Chapter 308: The Dense Forest Frontier

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Among the jungle.

Bai Jiamu leaps and runs with Bai Yi on his back, his eyes blazing, his scalpel flashing from side to side, pinning pieces of corpses close to them to the ground or to tree stumps.

Bai Yi called out breathlessly from Bai Jiamu's back, "...... Don't turn it upside down, I'm going to fall."

"...... is really stupid." Bai Jiamu shrugged his shoulders breathlessly, sending Bai Yi, who was about to slide downwards, a little further onto his back, "Losing at the drop of a hat, are you a loser?"

Bai Yi is not convinced: "How do I know Bai Liu is so strong!"

"He's on the same level as Spades, if he can fight against the God of Reverse." Bai Jiamu dodged a corpse that fell from his head, and looked serious, "If a player of ......'s level wanted to kill you, you wouldn't even have time to log out of the game, Bai Liu should have held back on you just now."

Bai Yi gave a pause and let out a hint.

Bai Jiamu added: "I feel like the God of Reverse held back, otherwise he would have used his own skill weapon and would have just cleaned Bai Liu out of the game."

Bai Yi stretched out his voice and sighed, "I never saw what the Reverse God was up to anyway."

"He could have just cleaned out Bai Liu, so why did he have to spend time with Bai Liu in Taiji and let Liao Ke (the last member of the Killer Sequence) out of the game, leaving us to find Spades."

"If you can understand what the God of Reverse is doing, it's a bit of an insult to the God of Reverse's 96 intelligence points." Bai Jiamu rolled his eyes, "Remember what the God of Reverse said to us when he first approached Bai Liu?"

Bai Yi looked serious for a moment and recalled, "I don't remember."

Bai Jiamu was speechless: "He said that Bai Liu was a recognised opponent of Spades and could make Spades understand a lot of things."

"He told us to get Spades to meet Bai Liu, so that Bai Liu could influence Spades." Bai Jiamu took a deep breath, "I don't know if it's infected by Spades, but my gut tells me at this point that after this game, Spades will be back on the team and playing with us."

"That's easy for you to say!" Bai Yi grimaced, "The gods told us to find Spades, but we've never found him in game before! Even if we're teammates, Spades never lets anyone follow him once he's in the game, so it's super hard to find him..."

Before Bai Yi could say anything, he saw Spades jumping over the side of them without looking back, leading Tang Erda and Liu Jiayi.

In the distance, Tang Erda's puzzled query could be heard, " Spades, I think I saw your teammate when we were passing by the tree?"

Spades' voice was very flat: "No, you're looking at the wrong body, it's a corpse.

"The Body" Bai Yi: "......"

"The Body" Bai Jiamu: "......"

" Spades--!!!" Bai Yi and Bai Jiamu's twisted and angry voices startled countless birds, "Stop right there!!!"

By the lake.

A huge blast of white smoke was followed by a swinging whip, and Bai Liu stood in place, the whip hanging down at his side, bone spurs dripping blood down his body.

Two long, deep mud marks trailed across the ground, and the Reverse God knelt on one knee at the end of them, his left hand covering his right elbow.

The fingers of his right hand were bloody and trembled slightly as they dripped blood downwards.

The Reverse God took several deep breaths and looked up with a smile, "-I thought you'd have to get used to this new whip, but I didn't expect it to catch on so quickly."

Bai Liu lowered his eyes, "I didn't think you'd use a skill weapon until now either."

"Is there anything in me that warrants your repeated mercy?"

Cold sweat faintly seeped from the Reverse God's forehead, but the corners of his eyes and mouth curved up on his face, "The same question I have to ask you in return, you could have killed me a long time ago, so why did you show me mercy again and again, controlling the damage range to my right hand several times."

"What?" The Reverse God smirked, "Not ready to kill yet, or are you and I both showing mercy for the same reason?"

"-I am because of Spades." The Reverse God smiled a very teasing smile, "He likes you, he has never liked anyone since he was born, you are the first."

"I, as his tactician, would not easily harm the only person he likes, so why don't you kill me?"

Bai Liu slowly lifted his eyelids and looked down at the half-kneeling Reverse God, the black paint on the whip spreading upwards several times before being eerily suppressed again.

The smile on the Reverse God's face deepened: "You didn't kill me because you like Spades too and care about his feelings, right?"

Before the words left his mouth, Bai Liu's whip stabbed violently at the Reverse God, this time no longer controlled within the reach of the Reverse God's right hand as before, but stabbed harshly at the Reverse God's heart.

The Reverse God half-kneeled, holding Bai Liu's stabbing whip in his left hand, and was held by the force of the whip pushing him over, sliding backwards on his knees for another distance.

In the nick of time when the whip was about to pierce his heart, the Reverse God gritted his teeth and held the open bone spikes on the whip in a death grip, deflecting it so that it pierced his shoulder.

