Chapter 305: [The Top of Death and Life] God's Body Martyred to the Devil's Way

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Meanwhile, battle raged on all sides at the summit of Death and Life. Thousands of spells intertwined as the volunteers rushed to the top, the vanguard fought with the pawns, the guards who opened the boundaries, and the healers who ran through the chaos, lighting up the mountain like a great black beast with the fire of battle.

But even so, the torrent of fire caused by Xue Meng's strike was still astonishing, the light of the fire was so powerful that it shot up to the sky Chu Wanning looked back in the night breeze and his heart was in shock. He knew that Xue Meng had already begun to burn the power of his spiritual core, and if he could not finish the battle quickly, Xue Meng would follow in Nangong Si's footsteps.

"Rising dragon summons"

He held the dragon symbol between his fingers and flung it out with a drop of blood. The dragon chants to the sea, and the paper dragon with the candle in its mouth breaks through the rain and soars into the air, sounding like a bell.

"Chu Wanning, what is it that you want to call me again?"

Chu Wanning's brow lowered and he said sternly, "To the end of the Martyrdom Road, and fast."

The dragon's eyes swept towards the smouldering Kyushu, and without further questioning, he said, "Come up. One man and one dragon flew through the wind and rain, like riding a wave, straight towards the road of martyrdom paved by the dead. Chu Wanning, looking down from the heights of the ninth heaven, saw the road connecting the two worlds of gods and demons flowing with a scarlet glow, like blood gushing out from an artery, running towards an unknown realm.

As the back of the mountain is extremely close to the Gate of the Demon Realm and is influenced by the demonic aura, the vault of the sky in this area is dripping with scarlet and pale purple fire clouds and is not invaded by torrential rain.

Candle Dragon swoops down, turning into a golden light as it hits the ground and returns to the spell. Chu Wanning, on the other hand, stands firmly on the path of martyrdom, takes a breath and raises his eyes

"You're here."

An ethereal voice comes from Shi Mei, who is standing at the end of the road, with a fiery magic door behind him. The protective barrier around Fairy Tramper has disappeared as Xue Meng and the Mei family have taken temporary control of him. At the sound of the movement, Shi Mei turns her face halfway around, her eyes rolling sideways, and looks at Chu Wanning for a moment.

"You're a real piece of work."

The wind blew at his temples, and Shi Mei's eyes wheeled around and fell again on the magic gate with its distorted light and shadow.

"The gates of life and death in time and space are wide open, and instead of trying to fill them in time, you are bent on blocking the way back to our people"

Chu Wanning is not fooled: "The three forbidden arts were once created by Gouchen Shanggong, and the demon breath will expand their magic power by tens of percent. It is not that I am unwilling to allow the Butterfly Bones to return to their homeland, but once the Devil's Domain is caved in and the demonic breath pours in, the Gate of Life and Death will be torn open even further."

"" Shi Mei was silent for a moment and sneered, "After all, I can't fool you."

Chu Wanning didn't want to waste any more time with him, and the golden light in his palm burst out, seeing that the Heavenly Question was about to hit Shi Mei, when suddenly a figure flashed across the room. It was Mu Yanli who came with his sword and blocked the blow!

"I am not going to let you touch him." Mu Yanli lifted his sword-lit eyes and drank low, "He has suffered enough."

Shi Mei: "Sister Mu"

Somehow Mu Yanli managed to do it, but behind her came a hundred or so Zhenlong pawns who had come to pave the way for martyrdom. Chu Wanning, seeing the urgency of the situation, tried to stop the army of pawns. But Mu Yanli was agile enough to stop him like lightning.

Chu Wanning said, "Get out of the way."

Mu Yanli laughed coldly: "Why should we give way? The Xianxia Realm has never cared for the life and death of the Beauty Seat, so why should we care for your lives when the Beauty Seat returns home?

At the same time, a terrifying white-golden sun burst out around her, a desperate attempt by Mu Yanli to get the most out of her battle and shatter her spirit core.

She was born of divine blood, and even if this bloodline was thin, it still had the power to move mountains after the explosion, and for a short time she was even more powerful than the Fairy Tramper emperor.

"Mu Yanli's eyes were cold and determined, "For thousands of years, drinking human blood and eating human flesh, you would do anything to achieve ascension."

Her sword was so powerful that Chu Wanning had to fight it with all his might. The woman in front of him, without a drop of Beauty Seat blood and even a distant heir to the gods, risked her life to help the demons return to their homeland.

