Chapter 57: true and male virtues

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Xu Pei froze, looked down at the down jacket Xingchen Di was wearing.

"When did he send it?"

He remembered that when they met, Xingchen Di was wearing this down jacket.

Xingchen Di then said, "Didn't you go to my house over the weekend? Just a short time after you left, I came back after dropping you off and saw Huo sitting in my living room."

He then told Xu Pei about the time he accompanied Cheng Huo to buy the clothes, and how Cheng Huo gave him the down jacket.

Xu Pei thought he was wrong.

He had always thought Cheng Huo was sober and not as good at things as Zhi Yan, but now he was very wrong.

One by one, they are underestimated.

"I say this dress doesn't fit you very well." Xu Pei said.

Probably finished himself also feel that this statement is a bit open-minded to say blind, Xu Pei added a sentence: "The clothes are quite expensive, and the hat is different."

"Yeah, it's expensive, and I'm still trying to figure out how to give him something back, and I don't know what to get him yet."

Xu Pei gave a "hmm" and said, "I'll help you think about it."


"The hat I gave you is not worth much." Xu Pei added, "Then you don't have to return it. You're not giving me a seashell."

Xingchen Di said, "I can't even hold the shells anymore."

"In fact, we eight, people are good, send things are out of the goodness of their hearts, may be the economic situation is different, they do not consider the price when sending things, you do not need to return, I think the shell is very heart, I like it."

Xingchen Di nodded and said, "I know."

He said with a slight smile, looked at Xu Pei and said, "Everyone is a very nice person."

"Well," Xu Pei says, "it's all good."

But the good is good, became a love rival will not work.

Thinking of the enemy, the enemy arrives.

They both suddenly became aware of someone walking head-on toward them.

It's Zhi Yan.

Xingchen Di immediately waved a hand at Zhi Yan.

Xu Pei smile on his face faded, and put his hand in his pants pocket.

Zhi Yan shouted from a distance, "What took you so long to get out."

Said as if out to pick up his daughter-in-law.

"We're going to see Duan." Xingchen Di said, "Let's go together."

Zhi Yan walked up to him and took a look at Xu Pei. He was not wearing glasses and his eyebrows looked strange. He should have just taken a shower, his hair was fluffy, and his lips were redder than usual.

This love interest is really very delicate looking.

"Have they gone back, Huo?" Zhi Yan asked.

Xingchen Di gave a "hmm".

Zhi Yan took out Xingchen Di's gloves from his pocket: "I see you forgot to put them on. Better put them on, it's too cold here."

Zhi Yan did not treat Xu Pei as his rival and did not restrain himself in front of him.

He thinks Xu Pei shouldn't even care.

Xu Pei turns his gaze into the distance.

More than one look at him is distracting.

Zhi Yan looked at Xu Pei for a moment and saw him looking away, thinking to himself, "Xu Pei is not a bad guy, he knows how to give them space.

When they arrived at Room 2, Qingning Lin was washing his feet and stood up as soon as he saw them enter.

They are also a big bed, and Yihua Duan is lying on one side wrapped in a quilt, with only a little hair showing.

"Are you asleep?" Xingchen Di asked Qingning Lin in a soft voice.

Who knew that just as he finished speaking, he saw Yihua Duan turn his head.

Seeing Xingchen Di and them, Yihua Duan immediately had to sit up.

"Don't you get up," Xingchen Di said busily, "we came to see you."

Yihua Duan lay down against the pillow, he looked haggard, his voice was hoarse, and said, "I am much better."

"No fever, right?" Zhi Yan asked.

Yihua Duan coughed and said, "No fever, just a little cough, I'm better now."

"It's too cold over here." Zhi Yan said.

"Your house is quite warm." Xingchen Di said.

Qingning Lin said, "The house burned with fire walls."

Xingchen Di touched one of the walls next to him, and it was really hot.

It is similar to a heater.

"It's better than that fire bed in Room 3. Xu Pei and Ying Hu don't know if they'll turn into grilled fish tonight." Xingchen Di says with a smile.

Yihua Duan leaned on the pillow, quietly watched Xingchen Di and laughed after him.

Perhaps because of his illness, his heart is extra sad and soft, and seeing Xingchen Di's smiling face warms his heart.

Xingchen Di breathed new life into the frail man. His youth and vibrancy made him envious and heartwarming.

Feelings really can not be suppressed, the more suppressed the more rebellious.

"Let Duan rest early." Zhi Yan said, "It's getting late too."

Qingning Lin put on his thick cotton socks, looked at Xu Pei and said, "I heard that not everyone is used to sleeping on a fire bed, so you must be careful when you sleep at night, it is not good to be too hot."

Xu Pei gave a "hmm".

Xingchen Di then glanced at Qingning Lin.

He suddenly felt that Qingning Lin seemed to care more about Xu Pei and often found something to talk to him about.

I didn't expect Zhi Yan to notice this, and when he came out he said to Xu Pei, "Ning Qing seems to care about you all the time."

Xu Pei is such a meticulous person, how could he not know that Qingning Lin likes him? But Zhi Yan suddenly said this in front of Xingchen Di at this time, Xu Pei was quite suspicious of his intentions.

