Chapter 17: My Master is Injured, My Master is Very

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

What kind of emcee is this? He should be selling aphrodisiacs. Other people's aphrodisiacs can at best make a living person sluggish and unhappy, but this fairy can make even a dead person hard with a wave of his hand. A true "spring" in his hands!

He was watching with great interest when suddenly Chu Wanning reached out and covered Mo Ran's ears.

Mo Ran: "Hey"

Chu Wanning looked extremely cold: "Don't go and see such a despicable art."

"That should be covering your eyes too, why are you plugging my ears."

Chu Wanning's face was expressionless: "Do not look, do not listen, close your eyes."

Mo Ran: "Pfft. You're really," he says, "You don't even look at your own face, you're the one who has to close your eyes.

Mo Ran can't help but be a little amused that Chu Wanning, a man made of ice and snow, has never even seen an erotic picture and will probably choke to death at the sight of fish and water at his fingertips.

The dead couple met, and gradually both of them came to life, and their dead throats, which had been silent, gave off rasping breaths similar to those of the living.

Chu Wanning was clearly disgusted and jerked his face away from the scene.

Mo Ran is amused and teases him, smirking as he goes to break his jaw.

Chu Wanning ducked back as if he had been stabbed: "What are you doing?"

"Not doing anything." Mo Ran looked up and down at him sweetly, with a touch of sarcasm and teasing, jokingly.

How old are you to blush at such things?

Oh no, I should say blue and red. Quite funny.

"Didn't you tell us, Master, that we must see clearly what the other party is capable of before we do it?" The ability of this ghost master of ceremonies, you should at least have a clear look at it."

"What is there to see, not to see."

Mo Ran sighed, "How can you be so thin-skinned?"

Chu Wanning rages: "It's so nasty, it hurts my eyes"

"I'll just have to watch." Mo Ran said, and honestly plopped down over there and looked out again, making exclamations of "aww" and "wow" and "awesome" and "ouch". Ouch" and so on. Chu Wanning was so furious that he couldn't hold the coffin down. He shouted, "Just look, don't say a word."

Mo Ran said innocently, "I thought you wanted to hear it."

Chu Wanning finally relented and grabbed Mo Ran by the neck, gritting his teeth, "If you grunt one more time, I'll throw you out to the zombies right now."

I'd had enough of teasing. Chu Wanning is a man who should not be pushed too far, for if he gets anxious, he will be served with a heavenly question, so Mo Ran restrained himself and stayed quietly, staring out.

As the ghost couple's pleasure reached its peak, the male corpse let out a low roar and crouched over the female corpse in spasms and convulsions, a green smoke suddenly sprang from their bodies, the ghost master opened his mouth and greedily inhaled the smoke until he swallowed the last wisp into his stomach, this time wiping the corners of his mouth with gourmand feet and a shining light in his eyes.

It seems that this is the "merit" given to it by the married couple, which will make it more powerful.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha," the ghost master tasted the sweetness and glowed, and when he spoke again, his voice, which had just drifted into nothingness, became clear, and he shouted and roared, his shrill voice seemed to pierce the long night, "Arise, you demented men and women, I give you the grace of fish and water, and you offer me the virtue of I have given you the gift of faith."

Mo Ran's heart thumped: Oh no!

What is it up to?

The simultaneous trembling of the hundreds of coffins around them confirmed Mo Ran's thoughts. This ghost master was trying to summon all the corpses in the coffins to rejoice so that they could absorb the "merits" at once!

No longer joking, Mo Ran tugged at Chu Wanning: "Master"

"What's wrong again?"

"Get out of here, Shi Mei is still trapped with the Chen family's daughter-in-law." Mo Ran was going crazy, "Let's go get him."

Chu Wanning took a look outside and didn't expect the MC to have such big tastes, instead of coming in pairs, he wanted to have a bite to eat!

The shaking of the coffin next to them was becoming more and more violent, and it was thought that each of the medieval spouses was beginning to be inspired to act inside the coffin. This thought made Chu Wanning choke and blush even harder. At this moment, the ghostly master of ceremonies, who was standing in his place laughing long and hard, suddenly felt something and turned his head, his dark, unfocused eyes falling straight over the others and onto Mo Ran and Chu Wanning's joint coffin.

It could sense, despite its low intelligence, that the coffin did not contain the erotic scent it was familiar with.

There is no faith.


Living people

The ghostly master of ceremonies, with his robe fluttering, poked a pair of blood-red claws straight into the coffin, piercing through the thick wood and plunging straight into the body.

The attack was so sudden that Mo Ran had no time to retreat from the coffin, and the space in the coffin was so small that there was no way to retreat.

deep enough to touch the bone


Chu Wanning stifled a grunt, but held it in, not crying out. The other uninjured hand, still burning with a silencing spell, was lit on Mo Ran's lips, muffling the sound that would have come out.

The claws of the Ghost Master of Ceremonies were in a frenzy of clawing at Chu Wanning's blood and flesh.

