Chapter 467: The Evil God Festival - The Boathouse

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Aota smiled a little, but the smile soon faded as he gazed in awe at the picture of the wave shrine hanging on the wall and whispered, "But after that, the people of Luming County began to fear this evil body."

"They were afraid to put the body of the evil god, which had suffered so much for their ugly wish, in the shrine on the hill after the fire, because it was too close, and it frightened them, but they did not want to give up the annual festival of the evil god, so they built a huge ship-shaped shrine and moved the whole body of the evil god and the original Luming shrine to far away from the sea in Luming County."

Xiaokui laughed sarcastically, "The same people who wanted to be nearer to God, now want to be farther away from God even if they have to die."

"Yes." Aota lowered his head and looked at his blood-covered knuckles, "Then later, to avoid the sacrifices uniting in rebellion during training, they separated them into separate training chambers, and the bitter chamber was built."

"Every year at the Evil God Festival, the chosen sacrifice would travel in a small boat, led by servants from the eight families and other Luming County villagers who had made a wish, to the sea shrine where it would be sacrificed."

"We are taken on board every year, but brought back because the sacrifice fails." Xiaokui shrugged unconcernedly, "Bai six too."

Aota hesitated, but whispered in defence, "Our unsuccessful sacrifice is not quite the same as Lord Bai six, is it?"

"We could not awaken the Evil One because we were not suffering enough, but Lord Bai six was the one who suffered the most among us."

Aota gave a beat, "I heard from the other retainers that the Gifune family wanted to sacrifice Lord Bai six every year because Lord Bai six was the most painful sacrifice ever made, but even though the Gifune servants grabbed Lord Bai six by the hair and forced Bai six against the evil gods to try to sacrifice him, the evil gods apparently awoke because of Lord Bai six's He was clearly awakened by Lord Bai six's pain, but he just wouldn't open his eyes ......"

Once Xiaokui was quiet, she turned her head with her back to Aota and her voice was muffled, "Because opening her eyes, Bai six might be sacrificed."

"These two ......" Xiaokui muttered in a whisper, "are such a yin and yang."

"When Bai six was guarding the evil god outside the shrine door every night, he just wouldn't talk, and now it's the evil god's turn at the sea shrine, where he can only see Bai six once a year, but can't open his eyes to see his only lover."

"What kind of fairy tale is this ......"

Aota was also quiet: "Although the Gifune family said they were putting the evil god-sama in the sea shrine, we never saw the evil god-sama physically when we went to offer the sacrifice every year, only an empty shrine in the sea shrine."

"It is said that the only way to meet the Lord of Evil is to be able to awaken a Lord of Evil sacrifice with your own pain."

Aota frowned a little worriedly, "But you and I have been to the Sea Shrine so many times, and we have searched everywhere else secretly, and we have not found the evil god-sama, I wonder where he has been hidden by the group of the Gifune family."

"Those bastards of the Mifune family." Xiaokui cursed with hatred, shaking his fist and pounding the ground, "It's obvious that when the evil god killed five years ago, those people of the Mifune family were about to commit suicide by the influence of the evil god's corpse, but then some real evil god manifested into their dreams and forcibly interrupted their suicide process, allowing these rampant dogs to live until today!"

Aota looked out of the window at the storm and murmured, "I wonder if I'll make it through the summer festival this year."

The Summer Festival seaside venue in heavy rain.

The crowd of festival-goers scattered with their umbrellas in the air, and umbrellas were set up to keep the rain off the stalls that had been set up along the shore, as the vendors scrambled to gather their wares and complained about the weather.

"What's up with the Summer Festival this year? It never rains in previous years ......"

"Tonight's fireworks display will also be delayed."

"The divine service pre-rehearsal is tonight too, right? Is it still dancing with all this rain?"

