Chapter 2: Who the hell stole my book?

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.


All humans stop moving at this moment and look at The black tower, which is the closest to them.

The black tower had never seemed so huge to them, and no matter how far away they were, they could clearly see tiny dots of blue light emerging from the darkness of the tower. They hovered and flickered, the blue dots forming a string of characters, like an old computer that had died, sliding rapidly across The black tower and finally converging in the centre of The black tower in a line of blue letters -

"Ding Dong! For three days, all players are invited to eliminate any one player, including and not limited to the game style."

Crisp, childlike voices sounded simultaneously.

Tang Mo stood on the balcony, staring at the tower without blinking. The cold autumn breeze blew across his cheeks, but a bean-sized drop of sweat slid down his forehead. He stared at the black tower, but the black tower was calm again, the blue letters gone, the children's voices gone, as if it were no different from before.

Half an hour later Tang Mo arrived at the entrance of the library, where countless people had crowded the area around The black tower, blocking the road in front of the library.

Tang Mo watched for a while as a noisy and crowded crowd blocked the city centre, then turned around and walked into the library.

Ten minutes later Director Wang walked up to the desk, "Go home first today, no need to go to work, wait at home for notice."

Little Zhao came over excitedly and couldn't help but ask, "Director, is it something to do with The black tower? The black tower made a sound this morning, did you hear it? What the hell is going on here? Where the hell did this come from? It's not the end of the world, is it?"

Director Wang suddenly snapped his face up, "What end of the world, what nonsense. You young people don't talk nonsense all day long and read those nonsense things."

Little Zhao is the youngest girl in the library, a young girl of 96. There was a hint of fear in her round eyes, but more surprise and curiosity. As soon as Director Wang left, she said, " Tang Mo, you heard it too, The black tower spoke, it said something about being on line, and something about elimination."

Tang Mo packed up her things and went home, annoyed, and casually dismissed the situation with, "I wasn't paying attention."

"Do you think it's the end of the world or not? I don't think so, if it's the end of the world, where are the zombies. That The black tower says it's going to eliminate players, it's not going to turn us into zombies is it? Is this some kind of national conspiracy? ...... is not right either, the internet says that The black tower is appearing all over the world, and they all spoke today. What country could be so awesome, not even the US."

Tang Mo was not really in the mood to discuss such things, and for some reason his heart started beating fast after he heard The black tower speak and saw the line that appeared on The black tower.

The normal heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 100 per minute, which Tang Mo counted when Little Zhao was talking earlier.

His heart rate is now 130.

But he didn't feel uncomfortable anywhere, just panicky inside, like something was wrong.

Tang Mo looks up and to his left and right. The desk is in the middle of the lending room, with shelves of books in front and behind. To the left are humanities books, to the right are history books. He doesn't know what he is looking at; everywhere he looks, sunlight shines through the windows and tiny grains of dust flutter in the air.

"Tang Mo!" The loud female voice snapped Tang Mo out of her dazed state. Little Zhao's voice had a slightly displeased tone, "I've just called out to you several times, what's wrong with you? What are you thinking about, why don't you say anything?"

Tang Mo reached up and wiped his face, his palms wet, as he turned his head to look at his colleague, "...... is fine."

The heart beats faster.

Little Zhao picked up his bag: "I want to go and see The black tower. Do you want to come with me? I saw a lot of people there when I came into the library, so let's go together?"

Tang Mo shook her head quickly, "I'm going home."

Little Zhao did not seem very happy about what had just happened and left the library with a wave of his hand.

However, Little Zhao did not get to visit The black tower. As Tang Mo was leaving the library, a group of armed policemen got out of the car to disperse the crowd that had gathered around The black tower, and they surrounded The black tower with white plastic sheets.

Many people stand outside the wall and take pictures of The black tower with their mobile phones.

Tang Mo took a picture and got into a taxi to go home.

On the internet, The black tower incident has become a worldwide headline.

Tang Mo was lying on his bed brushing his friends when his university classmates studying in Japan and the US posted photos of The black tower where the text on the tower was no longer in Chinese, but in Japanese and English.

