Chapter 492: Qiao Mu Private High School

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Fifteen minutes later, in the boys' dormitory.

When Bai Liu walks down the corridor of his dormitory, the other students in the corridor give him a disgusted look and then walk away from him indifferently. Bai Liu used to walk past these stares without looking away, but now he can't help but look at the ankles of these students with a subtle gaze.

...... has a cloud of puppy lines trying to attack the ankles of these passerby students who are looking at him with indifferent obliquity with their own threadbare hands and feet.

But each time the lines brushed past the ankles of these students, who also walked past Bai Liu as if they hadn't seen the puppy lines at all.

After fifteen minutes, Bai Liu was sure that he was the only one who could see and touch the puppy lines that had failed to claim the sorbet and were stuck to him.

But he was still not sure what this mass of puppy lines that had suddenly appeared was.

"Where did you come from?" Bai Liu closed the door to his dormitory, he pulled the ball of puppy strings off that was trying to climb up his knee and calmly questioned, "Why are you here, and for what purpose?"

"I'm from the future." The puppy ball of thread was held down forcefully by Bai Liu, crushed into a ball, and its voice became jarred, as if Bai Liu had covered its face, "I came here to keep you company."

"Keep me company?" Bai Liu raised a subtle eyebrow, "Never come here to keep me company? Why?"

The puppy ball of string said seriously, "Because I like you."

"I didn't want any one time in your life, so I came to this time, to keep you company."

"I don't need it." Bai Liu refused coldly, he waved the line away, "You can go back."

The puppy's strings grew strangely a little, and he pushed Bai Liu's hand away from his, his voice becoming a little clearer: "You're lying."

"I am a soul because of your love, and if you really do not need me, I will disappear."

"But if you need me, like me, love me, I will grow bigger and take shape little by little."

A pair of dark eyes appeared on the face of the puppy lines, "I will change from a monster to a human being because of your love."

"I'm used to being alone." Bai Liu remained aloof, "Whatever you are, you can go back from wherever you came from."

The puppy line didn't speak, but it grew just a little bit bigger, and it stared straight at Bai Liu with dark eyes that were nakedly provocative -

[You're lying.]

[Because I can sense that you don't like a person.]

Bai Liu's breathing rose and fell slightly as his mind swirled between [can I get rid of this thing] and [am I really mentally ill? Then he calmly paused between the two thoughts and chose one...

[I've probably been playing too many horror games lately and imagining a horrible monster I'd like to get killed.]

"Suit yourself." Bai Liu decided to ignore the bizarre mass of lines as he got up and began to gather up the notebook Lu Yizhan had placed under his bed.

In a few quick movements, the puppy crawls up Bai Liu's back, where he lies on his back and grows two threaded arms around Bai Liu's shoulders, like a grown man hugging his partner from behind.

Bai Liu paused and went back to packing his notebook.

But then this clump of puppies started asking, "What are these?"

Bai Liu pretended not to hear, and so-

"What are these?" "And what's this?" "Is that Lu Yizhan's name on it?" "Isn't your name Bai Liu?" "Why are you taking Lu Yizhan's things?" "Are you playing a prank on Lu Yizhan, stealing his things so he can't find them?"

This dog is a living barbarian and can keep asking persistent questions until he gets the answer he wants.

Bai Liu took a deep breath, his temples pounding at the noise, and had to look up to answer its question, "This is the teaching aid Lu Yizhan prepared for me."

"Oh." It was quiet for a second, then asked again, "What's the teaching aid?"

"Aren't you from the future?" Bai Liu asked coldly in return, "Didn't go to high school? Don't even know the teaching aids?"

The two lines of the puppy's string slowly drew together and came together as he lay on Bai Liu's shoulder, looking a little confused with only his dark eyes showing, "Should I go to high school?"

"You should not only go to high school." Bai Liu's tone was light, "You should also get four hundred points and at least a bachelor's degree."

