telling how long he would survive, but - reluctantly - little Muke gritted his teeth and clutched the little Bai six blood bag in his arms.

Didn't manage to get little bai six's blood bag through, hopefully his rubbish investor will last a little longer and not just die.

The juicy splash of extremely powerful footsteps coming from the tunnel approached them more and more rapidly, like snakes wandering through a mushroom thicket.

Miao Gaojiang swallowed in horror as he took two steps back and shook his head slowly, "...... I don't think it's too late, they're moving fast and will catch us before we can run to the church."

"We can't let them catch us." Little Muke lowered his voice, calm in this crisis without little Bai six as his leader, "Miao Gaojiang, get those extra infusion bags Bai six gave us, we'll stick them on and pretend to be those monster kids playing flutes, the lights in this tunnel are Buming bright, there are dead kids everywhere, you can't tell the difference between us and the monsters if you don't see them up close."

Little Muke darted off Miao Gaojiang's body and started to hang IV bags around his and Miao Gaojiang's necks.

Miao Gaojiang was also hanging on hand and foot, his face blue and white: "Can this disguise fool those investors?! We look very different from those deformed kids!"

"I'll pretend even if I can't." Little Muke breathed quickly, his face expressionless, a regal determination in his dark eyes, "I've been thinking about it for a while and I think we're waiting to die even if we run back to the church, back to this point those teachers are up and if we meet them near the church we'll be locked up for Thursday pairings, if we can't run out of here today then we'll never run out of here."

"We can only bet once."

Little Miao Gaojiang gritted his teeth and locked eyes with Muke for a second before he finally nodded.

The sound of footsteps coming closer and closer, the full mushrooms making the ripe, gibbering sound of ripe fruit being squeezed out of its sap on the soles of adult feet, echoed strangely through the passage.

The smell of decay and blood grew stronger and little Muke took a deep breath as he lowered his voice: "Don't make any noise and lie down under the mushroom bushes and pretend to be a corpse, understand?"

Little Muke hurriedly found a place to hide Bai six's blood bag, haphazardly picked some mushrooms to cover it up, then took a deep breath and lay face down in the mushrooms.

When Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang finally reached this section of the tunnel, Miao Feichi looked around with a frown as she wiped the blood off her knife: "What's that noise? Did someone sound like they were talking just now? It didn't sound like the kids we killed earlier, but rather like two living people talking?"

The more agile Miao Feichi was more aware of all aspects of sound, but a quick look around revealed no strange movements and soon Miao Gaojiang was urging him on, "Stop looking, let's go, this place is obviously a nest of those monstrous children."

The further they went in Miao Gaojiang was sure of this, a narrow, gloomy passage full of mushrooms, the entrance on one side being a church and the entrance on the other a safe passage for dumping dead children and medical paraphernalia, which the nurse told them had been abandoned after the number of investors had increased and [the investors] had selected children in the form of [matching].

However, when Miao Gaojiang entered the abandoned passage, in addition to the presence of the deformed children at the entrance, they could also see signs of their activities as they walked inside, proving that these children had survived in the abandoned passage.

Miao Gaojiang's face became more and more gloomy as he thought of the monstrous children who were nowhere to be seen during the day: "The monstrous children are out between 9pm and 9am, the rest of the time they stay in this passage. We'll be stuck in this passage with these little monsters returning to their nest."

When Miao Feichi heard Miao Gaojiang's urging, he looked down at the time and saw that it was eight fifty-one, almost nine o'clock, so there was indeed no time to waste.

There were two main reasons for his misgivings. The first was that Miao Gaojiang had been anxious since he woke up from the explosion, but his father was usually a very calm person, which gave Miao Feichi an internal feeling of anxious unease.

Secondly - Miao Feichi's eyes glanced at the bodies of two children buried downwards in the mushroom bushes on the ground, he had seen a lot of children's bodies in this passage along the way and it would not have surprised Miao Feichi to see them in this place. Miao Feichi would not have been surprised by their presence in this place.

After all, the [investors] would not allow such an inauspicious presence as an incinerator and a mortuary in this hospital.

