Chapter 216: Red ticket and white ticket~

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

The thunder boomed and shook the castle slightly.

The black tower announced the rules of the game and seventeen players stood around the long table, none of them saying a word as the dim candlelight made dappled yellow shadows on the walls. After a long time, a white woman spoke up, "There are only twelve chairs, but there are seventeen of us."

Yes, there are seventeen dolls in the centre of the table, and The black tower also says that there are sixteen players and a The black tower monster in the castle. However, there are only twelve chairs.

Andrei said, "There are names on the chairs, and The black tower has divided us into groups."

Everyone immediately came to heel and looked at the chair.

By the dim light of candlelight, the backs of these antique chairs are carved with a sharpened instrument, with a distorted name. Everyone's name was in English, and The black tower was very humane in helping to hide the player's identity. Tang Mo looked around, and when he saw the name on the last chair, his eyes narrowed.

The only black woman sneered, "Is there any need to use English names, they'll be exposed anyway, what people are known to each other."

Four of the twelve chairs had more than one name engraved on them. Three chairs had two names engraved on them, and one chair had three names engraved in English -

Fu Wenduo , Tang Mo ...... and Bai Ruoyao .

The baby-faced young man blinked in surprise, "Wow, Tangtang , Mr. Fu school, I'm actually in your group."

Tang Mo's heart sank, and he looked again at the chair next to him. It reads "Mu Huixue, Andrei" and there are two more chairs, belonging to two foreign men and a foreign woman and man.

It is clear that The black tower has revealed to all players that "each of the nine men is known to the other".

It's actually quite understandable, there are seventeen players in this game and rule number seven of the game: "At the last minute of each day, all may travel to vote for an object that they believe to be a monster. The object being voted on will be restricted and all powers and props will not be available."

If there are seventeen players, each with an equal vote, then Tang Mo, Mu Huixue and others know each other. Once they work together, it would be unfair to the other players to vote them out directly with a majority vote. So The black tower took the step of directly teaming them up and forcing them to reduce their votes.

The other players stared at the owners of the four chairs with measuring eyes. The nine men looked calm, completely lacking the embarrassment and nervousness of having their relationship torn apart.


Another ear-splitting thunderclap strikes, and at this moment, all the candles in the castle shake. The shadows of the candles flickered and Tang Mo scanned the area warily, when suddenly an eerie gear-turning sound rang out. The crowd all gripped their weapons and looked towards the sound.

Only one of the seventeen small dolls in the middle of the long table clicked forward on the table as if someone had broken the gears. All the players stared coldly at the little puppet as it wobbled and slid while saying in an eerie ethereal voice, "Stephen Teslav looked at me and pulled out his dagger."

At the sound of the voice, the small puppet stopped abruptly and aimed at a blonde foreigner. The foreigner's face changed and he withdrew the dagger in his hand into his sleeve.

There was a sudden click-click-click sound in the room again and the crowd looked up and behind this little puppet. Only to see a second small puppet wobble and march forward and click, stopping in front of the black woman:" Lina Chocoru looked at me and got angry and tried to kill me."

At this point in time, how could the players not understand what was going on?

One small puppet after another wiggled and moved to each player, calling out the name of each player. Trying to disguise their names or swap names with their teammates was impossible, and the seventeen puppets that spoke each person's name also almost revealed the nationality of some of them.

Tang Mo was surprised to see a small puppet run up to a foreign woman and shout "Summer Lee" at her.

This is a China player?

The foreign woman with short blonde hair who was called out by name gave Tang Mo a cold glance and was silent.

Once all the puppets are in place, they pause in unison for a second and then sing a nursery rhyme in unison.

"Seventeen little puppets, caught in a great flood. They were swept away by the water and could not be saved, sixteen remain."

"Sixteen little puppets, all defending each other. The fire burned them to blackness, and fifteen remained."


"A little puppet, seven days scared out of his mind. No one asked to be scared to death, not a single one left."

"La la la la, la la la la ......"

"Shh, Noah's coming! Noah's coming!"