"...... What's an undergraduate degree again?" The puppy grew more and more confused, "I've only ever been to you, why do I need an undergraduate degree?"

"I don't want to go to undergrad or high school, I just want to go to you."

As if understanding something, the puppy wire ball slowly looked at the queue of teaching materials, a murderous flash in its black eyes, its attitude resisting the rejection, and hostilely whipping its wire hand over those teaching materials like a whip: "You can't go to high school or undergraduate either, you can only go with me... ..."

"That's enough!" Bai Liu interrupted the dog as he took a deep breath and let it out again slowly, his voice was a little muffled as he felt a sudden pain inside his head from the overload he had received, "...... What is your relationship with the future me?"

The puppy threads pondered for a moment as it replied, "You'll let me in the bath in relation to that."

Bai Liu: "......"

What a disgusting relationship this is.

Bai Liu returned to the classroom with his teaching aid, and the ball of puppy lines, which had grown a little more, lay on top of his head like a puddle of hat, its dark eyes looking around like a large animal surveying its environment.

The moment Bai Liu was about to step into the classroom, he was shouted at, " Bai Liu, stop right there."

Xu Wei stood on the podium, lesson plan in hand, smiling at Bai Liu: "Very good, skipping my class again. "

A quick glance at the sparse, tired and bored group of students sitting in the classroom told Bai Liu what had just happened.

Xu Wei took up the free time in PE to talk about the paper, but in his absence he was sat out of class.

"How dare you be so arrogant even though you scored 278 marks, just because you were stuffed into the school and couldn't be expelled, right?" Xu Wei laughed coldly, "Since you don't want to hear me talk about the paper, then don't listen to me, go stand outside."

Bai Liu turned as good as he was told and walked out to stand outside the door. He dropped his school bag at his feet and fished out a copy of the English notes Lu Yizhan had made for him and read them.

From time to time, the classroom was filled with the sarcastic jeers of Xu Wei and the echoing laughter of his classmates.

"Well, get those who don't want to listen out of the class, and those who want to listen to the class, listen carefully."

"English is one of your most important subjects, your future development is international and global, you will come into contact with elite people from all over the world, if you can only score 45 in English now, you will only be able to introduce yourself to the other party with a few sentences i am Bai Liu, fine, and you?"

"These orphans in orphanages in developed countries speak more than this level of English when they are two or three years old, think what people will think of you?"

The students below laughed loudly and quickly.

The tip of Bai Liu's pen sketching his notes paused imperceptibly, his face expressionless as he continued to read on very lightly.

"I am Spades, fine." the puppy line above his head suddenly moved forward a little, his head peeking down, his dark eyes looking at Bai Liu, "and you?"

The puppy lines have a clumsy and broken English pronunciation, obviously copied from Xu Wei's earlier pronunciation.

Bai Liu did not answer.

The puppy ball of string insistently repeats again, "I am Spades, fine, and you?"

"and you?"

"and, youuuuuuuuuu-!"

Bai Liu spoke slowly, "i am Bai Liu, fine, stop."

After getting the answer he wanted, the puppy ball of string paused for about two seconds and soon started asking questions again, staring at the notes in Bai Liu's hand and asking, "What is this?"

"English." Bai Liu replied.

It dawned on the puppy, "Oh, that's what that monster woman just said she wanted to learn."

The corner of Bai Liu's mouth tilts up very lightly and then is suppressed again as he gives a muffled hint of indifference.

"Why do you need to learn English?" Spades was full of doubts, "Can I learn it so I can play the game better?"

Everything Spades has learned since his birth has been to get better at winning in the league, and in his mind, learning has only one purpose - and that is to get better at playing the game.

Lu Yizhan tried to give him literacy and teach Spades a little more about other things like maths and biology, but Spades was keenly aware that it was useless for gaming and skipped school.

"......" Bai Liu replied after a pause, "You can't play the game better after learning English."

