Chapter 86: The Caring Orphanage

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Muke's memory is not as impressive as this, and to read a bookcase of books in fifteen minutes and write them down without error, he can't even flip through books that fast, even if he has a camera memory, and Muke can't remember them that fast.

To find all the notes and clues in so many books, even with Muke's already excellent memory for a normal person, Muke told Bai Liu that it would take him at least one night.

But how can Muke be kept safe in the ICU overnight?

Thinking of the plan Bai Liu had told him about, Muke looked at Miao Feichi with a bit of a sincere plea, "I can't break into the icu alone, but I can remember what's inside in no time, but you guys can break in, wouldn't it be good to take me with you? You provide the force, I provide the memory, there's no better combination."

Miao Feichi looked at Muke for a moment with a sense of humour, then suddenly grinned, "You didn't come to us for this, did you?"

Muke kept his head down and didn't say a word, playing with his fingers and scowling in acquiescence.

"You say you can shorthand and we believe it?" Miao Feichi gave Miao Gaojiang a look, his tone a little subtle displeasure, "An ordinary player actually dares to play the idea of using us ...... Forget it, father, you test his shorthand function, if he can really remember, at nine o'clock at night when we break into the icu the night we break into the icu with him."

Miao Gaojiang glanced at Muke and gave his head a little bob: "Come over here with me."

Muke takes a deep breath and nods his head to follow.


8.30 pm, First floor of the hospital.

Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang were only confined until 6pm, after which time they were allowed out by the nurse.

Muke passed Miao Gaojiang's memory test and was able to remember the page numbers and footnotes of every page he read, which somewhat shocked Miao Gaojiang, who had never come into contact with a natural genius like Muke, after all, Miao Feichi was a schoolboy who couldn't even get into high school and had to be paid to get in. Miao Gaojiang never knew there were kids like Muke in this world.

At half past seven these two came down for dinner and discussed how to attack the ICU, which was very simple.

Miao Feichi: "I A."

Miao Gaojiang: "You walk the position?"

Miao Feichi: "The usual, how many sections do you drive?"

Miao Gaojiang: "Same as you, so Bai Liu plus that icu monster, it's almost three minutes over if it's quick."

The tacit understanding of these two's many games together allowed them to not need to say exactly how the attack would go, plus they had no idea how many monsters they had swiped from this kind of level 2 copy, so all they needed was a few faint words to determine each other's position.

Muke's ears were stretched out, but he couldn't understand what the two men were communicating, so he was so angry that he was gritting his teeth and cursing them for speaking in a human language that he could understand!

Muke thought of how Bai Liu had to maintain his sanity and use his keycap to give him all kinds of instructions when he was seriously injured, and he even felt a sour envy for the Miao family's father-son understanding at the same time ......

If only he and Bai Liu had that same father-son bond ...... Muke thought with a slight sense of melancholy.


The nurses on the ground floor left the wards and corridors one after another to go to the nurses' office, where they had a fifteen-minute shift briefing. After taking the last temperature of Bai Liu and the other patient, this last nurse also left the icu at the urging of the other nurses.

She closed the door of the icu.


This nurse walked into the nurse's office, turned and closed the door, and the moment the door to the nurse's office was closed, Miao Feichi He flung out his twin knives and his tone was sullen: "I'll unlock the door, you follow in."

Miao Feichi's twin knives are a pair of long, curved blades, almost bent into the shape of a crescent moon, hence their elegant name, but Bai Liu spent his childhood in an orphanage, and he and Lu Yizhan sometimes had to do farm work, sometimes as an experience, sometimes as a real necessity, such as cutting pig's grass, so Bai Liu didn't have a lot of leisurely associations with such weapons.

He would only call such a knife by one name when he saw it - a knife for cutting hogweed, or a hogweed knife for short.

And Bai Liu said the same thing to Muke when he was discussing the plan, the Miao Feichi hogweed knife, which he took so much for granted that Muke thought that was really what the knife was called.

So Muke saw Miao Feichi using this machete to carefully insert the tip of the blade into the lock hole to pick the lock without disturbing the nurse, and Muke couldn't help but ask in confusion, "Why are you using a hog straw knife to pick the lock? Can't you find a lock pick in the system?"

Miao Feichi had always prided himself on the high attack power of his two machetes, but when he heard Muke describe his knives as "pig straw knives", Miao Feichi was so angry that he couldn't even speak properly and said incoherently, "Who the hell told you that they were pig straw knives? Who the hell told you it was a straw knife!"

Muke shocked: "This knife can still fuck pigs!"

What do you usually do with pigs!

Muke is a real golden and precious young master who knows nothing about farming, so he believes everything he is told about the types and functions of farming tools and knives, he really thinks that maybe Miao Feichi will fuck a pig with a knife, after all, the man even eats human flesh, what kind of sick things can he not do.

