Chapter 306: The Borderlands of the Dense Forest

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Liu Jiayi couldn't breathe as she looked at the black and blue hand, she choked and coughed twice and was about to drown when Tang Erda immediately brought her up to the surface.

Spades let go and floated in the water. He looked down at the bottom of the lake without moving, then immediately surfaced, and on his way up he met the diving inverse god, and together they came to the surface.


Liu Jiayi chokes out a pale cough as she stares at the lake, as if expecting a Bai Liu to pop out of it.

Tang Erda pats Liu Jiayi on the back, his face almost blank, as if he doesn't understand what has just happened.

-- Bai Liu, the all-powerful Bai Liu, was 100% alienated and died in front of them?

This sounds almost like a joke.

Tang Erda would have thought it was another one of Bai Liu's tricks if the system alert for all players hadn't still been there.

Spades climbed out of the water, followed by Bai Yi and the others, "What the hell, we've just been in the lake and we've been notified of Bai Liu's death?"

" Bai Liu is not dead." Spades didn't look back, water dripping down the ends of his hair, his tone cold and calm.

Bai Yi was getting more and more confused, he clicked out his system panel, confirmed the bright red system notification on it two or three times and muttered: "...... I read it right, it's the death exit ...... "

Spades turned his head and stared at Bai Yi without saying a word, and Bai Yi's voice trailed off and he finally closed his mouth, shivering slightly as he hid behind Bai Jiamu and whispered, "Bai Jiamu, I have this feeling that Spades is looking at me with a murderous aura... ..."

The Reverse God looked to Spades: "Why do you say Bai Liu is not dead?"

Spades was silent and did not answer.

The Reverse God had an instant realization, "Again, your instincts are telling you this?"

The Reverse God quickly accepted Spades' intuitive judgement and calmly analysed, "If Bai Liu isn't dead, then he can't be out of the game, he must be in the game somewhere, and now we need to find him from the game."

"But this game has many time loop lines, there is an external world and an internal world." Bai Jiamu frowned, "How do you find such a large map of the game?"

The Reverse God smiled, "I have a way to find Bai Liu."

Bai Yi muttered in a small voice, "But ah, Reverse God, this Bai Liu is none of our business either, so why should we help find it."

Liu Jiayi held her knees and helped Tang Erda to her feet, she tilted her head and stared deadly at the Reverse God, "If you help me find Bai Liu, I can follow all your training matches for free and guarantee your safety for the training matches."

The Reverse God turned to look at Liu Jiayi for a moment and had an epiphany: "You're the little witch with the healing skills."

Liu Jiayi took a deep breath and nodded.

The Reverse God smiled, "Quite a weighty bargaining chip, I am indeed tempted."

"But little witch, didn't your tactician teach you that when negotiating with a wise man, no matter how panicked you are, you should never start out with all your bottom line chips?"

The Reverse God smiled gently and stroked Liu Jiayi's head, his tone light: "- so that he will shamelessly gain an inch based on your leverage."

" Bai Liu is very important to you, isn't he?" The Reverse God smiled and casually dropped a bombshell, "How about I help you find Bai Liu, and you come to my team?"

Liu Jiayi's pupils flinched as Tang Erda stepped forward and smacked away the Reverse God's hand touching Liu Jiayi, saying in a cold voice, "Dream on!"

The Reverse God held up his hands with a smirk to show that he meant no harm, "Just kidding kidding, big teams like us in the Killer Sequence don't usually do this kind of thing of robbing other people's players while they're still alive."

But almost every member of Bai Liu's team has been taken from someone else.

This person is alluding to Bai Liu.

Tang Erda appeared with a gun in her hand and a fierce look hidden in her features, "That's none of your business either."

The Reverse God opened his brow and smiled, sweeping over Liu Jiayi, whose head was hanging, and then back to Tang Erda's face: "But I think, as a tactician, to fight over you as if you were objects and then place them so casually- "

"Slightly, not very respectful of your feelings, ah."

The Reverse God smiled, "-as if on the grounds that you will follow him forever, clamping down on your emotions and leaving you in fear of all the consequences of his caprice and recklessness, from which you cannot yet escape."

"How can I put it, it's a more advanced form of tactician control over the players than absolute control, and you all definitely trust Bai Liu from the bottom of your hearts."

The Reverse God smiled as if to laugh: "- but the pain from this trust is also doubled, because you have a deep affection for him."

"But Bai Liu knew full well that you would suffer for him, and he could have devised paths to the game that would make it painless for you, such as getting you out of the game first."