Tang Mo doesn't know how to go over the wall, but the student who studied in the US replied several times in his circle of friends.

[Yes, it's not Chinese, it's speaking English! It scared the hell out of me, our schools are closed and now many people are taking to the streets to march in front of the White House to get a statement from the government.]

[It's so hard to get a ticket at the airport now, I can't even get a ticket back to my country, my housemate has money and is going back home this afternoon].

[It was still night here when it spoke and we also played a children's song, my friend has the video, I'll upload it].

Tang Mo clicked on this new video posted by a classmate, a familiar The black tower hovering next to the Lincoln Memorial, its colourful glow particularly striking in the darkness of the night. The song is not 'Jingle Bells', but it's clearly a nursery rhyme too. After a song is played, the same clear, high child's voice says it all in English -

'Ding Dong! The Earth went live on November 15, 2017.'

What's all this about!

Tang Mo slammed his phone down on the bed in agitation.

No official information has been released about The black tower, but there are so many of them that they can't be hidden, and some people have been saying for a long time - on average, there is one The black tower for every 10,000 square kilometres of land.

Even on the ocean, there are countless The black tower.

Tang Mo stood up and walked back and forth across the room in annoyance. His heart was beating so hard it was about to shake out of his chest. When Tang Mo reached the 160th round trip, he stopped dead in his tracks.

...... It's not like him!

Why is he suddenly so irritable and restless?

Tang Mo walked to the bathroom and stuck his head under the tap, not worrying about catching a cold, he turned on the cold water straight away and rushed it over his head with a clatter. His mood seemed to calm down a little, he poured a glass of cold water and returned to his room, turned on his computer and clicked on the bridge software.

He needs to calm down.

This sudden feeling of agitation was not at all under his control.

Perhaps it was because his heart was beating so fast that it was affecting his judgement? It should be up to 150 beats per minute by now.

Tang Mo looked at the computer screen with indifferent eyes. Probably because of the big event, there were too few people who still wanted to play at such a time, so he matched for ten minutes before entering a room and starting a game of cards. As the game went on and his mind raced, Tang Mo's heart gradually calmed down and it seemed that his heart was not beating so fast.

He played from day to night until he was too sleepy and fell into bed.

The next day I woke up with the same feeling of anxiety that I couldn't ignore. Tang Mo opened his bridge software again and continued to play. After another full day of playing, Tang Mo's face is as pale as can be, his eyes are bloodshot and his brain is so tired that he can fall asleep when he closes his eyes.

The QQ alert sounded.

[Victor: You've been playing all day?

Tang Mo rubbed his dry eyes and replied: [Well, it's a bit uncomfortable].

[Victor: You must not feel well after playing for so long, rest early].

[Grinding sugar: Hmm.]

[Victor: Stay away from The black tower.

Tang Mo has fallen asleep at his computer desk.

When he woke up the next day, he saw a message from Viktor and replied to it, but Viktor had already gone offline. Tang Mo stretched and suddenly felt better, his heart still beating fast, but the anxious feeling that had come from nowhere had disappeared.

The black tower incident is still being discussed on the internet.

The government did not give a specific explanation, but it did a strong job of suppressing public opinion. Many netizens could only discuss information about The black tower in private, but the discussion was about useless things, and sensitive words could not even be posted.

Tang Mo clicked on a few threads speculating on the truth of The black tower, most of which suggested that The black tower was the result of some cutting-edge technology. A small number of people thought it was the end of the world, but they sounded like they were joking, so they didn't get censored and just let them ramble on.

In the afternoon Director Wang posted an announcement in the library's group.

[Director Wang: Urgent notice! The library is being commandeered as a temporary research centre from the day after tomorrow, any personal items will be collected within today and tomorrow. Notice again, the library is being requisitioned as a ...... starting the day after tomorrow]

The group exploded.

Several of the older staff asked where they were going to work after the library was expropriated. A few younger staff jokingly said, [It's the end of the world, what's the point of working?

Tang Mo looks up at The black tower in the distance, picks up his bag and gets on the bus to the library.

