Chapter 494: Qiao Mu Private High School

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

After the parents' meeting, Bai Liu was left alone, or rather two people, to live from day to day.

Lu Yizhan and Fang Dian came to see Bai Liu less and less as the exams and exams approached, but Bai Liu did not fall into the isolation he had previously felt.

Of course, this may be related to the fact that after the parents' meeting, the previous student was withdrawn from the school and the other students have become much more honest.

All in all, Bai Liu has maintained a peaceful life trajectory, moving forward in an orderly manner.

Gradually, Hou Tong, who had been secretly observing Bai Liu, noticed that Bai Liu was changing more and more, unlike the previous changes in his studies and life, probably due to the special sensitivity of girls towards the boys they liked.

--She suddenly felt that Bai Liu had fallen in love with someone.

At this moment, for example, in the drowsy afternoon study hall, the curtains fluttering slightly, the warm spring breeze pouring in through the window, and Bai Liu sitting by the window in his white shirt with the collar slightly open, his left hand dragging his jaw, his eyes drooping lazily, a pencil sharpened to perfection in his hand, drawing something in his sketchbook.

Slowly, again and again, the curtain flicked and slipped from the end of his hair, turning it into a swaying blue backdrop.

Hou Tong leaned over her desk, peeking at Bai Liu in awe as she used the books high up on the desk as cover.

Bai Liu The corners of the lips turn up very shallowly when painted.

He is smiling.

It was a different smile from the polite, detached smile she had received when thanking her, or the false, polite smile she had received when conversing with others in the class, or the smile that seemed like a mask for a good show.

The smile on Bai Liu's face now is like ...... is like that uncontrollable, happy smile she gets when she occasionally thinks of Bai Liu, writes Bai Liu's name unconsciously in her notebook, and imagines their future together.

This is the smile of someone who likes someone.

But who exactly does Bai Liu like?

After a month of careful and surreptitious observation of Bai Liu's surroundings, Hou Tong found that Bai Liu had only a few contacts with the students and teachers on campus.

It's fair to say that Bai Liu's attention to all humans is brief and cold, and it's impossible to see who he might have a crush on.

But again, her instincts told her that Bai Liu was indeed in love with someone.

Hou Tong's eyes could not help but glance at the sketchbook Bai Liu was working on, but after a couple of glances, he felt that it was not a good idea to do so, and pushed the book in front of his desk in a depressed manner to block his eyes from peeking.

Hou Tong thought of Bai Liu's light smile and took a deep breath, burying her slightly red eyes sideways into the crook of her arm and pretending to sleep.

The girls in the school who are prettier than her are not as good at volleyball as she is, those who are better at volleyball are not as rich as she is, and those who are richer than she is are not as fond of Bai Liu.

...... where exactly she lost ......

Is there someone else at this school who is prettier than her, richer than her, better at sports, and likes Bai Liu better than her?

Out of a vague sourness of defeat and an unconvincing sadness, Hou Tong shook her fist and vowed to find the woman who had unwittingly beaten her!

Hou Tong began to intensify his stalking - ah, no, observation - of Bai Liu.

She was beginning to pick up on some clues.

Bai Liu would put a bowl of soup across from him when he was eating, as if he had placed it there unintentionally, but on closer inspection it looked as if someone else was eating with him.

Bai Liu's body is always tilted to the side when he studies, as if a tall person is holding him on his shoulders and watching him study.

Bai Liu always takes the most remote route back to the dormitory, fingers clasped backwards as if she were secretly meeting someone on this stretch of road with her fingers clasped together.

The more Hou Tong watches, the more he thinks something is not right, some of Bai Liu's behaviour and reactions are too strange, like now.

Xu Wei, who has always hated Bai Liu, found an excuse to send him out to stand in the hallway.

It's second period in the afternoon and there's a fifteen-minute relaxation break before class, which usually involves five minutes of eye exercises and ten minutes of relaxing music.

Hou Tong's seat is now by the window on the other side of the corridor, and while she presses her temples and scratches her eyes, she strains her eyes to peek out of the slits of her already distorted eyes to peek at Bai Liu, who is standing outside the corridor with her back to her side of the window, looking down at her notes while she is punished.

The windows were polished so brightly that Hou Tong could clearly see Bai Liu behind them, just by peeking in and looking.

Bai Liu's head is slightly bowed, his back is resting against the window glass, the developing shoulder blades of a seventeen or eighteen year old boy are faintly visible beneath the white spring shirt, the sides of the shirt are slightly stretched by the back bone, thin, slender and straight, there is a little water stain of sweat in the middle, you can smell the detergent of a soap wash.

Bai Liu's hair slips behind his ears, swaying gently in the slightest breeze, his eyelashes are long and fall in shards of light, his nose straight, his lips very slightly parted, as if he is silently reading from the notebook he holds in his hands.

Hou Tong almost froze for a moment at the reflective glow of the layers of glass, which looked like a deliberate aesthetic scene from some film.

