Chapter 518: The Witch Trials

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Bai Liu was not the only one in the container, but in the other three corners there were three young girls, all of 16 or 17 years old, with different faces and looking very scared, hugging their knees and whimpering.

Bai Liu looks around, he retreats to the corner, examining it calmly.

There should be no witches in this container of his, and these girls all look wretched, not like they have the ability or mental capacity to kill.

Bai Liu clicked on the system panel and found that both the dressing panel and the voice panel were locked - indeed, it was not allowed to use system privileges to disguise one's appearance and deceive npc's in this witch's copy.

But the light was dim, and the noise outside was so loud that it was not easy to tell his gender, so Bai Liu deliberately lowered his voice and asked, "Do you know where we're going?"

As soon as he asked this, the three girls cried even louder in fear.

"We're going to the Land of Witches." A girl's voice trembled as she said, "A terrible place."

Bai Liu asked softly and rhetorically, "The Land of Witches?"

"Don't you know?" A girl looked in Bai Liu's direction in surprise and she gave a bitter laugh, "Then you should be from that country, only a girl from that country could possibly not know about the Land of Witches."

"That country?" Bai Liu quickly responded, "You all speak Chinese?"

The girls' faces should be from all over the world, but they all speak fluent Chinese, making it a rare occasion for Bai Liu, a struggling English speaker, to be able to communicate smoothly with the NPCs in the copy.

"Because the mutated Seven Star Eels from the Land of Witches have contaminated the world through the oceans, every country is producing witches as the women digest the Seven Star Eels." The girl took a deep shuddering breath, "and the power of the Inquisition has grown to global proportions as witches have arisen all over the world, while judging witches all over the world."

"Except for your country."

The girl looked at Bai Liu with envy in her eyes: "Your country does not recognise witches as evil beings, does not allow the Inquisitorial Court to be privy to them, does not allow private trials of witches, and strictly forbids the use of women eating eels raw to settle seven star eels, making it by far the best place for girls to be treated."

A girl next to her whispered, "That's why we will start learning to speak Chinese from birth, because if we can qualify to escape to where you are, we won't be arrested and tried as witches."

The girl began to feel sorry for Bai Liu: "You're so miserable, you've been trafficked from there."

"The Land of Witches is the worst place in the world for women to be treated."

As they spoke, the container shook twice, as if they were being carried off the ship, and the girls panicked, gathering in a huddle around Bai Liu, their eyes shaking with fear and their shoulders shaking as they stared at the slowly opening container door.

The moment the door was opened, blinding light shone in and a fat, burly man swept his eyes over the girls' bodies with contempt and salivation, a lustful gaze that surveyed the girls as if they were a pile of delicious ingredients about to be processed and placed on his table.

"Come on out." The burly man hemmed and hawed, "The cute little witches who want to swallow eels."

The group of girls cowered around Bai Liu and trembled as they walked out, the skinny girl at the end of the walk had her bottom pinched by the burly man, the girl immediately shrieked and she covered her bottom with tears of fear, "What are you doing?!"

The strong man gave her a disdainful and smug look at her chest: "It's just a touch, what are you screaming for? If you scream again, I'll report you as a witch and send you to the trial court to be tortured, I'll see if you still dare to scream."

When the girl heard this, she turned pale with fear and followed Bai Liu, holding back her tears, and indeed dared not scream any more.

Bai Liu swept an after glance at the burly man who continued to look at the girl's ass with a sort of salivating gaze.

The girl's trousers were soaked with seawater and had become translucent, but because of the threat she had just made, she didn't even dare to reach out to block the man's gaze at her bottom and just walked forward with her fists clenched in humiliation and tears hanging down.

Bai Liu slowly slowed his pace as he walked at the end, behind the girl whose body was trembling, shielding her from the burly man's gaze.

The girl looked back at Bai Liu incredulously, then wiped her tears and gave a very small thank you.

The burly man was about to insult Bai Liu with displeasure, but soon his eyes fell back on Bai Liu's waist and he rubbed his hands together and smiled, "That's not bad either."

