Chapter 119: The Caring Orphanage

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Bai Liu was lost in thought for a second or two after Muke hung up the phone.

It seems like these little kids don't like him very much. ...... He doesn't seem to have been very attractive to kids since he was a kid.

The sound of nurses' heels clicking on the floor was suddenly heard outside the door, the nurses were heading for the lifts and it was clear that something had happened that required them to gather.

Bai Liu's eyes sank slightly, "A patient is awake."

"It can't be such a coincidence ......" Muke's face solidified as he inclined his head towards Bai Liu, "It can't be Miao Feichi and the others who are awake, can it?"

7.30am, 2nd floor, Intensive Care Unit.

Miao Gaojiang's body was covered in red and black burns, he choked and coughed as the nurse helped him up, turned to the still unconscious Miao Feichi on the other bed and gritted his teeth - even though he had deflected most of the attacks for Miao Feichi, his fragile son's life loss was still higher than his. even though he had blocked most of the attacks for Miao Feichi, his fragile son's life loss was still higher than his.

And he's not losing a lot of life.

Miao Gaojiang shifted his body against the pillow with difficulty, his eyes glowing gloomily as he looked at his life level panel.

[System Alert: Player Miao Gaojiang has 23 life points]

Even in league matches, Miao Gaojiang, with his high defence, had rarely taken such a big hit at once.

He gulped down a headache from his stamina rejuvenator and mental bleach, his face obscurely Buming - he was down to 23 life points, and Miao Feichi's would only be lower than his.

This caused Miao Gaojiang's expression to finally turn cold and solemn.

Bai Liu, this madman, this man is totally desperate to earn their blood, as much as he can.

It was clear that Bai Liu had given up on the investor pass, and had put all his chips on the kids.

After clearing his mind, Miao Gaojiang used the credit to buy some protective straps to wrap his own wound, which was still oozing blood, and then got up to wrap Miao Feichi's wound, then gently shook Miao Feichi awake, grimacing. Gaojiang helped him up.

Miao Feichi was given a tube of psycho-bleach and a tube of stamina restorer by his father while he was unconscious, and he woke up with a large intake of fluids that made Miao Feichi hold the side of the bed and vomit a few times before he wiped his mouth and came to consciousness.

" Feichi, how much life do you have?" Miao Gaojiang asked with a frown as soon as he saw Miao Feichi had sobered up.

Miao Feichi clicked on his attribute panel and couldn't help but give a fuck, his face darkening, "Shit, only eleven points left."

"...... is a bit too low." Miao Gaojiang's eyebrows knitted together, "I was thinking if you had enough life to kill Bai Liu we'd go through the Children's Home, but if you drop two life points in a matchup you're down ten, and that's already [Death Foretold] life."

[Death Forewarning] is a term used by spectators within the league, also called [Death Threshold], which refers to a league confrontation where one of the players' life value drops below a certain value, the system will send a [Death Threshold] notification to that player, telling you that this is now a dangerous lifeline, which is basically the kind of life value that can be taken away in one wave in a group battle or siege.

A player who drops this threshold life level will definitely be set on fire and will soon be taken from the field, so dropping to this life level is also considered a death foretold by the audience, so this [Death Threshold] notification sent by the system is also called [Death Foretold].

Miao Feichi's [Death Threshold] is usually 9, and Miao Gaojiang's is usually 1, as he has higher defence and is not as easily taken away in one wave.

Miao Feichi touched the bloody wound on his face and drew a cold breath, he was in pain and angry: "Fuck death foreknowledge, Bai Liu is just a non-league F panel player, the old me death threshold is usually for high players within the league, how does he deserve to mention ...... to me "

"He hasn't even made the league yet, and his panel is only F-ranked, and he can also press your lifeline down near the threshold in a single attack, while pressing mine down by half." Miao Gaojiang calmly interrupted Miao Feichi's incessant insults, "Don't you think he's scarier?"

Miao Feichi shows his teeth with a frosty expression.

Miao Gaojiang took a deep breath: "We found the wrong propaganda to sacrifice to the flag, you can click on the system panel to see, we have to give up sacrificing Bai Liu to the flag to pass the game quickly, otherwise we will both die in this game."

Miao Feichi wrinkled his brow and clicked on his system panel, where he saw a bright red system notification.