Spades rhetorically asks from the heart, "So why learn English?"

"In a broad sense, it's about removing barriers to communication and widening the scope of what you can exploit others in the future, becoming proficient in English so that you can exploit humans who use English as their mother tongue." Bai Liu explains in a flat tone, "In a narrow sense, it's about coming out on top in a short-term competition, so that you can rush to the forefront of exploiting others and better enrich yourself."

"Hmm." Spades pondered for a moment and replied honestly, "Not very intelligible."

Bai Liu paused, "Simply put, it allows you to communicate with foreigners."

"Is it great to communicate with foreigners?" Spades asked.

"That's how the group behind me feels." Bai Liu's tone is flat. Bai Liu's tone was flat, "It gives a sense of vanity to interact without barriers with people who are not from their area and who they consider to be of a higher class."

"So wouldn't you be better than all of them?" Spades nodded seriously, "You can communicate with me, an alien, without any barriers."

Bai Liu: "......"

How in the world did he end up with such a mass of indistinguishable human and animal beings, with wild lines, who only play games, never went to high school and have a strange brain?

After a full day of classes, Bai Liu heads back to the hostel with another big lump on his head.

The dormitory was empty, a scene to which Bai Liu was accustomed. He put down his bag and walked habitually into the toilet, just as he was about to zip down his trousers to use the toilet, when he paused and turned his head with an expression of indifference to look at the little dog, Douzi, who had climbed onto his shoulder and was staring straight at his right hand as he was pulling down his trousers.

Bai Liu: "......"

Two seconds later, the puppy doughnut was thrown out of the toilet by one hand.

A minute later, Bai Liu, having washed his hands, pushed open the door to see the puppy doughnut lying on his pillow, looking as if he was going to sleep with him.

Bai Liu, who was wiping his hands, gave another beat.

Three seconds later, ripped from the pillow and thrown to the floor, the puppy doughnut looked confused, "Why can't I sleep in the bed?"

"Because I don't like people sleeping in the bed with me." Bai Liu sits on the edge of the bed, he doesn't even look at the Spades on the floor, "Neither do pets."

"I want to sleep in the bed." Spades rebelliously stretched out a wire jio to touch the edge of the bed, his dark eyes staring straight at Bai Liu, "I want to sleep next to you."

Bai Liu gave Spades a nonchalant, sidelong glance: "You can try."

Spades: "......"

He detected a murderous aura in that glance.

Spades was in a ball on the back of Bai Liu's foot, his voice a little depressed, "I can sleep with you, why can't I sleep in the bed?"

Bai Liu calmly retorted, "...... You can't sleep with me now either."

"Oh." Spades thought about it and asked seriously, "So can I sleep with you for forty-five minutes, after one class?"

Bai Liu: "Neither can ......."

During the previous lesson Bai Liu explained to the inquiring Spades that the duration of a lesson was forty-five minutes and that each lesson would involve a change of person and lesson, which would be different from the previous rules of the lesson.

In Spades' head it becomes [the rules change after forty-five minutes in this copy], so in his case, the rules can be changed after forty-five minutes.

What you couldn't do before forty-five minutes, you can do after forty-five minutes.

"Then I can ...... in ninety minutes," Spades pressed persistently.

"I can't." Bai Liu interrupted coldly, "You can only sleep on the floor."

Spades let out an oooh as he climbed off the back of Bai Liu's feet and crawled to a position about thirty centimetres away from Bai Liu and turned his back on him without saying a word.

This look starts to gamble.

After about fifteen seconds of gambling, Spades' doughy body suddenly sticks out a wire jio on the back of Bai Liu's foot and shakes it, hooking Bai Liu's hand for a handshake, but Spades still has a cold, I-don't-want-to-talk-to-you look on his face.

Bai Liu has spent a day with this guy and has fully understood that this is a sign of reconciliation after a bet.

Just like a dog, just shake his hand and all the previous things you made him feel bad about gambling can be erased.