The whip stabbed in and then paused only slightly, the bone spines opening up root to root, as if to make sure that each one had penetrated the flesh of the Reverse God, before Bai Liu pulled back again.

The end of the whip that had pierced into the Reverse God's body ripped right through the flesh of the Reverse God's shoulder as it pulled back, and a large, bleeding, bone-deep hole appeared in the Reverse God's shoulder.

The Reverse God's eyes were half-lidded with pain as he noticed the blackness of Bai Liu's whip had spread two-thirds of the way through.

...... not good, Bai Liu This guy is getting more and more skilled with this new whip, so keeping him for slow torture sparring is not for ......

"Not being lenient on you, it's just that any new weapon needs practice after you acquire it." Bai Liu dragged his blood soaked whip into the Reverse God, "You have good physical skills, just the right amount to restrain me."

Bai Liu looked down on the rebellious gods, who were gasping for breath, without any human expression on his face, indifferent as a statue.

"I don't have to turn down quality practice subjects that come to me." Bai Liu said calmly, "Limiting the attack to your right hand before was also for practicing [Disarm]."

The paint on the whip just flew upwards as if in elation and soon it was stained black to three quarters.

"But for now, you've lost your practice value by refusing to bring out your skillful weapon." Bai Liu raised his whip plaintively, "That's enough for today."

The whip, which was constantly dripping blood, was raised high, the hideous bone spines on it blossoming distinctly at the roots.

The Reverse God's eyes gradually turned cold as he slowly held something in a false grip with his back hand and took a deep breath.

What a surprise, Bai Liu, that this guy could push him to this point even before he had received the full inheritance of the evil god.

What shall I say, worthy of the heir the evil god has waited so long for?

[System Alert: Does the player Inquisitor of the Reverse God use his personal skill ......]

A pure black bone whip was suddenly thrown from the other side of the lake, hitting Bai Liu directly in the stomach and sending him flying.

The Reverse God finally breathed a sigh of relief as he slumped backwards onto the ground, "...... Finally."

Spades jumped several times and landed in front of Bai Liu, who had risen from the ground, and for the first time had that serious look on his face that was close to a stare, "You took something you hate."

Bai Liu chokes out a couple of coughs as he pats the dust on his knees and stands up straight, looking at Spades evenly: "I thought I'd be annoying, but now it's not that annoying."

Spades interrupted Bai Liu expressionlessly, "You're lying, you're scared."

"People will always be afraid of the unknown." Bai Liu looks up at Spades, "But it doesn't mean that the unknown is bad, if there is something you want in the unknown, then the unknown is not bad."

Spades' eyes drifted down: "Then why won't you clutch this whip?"

When Bai Liu was still, he clenched his whip so hard that the black on it suddenly shot upwards, then raised his hand and without hesitation, he lashed out at Spades' face.

Spades dodges deftly backwards and flings his own used, pitted, pure black bone whip horizontally with a cool expression.

Two black whips instantly intertwined in the air, pulled by Spades and Bai Liu respectively, and twisted in the middle to form a thorn.

Bai Liu was about to pull back his bone whip.

Spades doesn't let go, his wrist powers up and his grip tightens on the whip, which parted under his dominant hand.

At the same time Spades leapt like a river, his eyes coolly stepping on the whip Bai Liu had drawn back and darted towards Bai Liu at the other end, getting close to him in the blink of an eye.

White quickly and quickly let go of the whip to draw another weapon from the skill panel, but Spades was already close enough to give him no time to manipulate his reaction.

Spades throws a sideways kick from the waist, and it lands completely untouched on the side of Bai Liu's neck.

Bai Liu could almost hear his bones cracking from Spades' kicks, and he could see Spades' eyes, reflecting himself in pure coldness.

Spades ...... is angry.

The next moment, Bai Liu was kicked by Spades and rolled several times on the ground, choking on blood after hitting the shore of the lake before falling straight into the lake.

The entwined whips finally parted and Bai Liu was seen to fall into the lake with the whip in his hand, followed by Spades.

The Reverse God, who was being helped up by Bai Jiamu and Bai Yi, was shocked at the sight: "Spades, this guy, he's going all out, he's serious."

Bai Yi was dumbfounded: "Holy shit! I've never seen Spades go so fast! I can't even see it clearly!"

Bai Jiamu still hasn't reacted: "Why is Spades suddenly using his full strength?"

The Reverse God strokes his chin: "...... must say, it is that you have a good time liking someone, and that person denies himself completely and forcibly turns himself into a different look, the problem is that he himself is disgusted with this look, but he has to force himself to endure the disgust and keep playing it. "

"He doesn't accept himself, and he refuses to let those around him accept this face of himself; no one in the world accepts that kind of Bai Liu, who has obliterated even the meaning of his existence, but still has to calmly say to everyone, this is what I want."

"Like to have someone abused like that." The Reverse God looked out over the lake, "Get mad, Spades ."

Published at: 06/30/2022 05:10