Chapter 206: Changing Dogs Extra (Medium)

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Luoluo asks, "What are you going to do?"

Lanlan Little Xiao whispered, "I know this situation, the TV my master watches says that you should call the police when you meet a bad person."

Luoluo: "But humans don't understand us."

Lanlan: "......"

Oh yes, what they say is just woof woof and meow meow to human ears.

Stupid humans are really stupid, except for their owners.

Lanlan said, "Let's go and wake everyone up then, we can't let the bad guys get their hands on them."

Seeing that the humans had gone, Luoluo jumped to the ground: "Come on, follow me."

With that, the cat and dog stalked quietly through the petting zoo, using their acute hearing and sense of smell to carefully avoid the humans' position.

At that moment, a little light suddenly shone outside the window.

Lanlan looked over and saw a black car parked behind the Advent Petting Zoo at some point.

The car was large enough to fit many dogs without any problem, and it was dark enough to be very discreet in the dark.

The car's taillights flashed regularly a few times, as if giving some kind of signal.

Lanlan's ears perked up: "The bad guys' car is coming, we need to hurry."

They were about to move on when they heard the sound of approaching footsteps.

It's the human! He's coming this way.

Faced with this unexpected situation, Lanlan and Luoluo had no time to leave and they had to hide behind the cupboard.

The space behind the cupboard was small and the cat and dog had to squeeze together.

Lanlan was uncomfortably squeezed: "Well ...... Luoluo you're too fat, I've never seen a cat as big as you ......"

Luoluo said, "You're bigger by size, you're the one who's fat."

Lanlan was unconvinced: "I'm not fat, my master says I'm just fluffy, go in a bit more, aren't you cats liquids?"

Luoluo was also helpless: "Liquids have volume too, shhh, here he comes."

No sooner had Luoluo's words left his lips than the human had arrived in the corridor where they were.

The cat and the dog dared not speak again, and they struggled to maintain their current position, keeping quiet and watching the other man's movements.

The man carried a marijuana-drunken-gun in one hand and a bundle of rope over his shoulder, not looking ready to do anything good.

The human was oblivious to the furry who was watching him from the shadows, humming a song as he walked to the other side.

When the human was far away, Luoluo said, "Oh no, he's gone into Ningning and Weiwei's side! They're in danger!"

Lanlan got nervous too, "We have to help them to do it."

What to do?

Lanlan turns his head as he searches around for something that can help them at this time.

Suddenly, his eyes rested on the light switch.

The bad guy had left the lights on so as not to draw attention to himself, and now the room was dark, lit only by his torch and the street lamp outside.

Lanlan said to Luoluo, "Have you ever seen a ghost movie?"


Jiang You is an uneducated young gangster.

He has a lot of debts from eating, drinking and gambling, and his biggest wish is to get rich overnight.

Recently, he heard about a good pet base nearby, where many of the pets in foster care are good breeds that fetch high prices, so he was tempted.

The pet base was recruiting new staff some time ago, and he was honest and liked animals, so he eventually passed the interview and got in.

When he came in, he saw that the dogs here were not only of good breed, but also of good quality, so if he stole them all and sold them to the dog factory, it would be a lot of money.

And some dogs are treated better than people, they don't even have their own nutrition and groomer.

Jiang You is so sour, what does it mean to say that people are worse than dogs.

But the management here is really strict, not only is the food prepared by special staff, there is also surveillance over there.

Even at night there are two or three people on duty together. For a week in a row he hadn't found a chance and was almost tempted to give up.

Luckily, with the recent holiday, the number of people on duty had changed to two.

Better still, the other person he was working with had to take the day off for an emergency, and Jiang You told him with an honest face, "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of everything tonight."

The other man left with a grateful look on his face, which led him to his opportunity.

He was now walking on the road and felt that he was walking on a road to riches. What was there to fear from a big dog, a shot of anaesthesia and he would still fall down.

He took his marijuana-drunken-gun and cautiously headed over towards a room.

He remembered that it was where a Labrador and a Soviet Russian Wolfhound liked to sleep, the Labrador was gentle enough not to worry about. But the other one was fierce and big, over a metre without standing up, and he would have to get rid of him later before he could do anything.


Suddenly the light above his head came on.

Jiang You was startled by the sudden brightness and subconsciously thought that someone was coming.

He looked around cautiously, but saw no one in sight.

What was wrong with this light? Why did it suddenly come on?

Jiang You felt puzzled, but he was being a thief, and who was a thief to turn on the lights?

He walked over and reached over to turn off the light.

After making sure that no one was really around, he moved on.


The lights came on once more just as he walked to the previous location.

Jiang You jerked back to look at where the switch was, which was still empty, without half a person.

The only thing nearby was a decorative cupboard with potted plants, which obviously couldn't hide anyone.

It was unlikely that anyone was playing a prank on him.

A chill ran up Jiang You's back, what was this? Is the switch broken, or ...... has he seen a ghost?

The first time I saw him, I was in the middle of a fight.

Just as the lights went out, he felt something silky and light touch across his back.

The touch was almost like hair.

Jiang You's breath caught and he couldn't help but turn on the light himself.

But when the lights came on, there was nothing in front of him, and he looked back behind himself, and still nothing.

But the touch he had just felt couldn't be fake, what had he encountered here?

Jiang You swallowed and was debating what to do.

Not far away, another corridor behind the corner was suddenly lit up again, and the lights flickered with an odd frequency, and an odd black shadow could be seen between the flashes.

This is too much like a haunting!

Jiang You panicked and decided that it was better to leave the corridor first, he didn't want the Labrador or the Soviet Russian Wolfhound.