Chu Wanning's white robe flew and Mu Yanli's golden sleeves flapped, the two were as light as paper kites in the air, but their strokes cracked the air with murderous intent.

The blades clashed with a clang and sparks erupted as the two men forced their eyes on each other.

Mu Yanli spat: "People who get in the way"

Chu Wanning said through clenched teeth, "Not everyone in this world is what you say they are."

Even though he has passed through the long night and is covered in frost, he still remembers the kindness of Lady Rong's meal, remembers Luo Xianxian's desire not to harm others even before he went mad, remembers the disciple at the top of death and life who did not ask for any money but to help the Way, and remembers Chu Xun who cut out his heart to light the way home

He can still remember the bright smiles of the villagers of Yuliang Village, the righteousness of the master of Feihua Island, the molten dragon pond of Nangong Si to quell evil spirits, and the imperial sword of Li Wuxin to carry the universe.

He can still remember Nangong Changying smiling and fading away, turning into a golden dot of light, with a gentle expression, "When earth is so good, flowers are enough, why stain it with blood."

Almost all of these figures are now sick or dead, displaced or dead in this calamity

There is even Ye Wangxi.

That year, at the Xuanyuan Court, she saved an orphaned girl with butterfly bones at great cost, giving a future and freedom to a butterfly-boned beauty who had never lived before.

"So what," said Mu Yanli, "am I to forgive the sins of this earthly world because of so few people?"

The sword grows stronger as the mouth complains of deep hatred.

"My mother was so good, but because she was a Butterfly Bone Demon, she was eaten alive by my beast of a father.


"Since my childhood, she is the only one who has loved me and treated me like a daughter. Apart from her, from my father to the sect elders and all of you cultivators, who has ever treated me like a living human being" Mu Yanli said angrily, "I have the blood of the gods in my body and everyone treats me like a fair scale, making me exterminate my human desires and making me practice the Absolute Mind Technique Why?"

The power of her spirit core had expanded to the extreme, and Mu Yanli was covered in the white gold glow of her divine descent. Her spirit core self-destruction was different from that of ordinary cultivators, and even the pupils of her eyes and her hair began to turn pale gold, and each strike chopped down as if it weighed a thousand pounds.

"If you're a god, you deserve to be heartless, if you're a beauty seat, you deserve to be devoured, it's been like that for millions of years", the sword grazed the body of the sword, and the sharp buzz from Shenwu's collision almost tore through his eardrums.

But nothing was sharper than Mu Yanli's eyes, and Mu Yanli said in one word: "Master Chu. You haven't looked through the case files of the Butterfly Bone and Beauty XI, have you?"


"That's a book where people eat people. In the old days, cultivators took the Beauty Seat to refine medicine for ascension, today, the Beauty Seat is just taking you to pave the way home"

With a loud bang, Mu Yanli raised his sword with all the strength of his life and slashed at Chu Wanning.

Chu Wanning suddenly barked, "Nine Songs, call it in."

A golden light pierces through the sky and shines through the whole of Chu Wanning, the top of the world of death and life. A huge curtain of begonias flutters in front of him, and he hangs in the air with his sleeves wide, and in front of him is Mu Yanli's face full of hatred.

She did not hate him, she hated the injustice of the world, she hated her mother's tragic death, she hated that she could not be born free, and she hated that she had never been trapped in prison.

"Let them go back."

The blow did not break, and even though she had pushed her spiritual power to the limit, she was still unable to destroy Chu Wanning's boundary, and blood dripped intermittently from the corner of her mouth.

Her voice rasped up and her hand trembled as she held up her sword.

The core is about to break

Mu Yanli suddenly looked up at Chu Wanning and said softly, "Please."

Chu Wanning saw his own reflection in her pupils, which had turned pale gold.

Whose shadow is that?

The face is confused, hollow, distorted and bewildered.

Cruel. Benevolent.

"Let them go home Chu Wanning "

The reflection in the golden light suddenly disappears.

Because of the confusion in her head, Chu Wanning realised after a while that it was because Mu Yanli had used up all her strength and her spirit core had shattered that she had regained her original appearance, with only one pair of dark eyes. Looking at him.

The armour is gone, and there is no life in the way of extinction.

She could no longer be the cold, condescending god's heir, and at that moment those eyes were like those of a perfectly ordinary woman.

Pleading for his brother, for the descendants of the demons who are at odds with his race.

"Let them go."

As she spoke, the light of the sword in her hand suddenly disappeared, unable to withstand such a fierce battle earlier, and shattered into powder the moment the spiritual stream was extinguished.