Xingchen Di added, "I think so too."

Xu Pei didn't say anything.

Both Zhi Yan and Xingchen Di had the good sense not to continue the conversation.

After coming out of Room 2, they parted ways with Xu Pei.

One towards the outside and one towards the scenic spot.

When Xingchen Di looked back, he found Xu Pei still standing in the same place.

Xu Pei watched the figures of Zhi Yan and Xingchen Di walk away. In the darkness of the night came the faint sound of a song, the same one they had heard when they left the hot pot restaurant, over and over again, I don't know how many times it had been played.

In the biting cold wind, cold moon, cold snow and cold night, the song is so warm, singing that

The promise of sincerity, the promise of peace, the promise of always having a lookout.

There are thousands of kinds of love in the world, but only true heart is insurmountable.

He tilted his head to look at the starry sky overhead.

Xingchen Di This name is so wonderful, it is a name that you will not forget once you hear it.

Those of them, whoever they are, will think of him when they look up at the stars in the future, right?

This is cruel.

Xu Pei has a clear and cold gaze, refusing to be the one who looks up and sees the stars and has regrets about losing them.

Xu Pei returned to Room 3, where Ying Hu was soaking her feet.

Seriously, after Xingchen Di and the others left, he and Xu Pei were the only two left, and the atmosphere was really a bit awkward.

After all, they are a red and blue match.

Although it is much better than a single man and woman sharing a room, it is more or less awkward.

He plans to sleep in a sweater and long pants, leaning as far over the edge as possible without touching Xu Pei.

But soon he was at ease.

Because Xu Pei completely disabused him of that strange sentiment of having red and blue guests alone.

Xu Pei's whole person became very light, and looked at him without averting his eyes.

He felt that he was like a wooden man to Xu Pei.

Undeterred, he asked when he got into bed, "Would you feel awkward, sleeping with me?"

Xu Pei sat at the other end, wrapped in another quilt, looked at him matter-of-factly and said, "No."

For the first time, Ying Hu had doubts about her own charm.

Good bar.

He lay down in his sweater, and just as he did, he heard Xu Pei ask, "Didn't you like Zhi Yan a lot before? Why are you so cold these days?"

Ying Hu froze for a moment and turned her head to look at Xu Pei.

He froze, not because of what Xu Pei had asked.

Rather, I didn't expect Xu Pei, who is so aloof, to gossip about their relationship. He's always been an outsider, never getting involved.

If it were anyone else, he might have made a mahjong, but Xu Pei is really not someone who can joke around. Ying Hu looked at the camera and lowered his voice, saying, "I prefer Xingchen Di now."

Xu Pei heard no response.

Ying Hu's own heart is weak, feel like this, in their eyes, I do not know whether it will seem too philandering, next to all the cameras, they did not wear wheat, but the program team is likely to be able to receive, so dangerous topic, he still temporarily not to talk.

Xu Pei suddenly said, "I think Zhi Yan also seems to like him."

Ying Hu froze for a moment and asked, " Zhi Yan ?"

Xu Pei gave a "hmm".

Ying Hu was shocked: " Zhi Yan?"

Xu Pei pillowed his arm, his expression was cold, the more he thought about Xingchen Di, the colder it was.

There are hungry wolves in front and tigers at the back, and he can hardly resist four hands.

Bing Guo They stared at the monitor.

"Crap, Xu Pei does not strike, not a strike, a strike so hard ah."

"Is this a way to use a knife to kill someone? Sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight? Crap this guy is so smart."

"Doesn't he always cover the camera when he sleeps? Why not today?"

"The company's main goal is to avoid suspicion, after all, sleeping with Ying Hu, the camera is on, the program team is watching, so it is not considered to be alone with Ying Hu."

" Xu Pei really ...... good dog ah."

Ying Hu is still in a state of shock.

He didn't really think about it, he only knew that Cheng Huo liked Xingchen Di a lot.

So he has a love interest?

This is the moment Zhi Yan has been waiting for.

A moment of solitude.

Being able to spend time alone with Xingchen Di, and for a whole night, was enough for him.

"Have you taken a shower?" Xingchen Di asked.

Zhi Yan said, "It's washed."

"Is it cold?"

"It's not cold, the bathroom is warm." Zhi Yan said.

Xingchen Di then said, "Then I'll go take a shower."

Zhi Yan nodded his head.

Xingchen Di opened her suitcase and took the clothes she needed to change from inside.

"There are bath towels in the bathroom, I prepared them for you, they are not from the store, don't worry, they are clean." Zhi Yan said.


Xingchen Di went in to take a shower, Zhi Yan walked around the room alone, picked up his clothes, and covered the camera.

"He really wants to cover up."

"A stark contrast to the Xu Pei of today."

"Heh, men, really each have a small mind!"

Zhi Yan lightly coughed his throat, and went out to bring in a pot of tea, he poured a cup, took a glass of water himself, sat down at the head of the bed, took a sip, and then looked in the direction of the bathroom.

The sound of clattering water came from the bathroom.

It's Xingchen Di in the shower.

The thought made his whole body so excited that he lay down on the bed, covered with the quilt, and pillowed his arms there to listen to the sound of the water.