" Noah ate the puppets and they all died."

The sly song came to an abrupt end when the puppet in front of Tang Mo suddenly spoke: "There are only twelve guests at Noah's dinner table."

Fu Wenduo's little puppet said, "There is a white ticket in front of the chair, sit in the chair and write your name."

The puppet practising Yu Zheng said, "Each guest can vote once, not many votes."

The old foreigner's puppet said, "Twelve chairs, twelve tickets, no one is allowed more."

"The results of the vote are to be kept secret from everyone."

"Huh, there's a red ticket, what's that."

The crowd immediately looked to the table, and when the puppets had said these words in turn, twelve white tickets surfaced on the table, and soon, twelve more red ones appeared.

Andrei's little puppet said, "I know, I know. That's Rob Six, that's Rob Six."

"The white vote is endless, the red vote only comes once."

"There's only one ticket per person, only one ticket."

"White votes are cast daily and red votes are cast once. Who is the bad monster, do you think?"

Suddenly, the voice of the eleventh puppet became shrill: "Write him, write him! Write him and you win, write him and you win!"

"What if I write it wrong? What if I write it wrong?"

The thirteenth little puppet gave a strange laugh.

The fourteenth little puppet said in an innocent voice, "Write wrong and you can't grab a six, you can't grab a six, no clue."

The fifteenth little puppet runs twice around the red and white tickets.

Sixteenth Puppet: "Write his name and make a note of your teammate."

The seventeenth puppet sang excitedly, "Grab a six, grab a six!"

The last snatch of six was like the sound of fingernails on glass, sharp and harsh, causing the players to furrow their brows. Having said all this, the puppets all stopped speaking no more. Like neatly aligned soldiers, they twisted around in unison and clicked their way back to the centre of the long table, before turning upright together and staring at each player with eerie wooden eyes.

On the other side, there was just a buzzing sound and the huge clock rumbled and shook on the walls of the castle. Its second hand raced at six times the speed of a normal second hand, going a minute in 10 seconds.

There was bright sunlight coming through the window and Andrei was standing right by it, he looked out and turned back, "There's no sun, but apparently it's daytime."

The seventeen men looked at each other in turn, and it was not clear who pulled out the chairs first and sat down. Soon, one by one, the players sat down in their chairs. The players who were assigned to the same chair chose one person to sit on it.

Andrei sat Mu Huixue up, and Bai Ruoyao looked at the chair, grinning. At that moment, Tang Mo said indifferently, "You sit."

Bai Ruoyao's body lurched and he turned his head, " Tangtang , did I hear you right, you're letting me sit?"

Tang Mo nodded, "You sit."

The player who sits in this chair clearly has the active vote. Bai Ruoyao had no intention of taking this vote from Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo. The black tower game, apart from exposing the fact that the players knew each other, also led to another thing: only one player in the same chair had the right to vote.

No matter how well the players have agreed before the vote, the only person who can vote is the one sitting in the chair. For example, Tang Mo, Fu Wenduo and Bai Ruoyao have agreed to vote for Mu Huixue in this poll. Bai Ruoyao had agreed to vote for Mu Huixue, but when Bai Ruoyao turned against him and voted for Tang Mo, there was nothing Tang Mo or Fu Wenduo could do to stop him.

I thought it was not my turn to sit, but now I have been given the opportunity to do so. Bai Ruoyao suddenly became rebellious: "No, Tangtang, I'm too embarrassed to sit, you sit."

Fu Wenduo lowered his eyes, "Sit or not."

Bai Ruoyao : "......"

After considering his chances of winning a one-on-one fight with these two, Bai Ruoyao shrugged and sat back with a grin on his face.

It's good not to sit on it for nothing, anyway.

Bai Ruoyao was seated and all twelve chairs were occupied.

A middle-aged man looked at everyone and whispered, " The black tower said that the creature was good at disguising itself, so I think that even if we ask a lot of things, like things that only humans know, the creature will definitely be able to tell us."

No one contradicted him.