...... Bai Liu, read the book so carefully ......

Seeming to notice Hou Tong's gaze, Bai Liu gave her a very slight glance through the glass.

The eyes were extremely pale, the dark pupils coated with the pale orange light of the afternoon, lazy and focused.

Despite the lack of emotion in the glance, Hou Tong's heart inevitably pounded, and she almost fumbled to grab a book and open it, quickly and tightly shielding her eyes from Bai Liu's peeking eyes as she pretended to read.

Bai Liu's eyes flicked from Hou Tong's reversed book, then swept back to the notebook in his hand.

Hou Tong's two big eyes peeked cautiously out from behind the pages of her book as she continued to peek quietly at Bai Liu, who was reading intently, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of aggravation as she watched.

The Bai Liu before ...... would smile at her after a stare-down, even though she knew the smile was a deliberate attempt to hang on to her, but now even Bai Liu wasn't even smiling at her.

Bai Liu is clearly distancing himself from her.

That person has never even appeared, but Bai Liu is already practicing everything about relationships for her, even distancing himself from her.

There is only one explanation for all the weirdness that Hou Tong finds reasonable - Bai Liu doing things alone that only two people in a relationship would do.

There is only one truth!

That's Bai Liu practising how to fall in love with the person he likes.

How much does this have to be like ...... boyfriend relationship practice eh ......

So cute and oh so serious about practicing ...... oooh but it's already in someone else's house.

Hou Tong slumped despondently onto the table, but when she thought that Bai Liu had been practising this for over six months and this mysterious love interest had yet to appear, she couldn't help but become resignedly angry again and slammed her fist down hard on the table.

Damn, it's been half a year and this insensitive woman still doesn't show up soon for a relationship with Bai Liu!

If you don't want to talk, give it to me! I want to talk! I'm willing to pay to talk!

At the end of the five-minute eye exercise broadcast, a youthful pop song was played over the radio loudspeaker, with the following light-hearted melody coming out.

"I want to just hold your hand and not let go."

In the background, Hou Tong can't help but look sideways at Bai Liu outside the window and is surprised to see his flat, outstretched right hand become a curled up position in the song, held tightly by a larger handbag.

"You, lean on my shoulder."

Hou Tong squinted as she saw that Bai Liu's right shoulder had also caved in a little, as if someone had leaned on it.

"You, asleep on my chest."

Bai Liu's chest leans back against the window, his neck slightly lolling to the side, as if someone had leaned to embrace his shoulders and sleep on his chest.

And Bai Liu's face again showed the very light smile that Hou Tong had seen earlier, his lowered eyelashes fluttering lightly as his eyes went to something resting on his chest.

Bai Liu reached out and pushed the object against his chest away, his lips parted slightly and his voice was soft.

Through the glass, Hou Tong could not be heard, and she struggled to make out Bai Liu's diction, repeating word for word.

"What are you doing learning the moves in the song?"

The lyrics come to a climax: "A life like this, I love you, you love me-"

After this lyric, Hou Tong clearly sees what appears to be a momentary cessation of expression on Bai Liu's face, as he looks away and his breathing quickens.

-- It's like a high school boy's reaction after being abruptly confessed to by someone he likes.

After the first song was played, the second song was an English song that opened with a [KISS].

Hou Tong saw Bai Liu breathing steadily before dropping his eyes back to his notebook, looking calm, his lips opening and closing as he said something, but not as if he was mumbling his notes, but rather as if he was explaining what something meant.

"Kiss means kiss?" Hou Tong mimicked Bai Liu's accent suspiciously and said what he said, "A kiss is a very intimate and can only happen between lovers and couples?"

????? What's this? Memorizing words?

But Bai Liu doesn't even know the meaning of kiss, does he?

The next second, Hou Tong saw Bai Liu's jaws being lifted, his shoulders slammed against the window as if something had pressed hard against them, and the loose shirt around Bai Liu's waist was gathered and held tightly by a large, invisible hand, with his whole body being tightly encircled and his neck tilted back slightly.

Hou Tong could not see Bai Liu's expression as she watched with a dumbfounded expression as he was pinned against the window, his back trembling slightly.

Those slender rear shoulder blades were pressed against the glass, imprinted through the white shirt.

For just a moment, she could clearly see the skin of Bai Liu from his neck to the back of his ear flush instantly, and the notes clenched tightly in his hand gradually loosened.

The spring breeze blew gently at 3pm, there was only one bad student punished in the empty corridors, the camellias were in brilliant bloom at the top of the hill, and ambiguous yet lively music echoed and played throughout the school.

Hou Tong's pupils reflected the bad eighteen-year-old student she liked, who had been punished by standing in the corridor.

She saw the bad student completely release the notebook from her hands at the end of [KISS]'s music.

He closed his eyes against all odds and hugged the non-existent lover back hard.

Published at: 10/01/2022 05:10