Chapter 577: The Drowning Man from the Future

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

The doors open in both directions and Bai Liu slowly looks up to see Cen Buming, his eyes red and his hands clenched, standing outside looking at him.

The hatred, disbelief, deception, and murderous intent in the man's eyes finally boiled over into the worst he had ever imagined.

"So that's the future the idiot saw ......" Cen Buming's face twisted into a grimace, the sneer he grunted out of his throat was like blood, he staggered, completely out of order, but extremely fast. In the blink of an eye he was in front of Bai Liu, grabbing him by the collar and pinning him to the ground, punching him in a fury, "How can you ......"

Cen Buming's voice and fists trembled, tears shifted in his eyes and his voice broke and rasped, "How can ......"

"In the [future], kill Lu Yizhan with your own hands!

"You already knew that didn't you! You've seen [the future] before! You must have known the future, Heretic 0001, was Lu Yizhan himself!!!"

"He raised you with his own hands, stood in your way again and again, did everything he could for you, forewarned you of everything, and you killed him!!!"

"Do you have a heart, Bai Liu!!!"

Bai Liu's whip stalled, his pupils shrinking to a tiny dot, all the incongruous pieces of his memory instantly connecting, his whole body feeling like it had fallen into icy water, entering a dazed and unreal state.

On the day of ......, yes, he had seen [Future], he had seen a small TV in the heresy [Future] showing footage of the future and a man who was recording archive points, wearing the uniform of the captain of the first detachment, and he took it for granted at the time that Lu Yizhan existed in this heresy as a prophet and was simply using He took it for granted that Lu Yizhan existed in the heresy as a prophet and was simply using the heretic's savings place to record the archive points.

He thought the heretic was whichever little TV was showing [the future].

He really didn't expect ...... didn't expect ......

Bai six chuckled softly in Bai Liu's ear, who was in a dazed state - [It's normal that you didn't think of it.

[Because you didn't expect that there would be human beings in this world who could be self-aware after being used as a carrier for heretics, did you? No one would have thought that the little TV in the future is not a heretic, but that Lu Yizhan is the one who is moving around.

[That's its soul trapped in the future.]

[Even I didn't expect Lu Yizhan to be trying to save you after what he had become.

[It thus survives consciousness, and it believes that you can change the end of the world line.]

[-even if it had already seen the future of all world lines.]

Bai Liu pulls out his whip and shakes Cen Buming off his back. He stands up on the ground, his chest heaving violently, and when he looks up at Cen Buming, the silvery-blue glow of space through the see-through window is reflected in the pupils of his dark eyes.

The light spreads out on the surface of his eyes as dots of light that float upwards, like bubbles exhaled by a drowning man in the deep sea.

658 lines of the world turn outside the window and the light in Bai Liu's pupils dissipates, like the last bubbles exhaled by a drowning man dissipating into the deep sea.

...... is still able to maintain consciousness as a heretical carrier.

He should have thought of it, he knew it, he had seen it.

The Lu Yizhan who looked up from the last prison in the Rose Factory, covered in faded petals, smiled and said it had been a long time, the Lu Yizhan who sat on the sofa, wiped his eyes and choked up and said 50 per cent...

--the one who, as if losing all strength, stood relieved before him and said in a daze.

[I'm getting old.]

[Behind me, there is no longer a living soul].

Lu Yizhan of ...... .

He should have thought of it, why didn't he?

At this moment, even Bai Liu himself is a little confused, as there are so many pieces of facts that have been put together that only one more layer of reasoning is needed to reach a conclusion.

Why didn't you think of it?

"You have no feelings!!!" Cen Buming roared hoarsely as he gripped the Ring of Death and flung a long black blade in the silver light of the Ring, slashing at Bai Liu's head, "You did that on purpose!"

"You lied to Lu Yizhan! You knew everything, you took advantage of his trust in you and made him delegate his authority [to the prophet] to you!"

"And then you kill him again! And then you win the game!"

"Is playing with mortals and scavenging pain so much fun for a monster like you?!"

Cen Buming stabbed Bai Liu in the shoulder, pinning him to the wall of the lift, and hissed in anger, "You set this up from the beginning!"