Mu Yanli fell from the heights, his white-golden robe beckoning behind him like a lotus.

Her waist is still embroidered with the Tianyin Pavilion's scales, a crest of justice and light that glows in the darkness of the night.

The sound of heaven is too great to be private.

The son of the heavenly voice must not be sentient.

The sound of the heavens is too small to be blasphemed.

There is compassion in the heavenly sound to honour all beings.

This chant, which she had recited since she was a child, trapped her like a yoke with her eyes closed and open.

The first words she learned since she was born were neither Daddy nor Mother, but the first four words of this chant, the sound of the sky.

Recite it a thousand times a day, kneeling before the holy images of the gods and consecrating them repeatedly.

Do not be selfish or sentient or blasphemous in honouring all beings.

On her first memorable birth day, her uncaring father gave her a box of exquisitely crafted clay figures, painted with coloured lacquer and fallen with golden sand, and once the box was opened, her eyebrows were all arched and smiling at her.

"Wow it's beautiful."

Her father looked down at her lightly, "Do you like it?"

"I like it" Mu Yanli tilted his head in delight, as if a thousand fireworks were blooming inside him, "Thank you, Abba"

The man she called Father simply raised his hand, stroked her head and then took the box from the girl's hand

Then, in front of her, it smashed to the ground.

"Clang" was the sound of porcelain clay hitting the ground.

The clay figure could not speak, but still looked at her with arched eyebrows and a smile, only the smile was cracked and the face broken, and Mu Yanli froze in place for a moment before she cried out in horror, trying to pounce on her clay doll.

A white shoe embroidered with a male scale totem stomps down.

The creak is thin and creepy.

It was like the dolls' skies were shattered.

The father moved his feet away and in front of the girl was a shattered crumb of ash.

It was clear that before, they were in a neat line, smiling at her in a silly way why why why why not was it not a birth gift for her? Where did she not do right, where did she make daddy angry, so even these little clay creatures died innocently.

"A son of the Heavenly Voice must not be in love." The man was extremely cold in front of the crying girl, "If you like it, you lose your temper. To like would be to lose justice. You are the heir of the heavenly gods, the lord of justice in the world of men for my father's true gift to you is to teach you that you should never say the word like, to anything."

No selfishness, no love

The incense burner smouldered and the chanting of the chant rose like an evil spell in her head

How many long nights she spent clutching her head in a near frenzy, she hissed silently under the tapestry.

Can't find a way out.

No answer found

What is a father and what is a mother?

She once tried to embrace her birth mother, Lady Lin, but she was a madwoman, stabbing her with scissors, piercing her hands with holes and even poking the scissors into her throat

There shall be no selfishness.

No selfishness

In the painful darkness of the night, she knelt alone in front of the idol, chanting that she could not blaspheme, but in her heart she cursed that she could not smash the idol to powder.

And so it goes from girl to girl, from girl to girl.

Thousands of people knelt behind her, chanting the words she knew by heart, "The sound of heaven is too great for selfishness."

At times, he was so mad and demonic that his shoulders and back trembled and he almost rose up, swung his sword and cut all of Tianyin Pavilion to pieces and then died.

But at this time, it was as if a gentle, soft voice suddenly rang in her ears, very sweet and young. The voice sang softly to her, "The reeds are high, the reeds are long, across the mountains and across the water. On this side of the reeds is the homeland, on the other side of the reeds is the ocean."

She opened her eyes as the light of the sky spilled from behind the idol, shining in dappled patches on the ground.

She was already the owner of the Tianyin Pavilion at that time, and as she gazed in awe at the patchwork of shadows, it seemed that in the sound of the song, she saw the fluttering of the reeds of the forgotten river.

A woman stands in the middle of the reeds, bending her eyebrows and smiling slightly as she holds out her hand.

"On this side of the reeds is the homeland and on the other side of the reeds is the ocean"

"Amma," she murmured.

She addresses Madam Lin as Mother and is respectful. Only to one person did she refer to Ah Ma.

That was her stepmother and the grandmother who had brought her up. Perhaps people would not understand why she did not hate this woman for taking over her home. But those people will never understand.

In her black and white, grid-like life, she had only a few short years of laughter, tenderness, warm embraces and sweet affection when Mrs Hua Gui was there.

No one will believe it when they say it.

The reed ballad that Hua Gui put her to bed with was the only chanting song she had ever heard in her life, apart from the celestial sound of the hoi polloi.

Only this one song has subdued and become the demon of her life.