There is no place to dispose of children's bodies in the hospital, the nurses use this safe passage as a waste pathway for children's bodies - and the fungus present in this pathway is just enough to survive on the decomposition of these bodies, thus reproducing more mushrooms that can decompose them, making it a perfect ecological waste pathway for body waste disposal channel.

Miao Feichi, a player with relatively high agility but average intelligence, usually trusts his in-game instincts, and this is when he asks his relatively more intellectually advanced father to take a look at the situation.

But now that Miao Gaojiang seems to be in a poor state, and if this tunnel is, as Miao Gaojiang says, the daytime lair of these monstrous children, then indeed time is short, Miao Feichi finally withdraws his gaze and he takes a few steps forward.

A slow sigh of relief escapes little Muke as he hears them move on, and before the sigh of relief is complete, Miao Feichi, who is moving on, suddenly stops.

Miao Feichi turns his head back a little, the joints of his neck loosening and twisting into place, and he looks back at the two "corpses" with a wild, frightening, incredibly excited look.

There is a small stain of water on the shoulder of the "corpse's" back, and Miao Feichi looks at it and slowly licks her mouth.

Miao Gaojiang knew by the look in his eyes that Miao Feichi had a flesh addiction and was just about to interrupt what Miao Feichi was trying to do with a headache when he heard Miao Feichi ask him in a voice so soft that it was unbelievable because surprise was slightly warbling, "Father, these two children are clothes are wet, they are sweating, I can smell fresh sweat."

"They were living people, living children who had escaped."

The living child who would still find a way to escape at this point - Miao Gaojiang was stunned, but his eyes glazed over and he reacted very quickly, "It's Bai Liu's group of players' children!!!"

Oh no!!!

A cold chill ran through little Muke's heart, and after a few thoughts flitted through his mind, he grabbed the blood bag in his arms and without saying a word, started to jump up from the ground and ran like mad towards the exit of the hospital, while little Miao Gaojiang also got up from the mushroom patch and ran after Muke with a white face.

Miao Feichi gave a low, sarcastic laugh as he pulled out his twin swords with a swipe, "Damn it, I almost blew up last night, if I don't bleed you kids dry and eat all your flesh today, I'll lose face even if I get out of here."

He narrowed his eyes for a moment after he finished and suddenly whistled, "That's OK, it took no time at all to get here, and today it came with a delivery of blood, Dad, your kids are in there too."

Miao Gaojiang was always relieved to see his kid, his face composed, "See, Feichi you take care to avoid the aorta when you kill him, don't waste blood."

"OK." Miao Feichi scimitar over his elbow, casually wiping the mushroom goo and blood from his blade, he licked the skin of his mouth which had no blood at all, a crimson and bloody light shining in his eyes, "Kill you and the game is not far from over. "

Little Muke ran as fast as he could, his heart had never hurt so much, he could clearly feel the amount of blood that exceeded his heart's load pouring into his heart like a bomb and then exploding away in his heart with a 'pounding' jump, the brilliant red blood going back through the ventricles of his heart in a way that made him feel a sharp pain and tingling in his hands and feet, rushing into every vein of his limbs.

He inhaled and exhaled as loudly as he could, but it felt like the air was separated by an invisible, wind-like filtering membrane, and his lungs burned as they couldn't absorb the oxygen in the air in general.

Muke had never run so fast before, in his limited life he had more often than not crouched and looked up at people because it was easier to bleed back that way, Muke had never run at such a pace that he felt like he was going to explode off his legs and turn into a bug in the wind, and he never knew he could actually run so fast.

Muke clutches the bag of blood drawn from Bai six's body, and he feels like he's going to vomit blood into it the next second.

His eyes filled with physical tears, he ran and choked, like a valuable but congenitally defective cat that had finally awakened its running instinct from its hothouse under the stimulus of its natural predator, Muke knew his knees were weak, his mind was blank from lack of oxygen, but he ran on mechanical legs.

Don't stop, live Muke, Bai six said weakly, lying in the crook of his arm, as if praying, as if begging, as if calmly telling him what he must do - Muke, you must save my investors, you must live, Muke.

