Chapter 226: Reality

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Su Yang came out of the interrogation room pale, seeming more like the person being interrogated than Bai Liu, and almost fell to his knees when he came out.

The other team members were quick to help Su Yang up.

Su Yang and Bai Liu were in a one-sided glass interrogation room, and the conversation could be heard by everyone outside, and everyone understood the meaning of Bai Liu's words.

"Captain! Use other heretics to interrogate him! Like that Eye of the Spring, Team Tang said 0006's weakness was water!"

"No!" The trance-stricken Su Yang snapped back to his senses, holding the team member's hand tightly to stop him, "There's no direct evidence that Bai Liu is really a heretic, we can't use this on him."

"If he's just a common criminal, it's against the rules for us to use something like this on him, it's not fair ......"

The team member's face was a masked rage as he shrilly snarled in Su Yang's ear, "A common criminal who put the whole city within blast range of a dry leaf rose?!"

"Captain, I know what you're trying to insist on, that you repeatedly interrogate Bai Liu yourself and prevent us from torturing him for heresy, isn't it because you want to deal with Bai Liu as a criminal human being, not a heretic?"

"But does it deserve it?!"

Su Yang looked at this player with a pale face and clear eyes, "He's worthy."

The team member was suffocated by the two unshakable words Su Yang, his eyes were red and his chest rose and fell violently twice before he continued to question, "Even if your loved ones, children, parents could have been tortured to death by this beast in some explosive pre-experiment, you still insist that he not be tortured by heretics?"

"Yes, I insist." Su Yang didn't hesitate for a moment, "If Bai Liu is a human being, then he shouldn't be treated the same way as a monster."

The team member took a deep breath, " Team Su, the second team will be coming over to take over Bai Liu soon, if you can't get something out of Bai Liu before then, the second team won't leave Bai Liu for us to deal with."

"They would go straight to the spring on Bai Liu, just like Team Tang did."

"I know." Su Yang waved his hand, propped himself up on the table and took a sip of water, turned and went back in, "I'll try again."

Su Yang entered the room where Bai Liu was being interrogated again.

He hadn't slept for days on end, and with the ravages of the dried leaf rose, Su Yang now looked very haggard, but Su Yang tried his best to remain calm in the face of Bai Liu, a man who had most likely done something he had done to his wife and daughter.

Su Yang sat across from Bai Liu and not only did he drink himself, he also poured Bai Liu a glass of water.

"I really want to help you, and if you'll tell me where the explosion was set, I'll do my best to help you get leniency."

Bai Liu's eyes landed on the glass of water like a dragonfly.

Captain Su, the man Tang Erda has never forgotten, is not a man who is easily swayed - no wonder he was the tactician for Tang Erda's team.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you." Bai Liu changed his tune on the spot as he sighed regretfully, "It's that I can't tell you guys."

As soon as Su Yang saw that Bai Liu had changed his tune, she pressed on: "Why not? Is there someone threatening or preventing you from saying this? Is there someone else who started the bombing, and if you're afraid of retaliation if you leave here, we'll arrange it for you ......"

Bai Liu interrupted Su Yang's assurance as he gathered his expression and looked at the man blandly, "Neither, I can say, but you can't hear, you can't remember, you can't see, it's out of reach for you."

"Your captain fought tooth and nail to get you ......" Bai Liu turned his head to look at the blackened glass.

He knew it was Tang Erda's crew outside staring at him with hatred, but Bai Liu didn't mind much and went on calmly, "- and these people behind this glass will never see these truths."

Bai Liu turns his head to look at Su Yang squarely: "I think it's stupid, but if such stupidity is the meaning he wants to pursue, and you can't carry the guardianship of that stupidity, I'll probably cut you up brutally."

"But this time -" Bai Liu looked levelly into Su Yang's light-coloured eyes for a long time before looking away and continuing, "- let Captain Tang say goodbye to you in his own stupid way. -Let Captain Tang say goodbye to you in his own stupid way."

Su Yang was stunned: "...... What do you mean by that?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, his communicator rang.

" Team Su, Team Tang is here!!!"

" Team Su, the second branch is here too!!!"

Su Yang's face flushed and he stood up to go out, but Bai Liu met his gaze without a ripple and answered his question.

" Captain Su, when you spend time with your wife and daughter, do you feel that you are too intensely protective in close proximity and will one day kill them?"

Su Yang is slightly frozen.

Bai Liu said softly, "Your captain feels the same way."

With those words he turned his head sideways to look at the glass, his eyes so still that there was no wind in them, as if he could see through the glass, which was only visible in one direction, to what was going on at the other end.

But Su Yang knew that was impossible. Unless he wore special contact lenses, as he did, Bai Liu could not see what was on the other side of the glass.