Bai Liu looked up slowly as he gripped Cen Buming's knife, clenched it and pulled it outwards, his tone broken and hoarse: "No ......"

Blood ran down the palm of his hand where he held the blade.

"I didn't lie to Lu Yizhan ......"

"I just ...... didn't know heretic 0001 was him."

"You just what?!" Cen Buming withdrew his knife and slashed down, drawing it and slashing again, brutally jamming the blade into Bai Liu's throat and pressing, "You saw Lu Yizhan in the future, how could you not know that?!"

Bai Liu blocked with his whip, the blade and the whip made a harsh interlocking sound as the lift doors slowly closed and began to sink, Bai Liu reached his foot out and stepped on the lift door, his shoulder caught in the knife, blood stained his white shirt and slid down, staining a large area in moments.

...... can't get the lift to close down.

If they see him like this, they will definitely get involved and then the situation will be uncontrollable.

The knife in Cen Buming's hand got harder and harder, jamming into the bone in Bai Liu's shoulder, his voice had the coldness of fury at its height: "Answer me, Bai Liu --"

"Stop with this inferior excuse that I don't know about, I know how smart you are, there's no way you didn't push out that Heretic 0001 was Lu Yizhan--"

"- Did you offer to watch Heretic 0001 at that time just to irritate him and make him suffer more for your harvesting?!"

Bai Liu opened his mouth, he couldn't really answer.

For a moment, Bai Liu himself is dazed by Cen Buming's assertive questioning - is he really an emotionless monster, so he deliberately can't push it out, so Lu Yizhan can be tortured and everyone can lose the game?

But clearly, that's not what he thought.

Bai Liu's voice reappeared, soft and smiling: [It's really fun to see you in pain and confusion.

[I have been watching you and can tell you the answer as to why you have not deduced-]

[- You actually had a premonition, but people have a fear of things they care about, like Lu Yizhan running from the future, and you're running from the fact that there's a Lu Yizhan in Heresy 0001].

[You are afraid, you don't want to, so you refuse to acknowledge that the heretic, that is Lu Yizhan himself].

[- It's like you always think you can change the future that God has ordained].

"It seems you can't answer that." Cen Buming coldly withdrew his long knife as he flung his hand out, the Death Ring slipping from his ring and taking the form of a well, "And I have nothing to say to the sinner."

"Go into the well and repent for what little is left of your life."

[System Alert: Heretic 0009 Cen Buming uses Monster Book Skill - (Sinners Well) on player Bai Liu]

[This skill imprisons someone the Heretic himself deems guilty in a well full of monsters; if the imprisoned player does not emerge from the well before exiting the game, he dies in the well (this skill ignores the death-free token), with a cooldown of thirty minutes.]

The whole system ship began to turn at that moment, jolting so hard that the well of sinners that had taken shape on the landing veered to the left, just above the long whip that Bai Liu was holding in front of the lift doors, which closed in Bai Liu's constricted pupils and flew down amidst the vibrations of the system ship.

Bai Liu fell forward, he stepped over Cen Buming to block the door and stepped on the well of sin, which began to swallow him up, Bai Liu threw out his whip and grabbed the loop in the lift, pulling himself down, he looked up, a very faint light in the pupils of those dark eyes on his blood-stained face.

"I ...... might actually be a monster."

"But I have feelings."

Cen Buming looked at Bai Liu, who was unconscious and in tears, and his brain felt like it had been hammered by something, sobering him for a brief moment from the intensity of his emotions.

The Bai Liu in front of me, who is unconscious and in tears, is the same Bai Liu who was curled up on Lu Yizhan's shoulder six years ago, in tears of peace.

[Look at the person you are going to execute].

[He's really not a monster, he's a human being].

Cen Buming's heart clenches for a moment, and as his heart clenches so does the well of sin, to the point where it wraps around Bai Liu's feet and stops, going from the size of a lift shaft to the size of a fist.

[System Warning: Heretic Cen Buming has a shaken mind and is unable to treat player Bai Liu as a sinner and is imprisoned in the (Sinner's Well), the (Sinner's Well) skill will soon be disabled.