It's not that he's crying, but he's getting a bit dizzy from the speedy movement.

Muke's nose began to bleed, dripping onto the backs of his hands as he clutched the blood bag to his chest, but he was no longer aware of this, Muke just ran with his eyes blank, completely unaware that Miao Feichi had caught up with him behind him.

Miao Feichi gripped his twin swords and looked at the little Muke, who was still running wild: "Damn, you're a fast runner, I almost didn't catch you."

He raises his twin glowing knives, their thin shifting shadows reflecting on the tunnel walls like a scythe of death, and Miao Feichi slashes at the shoulder of the unconscious but still running young Muke.

Little Muke's eyes went black and he felt himself being lifted hard and lightly into the arms of a wind that slid through another exit.

Someone had saved him, and he was now resting against the spot where this rescuer's heart had been, the other man's heartbeat was nothing like his own, beating slowly and calmly, one after the other, like drops of water dripping regularly from the rocks of a remote cliff where no one would go, and no one could disturb the rate of his heartbeat.

--Even if the man now held a scimitar strong enough to kill him, it would not be enough to disrupt the regularity of his breathing and heartbeat.

[System Alert: Player Bai Liu uses Mu Sicheng's personal skill (Thief Stalking), movement speed +3700, stamina is flying down ......]

[System Alert: Player Bai Liu used Mu Sicheng's personal skill (Thief Monkey Claw) to block player Miao Feichi's attack]

"Damn, it's you again Bai Liu! Miao Feichi instantly exploded as he gritted his teeth and pressed the knife down, "Liu Huai, your hand is gone too, you've come to me, I'll see who else will help you today!

Miao Feichi bellowed and danced furiously, the silver light of his blades flashing across the tunnel. Feichi was trying to do the same thing again, trying to disarm Bai Liu without knowing how long he had left to live.

Bai Liu used his high shift speed to sidestep Miao Feichi's powerful slash, and then turned back to deal with Miao Feichi several times with his monkey claws. Bai Liu was about to lose his grip.

Little Muke took two steps backwards, his heart still thumping and unsettled, and as he ran he suddenly turned his head to look at the investor who had saved him and was still fighting.

This is an investor who will save children - [he won't kill you because he's a strangely nice guy and he'll save you].

Little Muke burst into tears and giggles, stumbling and running on all fours, tears flowing like an outpouring of emotion all over his tiny face - he did save me little Bai six, your investor is really weird, obviously not a nice guy - -He did save me.

--He got you killed and saved me, and I can't figure out what he was trying to do, just like I can't figure out what you were trying to do.

It was clear that neither you nor he were good people, but in the end both fought tooth and nail to save me, but we only met on Sunday, and on Wednesday it looked like you and your investor were both going to die for me.

I don't want that.

Little Muke's running stopped and he tried to turn around, only to be yanked by someone hiding in the mushroom bushes, he almost screamed out in fear but was quickly covered by his eyes.

The other guy lowered his voice and scanned him up and down twice in a bit of an odd way: "...... What are you doing running backwards?! Giving away heads you? Don't go and make a mess for him!"

Little Muke's face was covered in sticky tears as he clutched the bag of blood in his arms and choked up as he looked at the man, "But I don't want to see him die for me, I promised Bai six I would save him."

Muke breathed very softly for a moment in silence, then said, "I don't want to see him die either, but he also promised me he wouldn't, so let's trust him and just wait."

Muke and Liu Huai were hiding around a corner in the tunnel, neither of them having any significant combat power left, so Bai Liu asked them to hide while he went out to meet the enemy alone, Muke objected vehemently at first, saying that Bai Liu's 0.5 combat ability was no better than his. This was probably the first time Muke had retorted to Bai Liu with sarcasm, but he soon stopped his sarcasm under Bai Liu's gaze, blushing, but not apologising.

But soon Bai Liu came up with a plan to briefly contain Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang, and this plan barely convinced Muke.