Su Yang emerged from the interrogation room somewhat distracted by the call from outside - he felt a strange, as if merciful, gentleness in the much colder Bai Liu.

Bai Liu seemed ready to do something even more cruel to himself, but for some reason he eventually stopped and gave the choice back to Captain Tang.

Su Yang walks out of the interrogation room in a daze and steps outside into the flaming confrontation.

Compared to the third detachment, which remained at headquarters for a long time, the second detachment, which housed high-risk heretics directly outside, was much more murderous and more decisive in its approach to heretics determined to be harmful - in other words, cruel.

Because of the different distinction of duties, the overall authority of the second detachment is one level higher than that of the third detachment, which is what the member of the third detachment just said, if the people of the second detachment wanted to take Bai Liu away, no one would be able to stop them.

But there is one special case in the third team - that of captain Tang Erda.

Tang Erda's authority was delegated to him by the former head of the first detachment and was the highest authority in the entire Heretic Authority headquarters, i.e., above the second detachment.

With Tang Erda around, it would not have been easy for the second team to take Bai Liu and deal with him alone.

But it was not easy for Tang Erda to keep Bai Liu out of the hands of the ruthless leader of the second detachment in such a critical situation.

As soon as Su Yang came out, she saw Tang Erda confronting the captain of the second detachment who had arrived with a stern look on her face.

The leader of the second detachment was a less than friendly looking man in appearance, his left eye covered by an eyepatch, two old scars crisscrossing hideously from his jaw to his collarbone, his uniform jacket draped loosely over his shoulders, some unwashed blood still on his fluttering cuffs, and an ID card hanging casually from his jacket that read.

[Second Detachment Leader: Cen Buming].

All present knew that Captain Cen's left eye had been eaten on the spot during the arrest of a heretic, along with his then lieutenant.

Cen Buming does not have a vice captain, nor does he promote anyone to be his vice captain, leaving the position of vice captain vacant, and he alone is the core leader of the team, and Team Quan only listens to him.

" Team Tang, Heretic 0006 should have been transferred to Detachment 2." Cen Buming opened the door, "The explosion was about to happen, Team 3 took over the heretic for thirteen minutes and found nothing about the facts of the explosion, it would have been logical to move on to the next phase of torture as soon as the heretic was apprehended, but your vice squad- "

Cen Buming's intact one eye is slightly bulging, a precipitated dusky yellow, like a wounded hawk, and the stare gives one a very strong sense of prey being targeted: "- Su Yang, yet inaction, which has been delayed until now, is a major dereliction of duty. "

Tang Erda stepped forward and stepped in front of Su Yang: "I gave the order - Bai Liu is not certain to be a heretic yet and cannot be directly subjected to such torture."

Cen Buming withdrew his gaze on Su Yang's scowl and turned to Tang Erda, smiling sarcastically, " Team Tang, if I remember correctly, you have used more than three types of heresy on Heretic 0006 for torture 25 hours ago."

"And in the course of his escape, this heretic unleashed heretics throughout the headquarters, injuring 67 members of the team, 17 of whom were seriously injured and are still lying in the emergency room in life-and-death Buming resuscitation."

"At 4:17 the following day, the escaped heretic, in retaliation, claimed to have set an explosion at the Rose Factory large enough to contaminate the entire city."

"- now you're telling me it's not heresy?" Cen Buming pulled his jacket off his shoulders and casually tossed it aside, taking a tawny file folder from the team member behind him, opening it right in front of Tang Erda, pulling out the papers inside and tossing them to him, "Take a look, Captain Tang ."

Tang Erda took the file and was struck by the number on it - number 0006.

--Archive bag are available, and Bai Liu has been treated as a heretic over at headquarters.

Tang Erda flipped through the papers with a stony expression.

[Name of Heretic's Shelter Item]: Bai Liu

[No.]: CEDT-0006

[Report]: predicted capture by 3rd detachment leader, demonstrates strong ties to other heretics during escape ......

...... humanoid analogue with human-like thinking and movement capabilities, the first living heretic captured by the Bureau of Heresy ......

...... As dictated by the leader of the third detachment, the heretic not only has the ability to manipulate other heretics, but is also extremely hostile to humans, likes to torture them, is good at compelling, manipulating and using them, and has an extremely strong ability to contaminate living people into heretics for his own use... ...

...... has caused one significant mass injury ......

...... has been tested and is highly resistant to aqueous liquids (including and not limited to fresh water, seawater, etc.) ......

[Reception Method]: Not recommended, destroyed immediately upon capture.

[Danger Class]: Unknown (extremely high, existing classification cannot be rated)

Published at: 05/20/2022 05:10