Chapter 361: Yinshan Village

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Yang Zhi's body was drenched in an icy chill, and he winced, awakening from a trance-like nightmare state.

Next to him, Kong Xuyang frowned at Yang Zhi, who was crouched next to him: "What's wrong with you, you've been so distracted?"

Yang Zhi shook her head vigorously, trying to clear her head, and squeezed a forced smile onto her pale face: "...... I don't know what's going on, but the more I digest Bai Liu's memories, the easier it is to drift into his memories, it never used to be like this ......"

"His memory is strange, with three folded areas."

Talking about Bai Liu, Kong Xuyang raised some interest: "What folding area? The weak points? The privacy part?"

"None of them are ......" Yang Zhi's brow furrowed, "It feels like an overwritten memory that forms another layer of memory overlay on top of the memory, and I find it particularly strange when I digest it, as if I've eaten the same memories of the same time period."

Kong Xuyang raised an eyebrow: "Isn't that Bai Liu's memory being wiped out three times and rewoven?"

"Even his memory has been tampered with, Bai Liu has lived a very confused life." Kong Xuyang smiled meaningfully, "Anyway, the monster we're guarding hasn't moved yet, so tell me more about it."

After that, Kong Xuyang sat down on the ground and put on a gossipy look of disinterest: "I haven't heard a single thing that makes me happy tonight. Tell me something to cheer me up."

Yang Zhi took one look at Kong Xuyang's face and said deliberately, "Bai Liu first experienced this memory collapse at the age of fourteen, when he was originally raised in a private orphanage."

"Bai Liu was subjected to a lot of discrimination and torture in the private orphanage." Yang Zhi's face became a little uncomfortable, he seemed to feel cold and rubbed his arms subconsciously, "The director there didn't like him and often punished him for various reasons, such as temporarily increasing Bai Liu's tasks, then saying that he didn't finish his chores or study tasks on time, making Bai Liu stand barefoot in a bucket of water in the snow in winter. In winter, Bai Liu was made to stand barefoot in a bucket of water in the snow, or he was made to cut ice in sub-zero temperatures to clean the pond behind the orphanage."

Kong Xuyang's eyes narrowed slightly and he whistled with pleasure: "The childhood of a standard loser, then?"

"But these memories have been artificially altered and overwritten by someone, and the final memory left on Bai Liu's side is that he grew up successfully to the age of eighteen in a public orphanage with strict management and good treatment of the children, without any abuse or torture, and that the teachers and the director treated Bai Liu well, except for the frequent headache of Bai Liu's rebellion. The teachers and the director were good to Bai Liu, but he was often troubled by his rebellion. Yang Zhi said.

"Tsk." Kong Xuyang deflated in bemusement, "Abuse that isn't remembered is no fun, there's no way to cause lasting trauma to a person, Bai Liu What about the second memory fold?"

Yang Zhi's expression gradually became strange: " Bai Liu's second memory overlap occurred at the age of eighteen, a few months before his entrance exams."

"Gao Kao?" Kong Xuyang's expression showed smugness and contempt, "Bai Liu's college entrance exam results, which we checked, were only about 400 points, much lower than mine."

"It seems that even if some high level player from Buming had modified his memories and spared him the so-called [childhood trauma], Bai Liu is still a loser who can't hold up the wall."

"No." Yang Zhi couldn't resist retorting, " Bai Liu started out with worse grades than this, only scoring over 300."

Now even Kong Xuyang was surprised: "Over 300? Did he not study for three years in high school?"

"From what I remember, Bai Liu never listened in class and basically slept in class, although he was held down for a while by a good friend of his, Lu Yizhan, but he soon returned to his old ways." Yang Zhi said, "He basically skipped all the evening study sessions and went out to play games."

"Bai Liu also received a major disciplinary action in his senior year, which counted towards his file and was criticised by the whole school, and Bai Liu's grades continued to decline severely after that."

"Bai Liu's grades are not even half of his total marks, so what room is there for him to slip?" Kong Xuyang raised his eyebrows and asked, "What disciplinary action did he receive?"

Yang Zhi said, "Tricked fellow students into stealing money from their families for gambling, armed fights involving tens of thousands of dollars, and almost went to jail."