He still didn't forget to turn off the lights so as not to expose himself.

Waiting for him to leave.

Luoluo, who was hiding behind a small cupboard, stuck her head out and Lanlan, who was flicking a switch in another corridor, came over.

They give each other an approving little look.

The second time we worked together was still very pleasant.

It was not too late, so they dashed off to inform Ningning and Weiwei.

When they arrive in the small room where they are sleeping, the room is still quiet and the two sleeping figures can be seen overlapping each other.

Ningning remains alert even when he is sleeping.

At the sound of the doorway, he opens his eyes quickly, and they glow with the cold light of the night.

But he doesn't move, because Weiwei has part of his body on top of him and if he does, he might wake him up.

Luoluo dashed through the door, "Ningning, don't sleep, tell Weiwei to get up too, something's wrong."

Seeing that they really didn't look like they were joking, Ningning asked, "What's wrong?"

Luoluo said, "The employee on duty today is a bad guy, he's going to take us all away and sell us."

Ningning rolled onto his back and an angry sound escaped his throat, "The dog dealer again."

Weiwei was so close to being taken away by the dog trader that he still had a long scar on his body, if he got away with it, wouldn't they never see each other again?

At this point, Weiwei also wakes up and together the three woos and one meow leave the room quietly.

They wake up the sleeping pets in the petting zoo, and along the way, the army of pets quietly advancing grows larger and larger.

On a mat full of toys, Ke Ji and Taidi are sleeping.

Taidi is sleeping very restlessly, stirring her legs and chewing on Ke Ji's ear.

Ke Ji seems to be used to this and does not wake up, although he sleeps with a serious expression.

Lanlan went up and woke them up, "Get up, there are bad eggs."

Taidi looked sleepily at Lanlan: "Well ...... bad ...... eggs ...... that's not edible ......"

Ke Ji turned around and kicked Taidi in the face, sending him flying and waking him up from his sleep, "Get up."

Lanlan saw that they were awake and went on to call the other pets.

He was so engrossed in it that even in his sleep his mouth was occasionally slamming.

Lanlan nudged it and it didn't respond.

Luoluo said, "It's called Tie Hanhan, here's a bit ......"

It said, pointing a paw at its head, "It probably doesn't have the ability to communicate to us like we do."

Luoluo jumped on Tie Hanhan's head and punched him in the face with his big cat fist.

After a while Tie Hanhan's eyes finally opened, and the moment they did so, an air of not-so-smartness permeated the room, bringing down the intelligence level.

Tie Hanhan held his slipper: "Ow?"

Luoluo said, "Stop chewing, there are bad guys out to get us, come with us."

"Well ......?" Tie Hanhan cocked his head and didn't seem to understand.

Lanlan asks, "Why can't it talk?"

Luoluo says: "It's probably because the level of evolution is low, and when you see more pets you'll realise that not every pet can talk."

With no way to communicate with Tie Hanhan, they can only nudge him to follow them.

The pets were pretty much assembled and they were going to go to the security guards first and let the humans take care of the human baddies.

They kept quiet and approached the gate cautiously.

At that moment, Jiang You, who had finally recovered his mind, was ready to work.

Even if ghosts were scary, he was already poor, so what could they do to him?

If he didn't pay back the money this month, he would be branded as a ghost, so he didn't care about ghosts, he would finish the job first.

But when he walked to the area where the pets usually like to sleep he looked.

The dogs were gone.

Not one or two, but all of them, and not just the dogs, but the cats were gone too.

Jiang You is going crazy. What is going on tonight? Does the calendar say "It's not a good time to be a thief"?

Where the hell are all the dogs?

Did they all slip away?

He hurriedly searched around and found some kennels that were still warm, so it seemed that the Xiao family had not gone far.

Jiang You hurriedly lifted his marijuana gun and started looking for them.

The pets, who had fled quietly, heard the sound of approaching footsteps and tensed up.

Lanlan made an immediate decision: "Find a place to hide and keep quiet, quick."

At once, everyone got into tables and cupboards, and those small enough to hide behind curtains squeezed in too.

Together with Luoluo, they opened the door of the cupboard and Lanlan went inside.

This is a much bigger space than the one behind the cabinet, but even that can't stop the dogs from coming in.

The mad rush of dogs filled the space to the brim, making it almost impossible to move.

A Cheng whispered, " A Xian you've put on weight."

A Xian was a bit vain: "I haven't ......"

A Cheng said firmly, "You have, you've become Q-tip."

A Xian: "......"

Yangyang: "Whose foot is on my tail?"

Ningning: "Sorry it was probably me."

Tie Hanhan was also so squeezed that he felt his gut start to get upset: "Ow ......"

The sound of footsteps came closer and everyone held their breath.

Wen Yi's long, well-groomed fur swept across Taidi's face, making him want to sneeze.

At that very moment, Ke Ji slapped the sneeze back.

By the light of his torch, Jiang You's eyes searched the area.

He scanned the area and saw no sign of the dog and was about to move on.



The fart sound was distinctive in the silence, with a twang of tones that perhaps only the deaf could not hear.

Jiang You certainly wasn't deaf, and the fart wasn't from him either.

For a fart to be released in this place, and one that made such a commotion, there must be something hiding here.

He couldn't help but stop in his tracks.

The pets' furry faces turned green as they looked to the culprit -

Tie Hanhan.

What the hell did this guy eat at night that he farts so much?!

And the smell is so strong ......

Tie Hanhan sensed the murderous aura from his companion with his not-so-bright head, and as he tensed, he couldn't hold back another fart.

"Blah ......"


Published at: 08/22/2022 06:00