"Why did Bai Liu choose this path of tormenting himself, of making you watch, of suffering?"

"The evil gods are fond of observing the suffering of others."

The Reverse God spoke so softly that it was like a whisper, "--don't you think that from the beginning Bai Liu was showing the Evil God your suffering as a way of proving his nature, and then getting him to choose him wholeheartedly as his successor so that he could enter the domain of the Gods --"

"-your suffering is but his tribute to the evil god-"

Liu Jiayi and Tang Erda pulled out their weapons almost simultaneously and clamped down on the Reverse God from left to right with a speed invisible to the naked eye. Liu Jiayi landed on the Reverse God's shoulders with a flying leap and clipped his legs around his neck, holding the smoking bottle of poison spray right at the throat.

Tang Erda back-cuts Reverse God's hands with one hand and aims a gun at Reverse God's temple.

Bai Jiamu and Bai Yi picked up their weapons almost instantly, their expressions cold as they aimed at Tang Erda and Liu Jiayi.

"Let go of our tactician."

The atmosphere was explosive.

The Reverse God's careless and laughing voice interrupted, "Relax, I'm just kidding."

" Bai Jiamu, Bai Yi, put down your weapons, they won't kill me."

Bai Jiamu and Bai Yi hesitated for a moment, but put their weapons down.

The Reverse God looked sideways at Tang Erda, who had a gun pointed at his temple, thought for a moment and then suddenly smiled, "I've looked into you, Tang Erda, former third captain of the Heretic's Bureau, haven't I?"

"I'm a good citizen in reality who has never done anything bad by any creature, pays my taxes on time, works overtime every day, and hasn't killed a single innocent person in the game." The Reverse God smiled openly, "Are you sure you can kill a normal person like me who doesn't even meet your kill criteria?"

Tang Erda's back teeth were clenched and her trigger finger trembled vaguely.


His principles do not allow him to strike down normal people.

Liu Jiayi's eyes were red, his fingers jammed on the poison spray gun, his expression almost a masked malice: "-- Tang Erda can't kill, I can, help us find Bai Liu, or I'll kill you!"

"Wrong cause and effect, oh little sister." Unfazed, the Reverse God held Liu Jiayi's spray gun between two fingers and looked back at him with a smirk, "- you wanted me to help you find Bai Liu, so there was no way you could kill me."

The Reverse God gazed tenderly at Liu Jiayi: "Are you sure you want to kill me now?"

Liu Jiayi clutches the spray bottle violently and then slowly puts it down.

Bai Liu's weakness is in her opponent's hands, so she has no initiative.

Bai Yi watched in disbelief as the Reverse God defused a crisis with a few simple words.

Bai Jiamu twirls his scalpel at the sight.

This is how this guy, the Reverse God, has always had a tactical style that is not very controlling, has a good or bad relationship with each of his players, and even when he clashes with the enemy, he tries not to use force to solve problems.

After all, the Reverse God is a tactician who can make his opponent simply surrender without drawing his weapon in a league match, and the name of low-casualty tactician is not earned for nothing.

Liu Jiayi leaps from the shoulder of the Reverse God, and Tang Erda retrieves his gun.

"Even if Bai Liu is sacrificing your pain, you're still going to find him, aren't you?" The Reverse God asked softly.

Liu Jiayi's back was turned to the Reverse God, her shoulders tensing along with her voice: "- yes."

She clenched her fists and snorted, "A thin-skinned, cargo-like crew like ours that he snatched from can feel the pain of Bai Liu's self-destruction-"

"- and how much pain Bai Liu should be in himself."

Liu Jiayi takes a deep breath.

"If Bai Liu is really offering pain to the evil god, then the primary tribute is also his own pain, and our pain is just as an add-on, as a secondary item."

Liu Jiayi turned back and looked calmly at the Reverse God: "You don't need to rely on such sophistry to shake the bond between Bai Liu and me."

" Bai Liu is a man of my own choosing, I know what kind of man he is better than you do and in following this guy I was prepared to be used to death by him."

"Bai Liu is my tactician." Tang Erda said solemnly, "All the pain he has to do to win the game, the main attacker has to and takes it all on."

"I'm not going to be easily swayed by that pain as a member of his team."

"Is ...... so determined?" The Reverse God was thoughtful as he smiled, "That's unexpected, well I'll help you find Bai Liu for free."

Liu Jiayi looked at him warily, "Gratuitous?"

The Reverse God turned his head and looked, as if in distress, at Spades, who was crouched at the edge of the lake, his eyes staring straight up at the surface and occasionally poking at it with his whip.