Bai Liu: "......"

Rather, it's not really picky.

Soon they were led to a huge, empty warehouse with a huge screen placed directly in front of it, with a banner hanging above it that read - [Preparatory Witch Training Coven] in three languages.

Bai Liu briefly looked around the warehouse and saw that there were roughly a thousand women standing in a dense room, with faces ranging from 15 to 30 years of age, all very young.

"Prepared witches." A man in black priest's clothing, about thirty or forty years old, stood at the front of the room, next to him stood three interpreters, simultaneously translating his words in three or four languages in unison, "I am your renditioner for tonight, my name is Quan Zhendong, you may call me Mr. Quan."

Quan Zhendong smiled: "You must wonder why we call you witches when they are the evil beings that the Inquisition is killing..."

He waved his hand with a compassionate face and pointed all over the women, "-a group of great women who are about to sacrifice themselves for the redemption of our sins, for the preparation of witches."

"This title is a wake-up call!" Quan Zhendong snapped, raising his voice as he scanned the girls below with a torch-like gaze, "The title Prep Witch is telling you that every time you are suffering to eat eels alive and save us all, the demon inside you is stirring, it will compel you, tempt you, and tell you that it's all about us persecuting you! "

"But this is wrong, this is the devil tempting you to betray us!"

"Everyone is born with sin, all that suffering is just you atoning for your sins, God sent down the seven star eels and told us that only you can solve them, it was all predestined, you were destined to suffer this pain, why else couldn't men digest the seven star eels?"

"Only the Inquisitorial Court is the one who forgives your sins and leads you to fight against your inner demons." Quan Zhendong looked compassionate, "The title of reserve witch is a warning to you that while you are redeeming your sins and suffering, you are only a hair's breadth away from being witches, each one of you is a witch's reserve!"

"Whenever you gaze upon this title, be sure to be strict with yourselves and not be compelled by the devil-"

"- Kneel down and devour with gratitude the eels that God has given you."

There was silence, with most of the crowd staring upwards at Quan Zhendong's impassioned speech with dead eyes, and a few praying fervently along - clearly believing what Quan Zhendong was saying.

"Okay, next we will explain to you how to destroy eels quickly, and your future job options." Quan Zhendong drew out a teaching stick and tapped the big screen, which instantly lit up, and he smiled slightly kindly, "First up is the process of eel swallowing."

"The most effective thing you can do to an eel is the mucus secreted from the digestive tract, especially the fluid secreted from the oesophagus and mouth, which dissolves the eel's shell and lining so quickly that it turns the eel into a pool of blood."

"The length of a human being from mouth to oesophagus is about 40 cm, the length of a mutant seven star eel is usually about 40 cm as well, you have to swallow the eels as whole as you can, they will slide to a point at the end of your oesophagus, at this time the eels are still alive, they will struggle and wriggle in your oesophagus, you have to close your teeth tightly, don't vomit, let it run out of your oesophagus run out of it, and in about ten seconds or so they will be completely dissolved in your bodies."

"This may not be as intuitive to you as I make it sound, so I will now show you a video."

Quan Zhendong tapped the screen with his teaching stick and a female face instantly appeared on the screen.

The video is not of very good quality and must be a bit old, but it still does not prevent everyone from seeing on the screen a girl with a very beautiful, even saintly face, dressed in a full-fledged knight's uniform, with slightly purple eyes and half-brown curly hair tied in a pill at the back of her head, looking no more than about twenty years old, sitting upright in a chair, with a very serious and slack expression looking towards the The camera.

"Hello everyone." She greeted the camera in somewhat rusty English with a serious tone, "I'm Knight #1 of the Sage Patrol, my name is Quan Baola, 19 years old, and I'm going to show you the instructional video on how to quickly devour a seven star eel that's about 41cm long and weighs 450g."

The scene shifts twice, and someone serves a plastic tub of seven-star eel, which is not served in a very dignified manner.