The middle-aged man said, "Now then, I would like to start with one thing. Almost all of the seventeen players currently here have had their names notified globally by The black tower over the past six months. Who you are, I know. Who I am, in fact, you all know too."

A mocking laugh rang out, "Of course I know, you've been forced to attack the tower in Russia."

The middle-aged man's face sank as he slapped his palm against the table. The long table trembled violently and a deep handprint was branded into the table top. The white male who was taunting him was not nervous at all, and looking at the handprint, he laughed, "Brute strength? Is that why you're so slow to pass the fifth level?"

"Well, don't argue. I don't think we've all thought about working together at all."

The crowd turned their heads to look at the black woman, only to see her sitting in a chair and saying coldly, "No need for nonsense, it's only the first day and night. It's obviously unrealistic to try and catch that monster at this point in time. There is no way we can cooperate with Rob Six mode in place. It's also unrealistic for everyone to form a team and raid the sixth floor together, as no one knows where the monster is. So here's something I hope everyone can do."

Tang Mo : "What is it?"

The black woman gave Tang Mo a look, "What everyone says during the day, please make sure it's said to everyone, at this table."

Some of the players tightened their brows in displeasure, while most of them instead wore an expression of rightfulness.

Bai Ruoyao laughed meaningfully, "The monster must be among the seventeen. It will be hard to catch it, but we can't let the others get to it first. At night we all have to go into our rooms and not come out. During the day, as long as the seventeen are all together, at least everyone's words and actions will be transparent and there will be no private finding of clues? Wow, how little confidence is that in your own strength, hehehe, to think that if you split up, someone else is bound to find the clues you can't?"

The black woman narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean?"

Bai Ruoyao was about to provoke again when Fu Wenduo pressed the back of his chair: "We agree to this proposal."

Bai Ruoyao bristled and stopped talking.

"I agree."

"I agree."

Fifteen of the seventeen players agreed.

Two others disagreed and the black woman asked, "No, because one of you two is The black tower monster?"

The two men glared at the black woman, mocked the word "trash" and then said, "Agreed."

Two hours passed quickly, and during those two hours everyone gathered around the long table, observing the players around them. For the first day, everyone spoke very little, never revealing any secrets. In this silent gaze, they kept the others' information in mind and waited until the two hours of daylight had passed and only the last minute remained.

"Ding Dong! Time for the first day of voting, please ask players to write down the name of the player they wish to vote for on the white ballot."

The old white man opened his mouth for the first time, "I propose that everyone write their own names. There's no point in writing someone else's name when no one can find the monster on the first day."

Hearing this, the rest of the players looked at the old man, revealing a deep thoughtful look. With a bemused look on his face, the old man bowed his head and wrote down a name. It was as if he was really writing his name, and then he placed the white ticket upside down on the table.

Everyone starts writing their names together.

Tang Mo looks down as Bai Ruoyao justifiably writes a name on white paper -

'George Ansonia'

This is the name of the old white man.

After writing their names, the crowd pulled out their chairs and headed back to the first floor.

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo walked at the end of the crowd and when all seventeen people had walked up the stairs, Tang Mo looked back at the long table. The twelve white tickets had all been placed upside down on the table, and the seventeen little puppets stood silently in the centre of the table as the candlelight swayed. Tang Mo suddenly saw one of the puppets move a little, and he looked closer.

There was no movement.

As darkness fell, each of the twelve groups of players went into their own rooms.

Tang Mo, Fu Wenduo and Bai Ruoyao enter the room with their names on it, which has three beds.

The back of the door to the room reads, "Please find your bed."

Tang Mo walks over to his bed, on the head of which is written, "Please lie down, pull up the covers and sleep quietly." He turned his head and exchanged a glance with Fu Wenduo and they both nodded gently.

Bai Ruoyao's exaggerated voice rang out as he complained, "How come there are three beds, shouldn't we be sleeping together."

But Bai Ruoyao's body is honest enough to do as The black tower asks, and he crawls into bed and pulls the covers on.