"Sister Wood."

It was like hearing her brother Hua Binan shrieking in her ear. She had never heard him so disoriented either.

But she couldn't care less, she used her last ounce of aura to dampen her momentum as she hit the ground. It wasn't for survival, though.

Gritting her teeth, she moved along the path of martyrdom, step by step, maggot-like, to the very edge.


Before anyone had time to react, she plunged into the edge of the magic bridge with the only breath she had left

" Mu Yanli, who volunteered for martyrdom, may you fulfil your long-cherished wish and finally return home."

Shi Mei was so mad at the sight of this that he lunged at him, but it was too late, and Mu Yanli gave him one last look back.

The woman had been cold and aloof, not much in the way of expression, and even her skin had a frosty chill to it.

But at this moment, she smiled sweetly at her half-brother, who was even racially incompatible, and was actually a hundred times more charming.

She arched her eyebrows and collapsed on her back.


Mu Yanli smiled, gazing into the vault of heaven, the immovable and unemotional woman, towards the vast high heavens that had bowed a million times, and said, "To hell with you there shall be no selfishness."

Another red light instantly rose from that bridge, and the scarlet flames of the Martyrdom Path quickly wrapped around her entire body. Before being engulfed by the flames, she glanced desperately in the direction of the Devil's Domain gate.

She seemed to hear a voice from behind the huge door, a gentle one, a grandmother singing lazily to her as she shook her little fan by the cool summer couch

"The reeds are high, the reeds are long, and the mountains are far apart from each other."

This side of the reeds is the homeland.

On the other side of the reeds is the ocean

"Master Woodcourt."

"Miss Wood"

Suddenly the "pawns" on the path of martyrdom were out of control, running one after another to kneel before the woman who had paved the path of the demons with the blood of the gods, but that woman had already become the thirtieth step on the path of sacrifice, her body wrapped in bonds and submerged in the demonic flames.

Chu Wanning falls back to the ground, his fingertips extremely icy, with shifting figures in front of him.

He had previously thought they were pawns brought by Mu Yanli, but at this moment he realised they were not.

Most of these men were dressed in the robes of the Tianyin Pavilion's own disciples, and their faces were so good-looking that the tears they shed were of gold

It's a butterfly bone beauty seat

The Tianyin Pavilion, under the command of Mu Yanli, had gathered so many surviving members of the Butterfly Bone clan in the name of taking in their own disciples that they were all bawling and staggering to their knees at this point.

She had just led them out of the herd of monks to kill them, ready to pave the way to martyrdom after which they could always go home

"Murderer," someone suddenly turned his head and bellowed at Chu Wanning, his face twisted with hate, "you murderer."

"Why do you want to make enemies of us at every turn? Why do you want to force Lord Wood to this path?"

One face is full of stunning beauty, and one eye is full of bone-deep hatred.

Many of the beauty seats rushed towards him, losing their senses and not knowing their weight, as if they were moths to a flame.

Chu Wanning stood, with all the dimness in front of him, it was too easy to block these low spiritual power beauty mats, he didn't even have to raise his hand, just the barrier formed by the power of his fingertips was enough to keep those people from crossing.





Chu Wanning couldn't help but close his eyes. What was he doing what else could he have done

Mo Ran is dead, time and space are fractured, and the punishment of heaven is coming.

Suddenly he felt that before him was a wall of sharp knives, the shanks of which were facing each other, and through which he was to pass.

Just as the world is not all evil, so the Butterfly Bones are not all sinful.

But he was going to block the way home for all of them.

Even if only the last twenty-nine steps and twenty-nine bodies remain.

Nor could he let them leave and allow the Devil's Gate to open. For as soon as the devil's gate was opened, heavenly punishment would come swiftly, and the two earthly worlds would be wiped out, and the people of Kyushu would not even have a chance to breathe and resist. What kind of ruthlessness should he have to have in order to sit back and watch this happen?

He cannot

He could not afford the slightest more hesitation, the size of a weak heart.

Mo Ran has been charged with two lives, and Xue Meng is still stalling for him with his life, not to mention all those who have died in vain, on this bloody road before him.


"You got us killed you got us killed"

"Ruthless and cold-blooded you'll get what's coming to you."

The soul is like fire cooking, but the heart is hard as iron.

Chu Wanning's eyes popped open and he had to be the killer.

He had no choice.

" Shi Mingjing ."

"" Shi Mei looked at him from a distance, across the crowd of people. The face that had fallen so heavily was still stained with tears, and her eyes seemed frantic and vacant.