Miao Gaojiang held him down as he saw Miao Feichi about to get angry, but he had worked in agriculture and was reminded by Muke that the knife did look a bit like a hogweed knife, but he couldn't say that at this point, Miao Feichi would have exploded with anger - his son Miao Feichi would have been furious - his son would obviously have had to accept the name "Wind-Up Double Knife".

Miao Gaojiang patted an exasperated Miao Feichi on the back as he looked sternly and warningly at Xiang Muke, but in his head he also thought it looked a bit like a hog straw knife, so his words became, "This is not some hog straw knife, this is an upper hog double knife."

Miao Gaojiang, who realized he also made a slip of the tongue after saying that: "......"

"And you're doing it two at a time?!" Muke's pupils quake and he's getting images in his head.

Miao Feichi was so angry that his hand shuddered and the machete he had inserted into the lock hole stabbed the door open, and he lowered his voice and said angrily, "This isn't some hogweed knife! This is my upper hog ...... wind-up double blade! It's a very powerful knife, it's my skill derived weapon, rated A+, it can go to S- level at full blast, it'll kill you in a matter of seconds, it's much faster for picking locks than buying some lock picking prop! Stupid bastard!"

With that, Miao Feichi gave Muke a vicious glare and gritted his teeth as he explained, "A pig straw blade? How dare you say that, there aren't many people in the entire game who can resist a weapon with that kind of damage and judgement value, and only Mu Sicheng's skill technique can stop me from hitting this blade."

With a sneer, Miao Feichi pushed open the icu door and turned to Muke with a vicious middle finger: "Your brain better be as useful as you say it is, or I'll kill you later!"

Muke is wise to keep quiet and not mess with Miao Feichi.

The door to the icu ward slowly opened in the dazzling fog and night air of the hospital.

The humidifiers in the icu seemed to be more numerous than in the normal wards, and there were spouts of white mist everywhere, turning the entire ward into a misty place where visibility was no more than a metre. The two beds in the ward were hidden in the white mist, and the people lying on them were covered with white cloths, even their breathing rose and fell very slightly, and their long, thin, withered limbs poked out of the white cloths and hung down beside the beds.

Two men with identical faces lie quietly on the bed, bags under their eyes drooping to their cheekbones under their elongated, miserable faces, and a few mushroom dots of corpse spots on their faces, like lifeless corpses in a morgue.

The icu is very well soundproofed, and Miao Feichi closes the door to the icu to prevent any sound from escaping from the room, kicks Muke with her foot and condescends, "Go and read a book in the bookcase."

Muke bowed his head in response, gritted his teeth and went over to the bookcase and began frantically flipping through books in the dim light, his heart shaking a little.

Plans are about to begin.

Muke's eyes glanced very slightly at the hands of the two patients hanging outside the white cloth, one of them seemed to have something between its fingers.

But he remembered that Bai Liu was in this bed in the ICU when he was brought in, and what did he do while he was in the ICU alone?

Miao Gaojiang moved very gently to probe the two patients, he frowned, "The monsters aren't triggered by us, so there's no need to fight them."

"No fighting monsters, Bai Liu still needs to be killed." Miao Feichi's narrowed his eyes as his eyes wandered wistfully over the two beds, but he soon he frowned, "These two, who is Bai Liu, how come they look exactly the same, I remember there was a difference when Bai Liu was wheeled in, he was a little shorter than the patient in the other bed."

"And Bai Liu didn't have these spots on his skin before. " Miao Gaojiang added after a moment of observation, but soon the experienced veteran player jumped to conclusions, " Bai Liu must have been alienated, presumably as a result of spending a day in the ICU with this seriously ill monster, his life value was low after losing blood and his mental resistance was weakened, probably by the patient monster He was probably alienated by the patient monster."

"Are you going to eat Bai Liu's meat when it's like this?" Miao Gaojiang pointed to the two skeletal men on the hospital bed.

Miao Feichi frowns in disgust: "Forget it, eat the smaller one, Bai six, this is really disgusting, it reminds me of the woman who gave birth to me, who was also seriously ill, it's awful."

Miao Gaojiang was silent for a moment, then spoke, "Which patient to kill?"

"Kill them all." Miao Feichi's eyes sank as his twin swords sank into his hands, Miao Feichi weighed them and smiled wickedly, "It won't take much work to kill one more, I'd rather make a mistake than let them go."

[System Alert: Player Miao Feichi uses his personal skill weapon (Uppercut Twin Blade)]

[Rating: A+ rank potential S rank skill weapon, flat attack 3100, one hit against players below B rank]

Published at: 03/11/2022 05:10