Chapter 21: Want to make a game

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.


Shen Yu arrived at the classroom just as the second class was in progress.

He walked gently through the back door and in the corner of the last row Ke Liangji was sitting by himself.

There are very few girls in the computer science department, and at this time there are two classes together, so the girls are basically concentrated in the front half of the classroom, which Ke Liangji avoids, and sitting at the end is an incredibly safe option.

"Where was the talk?"

Shen Yu pulls down a chair and sits down next to Ke Liangji.

Ke Liangji looked back at him with a natural look of delight in his eyes, took off his headphones in the direction of Shen Yu and asked, "What took you so long? The roll call was just taken."

"Did you spot me?"

"Point taken, I shouted to for you."

"What about you?"

"I don't care!"

Shen Yu was moved inwardly and subconsciously distanced himself from Ke Liangji.

This one has feminophobia, and I wonder if this disorder will develop and start having some other horrible thoughts about men.

"Now where was the talk?"

"I didn't listen to it, it's all basic stuff, it doesn't make much sense, might as well brush up on it, just in time, you can help me with this one."

Ke Liangji thrusts a question in front of Shen Yu.

When Maharaja created the world, he made three diamond pillars, and on one pillar he placed 64 golden discs in order of size from the bottom to the top. It was also stipulated that the discs could not be enlarged on the smaller discs and that only one disc could be moved at a time between the three pillars, please program this.

"Why are you still brushing up on your competition questions, there's no point, you're good at architecture, you're planning to continue with a this year?"

"Not participating, you're not even coming, Brother Duck and I can't find the right teammates for both of us, no more messing around, give me some ideas, I'm just curious how to solve it."

"Zhao Yage is also not attending?" Shen Yu is still a bit surprised, she is a very rational girl after all.

"She said everyone else was a pig in a poke."


Shen Yu took the question, thought about it for a while and then quickly gave the solution.

"Bravo, bravo."

Ke Liangji exclaimed, looking at Shen Yu and saying, "You're really something, what's your latest project? What are you working on lately? What did you talk about last night, the emotional computing for AI?"

"Well, I'm still testing the algorithms and trying to get an intelligent program out."

Ke Liangji is up in arms: "Where do you want to put this program? On a robot? Or do you want to make an app, or a game?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, I haven't even got the core algorithm right, so we'll see when we get there."

Shen Yu thought about it and said, "Maybe it would be more appropriate to make it a game."

Ke Liangji is a student and a fan of games, and has played many different kinds of games. When he heard that Shen Yu wanted to make a game, he was immediately enthused and came over with his big greasy face licking the beard and crannies: "What game? I may be tired of other games, but I'll play any game you make!"

"It's one of those role-playing games."

I haven't played many Shen Yu games, only some very Buddhist mini-games, most of which are plot-oriented word games where the corresponding plot pops up when certain scenes are triggered.

It's a fun game at first, but you soon get bored with it. After all, it's not smart, and the trigger conditions and plot outcomes are too fixed, so it's one of those games that you play once and then lose.

"Player-player interaction?"

"No, if it were a game, our strength would be the AI emotional intelligence algorithms built into the game."

Shen Yu explained, "We can make this game a single player, no player-player interaction, just player-npc interaction."

"First build the world view of the game, so that the game has certain rules, I'll use an analogy, for example, we want to make a relationship game, then the player can set the appearance of the npc girlfriend, personality, preferences, even past experience and some said words at the beginning of the game, this is when our AI emotion algorithm starts to show its advantages. "

"Through the algorithm's learning of big data, it is possible to make this npc girlfriend realistic, she will think for herself, she will be angry, happy, shy, embarrassed will consider what to do in this situation when triggering an event scene, each time the trigger feedback is the most consistent with the development of the character's behaviour."

"For example, if your virtual girlfriend has just got a crush on you and you can't wait to take her to a hotel, but that doesn't fit your expected persona of your virtual girlfriend, under the algorithm's calculation, your girlfriend will get angry and even break up with you, and you'll have to start again to figure out how to get her crush."

"My idea is to make a role-playing game with a lot of freedom, where our focus is not to go out and design various fixed trigger scenarios, but to make the npc smarter through algorithms that make the npc's behaviour in various situations feel reasonable and that the player can continue to play."

After listening to Shen Yu's vision, Ke Liangji was a bit mesmerised by the fact that although he is a feminophobe, it is only in reality, and as a member of the nerd community, he has no shortage of love for his paper-thin wife.

"That's too difficult!"

Ke Liangji is a bit of an awe-inspiring game, and the most difficult part of the game is the core algorithm.

"So what, it's still just a vision, until I get the algorithm out."

Shen Yu says: "The program is already in the big data learning stage, so we'll see how it goes when it comes out. At first, it will be very rough and the game will be very simple, just a word and picture format, but the main thing is the AI algorithm."

When he heard that Shen Yu had basically finished the algorithm and had even entered the big data learning stage, Ke Liangji just wanted to kneel down and shout "Big Brother" at this moment.

"Shen Yu, I feel like you've changed a bit since you came back from your summer vacation."

Ke Liangji couldn't help but stare at Shen Yu. Now that I think about it calmly, the odds are that Shen Yu would have applied the algorithm to something more nebulous like a robot or some other app, but I didn't expect him to come up with the concept of a virtual girlfriend game.

Ke Liangji was right, the idea only came to Shen Yu in the last couple of days, he hadn't thought about the application of the algorithm before, but I don't know if it was just a demon, but the idea of a virtual girlfriend came to him.

"Change what?" Shen Yu shivered a little at his stare and shifted away a little more.

"I don't suppose you're starting to produce the hormones of youth too, are you? Your face looks a little whiter to me than before, like a little white face." Ke Liangji said.

"Go and buy a bottle of face wash, you've got enough oil on your face to fry."

Shen Yu enthuses, "It works really well."

"What am I doing with that thing, hey, you want paper wives, I'll introduce you to some, they're super cute"

"No, get out."

Published at: 11/06/2021 20:00