The head of the Gifune family, who was standing on a high platform looking down on all this, had a grim look on his face and stood with his hands behind his back, he looked like he did five years ago, his eyes full of gloom, and next to him a servant bowed his head respectfully and reported in a low voice that

"Lord Mifune, the rain is very heavy, do you think it would be appropriate to cancel or postpone some of the rituals?"

The imperial ship's eyes narrowed, "The fireworks display is postponed, no other events will be cancelled and held on time."

The servant hesitated, "But Lord Gifune, it has always been the tradition for the eight great family offerings to make an early sacrifice, that is, to leave by boat for the sea shrine tonight, and now the wind and waves are a bit rough, so this will not be cancelled as well?"

"Ask them about that, they can cancel if they want to, or if they don't they can sail their own ship." Gifune's flabby face shook with some slightly wry smile, "But whether they take it or not, the Gifune family will not cancel this night."

"Take the offering Bai six and his squire, and this night we will sail to the sea shrine for the sacrifice."

The servant jerked his head up, startled, "Bai six again ?"

The imperial ship swept the servant with a sidelong glance, "What, you have a problem with that?"

"I don't dare!" The servant ducked his head quickly, and only after a long interval did he dare to look up in a cowering manner and ask carefully, "It's just that, Lord Gosho, hasn't Bai six been sacrificed by us privately almost two dozen times without success?"

"Is it not for this reason that you chose Bai six as the heir to the evil god and made him want to offer the dance of the evil god?"

The smile on Mikifune's face grew odd: "Yes."

"It is for this reason that I have to keep insisting on taking Bai six to be sacrificed; he is a sacrifice so painful that the evil gods won't even open their eyes to him."

The servant looked up in confusion, "It's just that, Lord Gifune, even though Bai Liu is in pain, the evil gods won't open their eyes to him, so the sacrifice won't be successful, and what's the point of bringing such an unsuccessful sacrifice to the shrine?"

The smile on his face grew more and more deceitful as he gazed with cloudy eyes at the breaking waves, but he spoke in answer, "Last night I had a dream."

"The real evil god in my dream told me that I would be able to sacrifice away the most painful sacrifice in the whole world tonight and usher in the newborn evil god."

On the shore, the undulating waves lap against the rocky shore, sending waves crashing down.

On the waves were two small boats that rose and fell with the waves, these two boats were so far apart that it was impossible to spy the other one in this pouring rainy night.

On each of these two boats stands a boatman wearing a straw coat and a rain hat.

" Bai six my lord." The servant of the Royal Boat family, wearing a translucent mackintosh, bowed in front and guided Bai Liu to the front of one of the small boats, raising his hand in a respectful gesture of invitation, "Please come aboard."

Bai Liu, holding a paper umbrella in his left hand, is dressed in full regalia, wearing a full set of ritual garments, white lining, red scarlet hakama, and a light, semi-transparent sarong with golden crane feathers embroidered on the large sleeves, and holding a kagura bell lightly in his right hand.

In this pounding rain, the sarong was drenched with water, his long hair fell over his shoulders against the soaked sarong snaking down his pale neck and down into the lining, a very light bit of red grease dotted right in the centre of his lips, pursed away by himself, looking more and more vividly coloured in the darkening rain.

Bai Liu slowly raised his umbrella, his eyes dark, looking calmly over the edge of the paper umbrella that fell like a curtain of pearls, at the imperial boatman who had guided him to the boat, as if he had already guessed where he was taking him.

The servant was put into a trance by Bai Liu.

No wonder Lord Gosho said that this man is the evil god's ......

Bai Liu's voice was calm and clear as she asked, "Wasn't I dressed up like this so that I could dance for God Xiang? And where is this going?"

The servant hurriedly returned to his senses, he looked down not daring to look into Bai six's inexplicably intimidating eyes, " Lord Bai six, it is like this, this year with the heavy rains, the divine festival dance will no longer be held on the shore, it will be held on the sea shrine."