[System warmly reminds: Tomorrow Thursday, Thursday is the day of sickness, investors who have not yet gotten the blood lingzhi to cure their terminal illness in time players will be attached a (sickness) buff once 0:00 has passed, sickness (buff) will make players blood bar slowly drop, please players to speed up the speed of clearance]

Miao Gaojiang looked grave: "This [Sickness] is a forced weakening [debuff] that is going to eat our life value, according to the song, [Friday] we are going to [Sickness], which means that this [debuff] will most likely eat up our life value on Friday, life value is precious to us at this time, but for Bai Liu, a group of guys who have given up on the investor pass route, life points don't matter to them and can be wasted at will."

Miao Gaojiang leans forward, half crouching down to stare at the still bewildered Miao Feichi: "Because they don't expect to go through the investor route at all, you know, Feichi? All of them, including Liu Huai, have chosen to sacrifice themselves to protect their children."

"And we choose ourselves, and it means nothing to us that we kill them, because their hopes and desires are in their other selves."

His eyes grew dark and gloomy, "And killing these kids and sucking the blood out of them to survive is the first thing we need to do to get through the level, understand Feichi? Stop messing around with Bai Liu and get down to business."

Miao Feichi gritted his teeth reluctantly as he finally nodded.

Miao Gaojiang was relieved that Miao Feichi was impulsive and irritable, but listened to him when it came to the survival of their father and son, or maybe that was why he couldn't help but coddle Miao Feichi and even help him to do wrong - he was indeed a good boy who listened to his father.

Just doesn't really listen to his mother that much.

But he really listened to his father - when he saw his father suffering from his sick mother, when he wanted to kill the woman who was dragging the Quan family down, when he wanted to end his life and find a better woman but was afraid that his mother would find out and scream that he wouldn't get the woman's inheritance When Miao Feichi steps up to be his father's hero and ends his tormented life for him.

"We have to survive this time too, okay, Feichi?" Miao Gaojiang whispered as he caressed the face of Miao Feichi, who was leaning against his waist and stomach, as his spirit level dropped below 20 and then forcibly returned, leaving Miao Gaojiang in a vaguely abnormal state - the aftermath of the spirit level drop.

Miao Gaojiang breathes as if he is regulating himself, he inhales and exhales deeply, fear, tyranny, and madness lurking beneath a seemingly calm surface, spitting out words with a twisted neurotic quality: "We can defeat even something like your mother, there is nothing we cannot defeat."

Miao Feichi, bandaged and pale, looks up at Miao Gaojiang, his weakness making him look much softer.

For a moment Miao Gaojiang's eyes flashed to the snowy dots of the television, and the face of Miao Feichi, sitting in a hospital bed, began to overlap in black and white with the face of another, dead and dying woman.

The woman's eyes, which refused to close, stared stonily at the cold glass of water sitting on the counter by the window as she lay twisted and wide open, her jaws hanging open all the way to her chest, revealing the black mouth of her throat - with no tongue inside.

The tongue was cut off and eaten by Miao Feichi.

It was eaten by this good son who listened to his father.

Little Miao Feichi stands by his mother's bedside, subtly looking forward with that salivating gaze at his mother's tongue sticking out of the glass as she drinks the boiling water, gently making delicious ripples in the glass, and the little boy's eyes wavering with the ripples, swallowing, and the eyes gradually overlapping with the Miao Feichi now in the hospital bed.

Miao Gaojiang's heart throbbed and he violently pushed Miao Feichi away from him, who looked at him in confusion and impatience: "Father, what are you doing?

Miao Gaojiang forced a smile: "No, it's nothing, I'm not in a good state of mind."

Turning around Miao Gaojiang tilted his head again and downed a bottle of mental bleach in one go, his mental values jumping up and down due to the after effects being extremely unstable.

Now Miao Gaojiang is more than aware that he is experiencing the after-effects of his mental value dropping below 20, but he doesn't want to admit it, nor does he dare to - he is starting to lose a bit of separation between reality and illusion, and subconscious fear is eating away at his brain, a prelude to insanity.

Miao Gaojiang gritted his teeth, cold sweat seeping from his forehead as he raised his hand to wipe it from his face, forcing himself to calm down.

Miao Gaojiang turned to the nurse: "When do we go through the orphanage for adoption today?"

The nurse said with some difficulty, "Because the explosion on the private hospital side injured many investors, today's pairing with the orphanage was supposed to be cancelled."

Miao Gaojiang's face fell: "But we're going to be [very sick] tomorrow, can we be given a separate pairing?"

"...... can be fine, but if you only go there with the two of you, the orphanage won't be open to avoid children escaping, so if you must go there, you can only go there by using one of the tunnels on this side of the hospital that leads straight to the orphanage church." The nurse explained, her eyes dodging a little.