He has to restrain himself, this is the love variety, they are recording the show.

He stroked his neck and gently tickled the knot of his throat with his fingernails.

About ten minutes later, Xingchen Di emerged from the bathroom.

When he came out, Xingchen Di was still shivering and said, "It's still a little cold."

Zhi Yan pointed to the table, "The hair dryer is there."

Xingchen Di wiped his hair, wearing a thick bathrobe, went over and got a hair dryer, and when he finished blowing his hair and the heat in the bathroom was almost dissipated, he changed his pajamas on.

When Zhi Yan saw that he never came out, she asked outside, "What are you doing?"

"I'll wash the clothes I changed out of."

"Remember to use hot water."

"I know."

Zhi Yan went to the bathroom door and saw Xingchen Di washing his underwear.

Pure white.

Sure enough, it was just as he thought.

Zhi Yan went back to bed and waited. About ten minutes later, Xingchen Di came out.

"I'm so tired today." He climbed into bed and slipped under the covers.

As soon as he got under the covers, he smelled a very familiar scent.

"Are you wearing perfume?" he asked Zhi Yan. He asked Zhi Yan.

Zhi Yan gave a "hmm" and said, "Just the one I gave you, it's a little sweeter."

Xingchen Di caught the quilt and smelled it and said, "It smells good."

Zhi Yan lightly smiled, Xingchen Di's pajamas are very wide, although the buttons are buttoned, but the collar is large, showing a little collarbone, ink blue pajamas, his skin set off more white, look like a milk scent.

"Do you drink water?" He sat up.

Xingchen Di shook her head and said, "No more drinks."

Xingchen Di lay down, took a long breath, saw the covered camera, and said with a smile, "I heard that you sleep with the camera covered, in fact, do not need to cover, the program team did not dare to broadcast indiscriminately."

"I don't feel safe being photographed by the camera." Zhi Yan said.

"They can receive the sound, right?" Xingchen Di asked in a low voice.

"Without the mike on, they shouldn't be able to collect it clearly."

Xingchen Di then turned over: "You can play a song."

With that, he reached for his phone and played a song.

He played "The Nightingale", which he felt was a Soviet style that suited the current environment.

Compared to Zhi Yan's nervousness, Xingchen Di was very relaxed. He was just like living in a dormitory in high school, chatting with Zhi Yan.

"Do you think this song is old?" He asked Zhi Yan.

Zhi Yan said, "It sounds good."

"My classmates often say that I say listening to songs is very old-fashioned, I like old songs, especially old songs new songs, rearranged covers of the kind."

Zhi Yan said, "I usually listen to more European and American songs."

"I know the style of music you like." Xingchen Di smiled and said, "It's very combustible and explosive kind."

"You know what songs I like?" Zhi Yan was flattered and grinned, "Where did you see that?"

"Heard from your fans."

"I like heavy metal," says Zhi Yan.

Xingchen Di said, "So you are hiding a flood of beasts under this gentle appearance."

Contrast Tang Hai Attack!

Zhi Yan smiled and looked at him with a sly gaze and said, "Yes, I am a very contrasting person, I will show you slowly later, don't scare you."

Xingchen Di smiled and said, "OK, I'll see how big it really is."

Zhi Yan's heart suddenly rose up with an urge to peel himself open for Xingchen Di to see.

He sat up, took off his clothes, stripped down to a T-shirt and shorts, lifted the covers and lay down in them.

Xingchen Di couldn't help but look at it.

It's really not his fault that Zhi Yan's persona is a tightly wrapped, ascetic attack. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

To his surprise, he found that Zhi Yan actually had a bit of a belly and hair.

This is too incompatible with his gentle and handsome appearance, and inexplicably fits his persona.

At that moment, Xingchen Di thought to herself, "Ying Hu should like it very much, right?

Zhi Yan lay down under the blanket and turned over to face Xingchen Di.

He was actually very nervous and excited.

In fact, nothing happened, just in front of Xingchen Di undress a, but this is a small thing, but also stirred up countless imagination.

Love a person, really slightly ambiguous a little, the heartbeat can pop out. The Internet says that many people hold hands for the first time, can be quite all the way, it turns out to be true.

Xingchen Di was the first to laugh and said, "Do you know how many people on the Internet want to see you without clothes?"

Zhi Yan said, "I know."

Xingchen Di said, "Do you want to go to the soup spring pool tomorrow? I feel like your fans will go crazy."

Zhi Yan said, "There are cameras, so I'm not going."

He actually wanted to go, along with Xingchen Di.

After all, the program team gave them such an opportunity, do not use, it is really a waste.

But there were cameras there, and he knew what footage the show was trying to capture.

But he didn't want to show it to others. More than that, he didn't want to show it to thousands of internet users.

He showed it to Xingchen Di alone.

For him alone ......

This thought suddenly turned his whole being on, inexplicably, very strongly. He is a really odd person to die, he is obviously violent to death, but it is this extreme dedication and male virtue and will make him extremely excited.

Give it all to him, give it all to him, give it only to him, blah, blah, blah.

Published at: 03/19/2022 20:00