Bai Liu: "......"

Having a dog is such a hassle.

Bai Liu's face was expressionless in thought, but he shook it anyway.

Spades quickly turned around and plonked himself on the back of Bai Liu's feet and started asking questions, "There are four beds in here, are there three other people sharing them with you?"

"Hmm." Bai Liu responded nonchalantly.

Spades continued, "And where are they?"

"I was having a late dinner and didn't come back." Bai Liu's tone is muted, and in case Spades goes on to ask the next question [So why didn't you go eat], Bai Liu continues, "I didn't go because I didn't have money to eat."

The food here at Qiao Mu Private High School is very good, but also quite expensive. The orphanage provides a basic set meal for each child who comes to the school, with three dishes, one soup, two meats and one vegetable, which is more than enough for three meals.

But it is not inclusive of night snacks.

Qiao Mu Private High School has a special late night snack counter, which starts after 9.30pm every day and serves a wide range of dishes, from fried chicken and coke to eight different dishes, but of course it is also very expensive.

It's twenty dollars a bowl when it's not open.

However, for students with good grades and ranked in the top 400 in the school, the school can give a daily allowance of $50 for night snacks, but only for their own use.

In their first and second year of high school, Lu Yizhan and Fang Dian would try to use the allowance to make night snacks for Bai Liu.

Afterwards, Bai Liu stopped eating late night snacks.

But it is actually hungry.

At 17 or 18 years old, they are growing up and even if they have eaten three full meals, they will still be hungry at 11 or 12 pm. Therefore, Bai Liu and the other top students in their dormitory would run to the late-night snack window as soon as they finished their evening study and would not return to the dormitory until almost 10:30 pm.


The door to the dormitory was thrown open and the three other students who had been talking happily stopped talking and their smiles disappeared when they saw Bai Liu in the dormitory with his head down reading his notes as if he had seen something extremely upsetting.

They walked into the dormitory with cold faces, all carrying in their hands the food they had packed back from their late night snack, which had been placed on the table by one of them and hastily stopped by the other.

He eyed the man to look at Bai Liu and mouthed the words, "Watch out for stolen food."

The other man took one look at Bai Liu, his eyes growing disgusted as he put the packed food back in the cupboard and locked it away, and turned his head back, deliberately walking past Bai Liu: "Excuse me, I'm going to wash the dishes."

Bai Liu's foot lifted, his eyes indifferent, and he stepped aside as if giving way to some small cat or dog.

The man looked at Bai Liu as if he didn't care about him at all, and his heart flared up, he raised his voice: "My bowl was moved today, and you were the only one without a bowl in the whole dormitory, did you move it?"

Bai Liu raised his eyes, "I moved it."

The man who was about to frame Bai Liu froze in his tracks, not expecting Bai Liu to just take it.

"I touched that bowl, I think it's dirty." Bai Liu looked down as if nothing had happened and flipped through his book, "You throw it away."

He bought that bowl for over 3,000! It was a bowl that he took out for a late night snack to save face! The other two people in the dorm thought he was rich because of the bowl!

The man was so angry that his face turned red, but when he saw the other two people looking at his bowl as if it was dirty and you were about to throw it away, he braced himself to save face, but he really felt sorry for the bowl and actually gave a red face and Bai Liu argued, "It's true that it was dirty if you touched it, but maybe I misremembered, it didn't seem to have moved."

"I did touch it." Bai Liu looked up, his eyes sincere and innocent, "That bowl looked so expensive, I just couldn't resist touching it several times, inside and out, sorry, it should be too dirty to be thrown away."

The man's face went blue for a moment as he gritted his teeth and said, "That was indeed dirty, I'll throw it away now!"

Bai Liu mumbled nonchalantly, "That bowl looks so expensive and beautiful I couldn't resist touching it a lot, you'd better smash and throw it or I'll resist touching it again."