"Previously children who were baptised in the church would be brought directly to this side of the hospital through this tunnel, but recently there has been an increasing number of seriously ill investors before the selection part of [matching] this, but you have been matched with your own children, so you can instead go straight through this tunnel to collect them."

Miao Gaojiang breathed a sigh of relief: "Where is the entrance to this tunnel?"

The nurse was eerily silent for two seconds, "The safe passage is directly below."


" Bai Liu, how are you sure that the exit from the tunnels is directly underneath the safe passage?" Muke asked with some confusion and fear, he swallowed hard, glanced at the time on the wall clock hanging in the ward and said cautiously, "It's after eight in the morning, those monstrous child monsters in the safe passage don't disappear completely until after nine, they should still be lingering around the safe exit, should we just go there?"

Muke's eyes crossed uncomfortably over Liu Huai's broken arms and Bai Liu's still bloodstained side of his sleeve, and as much as he hated to admit it, he opened his mouth honestly, "I'm not in any condition to fight, and you guys are in bad shape, so if we go over there like this, we could easily die in a head-on confrontation with those kid monsters, and if your guess is wrong and the tunnel exit isn't under the safe passage, we'd be totally going over there and giving up our heads."

At this point Muke's eyes and tone became serious as he sat with his legs together and leaned forward to look at Bai Liu with his hands gripping the corners of his shirt: " little Bai six is dead, you can't just gamble now Bai Liu, we can't make any risky decisions because if we make a mistake, you will be the first of us to die. You have only 0.5 to live."

"I can't be 100 per cent sure." Bai Liu's expression remained calm, "but I'm probably ninety percent sure it's the same place."

Bai Liu scanned Muke: "I deduced this conclusion for probably two reasons, firstly, if such tunnels exist between private hospitals and orphanages, then the function of the tunnels is most likely to transport children, and that's what little Muke told us - the people going to and from this tunnel are child monsters who have been drained of blood, and the place where the most hospital child monsters are found is the safe passage."

He faintly extended a second finger, "Secondly, Muke, do you remember the orphanage we went to in reality?"

Muke was stunned and he nodded.

Bai Liu continued, "Didn't that teacher tell us that the orphanage has since downsized a lot? After I went back, I checked the 3D comparison between the original building map of this orphanage and the current building map, this orphanage also had a church before, then the orphanage downsized and the place, the church, was carved out of the orphanage and converted into a Guess where the security exit on the ground floor of this converted hospital was built?"

Muke held his breath and looked at Bai Liu, who answered with unparalleled calm: "The location of the idol built in the original church of the orphanage is exactly the same as the entrance and exit of this tunnel in the game."

"Can't we go after nine?" Muke frowned, "It will be much safer for you after nine."

"For me it is." Bai Liu stood up, he picked up his long bone whip and shook it around his wrist to briefly warm up before the fight.

Bai Liu's face was pale and his eyes were unmoving as he squinted at Muke who was still sitting on his knees: "But not for the other you, Miao Gaojiang and Miao Feichi should have woken up already, they shouldn't come after us because we [investors] who are not going to pass the level will only waste their If I were Miao Gaojiang, I would immediately go to the orphanage and draw the blood of children."

"And little Muke had just called to tell us that the gate to the orphanage was not open, so that meant that it was unlikely that Miao Gaojiang and the nurses at this hospital must have known about this tunnel for transporting children, and if the nurses had told Miao Gaojiang about this tunnel, then Miao If the nurse told Miao Gaojiang about the tunnel, then it is likely that Miao Gaojiang would have used the tunnel to get to the orphanage."

Bai Liu's eyes continued to drop down to Muke's clenched hand, "Which means that if we don't get there soon, little Muke will be ambushed and then you'll be in as much danger as I am, and you should know that, right?"

Muke pursed his lips as he lowered his head and retorted very softly, "That's okay I guess, I think it's better to make sure you're alive first, you only have 0.5 and I have 6 life points."

"Look me straight in the eye and talk Muke ." Bai Liu looked faint to almost nothing, "Your hands are shaking, surprisingly scared then don't say more nonsense, get up and let's go, let's go first, we are indeed at a disadvantage now-"

Bai Liu lowered his head and pinned the handle of his whip to Muke's forehead, Muke looked at Bai Liu in a daze and Bai Liu said to him with a serene look in his eyes, "- but Muke, that doesn't mean we're going to lose, especially if losing would cost me a lot. price, I will do whatever it takes to win this game."

Published at: 03/27/2022 17:10