"This tunnel is the daytime habitat of the monstrous child monsters." Bai Liu said, "They come back from outside as soon as nine o'clock rolls around, and the little monsters would certainly attack if they came across us, the alien intruders, but they find people by locating them by phone, whereas we -"

Muke's epiphany: "- we have two calls that can avoid being located! It was snatched from the deformed children's side! As long as our phones stay connected, they won't be able to find us and will go and attack Miao Feichi and the others!"

Bai Liu nodded, "Although this attack may not drag on for long, it will allow us to escape with little Muke, the hospital side is definitely out of the question, after nine o'clock the investors and nurses there are getting active and it's not safe, we'll have to go through the church side, which is a safe area for children."

Muke took a deep breath and looked at Bai Liu, he leaned forward and met Bai Liu's gaze and tone even a little aggressively: "Okay Bai Liu, your plan seems to be in order, but I have a question for you, we only have two phones from the deformed children, we have three, which means that one person's phone is not available, and that person will be attacked like Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang. There is one person whose phone is not available and that person will be attacked like Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang, who are you going to make the person who will be attacked?"

Bai Liu's eyes touched Muke's very lightly and he dropped his eyes, "When we have little Muke, we'll have a third phone that can call and take up my phone, or we can pick up one of these dead deformed children's phones, or I can steal one, there's always a way."

"Don't you dare try to fool me." Muke's chest heaves slightly as he calmly retorts Bai Liu's words, "Children's phones can't dial out after nine o'clock, dead deformed children's phones don't work, and the way you're going about stealing one-"

Muke's eyes fell on the broken arm and his breath and tone began to take on urgency, "You only have one arm to use, if you steal you have no way to defend against an attack, and we don't have anyone left on our side who can cooperate with your theft, Liu Huai is delirious, I have no offensive power, and these options you're talking about simply won't work, so in the end we only have two working child phones."

"That means that one of the three is bound to have his phone ring." Muke stared straight at Bai Liu, " Bai Liu, who is this person?"

Bai Liu looks up at Muke very quietly, his eyes are calm, like a lake that can be seen clearly at the bottom.

"Haven't you already guessed, Muke ? This man is me."

Muke exhaled a slow, cloudy breath, his hands wrung together as he tried his best to keep the words calm: "I disagree, Bai Liu, I disagree, you only have 0.5 life, Liu Huai and I do not have the power to attack, we simply do not have the means or the ability to protect you in the chaos of a ringing phone. "

"There's no one to protect you, you'll really die." Muke spoke one word at a time as he looked at Bai Liu's unmoving expression and pleaded in a hard voice, "...... don't do this will you Bai Liu ?"

Bai Liu paused for a moment and then he suddenly let out a soft laugh, "Who says there's no one to protect me?"

Muke was stunned: "Who else can protect you?"

Bai Liu spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders with a very indifferent smile, "I can protect myself."

But in the end, Bai Liu convinced Muke with a very, very risky solution.

Muke closed his eyes to end the memory and looked down at his wrist like a watch he had picked up from the rubble of the explosion last night, the seconds hand slowly turning and finally aligning with zero.

It's nine o'clock.

Muke's breathing slowed and then quickly became eager again as he took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Huai's number to make sure that Liu Huai's phone was on hold and would not be found by a call from a deformed child returning to the nest.

Muke looked up at Bai Liu, who was still struggling with Miao Feichi, and clutched the phone in his hand, hesitating a few times to press the number before finally leaning against the wall and taking a deep breath, his fingers shaking a little as he pressed his own number.

Muke's phone was picked up before he had a chance to ring, and now that both phones were useless, Muke leaned against the wall and gritted his teeth, closing his eyes, not daring to look behind him.

--If things don't turn out the way Bai Liu expects, then Bai Liu is dead for sure.

There was a rustling at the end of the passage on either side, like the sound of rats scurrying across the ground, a sound that came from all sides, as if a pack of rats were burrowing out of the ground, sniffing for food, and a stronger scent of blood and decay flowed through Muke's nostrils, a scent that was getting closer and closer to Muke, but strangely he didn't see anything approaching, but the scurrying voice had crossed over to him and moved forward.