"This year, it is the once-in-a-decade festival and it is raining heavily, so Lord Gifune has ordered that in appreciation of the evil gods' contributions to Luming County over the past ten years, it is sufficient for you to offer a dance to the evil gods this year and there is no need to offer a dance to the villagers of Luming County."

"Please." The servant sidled out of the way, "The rain is a little heavy, so for your safety, please take the boat alone and proceed to the sea shrine first, your squire will come later in another boat."

Bai Liu swept him off his feet and jumped on board.

The boat swayed, and the boatman looked up like a servant of the imperial boat family to make sure Bai Liu was on board, cranked up the wooden paddle, and headed towards the sea shrine, which was rocking and undulating in the waves.

The moment the ship started up, Bai Liu picked out the system panel in front of him.

[System Alert: Congratulations to player Bai Liu for opening the final scene map of "Evil God Festival - Boathouse" and opening the final node plot].

Meanwhile, another ship.

Spades stared at the maid of the Gifune family in front of him and expressed his needs without expression, "I want to go to the Sea Shrine."

The servant looked at the whip in Spades' hand and cowered in fear and tears: "But, but you are not Lord Bai six's squire! Please wait a moment!"

"If you want to go to the sea shrine, you can wait for the other squire's boat tomorrow ......"

"No wait." As soon as Spades finished his sentence, he simply jumped into the boat, slapped the boat's shrieking boatman onto the shore with a whip, then turned back and said indifferently, "You make them wait, I'm in a hurry."

When he had finished, Spades raised his hand and slammed his whip from side to side on the surface of the sea, which, because of the speed of the slam, had a strange effect like that of a paddle, and Spades' boat flew off like an arrow towards the sea shrine.

The dumbfounded maid and boatman left on the shore: "......"

Meanwhile, the ornamental pool.

Mu Sicheng looked at Spades on the big screen, his face so black it looked like water was dripping, and he shook his leg with a grin on his face: "What kind of shit is this broadcast, watching the whole fucking game with this cunt, where's Bai Liu! Why don't they broadcast the Bai Liu situation!"

"It's half the fucking game and all I see is Bai Liu starting off with a dance practice and cutting to Bai Liu over there halfway through, still practicing."

"Hey I don't fucking believe it!" Mu Sicheng slapped his thighs in anger, "I don't believe Bai Liu will keep practicing his dance in a competition!"

"Is the system shady! Why, Bai Liu, is there so little broadcast footage! Is the system maliciously editing this?"

"Stop swearing, there are children." Tang Erda said this but also with a frown on his face and a scowl on his face as he looked at Spades on the big screen who had just jumped on board, "But there is something really wrong with this broadcast, Bai Liu only cut the beginning and a small section of the game in the middle, the rest of the time it was Spades, this is not a normal broadcast of a league game at all. "

Muke looked uncomfortable: "Is it possible that Bai Liu's footage is not coming out?"

"What won't release?" Mu Sicheng turned his head momentarily to look over.

Liu Jiayi stared deadpan at the big screen, "Like the last five buildings situation."

Tang Erda snapped to Liu Jiayi: "You mean ......"

Before Tang Erda could say anything else, Wang Shun's voice broke into tones of excitement and cut him off: "Cut Bai Liu's picture!"

Almost everyone looked up at the big screen.

On the rainy night, Bai Liu, drenched almost to the skin with an umbrella, lifts his cumbersome hakama in his right hand and steps from a boat onto the steps of the sea shrine, while in the left corner of the large screen, Mu Sicheng can clearly see Spades leap from a boat and onto the floor of the sea shrine.

The boat-shaped shrine swayed a little as Spades jumped to the ground, and the two men disembarking from either side of the shrine looked up at the same time and saw each other.

Mu Sicheng couldn't hold back a cry of anger and hammered Tang Erda's leg with a clenched fist: "What a shitty system, waiting half a day for the broadcast and then making such a big deal when it's on!"

Tang Erda: "......"

Published at: 09/17/2022 17:10