Chapter 303: The Dense Forest Frontier

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

The wooden sculpture is gradually taking shape, and the body under the stake is restlessly trying to climb up.

Bai Yi twisted and reminded Reverse God, "Main line npc Alex has finally woken up! Reverse God, hurry up and finish pushing through his story line there before we unlock the rest of the [true end] line on our side."

The Reverse God gave a hint as he looked up at Alex who had woken up, "Even though I know that the whole world was a hoax created by the evil god giving you power, I still don't understand how you ended up becoming a follower of the evil god."

"-even to the point of sacrificing the lives of all to the evil gods, to create the illusion you want."

Alex moved her hands, which were tied behind her back, but did not speak.

The Reverse God calmly continued, "In this world of war, there was a huge explosion in the town the night before last, someone poured paint on the town arsenal that night and ignited it."

"The entire rainforest was blown up, and almost all the soldiers of the rainforest were killed, but instead of actually dying, the soldiers were bizarrely transformed into a kind of half-dead, living-dead state, walking throughout the rainforest in the form of corpses and body parts."

"Whether it was blowing up the arsenal with paint, or giving so many people the special potion you invented, did you do it all yourself?" The Reverse God asked.

Alex's head was bowed, drops of blood dripping from the ends of his hair, and he laughed twice in a nervous whisper, "It's me."

The Reverse God sighed.

"...... We found you unconscious not far from the exploded arsenal, and after confirming that you were still alive, took you all the way to escape from the monsters, running around until you were captured by this old school group of living dead natives as a sacrifice, and you just woke up."

"You have killed so many people, isn't this contrary to your original intention of saving people, why do such a thing?"

"...... because I can't save anyone." Alex slowly lifted his head, his eyes empty as he looked at the broken wooden statue of the old god, "I can't save anyone, even in this unreal world."

The Reverse God followed Alex's gaze, pausing for a moment on the smiling face of the old evil god, and continued, "What happened in the real world thread?"

"...... happened ......" Alex's eyes drifted off and his face twisted up as if he was caught in an unbearably painful memory, "I saved Guy, but Guy ...... is still dead, burned to ashes, no chance of resurrection at all."

" Guy died on the eve of the outbreak of the Great War."

"I was desperate to change all that with my medicine, to save everyone, to salvage this great war ......"

Alex laughed mockingly, "But who knew I'd be the one to light the arsenal on fire with paint in the end?"

"But this cowardly, monstrous, once-formed country that I protected for is too afraid to even put into history what really happened."

Alex sneered loudly, "They wouldn't dare write that it was me, a native of the country whose origins and thoughts had been unblemished since childhood, a doctor dedicated to saving everyone, who lit that warehouse on fire because he discovered the evil nature of war."

"They're writing that it was a group of natives who raided that arms depot as a way of justifying the war they started - a group of natives as stupid and incorrigible as their recruitment ads say, and well worth being enslaved and blown to bits by them."

The Reverse God asked, "What did you do during the Great War?"

Alex was quiet for a few seconds and his voice was hoarse: "...... I signed up for Assault One after Guy's death and I wanted to take advantage of the Great War to go deep into the tribes of the natives to see if the statue of the evil god that gave me the power to reverse life and death could give me an answer to save everyone. "

"It was pouring rain the day of the big fight and I was dying from five or six bullets in my body when I swam across the lake." Alex seemed to be trying to laugh, but the corners of his mouth pressed down in an expression that was about to burst into tears, "...... but I didn't make it to my death, I saw the wooden statue of the evil god."

"Then, lying on my back in a pool of blood, staring up at this wooden sculpture, I couldn't even find the strength to speak, and could only ask in my mind in prayer over and over again, God, can you save everyone ......" Alex in a trance-like tone "...... I can't remember how long I had been praying when suddenly for a split second I heard this statue talking to me."

The Reverse God was extremely quick to respond, "You heard the oracle of the evil god, driven by extreme desire? What did he say to you?"

Alex's expression was blank: "He said he could grant me my wish, but he wanted me to play a game with him."

"If I win the game, I don't have to pay the price of wish fulfillment, if I lose the game, I'll be stuck in this game forever."

The Reverse God gave a start, "What game?"

Alex's breath caught as he looked to the Reverse God and said, word for word, "A game he had designed, called The Dense Wooded Borderlands."

The Reverse God asks, "What is the game about?"

Alex took a deep breath as he looked sideways at the broken old wooden statue of the evil god, "He will set the timeline of the world line back to seven days before everything happened and provide me with an unlimited supply of red paint that can make an army of undead."

"I have a total of ten chances to read the file and start over, he will keep dialing back the timeline to seven days ago, as long as I can stop that final battle from happening one out of ten times within those seven days, I win this game, otherwise I lose."