The little Muke in his arms tugged at his sleeve and pointed upwards with a wry look on his face.

Muke looked up into the tunnel - and held his breath at the number of strange, misshapen children, square-headed, with tiny, deformed limbs, bulging bones, abnormally white, with abnormally large mouths, eyes in their temples, crippled and crouching - all of them covered with various infusion bags, waddling along like bats at night. --these deformed children, all covered in various infusion bags, waddled along like bats at night, hanging from the ceiling wall of the tunnel, their eyes reflecting a dazzling green light, like some variant of the blood-sucking bat.

The tunnel was extremely dimly lit, and with the children buried in the mushroom bushes and covered in colourful bags of the same colour as the mushrooms, Muke didn't realise for a moment that the children had 'walked' from above.

"Feichi, it's nine o'clock, I hear voices coming this way, the deformed kids are back!" Miao Gaojiang lowered his voice, "Leave Bai Liu alone! It's useless to kill him! Grab the kids! Be careful not to alert the kid monsters, they sound like there are a lot of them and will drain our blood ......"

Before Miao Gaojiang can say anything, Bai Liu pulls a long, fluorescent, snow-white whip out of his body without hesitation and throws it down with a bolt of force directly above him!

His fishbone whip was not strong enough to harm these child monsters, but his weapon's judgment was strong enough to instantly attract the hate value and attention of these child monsters. Sure enough, all the deformed children who had been pattering and scurrying forward stopped in their tracks, and their green eyes opened and looked straight down at the few investors.

[System Alert: Player Bai Liu has angered the deformed child who went back to sleep in the tunnel and they have decided to punish the bad guy severely!

"Shit! Bai Liu are you crazy!!! This monstrous child monster will attack you too!!!" Miao Feichi looked up and saw so many child monsters on top and her face changed, "How can there be so many child monsters! How many children have been killed in this hospital!!!"

The children tilted their heads and let out sharp cries as they crawled down the wall like wriggling, disturbed bats with sharp claws, grabbing the wall and crawling down in a dense mass towards Miao Feichi and Bai Liu.

But in such dimly lit tunnels, it is certainly impossible to pinpoint the object of one's attack and one's companions by the eyes alone. Just as bats rely on ultrasound to locate them, this group of monstrous blood-sucking monster children who have survived in the tunnels for so long, like bats whose eyes and vision have degenerated somewhat, rely on sound to locate them.

Miao Feichi, Miao Gaojiang and Bai Liu's phones rang at the same time, and like bats that smell something fishy, the children instantly raised their syringes to the other side of the phone, giggling and laughing innocently, with overly innocent expressions on their faces, but holding syringes the size of a human head, they kept They were waving and attacking with what looked like a lot of force.

Bai Liu held the phone between his shoulder and chin as he pressed the connect button without hesitation, picking up the first call with a sharp, thin smile on the other side of the line, "Mr. Investor, I've found you!"

Out of the pile of deformed children bursts a child with a grim, innocent and hideous smile, lunging at Bai Liu with a huge syringe in his hand, which Bai Liu whips away, but from then on the child sticks to Bai Liu, crouching and wandering around him like a child coveting candy, ready to lunge and sink the syringe into Bai Liu's neck. Bai Liu's neck and drew blood from it.

At the same time, Bai Liu's phone rang again and he picked it up again without changing his face, with the same sharp, monstrous child's sardonic laugh: "Found you! Blood! I want Mr Blood Investor!"

A child emerges from the wall covered in slime and is about to bite Bai Liu's shoulder, but Bai Liu narrowly catches him with his monkey paw and shakes him off with a whip.


"Give me blood!!!"

"Kill you!!!"

The monstrous child grinned hideously and roared, snarling, tilting its head back and whistling as it moved closer to Bai Liu's surroundings, his face white and bloodless, uninjured but clearly struggling to manoeuvre. It was only a matter of time.

Even Miao Feichi was amazed by Bai Liu's self-destructive approach: " Is Bai Liu crazy? Why does he keep answering the phone when he'll be completely locked in by the deformed kid on the phone who can't get away!"