The man cursed in his heart: now he couldn't even pick it up and wash it and take it home with him!

The student smashed the bowl in the flesh as the other two watched, eyes in tears, wiped them, gritted his teeth and walked away with a rubbish bag, "You can't have anything that's dirty indeed, I'll take it down and throw it away."

...... doesn't know what's smashed into it, and if picking the pieces back up will still mend it.

The man vomited and picked up debris at the rubbish heap, and because of the low light and the stench of the bin, and because his fingers were cut several times by the debris, he couldn't help bawling and cursing, "Shit Bai Liu!"

--It was as if he was the one being bullied.

When he returned, the man washed in anger, lowered the curtain and got into his bed, and within a few moments suppressed sobs came out of the curtain, as if someone was crying inside, stifled under the covers.

The other two men looked awkwardly and with slight trepidation at Bai Liu and then at the man in the curtain, before taking their own silent showers, not daring to be any more of a demon, and also lowering the bed curtain to get in and study.

Bai Liu alone occupies an entire desk in the dormitory, lazily setting up his notes and studying, while the other three do not even dare to look at him.

--The scene is as if Bai Liu is the one who is bullying the three of them on campus.

All three had curtains over their beds to isolate themselves from Bai Liu, with a blackout layer inside to make it easier to study in bed at night.

Qiao Mu's private high school rules do not allow students to study with night lights on, but privately, the dormitory manager will turn a blind eye to students with honours, as long as they don't leave the lights on until 1am or 2am, they won't take it too seriously.

Bai Liu is currently taking advantage of the fact that there are three honours students in his dormitory, and no one comes in to take care of him when he is reading Lu Yizhan's notes with the light on.

Gradually, the other three went to sleep, leaving Bai Liu alone with the light on.

Bai Liu stares intensely at the sheets of physics notes written by Lu Yizhan.

This is a big magnetic field problem, with two magnetic fields superimposed at the same time. This time a positively charged particle is emitted from inside a particle-emitting machine of some kind of ghost-obsessed day-eye, accelerated by one magnetic field, then turned by another, before falling into the last magnetic field and spinning around, hitting a plate.

Knowing the distance this particle turns, ask, the acceleration of this particle at the very beginning (the gravity of the particle is not negligible).

Below is a full A4 page of Lu Yizhan's problem solving and diagramming process, with various knowledge points alongside.

Bai Liu, who had read that one question in two hours this evening and hadn't understood it, put down his notes with a smooth look, nodded fervently and said, "...... Studying really is the least cost-effective thing you can do."

Spades is on Bai Liu's shoulder, he has just asked Bai Liu many questions which Bai Liu has not answered, but he keeps asking.

"What's this?" "Why did they just say the bowl was dirty when you touched it?" "What are you drawing?" "Why is this dot spinning three times in a pile of dots?"

After making sure the other three were asleep, Bai Liu gently answered Spades' questions one by one.

"It's physical."

"They're trying to make sure they feel superior to me, so they're saying that things I touch get dirty."

"I'm drawing a magnetic field analysis."

"I don't know."

Spades pondered for a moment, not interested in physics, and chose the next question he most wanted to know and went on, "But you're not dirty, you're cleaner than they are, so why would they think you're dirty?"

"It's not that they think I'm dirty, exactly, it's just a silly way of saying they simply don't want to touch me, and don't want me to touch their stuff." Bai Liu explained with no wavering in his tone, "And of course, I really have no need for that kind of skin contact ......"

Bai Liu's pupils suddenly jerked before the words left his mouth.

The small black mass on top of his head became a threadbare mass the size of a grown man, the man sitting behind him, his hands passing around his waist to open and clasp together to hold him close, the man's chin resting on his shoulder, his voice indifferent, his tone quizzical, "You didn't?"

"You obviously love to sleep with me in your arms."


