Chapter 220: The Rose Factory

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

No manned area.

Players from the no-man's land coming out of the boarding exit gradually converge on this area.

Wearily, curiously, they looked up at the pure white zone that had once trapped them, the endless emptiness of which gave the detached men an afterthought.

The area, which had been deserted, was now crowded with all sorts of people anxious to find it.

One by one they took down the obsolete TVs, charging and nodding nervously, staring at the snowy screens of the small TVs, letting out a long breath as soon as the screens went out, turning their heads towards the exit and shouting, " Wang Shun, one of the small TVs over here has gone out!"

"There's one over here too!"

" Brother Wang, this way three!"

Standing in the doorway, Wang Shun holds a thick virtual notepad, on which he writes with a pen that makes almost invisible sparks of data.

After recording almost a hundred extinguished small televisions, Wang Shun turned to the few members guarding him, tore off the data from his notepad and handed it to them, with a clear-eyed command.

"By my calculations, the TVs rising out of no-man's land are being promoted in either the multi or single player sections, as well as on the edge of the central hall, so go there and see if there are any Bai Liu TVs."

The men received their stripes, nodded their heads, turned and ran towards the area Wang Shun had told them about.

At this point the last group of men who had been touring the sub-district to check for Bai Liu on the small TV returned, shaking their heads breathlessly at Wang Shun.

"Brother Wang, there is no Bai Liu in this batch of small TVs."

Wang Shun's face showed a momentary look of disappointment, but the next moment he returned to his usual posture and waved them to sit down: "It's normal, take a break and prepare for the next batch of rotations."

Throughout the scene, everyone is well organised and organized, like a fast moving assembly line.

These No Man's Land players who had just stepped off the boarding gate and back into the area almost looked stunned.

In front of a mountain of TVs that was so long that it made them feel reluctant to retreat, the ordinary players who carried the old TVs little by little made them feel like they were witnessing a mountain of fools.

This is how they were fished out of that place of despair.

--It was only to save a man called Bai Liu.

Like them, this man, Bai Liu, is trapped in this no-man's land.

But he didn't give up himself, and these people who saved him were convinced he wouldn't give up - hence the scene.

That is why they, who had been trapped for so long and were so desperate that they were about to give up the struggle, had the chance to wait for the day when they would see the light of day again.

A sense of power [as if I too could change reality] filled the hearts of these otherwise empty inner No Man's Land players.

They clenched their fists and finally, unable to hold back their agitation, stepped forward and approached Wang Shun, who was obviously a council member, and carefully and sincerely requested, "Excuse me, can we also join the team looking for Bai Liu?"

"We were saved because of him and we wanted to do something for him."

Wang Shun looks back at Muke, who is standing on the sidelines watching the situation.

Muke came forward with a smile on his face and held the men by the back pushing them inside and said to them with a sideways glance, "Of course you can, we need you to help us ......"

"...... but we don't have many points and don't know what we can do to help ......" someone added in a small, blushing voice, " ...... Apart from the game pass, it's what you guys charged us by mistake when you fished for Bai Liu ......"

The smile on Muke's face deepened and softened: "How can it be considered a mischarge, your presence has increased the value of these points a hundredfold."

"You made it out of the game alive and showed up to help Bai Liu, and that's what we wanted most when we were charging down those points."

"You can help them to give each small TV a like collection ...... It would help us a lot ......"

Relieved to see the players being guided past Muke, Wang Shun turned back to Charles who was watching with interest: "You're just waiting for the moment when the surviving No Man's Land players come back - the members' favourites are almost full, and if no one comes over to help with the likes and favourites, it's going to take an increased charge to keep fishing."

"That's right, they are bound to come back, how else would the Heavenly Masons get here?" Charles raised an eyebrow and smiled back as he looked at the backs of these No Man's Land players, "People who have been through a major disaster will have a greater compassion and desire to help those with the same experience, which makes them easier to rally around."

"Especially when they are just out of danger and learn that the person who rescued them is also trapped in a similar situation." Wang Shun holds his forehead and sighs, "The intense feeling of powerlessness will force them to act, to go from being a weak and powerless person to being extremely combative - they will treat Bai Liu as part of their identity derivation and protect him with everything they have."

"They should feel more strongly about Bai Liu than they do about me, the person who paid to save them." With these words, but not at all irritated, Charles adds with a smile.