It was a mud brain, and the only way to judge the dead and the living was by sound. Chu Wanning didn't say a word in this situation, blood gurgling down his shoulder, Mo Ran held in his arms, unable to see how badly he was hurt, but clearly feeling Chu Wanning shaking slightly

Living or dead, a living person cannot be like this and not make a sound. The ghostly master of ceremonies was not sure for a while, and his sharp claws got into the bloody flesh of Chu Wanning's shoulder, tearing and gouging hard.

Chu Wanning shuddered in pain and spasmed, his shirt drenched in cold sweat.

But he still bit his lips to death, protecting the apprentice in his arms, as if he had really become a dead body into the dead, against the mouth of the coffin along the coffin, like iron cast in the wall of the coffin.

As if finally confirming that what was inside would not be a living person, the Ghost Master jerked its hand out so violently that blood flew everywhere and one could even hear the sticky sound of fingers from inside flesh and bone, making one's hair stand on end.

Chu Wanning's tense body felt like it had suddenly lost its strength, and he let go of Mo Ran, breathing lowly.

A strong smell of blood flowed from the coffin.

Mo Ran looks up, and by the faint light leaking through the hole, she can see Chu Wanning's lowered eyelashes and the moist, yet stubbornly silent eyes beneath them.

The eyes of the phoenix, slightly provocative, were misty with pain, but more than that, they were ruthless and tenacious, a vapor filled

When Mo Ran tried to speak, Chu Wanning shook his head, not removing the silencing spell he had tapped on his lips. After a moment, taking a slow breath and a trembling fingertip, he writes on the back of Mo Ran's hand

The knot is damaged and cannot be spoken to.

The ghostly master of ceremonies outside cocked its head, as if it could not understand why it did not obey its instructions or feel any offerings of faith when it was clearly not a living person inside.

Chu Wanning tilted his head to look at it through the slit, his uninjured hand glowing gold, and a willow vine with a flaming sheen was summoned.

He held the heavenly question and narrowed his eyes.

The next moment, the coffin is broken out

The coffin exploded and Chu Wanning flew up like a bolt of lightning, but Tin Man was both accurate and quick, and strangled the Ghostmaster's neck so violently that he let out an ear-piercing whine

"Who are you that dares to do this?"

Chu Wanning's answer was one word: "Get out".

He had been holding back for a long time only to strike a blow, and immediately, with one fierce hand, the Heavenly Question Strangulation strangled the Ghost Master's neck.

A thick red mist accompanied by a strange fragrance erupted from the broken neck. Chu Wanning stepped back quickly to avoid the mist and snapped, " Mo Ran A Thousand Kills"

Mo Ran was already on standby, and when he heard the order, he snapped the concealed sword case in his sleeve, poured in his spiritual energy and blasted it towards the mutilated body that was groping for his head.

The clay torso cracked open, revealing the translucent body with red light flowing inside. Chu Wanning raised the heavenly question again and stiffly strangled the immortal body spirit of that ghostly master of ceremonies. The headless immortal body hissed from its body, "Mortal An dare mortal An dare get up Get up and kill them Kill them"

The golden girls, who had no facial features, suddenly lit up with bloodshot eyes and hundreds of squeaks screamed as they lunged at Mo Ran and Chu Wanning.

The coffins on the ground also shattered, and the dead bodies lying inside rose up and came towards the two men in a tidal wave as well.

Mo Ran's eyes darted through the crowd to find Shi Mei. Chu Wanning snapped, "What are you staring at with those zombies? Get them all down."

The two of them and the ghost master had by now fought their way to stand on a coffin, the slow-moving dead slowly gathering around them, and Mo Ran raised his hand to point up an exorcism charm, casting it in all directions and detonating it to explode. But there were so many ghosts and monsters that one set went down and another wave soon came by.

Mo Ran is going crazy: "How many couples have died in Butterfly Town?"

Chu Wanning said angrily, "Look at the cultivation level of this ghost master of ceremonies, where there are so many young men and women who died naturally in death in all probability it also compelled those who were not married to commit suicide to fight this side"

Mo Ran waved another exorcism charm towards the spot indicated by Chu Wanning, exploding a patch of dead white flesh and bone.

"Why doesn't this ghost emcee die?"

"Unusual weapons can't hurt it."

"What about the day I asked?"

Chu Wanning was furious: "Can't you see that Tin Man is holding it? This ghostly MC moves very fast, if I let go of it, it will have escaped before I can draw it again"

As the corpses piled up, Mo Ran had to keep an eye on the crowd to see if there was any Shi Mei in the crowd, lest he be hurt by mistake. A golden boy lunged at him and bit him on the leg. He cursed and threw an exorcism charm directly at the golden boy's face, then kicked it into the crowd and it exploded.

Chu Wanning said, "Have you seen Shi Mei and Mrs Chan?"

Mo Ran, after a frantic search, suddenly saw two swaying figures in the distance and said joyfully, "I see them"

"Get over there and pull them both away from here."

"Good" Mo Ran responded, then was struck, "What are you going to do?"

Chu Wanning said angrily, "I can't lift my other arm, I can't summon any other weapon, I have to rely on the Heavenly Question. As soon as I let go of the Ghost Master, I'm going to destroy this whole area, so if you don't want to die, get out of here before it's too late"

Published at: 08/24/2021 14:00