Bai Liu's face is turned towards the wall, his eyes a stare that borders on blankness, and behind him a threadbare mass in the shape of a grown man rests his head against his shoulder, his arms around his waist, his legs clamped around his legs, his breathing rising and falling in peaceful slumber.

...... Bai Liu has absolutely no recollection of how exactly this situation evolved.

This ball of dog wire suddenly became a ball of human wire, then with a strong attitude and trickery, slowly rubbed up against his bed and now it was in this pattern.

"Get down." Bai Liu pushed back hard against this large ball of thread, he was breathing a little harder, did his face not maintain its calmness but a kind of repulsion as if he was being invaded into his private domain, "You can't sleep in the bed."

"You can't cuddle with me like that."

Spades' voice was drowsy and sleepy, and it was clear from the sound of it that he wasn't awake at all: "You don't like to sleep like that?"

He took Bai Liu's shoulders in a familiar grip, flipped Bai Liu, who had been resisting the ground towards the wall, onto his side, rubbed his cheek lightly in a daze, then held Bai Liu's head, whose eyes were completely blank, to his chest, wrapped his hands around Bai Liu's trembling back, and patted Bai Liu's shoulder with his broad palms, his voice "You like to sleep like this, don't you?"

"Go to sleep."

Bai Liu's posture was that of a giant doll embracing him completely, nothing was left in his eyes, his hands were clamped by Spades and he couldn't move.

After a long interval, Bai Liu's eyes flickered slightly as he looked towards the three beds with thick bed curtains that had been hung to deliberately isolate him.

[So unlucky to be in the same dormitory as the orphanage students].

[...... eh, looking for a relationship, can't transfer the dormitory, can only make do with it].

[I've heard that orphanage births don't have clean hands and feet, or clean bodies, and they eat feed.

[Grass, wouldn't that be dirty?

[I really don't want to live with this kind of person, ask if there is anyone who wants to share a dormitory with him?

[Who wants to share a dormitory with such a dirty person?

[Who lives across the street from him?

[I don't want to.]

[Neither do I.]

[F*ck, that can't be helped, no one wants to live that close to him, let's draw lots, whoever is unlucky will come!

Bai Liu blinked slowly, all the places on his body that would be said to be dirty if he touched anything else were held tightly by Spades, his fingers curled and very, very slowly, rawly, he hugged Spades back.

He closed his eyes.

...... Having a dog seems to have some benefits, apart from the hassle.

It seems that his future selection of this stuff isn't that bad.

Hou Tong has noticed that Bai Liu has changed a lot recently.

Before, Bai Liu would often twirl his pencil in class by himself with his eyes scattered, and when he was punished for standing out, his eyes would be half closed and he would sleep against the wall, and his whole body had a sense of casual living and perfunctory.

It is as if there is no favorite thing, no favorite person, no future to aspire to, just a careless existence in this world.

But recently this sense of perfunctoryness has disappeared.

Hou Tong was almost surprised to find that Bai Liu had started studying.

He is no longer dazed in class, but has a calm expression as he looks at page after page of teaching materials and notes, occasionally borrowing her English papers to correct mistakes, and occasionally turning his pen to look out of the window with a very light smile on his face, not without any expression at all, but with a very light smile on his brow and eyes.

That smile made Bai Liu's whole face light up in general.

He would start to do a lot of things in earnest, and Xu Wei reluctantly noticed Bai Liu's grades rising almost every mock test, from 278 to the early 300s, and from the mid-300s to almost 400, looking close to the undergraduate line.

The dormitory mates were surprised to find that Bai Liu had started to stay up late to study.

They were initially cynical and sarcastic about Bai Liu's behaviour, but Bai Liu did not respond to them at all, and soon they felt a sense of urgency in the face of Bai Liu's regular learning and rapid progress.

When these people see Bai Liu staying up late, they can't help but want to outshine him and start competing for time.

Bai Liu stayed up until 12:00, they stayed up until 12:15, Bai Liu stayed up until 12:15, they stayed up until 12:30.