Alex hung his head, "I agreed to his request."

The Reverse God looked steadily at Alex: "So what have you done in this game?"

"In the first game, I chose to stop Guy's mutiny and convinced him to stay in his own army through the Immortal Potion, saying that I would secretly save the dead natives and the soldiers on my side through the Immortal Potion."

"I was naive at that time, still harboring unrealistic expectations for my side." Alex blinked feebly, "...... I thought if I gave them the ultimate victory, the war would be over."

"I chose to assist my own army."

"I kept the secret of the potion as best I could, but soon after these people whom I had brought back to life found themselves resurrected after death and for a time in a state of complete fear of harm, they reported the secret to both organisations."

"There is no better soldier than the living dead who have not been fully resurrected, because I was in my own organisation and they forced me to create an army of undead in large numbers after learning of the effects of the potion."

"Of course I refused, no matter what torture they used. Threatened me with whatever, I bit the bullet and refused, knowing that I had the Potion of the Living Dead and that it could all start again." Alex paused arduously, then continued, "- but I didn't expect them to go for a group of volunteers."

The Reverse God inquired, "What volunteer army?"

Alex's breath caught: "They brought a group of a hundred recruits to me, then blindfolded them, pointed guns and flamethrowers at them and forced me to shoot them if I didn't produce the potion to save them, then burned their bodies completely to ashes with the flamethrowers. "

The Reverse God was stunned as he looked down at the dry, woody corpses at his feet as if he had suddenly realised something: "Are these-"

"That's right." Alex said, "These are the bones of those volunteers."

Alex closed his eyes, "The first time, I didn't agree, and the second time, I gritted my teeth and still didn't agree."

"They were shot and burned in front of me, over and over again, the youngest volunteer in there was only fifteen years old, with boyish grey-blue eyes, and rolled on the ground for half an hour after being blindfolded with black cloth before he stopped struggling. Some of these volunteers were burned to black pieces of bone that could still be saved, and some were burned to ashes that could not be saved at all."

"After I don't know how many such tortures, I finally broke down and I took out the potion to save one of the volunteers."

When he had finished, Alex was quiet for a long, long time this time, the sides of his face trembling constantly with some intense emotion, his voice hoarse beyond words.

"Then after the group of volunteers got up from the ground, the superior officers who had been gathered around actually applauded, and the group of volunteers, who had just been brought back to life by me, actually took off their black cloths in delight and saluted the group of superior officers, happily reporting that they had completed their mission."

Alex's eyes were red with blood: "I didn't realise until then that the teenage volunteers had all volunteered."

"Every volunteer who fell because I saw death was given a five-cent martyr's medal, and the superior officer told these boys that I held a very powerful biochemical weapon that could transform the dead into humanoid weapons."

"But because I'm picky and selfish, I don't feel that everyone is eligible to be transformed, so I'm not willing to use this potion on everyone."

"They gave this group of children that I was going to give you a dangerous mission, that I was going to kill you first and then let me come and pick some of the dead to get this right to be transformed."

"Those who are not chosen are the warriors who die for the victory of the war, and those who are chosen are about to become the heroes of the war."

Alex breathed so fast that his speech broke: "- they told these children that the soldiers who died died because of my cruelty, and the soldiers who survived, survived for the war."

"Every volunteer standing before me who has been shot down has signed up voluntarily to win the war."

Alex clenched his fists, a look of numbness creeping across his face, "They caught my soft spot, I couldn't watch them die in front of me in such a brutal way, they started bringing in volunteers one by one, even sometimes using torture on these volunteers to spur me on to take out the potion and force me to watch them up close."

"And I know soberly that these volunteers they are willing to undergo these tortures, they can endure any torture for the sake of winning the war."

"I rescued more and more soldiers, the undead army on my own side grew, and the great war broke out anyway."

Alex let out a breath, "But that great battle did not lose the game for me because there was an undead army and only these undead soldiers and cold weapons were used to save on military expenses, not up to the evil god's requirements for the scale of the great battle."

"And the war with the natives was over, it was day six at that point, and I was in a trance thinking I was about to win the game miserably like that when the change happened."

Gritting his teeth, Alex said, "The creation of the undead greatly whetted the appetite of the officers and the government, who felt that these undead were simply the perfect weapons of war, and they secretly sanctioned the conduct of another war - the plundering of all the territory opposite, with this rainforest as its border. "

"On the afternoon of the seventh day, I watched as they were the first to slam a shell through, causing a counter-attack from the opposite side, and then wrote on the report that the other side was the first to sneak up on us and start the war in full swing."

Alex said dryly, "It was a horrible battle and I lost the first game and applied to the evil gods to go back seven days."

Published at: 06/27/2022 17:10