"In the end, the long pair of Fang family did not call the police and chose to go private, Bai Liu was severely criticised before bowing his head and apologising to that classmate and being given a major demerit."

"Bai Liu would have been expelled, but Fang Dian, the top student in his school, and Lu Yizhan, a long-time top 10 student, told the school that if they wanted to expel Bai Liu, they would leave the school with Bai Liu. "

"The two of them went up to the flag stand and read a review in front of the whole school, almost taking all the blame on themselves, forcing the school to keep Bai Liu."

"But after this, Bai Liu's marks slipped to over two hundred, and although he didn't study properly, he didn't do anything more, people around him were pointing at him, he went to the toilet and came back to his desk and it was gone, and the bed in his dorm room was constantly being made dirty, splashed with all sorts of water and stuff, sort of school bullying, right?"

"But Bai Liu's reaction was very bland, he didn't care at all, if he lost his desk, he changed the classroom and continued to sleep, he didn't care if people were senior, what classes they were taking, if he couldn't sleep in his dorm room, he went over the wall to an internet cafe and slept overnight."

Kong Xuyang tsked a few times, "A total gangster."

Yang Zhi's expression became stranger and stranger: "But at this time, someone suddenly appeared in Bai Liu's memory."

"Or maybe it can't be said to be a person, this person can only be seen by Bai Liu alone, no one else can see, like a companion ghost or the kind of [friend only I can see] that a child who is so lonely that something goes wrong in his mind would imagine."

"This ghost accompanied him silently, going in and out with him every day, and Bai Liu would not be driven away, crouching like a dog every night in front of the chair where Bai Liu slept, occasionally leaning his head on Bai Liu and cuddling with him."

Kong Xuyang snorted, "Bai Liu's brain is out of whack, isn't it? It's normal, it's strange that his brain doesn't go wrong with this experience."

"...... I don't know if it's Bai Liu's brain that's wrong or mine that's eating too much memory or confusing it." Yang Zhi thrusts her ten fingers into her hair and snaps them tightly, mumbling dazedly with her head down.

" Bai Liu This ghost that appeared out of nowhere at the end of his high school days, a friend that he didn't know if he had imagined himself ......"

"-looks exactly like Spades."

Kong Xuyang lost his voice and asked in return, "...... what?!"

The other end.

Bai Liu leads Mu Sicheng around a weir, over a dry stone bridge and follows the path shown on the TV to a wild mountain range covered in graves.

The graves are small and large, new and old, and just after Qingming, there are still unburned paper money next to many of them, half-burned red and white candles stuck in the ground, a few strings of exploded firecrackers hanging from the jagged-looking dead trees next to them, and money for the afterlife spilled all over the ground.

The closer graves appear to be those of recently buried Yinshan villagers, more modernly erected with marble headstones and neatly laser engraved epitaphs and black and white posthumous photographs.

Farther away there is nothing but a bare grave, and with a bit of luck you can find a crude gravestone next to it, weather-beaten to the point of being unreadable - a board that has been carved.

Mu Sicheng holds his camera in night vision mode, carefully photographing the gravestones in the fluorescent green screen.

In the darkness of the forest, under the green light, the photographs of the tombstones showed old men with white hair and neat smiles staring at the two uninvited guests who had come to toss their graves, their faces turning bitterly cynical with the kind smiles that had been on their faces when they were in the ground.

Mu Sicheng folded his hands in prayer and whispered, "I am not to be blamed for offending you."

" Mu Sicheng, come over here and shoot this way." Bai Liu beckons in the distance.

Mu Sicheng carefully stepped over the grave bag and held the camera up to where Bai Liu was pointing, and he squinted a little: "What's this?"

On the ground towards these graves are three white porcelain wine cups with a little ash-stained white wine, three plates of raw meat of different colours and textures, a pile of golden paper money, four pillars of incense lit at the front, two candles and a small money garment, which is burning in a ghostly manner.

"This is a device for [borrowing Yin wealth], someone came to the mass grave before me, most of the people of Yinshan Village where they were actually buried set this up and cast a spell to borrow the Yin energy and Yin wealth away, now this place can't borrow Yin wealth again, I can't finish the mission." Bai Liu looked up at Mu Sicheng.

Mu Sicheng gritted his teeth, "Damn, Kong Xuyang, that bitch is up to something again!"

Published at: 07/26/2022 17:10