Spades seemed to think that Bai Liu, having been sunk in this lake, would have come out of it as well, and stayed crouched beside it, holding his knees and keeping watch.

The Reverse God sighed helplessly, "You are not the only ones who have been used by Bai Liu to sacrifice the pain, but my ace team members as well."

"Your tactician, Bai Liu, is a real piece of work, taking the soul out of our team's leading attacker in one game."

The Reverse God arched his eyes and smiled as he turned his head to look at Tang Erda and Liu Jiayi: "In return, I would have liked to have his crew's souls hooked on me, but it seems I'm still not up to the task."

Liu Jiayi and Tang Erda, for some reason, got a chill down their spines as the Reverse God laughed.

--This tactician named Reverse God, for some reason, smiles in a way that makes you want to run away.

"How did you find Bai Liu ?" Liu Jiayi asks directly.

The Reverse God smirked, "Use props."

"What props?" Tang Erda pursued.

The Reverse God scratched his face, his eyes wandering, "Well, we also have to thank our team's main attacker, he gave Bai Liu, a very important contact prop within our team, which has a very strong determination, as long as the player is still there, the bell will automatically pop out from the prop panel when it rings."

"If Bai Liu is really still in this game, ringing the bell is a way to find him."

Spades, crouched by the lake, straightened up slowly at these words and without saying a word, pulled the bell out of his system and shook it violently, only to have it disintegrate after two rings.

Spades gave a slow ah, "I broke it."

The Reverse God took a deep breath and covered his face, "...... Yeah, you've messed with this bell before, and it's all because of the quality of this bell that it's held up so far."

"I'll do it."

The Reverse God inexorably took out his own bell, gripped the handle and gave it two slight shakes, and for a moment several bells rang simultaneously.

Bai Jiamu and Bai Yi Their bells were ringing, but immediately the Reverse God looked keenly across the lake, "There are no of our people on the other side, but there are bells ringing."

Spades disappeared almost as soon as the bell rang across the river, followed by Tang Erda and Liu Jiayi.

The Reverse God and Bai Jiamu and Bai Yi next to him exchanged glances, "Let's go too."

Across the lake, by the wooden statue of the evil god.

The corpses that had just been drawn away by the Bai Liu in the lake now returned in droves, dancing wildly around the two wooden statues of the evil gods, their rotting throats chanting strange songs of the evil gods.

"...... Mortal bodies have decayed, devotees carve new divine vessels to house drifting souls ......"

The Bai Liu on the new sacred wood carving is becoming more and more realistic, with only the head and shoulders still attached to the original wood, the rest of the figure having been thoroughly carved, and only the hair of the head remaining uncarved as well.

The corpses who carved the wooden sculpture moved the old one to the new one, which resembled Bai Liu, and carefully compared the carvings, telling the story of how Bai Liu's hair, originally short, had been carved into a long, loosely tied ponytail that fell to the side of his waist, just like the old one.

It seems that because of this change on the new wooden carving of the evil god, the smile on the face of the old one grew more and more satisfied.

The corpses shake their arms and legs around the wooden statue of the evil god, chanting louder and louder: the

"The evil god boasts that there will be people drifting in his shadow.

The man in the shadow is fourteen years old.

Then the evil god gave this man the spine, the heart, and the divine emblem.

boasts that this man will be its only believer and will become the next new god

The man in the shadow is twenty-four years old.

Then the evil gods fell and the believers' dead drifted away.

The spine, the heart, the divine emblem all shattered.

The changing of the evil gods.


God dies and he lives, for evil lives forever."

As the chanting continued and the new wooden carving was gradually completed, a corpse shakily lifted a large stone and began to pound it into the old wooden carving of the evil god, which had been stitched together and easily broken apart.

The corpses danced about wildly as a pure white bone whip and a pendant of a reverse cross slowly appeared in front of the wooden statue of the old evil god.

They were raised tremblingly high and the chanting grew louder again: the

"...... The evil gods have gifted this man with a spine, a heart, and a divine emblem ......"

"Taking the backbone of the old gods, the blood of the heart of the new gods, from the depths of the ages, an evil faith that even death cannot extinguish -"

"-to create a new evil god to rule the universe."

The corpses shuddered as they held up a sharp corpse and stabbed it down hard into the heart of the old wooden statue of the evil god.

A red fluid that approximates viscous blood flows from the heart of the wooden sculpture.