The wind was picking up and his clothes were fluttering in the wind as he seemed to have resigned himself to Chu Wanning coming to kill him. Chu Wanning's palm did light up with a golden light and Huaisha reappeared with a thud as he used his sword energy to scatter the beauty mats crowding in front of him, trying to stop him.

With a nod and a swipe of his foot, his gaze was like a snowy night bayonet, and his sword blade stabbed straight at Shi Mei

At that moment, the path of martyrdom beneath them suddenly began to tremble violently, followed by pillars of red light rising from the ground, several of which suddenly blocked Chu Wanning's path.

Someone shouted, "Look! Look ahead!"

"It's the devil's gate going on."

"The bridge is growing, the bridge is going up to the devil's door."

By the end it bordered on a scream, "The door is opening."

Shi Mei, startled, looked back and saw a white-golden light radiating from the place where Mu Yanli had died, extending from the last step towards the Magic Gate with an incredible momentum

Chu Wanning's face paled, while Shi Mei's face was suddenly filled with ecstasy after the initial shock.

The Bridge to Martyrdom is finally coming through the Bridge to the Realm of Man and Devil

A tired and old voice came from behind the demon gate, echoing between heaven and earth, the voice seemed to have praise, lazily, "The path of martyrdom has even been sacrificed by the gods, you and your descendants, who have compromised the lives of the gods and offered them to my path, have a heart to show for it."

The sound was so loud that it could be heard clearly for a hundred miles around the top of Death and Life, and the entire mountain in the Great War was looking up at the back side of the mountain at this point.

Jiang Xi's face turned white, and of course, not only he, but everyone knew that the Devil's Gate was about to open

Sure enough, the old voice spoke next.

"The Heavenly Punishment will come soon, but His Majesty the Devil, seeing the merits of you and your descendants in killing the gods, has shown mercy and pardon and exempted you from the last twenty-nine steps of the bridge. Immediately, the Devil's Gate will be opened and you will be allowed to return home."


The mountain path at the top of the hill was instantly in chaos.

The owner of Peach Bud Villa even sat down on the floor and cried out, "Oh my God, what can I do?"

There were even people with faces as pale as dirt and two warring strands: "Heavenly punishment is coming soon What heavenly punishment? What heavenly punishment?"

The three brothers, Xue Meng and Mei family, who were fighting with Fairy Tramper, were also shocked. Xue Meng's mind wavered, and Fairy Tramper took advantage of the opportunity to break the lock and rise into the air.

Fairy Tramper, hearing the movement, turned his scarlet eyes sideways and stared at Xue Meng for a moment, his expression confused, as if the memories in his head were starting to tumble again and the spirits in his body were beginning to torment and kill each other: " Xue Meng "

Mei Hanxue immediately drew her long sword Shuofeng, shielding her brother and Xue Meng behind her, and said in a deep voice, "Be careful."

But Fairy Tramper had no intention of continuing her attack, instead she suddenly raised her long eyebrows and turned her forehead into a river, her expression becoming more and more painful.

"No what's going on here what's going on"

Bewildered and furious, he yelled out and lost control of himself, quickly heading for the dense forest behind the mountain. Mei Hanxue, relieved, turned back to the other two and asked Xue Meng, "How are you?"

"Don't mind me, go to the Master's side and tell him all the preparations we laid down earlier"

Mei Hanxue took his wrist and shook her head, "Your spirit core is on the verge of shattering, you have to heal first."

Xue Meng said angrily, "Go now"

"Why don't I go first and you all stay put?" Mei Hanxue, knowing the urgency of the situation, pointed to Xue Meng and said to her brother, "Brother, you help him to rest. I'll go and find Master Chu."

Before the path of martyrdom, with the completion of the last step, the path between the demonic world and the earth finally merged. Almost everyone was shaking, and no one dared to take a step forward, not even Shi Mei, who did not even move.

After a while, I don't know exactly how long, perhaps just a fleeting moment, perhaps again so long as to be breathless.

The door in front of the gate suddenly rumbled and shook, and all of a sudden the clouds flowed in all directions, the wind moved in all directions, and it was as if heaven and earth and the lungs were panting heavily, making a stifling sound.

The extravagantly embossed magical doors part to the left and right, and a scarlet glow bursts out of the gaps

Chu Wanning felt a terrible evil and battle aura that he had never felt before rushing through the gap, the demon's breath that fuels the power of the three forbidden arts.

Magic is open

Published at: 06/08/2022 14:00