"This is the mutant seven-star eel, a very harmful marine creature." The eel wriggles in Quan Baola's hand, revealing its fanged cavity and even preparing to bite Quan Baola, but Quan Baola expertly snaps the eel's head into place and continues to calmly explain in a sci-fi tone, "The eel secretes epidermal mucus that is so soluble that it slowly softens and corrodes almost everywhere it swims. ."

"It was endangering everyone's existence, so we, the Saints Patrol, stepped up to the plate."

Quan Baola looked up, she looked at the camera with those slightly purple eyes, "We will take care of devouring all the seven star eels as long as there is a patrol of holy women, we will not let any girl be forced to devour eels and become a witch."

"Please trust us."

The camera wavered twice, as if impatiently urging Quan Baola to cut the crap and swallow quickly. Quan Baola paused, her hand, which had been resting very calmly on the table, trembled slightly twice, but her expression still looked solemn and serious as she slowly opened her mouth and swallowed the eel.

"Wait a minute." The male cameraman who was filming Quan Baola was halfway through his swallow when he suddenly called a pause, "Baola, we're going to use x-rays to take a cross-sectional view of you swallowing an eel for instructional commentary, so hold this position for a moment."

With that, the male cameraman left, and after a short interval, the picture did change to a perspective down view.

In the perspective view, the eel could be clearly seen writhing in the man's oesophagus, dissolving, dissolving into blood, Quan Baola's throat writhing because of the writhing eel, but at the moment, the men who were guarding the group of witches next to him suddenly looked at each other when they saw this image and hemmed and hawed with the same intention.

Their discussion was not a little loud, with a kind of jocular banter: the

"That's a lot of swallowing, Baola."

"The holy maiden, who can't just touch a man, is said to affect the digestibility of the devil eel (an alias for the seven-star eel) and must have wanted it so much that she certainly swallowed it with vigour."

"Why that, it's so sad Baola, when will it stop being a saint, I can give her my eels to devour as she pleases, hehehe."

"What's wrong with you? Baola is long gone from being a saint."

Soon the perspective disappeared and a pale Quan Baola sat behind the camera with half an undissolved eel in her hand, having just endured at least ten minutes of camera work.

The cameraman teases, "Baola, don't you want to wipe out all the eels, swallow the remaining half of them."

Quan Baola was quiet for a long time, then she slowly chewed the remaining half of the eel, her purple eyes staring straight at the camera as she swallowed it.

"I will." She said firmly.

Quan Zhendong looked around at everyone and suddenly he sank into a tone of voice: "Do you see on the screen a brave and faithful knight of the Holy Virgin?"

"But it is with great regret that I inform you that Baola has defected and that she has become a witch from the Holy Virgin."

Quan Zhendong folded his hands as he said sombrely, "Here, as a warning to you, is a story of the fall of a holy knight into a witch."

"In the early years when the Seven Star Eels infested us, the suggestion was made for women to tackle them on their own, but Baola felt that this was unfair to women and she proposed the formation of the Holy Women's Patrol in order that the majority of women would not have to tackle the Seven Star Eels."

"The Holy Maiden Patrol is full of women who volunteer to come out and tackle the Seven Star Eels, they are brave, holy, strong and to ensure that they can always be resistant to the Devil Eels, they take an oath to God to never marry for the rest of their lives, to give their lives to all men to atone for their sins and not to have sex with any man, it is common knowledge that when women have sex with men after being corrupted by lust, they will fall more easily into witchcraft, this is common knowledge now."

" Baola is the leader of the Generation Patrol."

Quan Zhendong pointed with righteous indignation at Quan Baola on the screen and accused her: "But it was such a Baola that she degenerated into a witch, and was accused by a poor priest that Quan Baola had seduced him one night when he had digested many eels, using the evil power of a witch to force herself on him in Church ......"

"Her heart has been corrupted by the devil!"

With that, Quan Zhendong clenched his fists in anger and for a moment was a little speechless, but some of the men below hemmed and hawed heartily, while others whistled and said, "Yes, I'm the poor priest!"

Published at: 10/13/2022 05:10