"Really." Bai Liu's voice, which had been floating in Bai Liu's ears for some time, finally came to life, "I didn't think Mr. Hunter would let you go after all this."

"I didn't expect to go soft on you after all, Bai Liu."

A black-gloved hand poked out from the edge of the well, ripping open the narrowed opening like a book, and peeked through the silvery-blue glowing mouth, grabbing Bai Liu's foot and dragging him downwards.

"The game still goes on." Bai six in the well, smiling, says to Bai Liu, "Then I'll have to intervene artificially."

Bai six, holding out his hand, he smiled and said, "Your soul, just go into the well with me and play some other game."

"You're the only humanoid heretic soul I have left on this system ship, Bai Liu."

At the same time, the lift doors slowly opened and Mu Sicheng and Muke, who had been anxiously guarding the lift doors, looked back and saw Bai Liu slowly falling down.

Muke's expression froze.

"What did you do to Bai Liu--" Mu Sicheng's pupils narrowed and his hands quickly turned into monkey paws as he shot into the lift with one foot on the fence, the tip of his paws going straight for Cen Buming's throat, his voice furious. "--did what?!"

Mu Sicheng pushed Cen Buming into the lift and attacked like a tiger, Muke caught Bai Liu and passed him to Liu Jiayi and Tang Erda behind him.

"Keep an eye on him." Muke took a deep breath, "Mu Sicheng and I will go up first, you wait for the next lift once we've cleared the area up there."

Liu Jiayi nods solemnly, and before Tang Erda can say anything, Muke follows Mu Sicheng into the lift.

The lift closed in the middle of a violent fight and Tang Erda wanted to follow, but Liu Jiayi stopped him.

The calm little girl was in a state of shock, her hands trembling as she tugged at the corner of Tang Erda's coat, her eyes grey: "Tang Erda ......"

" Bai Liu, out of breath."

Tang Erda quickly half-crouched down as he checked Bai Liu's signs, and his expression hardened, he was more experienced in the game than Liu Jiayi and had seen this happen a few times: "...... Bai Liu's soul has been pulled out of his body. "

"Bai Liu, who logged out of the game, will die if he can't get his soul back."

"Until then, we must never let anyone destroy Bai Liu's shell, otherwise the life value will clear and the shell will automatically diminish, and then even if the soul comes out, it won't be able to log out of the game without the shell as a carrier."

"...... What will happen then?" Liu Jiayi looked at Bai Liu, who was not even breathing, and tried hard to control herself from crying out.

" Bai Liu's soul ......" Tang Erda paused, "will then remain on this ship forever."

"Go up first, you can't let Bai Liu's body and soul get too far apart, otherwise the connection will be broken and the subsequent fusion will go wrong."

The lift slowly opened and Cen Buming practically wrestled the two wanderers who had attacked him like mad out of the lift, the violent commotion on this side of the lift attracting the Deer Hunter crew who had gone elsewhere earlier, including Daniel who had been casually looking for his keys.

Daniel's bored expression changed and his apple-green eyes lit up at the sight of Muke and Mu Sicheng, who had been thrown to the ground by Cen Buming.

"Ciao~" Daniel crouched down and waved his right hand at Muke and Mu Sicheng on the ground with a grin, "Finally, I see you-"

"-my godfather's useless trash subordinates."

The comical clown mask on Daniel's face was askew as he smiled a very excited smile and drew the green sniper rifle from his back, "I can finally kill you all and give my godfather less of a burden!"

"Don't shoot at them!" Cen Buming drew his hand and sliced away Daniel's sniper rifle aimed at Mu Sicheng, and he chided coldly, "Obey orders in the league!"

The gun in Daniel's hand was knocked out of his hand and he shrugged, boringly stowing it behind his waist, "OK, if you have to force it."

Mu Sicheng leapt up at that moment and slashed Cen Buming in the side of the neck with his claws forming a knife, his tone vicious: "Who wants your kindness!"