Miao Gaojiang felt strange when he saw Bai Liu being overwhelmed by the child monster he had attracted by answering the phone.

Although this way of picking up the phone is effective in reducing the efficiency of being swarmed, there is also the obvious disadvantage of being constantly pestered by children, so Miao Gaojiang and co. would never use this method - multiple playthroughs have taught them that it's a pain in the ass to be constantly pestered by monsters.

Miao Gaojiang's own defence is high enough to withstand it, but Miao Feichi's blood is already being eaten up by the piles of kids attacking in groups! And he really doesn't want to waste his time fighting Bai Liu.

"I've got my children, the one who got away is Muke -" Miao Gaojiang yelled through clenched teeth as he grabbed little Miao Gaojiang's hand in a firm grip, "Feichi, let's break out first and leave the kid and Bai Liu alone! Let's break out and leave the kid and Bai Liu alone!!!"

Miao Feichi looked back reluctantly, but at the sight of the defiant Bai Liu he couldn't help but sneer, "Never mind, you're going to die in this tunnel anyway, the difference is just whether it's mine to kill or not." He lifted his twin swords and hacked away at the small children surrounding him and went after Miao Gaojiang.

Behind him, Bai Liu was overshadowed by the gradual influx of children, and just when Miao Feichi thought they would just walk out of the tunnel, Bai Liu over there suddenly burst into laughter.

He picked up the phone with that expectedly relieved easy smile on his face at last, "Finally, I've waited for you to call."

The voice on the other side of the phone was a little hoarse, but still calm: "It's me."

From the end of the church side something was suddenly moving at speed, this thing stepping over the bodies of all the deformed children piled up like little mountains, stomping over them as if they were on flat ground.

Like a gust of wind blowing from the entrance on the other side of the church, used by God to save the world, he swept away the children whose piles were almost crushing Bai Liu with a steady kick, landing on his paws with a light and steady forward point, the sprinting wind whipping up his blood-stained clothes and dropping them again.

Someone, and that doesn't seem right, should say there was a little monster that fell from the sky.

He landed like a falling willow leaf in Bai Liu's enclosure, standing unmoved in front of him like an unformed protector.

Bai Liu's phone calls stop and all the deformed children lose their quarry and start to back away in confusion, looking as if they are shocked by the sudden appearance of this man.

Little Muke, hiding in the shadows, looked motionlessly at the sudden appearance of the guy, forgetting to breathe or blink, and could only concentrate, God Quan, on the child who stood in Bai Liu's way, his expression so earnest and hard that he seemed on the verge of tears in the next moment.

Bai Liu, who seemed to know and understand this man well, casually tossed him his fishbone whip and stood back to back with him with his monkey paw outstretched.

The back of his hands and the backs of his drooping feet were covered with small and large bruised pinholes from the blood draw, his lips were dry and cracked, his clothes in front of him were covered in black spit-up blood, and the ends of his hair were stained with water from the baptismal pool and hung damply over his thin, thin shoulders. His hair was stained with water from the baptismal pool and hung wetly over his thin, thin shoulders.

Little Bai Six held up the phone and Bai Liu held up the phone, and he could hear little Bai Six's plaintive voice falling through the phone and through the air at the same time, like some kind of beautiful polyphony in his ears.

He heard little Bai six say to him, "Good morning, Mr. Investor, I don't seem to be late."

Little Bai Six shook the bone whip in his hand, he wasn't breathing, he didn't have a heartbeat, even his voice had a strange quiet and hoarse quality to it, "I'm going to double my money on something like asking me to take on a job after I'm dead, Mr. Investor, at two hundred a minute."

Bai Liu smiled lazily, "Fine, add whatever you want, all my money is yours."

[System Alert: Player Bai Liu's secondary identity line died due to blood being drawn and dumped in the tunnels causing the corpse to alienate, final alienation completed -]

[- Player Bai Liu's secondary identity line becomes a deformed child in the Monster Book]

Published at: 03/28/2022 05:10