I have to say that China has done a really good job of maintaining social stability, and except for people like them who work too close to The black tower and have to go home on holiday, all the public facilities are running very smoothly as usual.

But when he swiped his card, Tang Mo saw an ashtray in front of the driver, full of ashes and with a cigarette in his mouth.

A middle-aged woman complained, "Master, why are you still smoking when you're driving?

"It's so annoying, I don't even want to drive the car without a cigarette, why don't you drive?"

"Eh how do you talk like that. It's your bus company's own rule not to smoke, you're just wrong to smoke, and you're not letting anyone talk?"

The driver and the woman got into a fight and the two female university students sitting next to Tang Mo rushed to persuade them. After they were easily dissuaded, the two girls sat back in their seats and one said, "It's the third day, isn't it?"

"Oh, you said that one, it's really the third day."

The girl said while playing with her phone, "There's talk of eliminating players and not limiting them to the way the game is played. What the hell does that mean? It's been three days and there's been no movement. What is a game? Is rock-paper-scissors a game for us?"

"Hee hee want to try it?"

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

"Ah, I've lost. Am I out of your league then?"

The two girls looked at each other and laughed together.

Those who were in the mood to take the bus and go on with their daily lives were the ones who didn't care much about The black tower, and Tang Mo arrived at the library to see thousands of people with signs blocking the road and confronting the armed police. These are the people who are very concerned about The black tower, and who really think that The black tower will bring about the end of the world.

Tang Mo took a detour and entered the library through the back door, he seemed to be the only one in a hurry to come back for something, there was no one else in the empty library. The chanting of the marchers was heard outside the door and echoed in the library. Tang Mo found his locker and took the few books inside out.

He was about to leave when he suddenly heard a dull sound from the southeast corner.

Tang Mo stops in his tracks and looks over there. After a moment, he takes a black blast stick out of the security guard's locker, stands on tiptoe and cautiously walks towards the corner.

"Who's there?"

No echo.

I can still faintly hear the sound of someone picking up a book from the corner, the other person shoving it back into the shelf, dropping another book in their fumbling hands.

Tang Mo walked over to the bookshelf in the corner, turned around with a flourish and bellowed, "Who's there!"

An ordinary-looking young man with a messy head of hair looks over at Tang Mo in a panic, with a book in his hand.

Tang Mo's grip on the blaster relaxed and he said in surprise, "Mr. Chen, the godsend ...... ahem? What are you doing here?"

The magus looked at Tang Mo with stiff movements, laughed dryly and shoved the fallen book back into the shelf.

Tang Mo frowned, "How did you get in here?"

"There's a window left open on the east side there ...... I just came in to have a look and see ......"

Tang Mo recalled that there was indeed a window on the east side of the library, but that one was attached to the floor and connected to the basement, mainly for ventilation. How the hell did this bully get in? Did he really climb through the window?

Tang Mo: " Mr. Chen, we'd be very embarrassed if you did that, it would be considered stealing."

"I didn't steal anything!" The clergyman said hastily.

Tang Mo looked him up and down, clutching the blasting stick in his hand, and walked over to the bookshelf in front of the cleric and looked at it closely.

No less books indeed, just as he had left them three days earlier.

"So what exactly do you want this time in ......"

"Dingdong! The confrontation game 'Who the hell stole my book' has triggered. 17 November 2017, 17:52pm, players Tang Mo, Chen Fangzhi are safely in game time. The player has entered the sandbox, the game map has been created and data loading is complete ......"

In an instant, the shouting and sloganeering outside the library disappeared into thin air.

In the empty library, a deceptively clear child's voice rang out of nowhere, chanting a nursery rhyme that no one had ever heard before.

"La la la la, la la la la.

A stick gently beaten.

Two players go through the house.

Three days and three nights without a word.

The angel demon wants it.

Hush ...... Who really stole my book?"


The author has something to say.

The world view is revealed step by step ~ hehehehehe, this article is trying to write an interesting story, but the romance must also be sweet sweet sweet, the young attacker has already appeared, you have guessed who is it =V=

Published at: 02/09/2022 21:04