The corpses held up their white bone whips, catching the red liquid in reverent awe, and little by little the whips were strangely coloured from the handle to a pure black that reflected no light at all.

As it stains, the bone spines on it blossom at the roots and are overpowering.

Alex, tied to a stake, smiles dementedly - it's all that red paint.

--These red paints were produced from the wooden carvings of the evil gods.

By sticking a thorn into the heart of that wooden carving, a steady stream of magical red paint that possesses magical powers and helps one to fulfil one's desires forever will come out of it.

At first Alex thought it was just an exotic plant sap from the wood used for this evil god's wooden sculpture.

Only later did he realise that it had nothing to do with the wood at all, it was the blood in the heart of this wooden sculpture.

Drop by drop, the bright red liquid smashed onto the white bone whip, which was halfway through the staining process, and the corpse carefully placed the reverse cross pendant on the new wooden carving.

Alex tilted his head in relief as he closed his eyes, a trance-like smile on his face, "...... It's finally all coming to an end."

The sound of a bell ringing suddenly emanates from the new wooden carving in the shape of Bai Liu, the carefully carved surface of which is cracked with brittle, eggshell-like cracks that grow larger and larger with the ringing of the bell, as if the creature inside is about to burst through the carving at any moment.

The corpses suspended their chanting and rituals in panic: the

"...... Bone whip not yet dyed ......"

"...... The new evil gods should not enter the container at this moment!"

Alex was stunned as he looked straight at the wooden sculpture.

The half-closed eyes of the new wooden carving blinked slightly as a fierce wind hit, blowing away the smoke that had been building up in the jungle for so long.

The surface of the wooden shell is all but shattered, and the long, loose, billowing ponytail is threaded through the shell, fluttering in the wind, and the reverse cross pendant is blown into the air, glistening in this gloomy rainforest.

Wood chips flake down as Bai Liu slowly opens her pure black eyes, her ponytail tied loosely behind her head, falling casually over one shoulder and down to the side of her waist.

There was no emotion on his face, a windless, cloudless calm, and his eyes seemed to embrace a million human desires and sorrows and joys, flowing with the unchanging stars and laws of the universe for ages.

The bodies in the rainforest shuddered and crumpled to the ground as the miasma that had been covering the rainforest dissipated and a shimmering light spilled from the illusory sky onto the sacrifices tied to the stakes to witness it all.

Alex stared up in awe at the new god that had been born before him, almost stopping even to breathe.

--This is the new god that the old evil god had waited so long for.

[System Awareness: Player Bai Liu Torso Replacement, Composite Panel Value Climbs Sharply ...... is calculating ......]

[...... climb to 10,000 ...... unlock brass pseudo-god achievement ...... unlock low level belief value system ...... ]

[...... Climb to 30,000 ...... Unlock the Silver Pseudo-God achievement ...... Unlock the Intermediate Faith Value System ...... ]

[Composite panel value continues to climb, system calculations in progress ......]

[...... Get the System Crown Level Gift Pack (Gift of the Evil God) ......]

[...... attribute Buming one bone whip, can communicate with the evil gods inverse cross pendant token one ......]

[...... has gained a new hidden identity (Heir of the Evil God), based on which the Evil God has granted player Bai Liu a worldline archive point - congratulations to player Bai Liu for gaining the rights to design the worldline game of "Secret Order Borderlands"].

From this moment on, Bai Liu is the supreme god of the world line of The Dense Woods, and you can rewrite and design the story of this world, archiving it whenever you want, extracting it whenever you want, as long as you find it interesting.

[...... Based on the status of (Heir of the Evil God), player Bai Liu crosses over to unlock the (Heir of the Evil God Faith Value) collection system].

[Player Bai Liu, becoming an evil god is not just about strength, it's also about faith].

[If you want to kill the evil god and become a new god, it is not only physical strength, but also a constant flow of human faith that is the most important thing for you, the moment your faith value surpasses the current evil god, you will have the right to kill him -]

[How do you make mankind believe in you?

[Friendly advice from an evil god - humans will only believe in gods when they are suffering enough, and by creating a sufficient range of suffering, humans will sell their souls and fall desperately into believers in evil gods, praying to them for wishes and help].

[In other words, when a human becomes a player in the game of the evil god, the evil god acquires his soul and his faith].

[For you, Bai Liu, when you have a man's soul note, you have faith from him, and you will see me when your soul note is equal to mine in quantity and quality].

[I'm sure that day will come soon].

[Looking forward to seeing you, Bai Liu (laughs) - Evil God Stay]

Published at: 06/29/2022 05:10