When Tang Mo got under the covers, he found that he had not been forced to sleep by The black tower. When they entered the room, however, there was dead silence outside, and with their current hearing, the three of them could not hear a single sound, as if they were cut off from the sound by something.

Tang Mo: " The black tower says that three random players can leave the room each night and that when they do, it's impossible for even the players in the same room to notice." Tang Mo doesn't doubt The black tower's rules, and he even speculates that The black tower doesn't let players in the same room communicate with players who have the right to leave the room. He says: "So tonight, out of the three of us, maybe someone has the right to leave the room."

Just because you are eligible, doesn't mean you have to leave. But ......

"It's the only chance to be alone with other players." Fu Wenduo said.

Bai Ruoyao smiled cheekily, "It could also be a chance to be alone with the monster."

Tang Mo : "If any of the three of us are eligible to go out, let the other two know during the day and we'll discuss our response together."

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo were already teammates, so of course they didn't hide anything from each other. He said this to Bai Ruoyao.

As if Bai Ruoyao hadn't heard, he smiled and said, "Let me sing a song for you. It's been a long time since I've tried sleeping in the same room as someone else, and I never thought I'd be sleeping with Tangtang and Mr. Fu, so I'm lucky. Eh, Tangtang, what do you like to hear?"

Tang Mo didn't pay any attention to him.

Bai Ruoyao added, " Mr. Fu School, what do you like to hear."

Bai Ruoyao was not discouraged when they both ignored him and said to himself, "Then I'll sing."

An out-of-tune and unpleasant tune suddenly rang out in the room.

Tang Mo turns his head expressionlessly and looks in Fu Wenduo's direction. Fu Wenduo also looks at him quietly.

In the room, Bai Ruoyao's piercing voice echoed as Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo looked at each other. After a long time, Tang Mo's calm voice rang out, "Okay, no more singing, we're sure it's you, not a monster." Who else could it be if not Bai Ruoyao, with such an unpleasant voice and such an ungrateful attitude?

Bai Ruoyao's song came to a screeching halt, and after a moment, he commiserated, " Tangtang , so that's how you miss me?" With that, as if feeling unconvinced, the baby-faced youth sang a second song, "I obviously sang a lullaby for you with all my heart."

Tang Mo sneers.

At this point, Tang Mo has identified three people.

He, Bai Ruoyao and Fu Wenduo.

All three are not monsters in disguise.

There were things that went without saying, and he knew from the moment he saw Fu Wenduo that this man was Viktor and no monster. And he was sure that Fu Wenduo was too.

Two hours passed quickly and the night was sleepless.

As the sunlight poured in through the window, the three men pulled back the covers and got out of bed as quickly as they could. The moment Tang Mo pulled open the door, Mu Huixue and Andrei were walking past his room, their faces slightly pale and in a hurry.

Tang Mo's heart sank and he too walked out the door. As he walked, he asked, "What's wrong."

Mu Huixue stopped and looked at him and Fu Wenduo, and at Bai Ruoyao, who was walking slowly at the end. She was about to open her mouth to explain, but then she opened it and closed it again. She raised her hand and pointed straight ahead. Tang Mo looked in the direction of her finger, and the moment her eyes touched the other man, they froze.

Just around the corner of the first floor corridor at the stairs, a black female lay against the stair rail, eyes wide open and staring dead ahead.

She was drenched through her clothes as if she had drowned, her skin pale, with some white, mushroom-like foam in her mouth and nose. Beneath her, the light-coloured wooden floor was stained dark with water. The old white man who lived in the room closest to the stairs was the first to find the body; he knelt down, examined it and turned his head to look at the remaining fifteen players.

Beneath his pale hair, the old man said with a calm expression, "Dead, drowned."


The author has something to say.

Big Brother : Keep your name, keep your nationality, keep it a secret, keep it a secret, keep it a secret!

The black tower : hehehehehehehehe doesn't exist~

The big boys : @#%@$%@#$! @#$! #!!!

Published at: 09/11/2022 21:04