Soon, their grades slipped.

These people crumbled and stopped their late nights and developed a fear of Bai Liu who continued to stay up until 1am studying steadily and whose grades were still rising. At night, even if they didn't stay up late, as long as they could hear Bai Liu flipping through his books without moving from the curtain, the thought of Bai Liu, a poor student, studying hard would make them too anxious to sleep.

After the appearance of the first housemate whose grades slipped beyond the 400th percentile and crashed out of school due to chronic anxiety and insomnia, the other two housemates almost felt a sense of alarm at Bai Liu, who was still staying up late and whose marks were still rising, and their insomnia was getting worse.

Bai Liu would sometimes hear them secretly crying in their tent during study time because they were stressed out, and others would call their parents from the balcony to report their results in cowering fear when they slipped a few dozen places in their monthly or weekly exams and only scored 567.

After the debriefing, and not knowing what his parents had said to him, the man would sit stolidly by the tent for a while and then begin to study through his teeth while shedding tears.

Bai Liu doesn't really understand this state of affairs, he's not under much pressure and 400 is his target.

But this state of affairs did not last long, and soon after the two remaining housemates' grades had steadily declined in five consecutive weekly exams, two monthly exams and one mock exam, their parents came to the dormitory with a grim look on their faces to sort out their belongings and pick them up.

While sorting things out, the two housemates just stood around with their heads down, glancing very quietly at Bai Liu next to them and trying to shrug it off: "I'm a bit rested because my housemate stayed up late studying, so that's why my grades are slipping ......"

"Everyone else stays up late to study and their grades go up, you stay up late to study and your grades go down?!" Both pairs of parents reacted in much the same way, waving their hands in annoyance, "It's senior year, we didn't spend all that money to pay for you to study Qiao Mu to hear you make excuses like that."

"You can go to a day school if you want to go to a day school." The parents coldly gave them an ultimatum, "But if your grades still slip after going to a walk-on school, then you'll have to wait!"

The two housemates lowered their heads and followed their parents' asses without a word, and before they left, they gave a complicated look to Bai Liu who sent them away with his eyes, and opened their mouths as if to say something, but in the end they didn't say anything.

After this, Bai Liu's dormitory became completely empty.

Bai Liu's life is very different from that of her housemate's family, which is in dire straits.

Lu Yizhan and Fang Dian were both sitting by the flower bed, they were sitting upright and looking at Bai Liu who was standing in front of them with a tense expression: "...... You called us down to show us your results of this monthly exam, didn't you?"

Bai Liu gave a hoot, "The results are not out yet, but the papers are out, so I'll give you a look."

Lu Yizhan's voice began to shake and he was so nervous that cold sweat began to form on his face. He took two deep breaths and clenched his fists before he spoke and asked, "...... Bring it on."

Bai Liu handed over his own paper, but Lu Yizhan didn't dare to look at it at all. He squinted one eye and held the mark column of the paper.

Lu Yizhan finally opened the exam paper and they went through it one by one, Fang Dian and he both became more and more dazed, and finally Lu Yizhan saw that his eyes were red and he lowered his head and raised his hand to wipe his eyes with his palm.

"No good." Fang Dian punched Lu Yizhan in the back of the head and she tilted her head, she had very light tears in her eyes, "351 points, you're good, Bai Liu ."

Bai Liu pursed her lips and averted her eyes, "...... make do."

Fang Dian couldn't hold back her laughter, and she rubbed Bai Liu's head vigorously: "You're just being silly!"

Lu Yizhan looked at Bai Liu's paper repeatedly on the sidelines, his eyebrows grew serious: "Wait, although there is a lot of progress, there are still a lot of wrong questions, let me help you analyze it first ......"

"What the hell is this analysis now!" Fang Dian impatiently interrupted Lu Yizhan as she excitedly hugged Bai Liu, "Let's go for a nightcap to celebrate!"

Published at: 09/30/2022 05:10