The lift opened again, and this time it was Liu Jiayi and Tang Erda who came up, Tang Erda in front of Bai Liu's torso and Liu Jiayi, who also looked very cold and stern, looking at Cen Buming with an almost angry condemnation in his eyes - able to extract The only skill he could have guessed was Cen Buming's well of sinners.

After all, only Daniel's Soul Crusher and Cen Buming's Sinner's Well are rules skills.

The only way to get Bai Liu's soul back is for Cen Buming himself to open the well of sinners and spit Bai Liu's soul out.

Tang Erda picks up Bai Liu with her left hand and places him in the corner, her right hand flings out a gun and drives it straight at Cen Buming's head, while Daniel, who has just hidden the gun behind himself, looks at Bai Liu's torso, his lips curling slightly, his apple-green eyes flaring out like a savage beast that has caught a whiff of something fishy.

"The Godfather ......"

The clown smiled wryly, "I even dreamt about you last night."

"-that's a beautiful dream then."

"But what about when I wake up and you're not with me and it turns into a nightmare."

He drew his soul sniper rifle, his face hidden beneath the mask twisted with excitement, and to everyone's surprise, the Joker aimed the gun at Bai Liu lying on the ground, the muzzle of the sniper rifle coalescing with disturbing green energy, and everyone heard the sound of a green bullet capable of shattering souls being loaded.

"How can you lie so peacefully on the ground and dream when you see my first face?"

The clown said briskly and cheerfully.

As if in slow motion, Tang Erda's pupils tightened and he quickly retreated back to defend, raising his gun to aim at Daniel.

Bai Liu's torso cannot be attacked!

Liu Jiayi held onto Bai Liu for dear life, using her body to shield Bai Liu as much as possible, her eyelashes trembling with fear and helplessness, Muke gritted his teeth and tapped the panel to use [Flash Strike] -

--but all over the field, the fastest, it was the last man.

Mu Sicheng stepped in front of Bai Liu with a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, his face expressionless, a blank space before he could even think.

But he stepped in front of Bai Liu.

In Daniel's eyes, there was a tasteless scowl, the back of Mu Sicheng in his sights - he'd expected that if he aimed his gun at the Godfather, these guys would be scrambling to get killed.

Didn't Cen Buming say he couldn't target other players?

He didn't.

It was these stupid players who came over to get themselves killed.

Daniel laughed nastily as he pulled the trigger.

-- It only takes a little more thought for these useless pieces of rubbish to see how he could have shot his own godfather?

His targets, since the beginning, have been these fools who are not in their right mind and think how important they are to the Godfather.

Green bullets are shot.

Muke's pupils flinched and he threw out a dagger to hit Mu Sicheng squarely in the back of the head, and Mu Sicheng was shaken by the blow and fell forward into Bai Liu's arms.

The one that hit him first was still the bullet.

Pale fire blazed through his body in an instant, and Mu Sicheng's mind was able to think instead in this moment - so this is what it feels like to be shot with a soul-crushing gun ......

Wang Shun is right, it really hurts, it's like a thousand knives scraping through your body at the same time, being cut into a million pieces.

But what is even sadder is the feeling that the thought is fading away.

It is as if your life, in this moment, has no meaning, and everything you have struggled for and survived for, is no longer interesting.

The fire reached Mu Sicheng's face and he struggled to lift his eyelids to look at Bai Liu in front of him, sleeping with no life at all, and suddenly smiled as tears fell from his eyes and then flowed down in a steady stream.

...... Now I don't even have a soul.

Are you still my friend, Bai Liu ?

I wish I could ask you to your face, you thin-skinned bastard ......

But now ......

There seems to be no way out.

Mu Sicheng's eyelids drooped and the fire burned upwards, trying to consume the last vestiges of him, and the last thing that stopped his thoughts were the words that Bai Liu had said to him the first time he played the game with him -

-- [I promised him that I would save him].

Mu Sicheng pulled back and smiled as he disappeared completely into the firelight, leaving no trace of his presence.

I don't believe you, Bai Liu.

[System Alert: Player Mu Sicheng's soul is shattered, confirmed dead, exit the game].

Published at: 11/11/2022 17:10