"If the rescue is successful, they will relive the whole process of their rescue in Bai Liu and feel their own sense of strength to fight against their fate, when Bai Liu will become a complete symbol of their spirit."

"They will be Bai Liu's most loyal members."

"You're using to manipulate their feelings." Wang Shun wrinkles his brow in discomfort.

Charles spreads his hands indifferently, "- by getting them out, I'm sure that even if I tell them why I'm doing it, they won't be repulsed by it and it won't affect their feelings towards Bai Liu."

"They wanted to follow Bai Liu of their own accord, it was their choice."

Charles shrugged his shoulders, "And of course I think it's for the best for them - Bai Liu At least it won't be an easy death for them."

Wang Shun's shoulders slumped helplessly.

He didn't like the way it was done, but Charles did have a point.

-- In this cruel game, it's probably for the best for these ordinary people who can still generate goodwill.

It's like Wang Shun's own choice - to follow Bai Liu.


Bai Liu walks up to the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new factory, holding a pair of scissors.

Liu Jiayi on stage applauded while spying with Tang Erda next to her, "Don't you think Bai Liu is like a construction leader in the later stages of this game, running a factory all day long?"

"Is this in a horror game, is this somewhere wrong?"

"...... He wants to pass the game." Tang Erda involuntarily defended Bai Liu, "To get everyone through the game, you have to run at least six factories."

Apart from Tang Erda and Liu Jiayi, the two whisperers, the rest of the audience applauded vigorously, their eyes glowing at Bai Liu on stage in his suit.

They were all exiles at the time and have now healed from the rose perfume.

Bai Liu stood on the stage, adjusted the microphone with his hand, raised his eyes to the people on the stage, cleared his throat and said in a quiet, unhurried voice.

"With golden autumn in full bloom and the fragrance of laurel, we gather to celebrate the fruits of our hard work as we land our sixth Thorn Factory ......"

"Ah! What a joy this is!"

Liu Jiayi: "Pfft--!!!"

Tang Erda: "......"

Liu Jiayi couldn't stand it any longer: "Bai Liu, can't he change his speech? Where the hell did he copy it from? He's already said it six times, doesn't he feel embarrassed?

Bai Liu, who was not at all embarrassed, continued to read his opening speech, which he had plagiarised word for word from his boss, without moving.

"...... Although we come from all over the world, here and now, we are a family that loves each other ......"

Liu Jiayi holds his head and screams, "Make him stop!"

Meanwhile, no man's land.

The exhausted diggers looked back at the "TV mountain" behind them, marvelling at how far they had come, but then turning their heads again in a moment of profound impotence - why was there so much more?

Wang Shun remembers being dizzy, he can't remember how long he's been working and almost fainted.

Eventually Wang Shun realised he should take a break after Charles reminded him to do so, and he found a member who was more sensitive to numbers to replace him.

Without Wang Shun, their productivity is further reduced.

Muke is tense and in control, Mu Sicheng is in the rotation, Charles is propped up on his staff of civilisation, standing in front of the King's Guild members who have stayed behind, he raises his hand and yawns - Hearts is gone with Titan, Charles only has to put up a front to keep He was the easiest of all.

Mu Sicheng runs back and forth between the various divisions of the mini-TV, his high speed of movement allowing him to take on a rotating team by himself, allowing more people to join the search for Bai Liu.

In between rotations, Mu Sicheng leans back to drink a bottle of stamina restorer and sits bent-legged on a small TV with his head down to catch his breath.

Muke suddenly sat down next to him, also drinking a stamina restorer.

"Did you think about giving up Bai Liu the moment he fell into no man's land?" Muke's voice was a little cold, he didn't look at Mu Sicheng, but Mu Sicheng knew he was talking to himself.

Mu Sicheng tilted his head and drank another bottle of stamina restorer, which he did not deny.

After a few moments of silence, Mu Sicheng, in a rare moment of calmness, spoke up: "I think this Bai Liu guy is probably safer in no-man's land."

Muke's voice was even colder: "There's no need to make giving up sound so nice."

Having said that, he stood up and was about to leave.

"What, are you so sensitive about giving up?" Mu Sicheng gave Muke's back a sidelong glance, "Who have you been abandoned by? A brother? Girlfriend? Parents?"

When he said [parents], Muke's back paused for a moment, and his hand clenched around the bottle of stamina restorer.

Mu Sicheng raised an eyebrow meaningfully, "My advice to you is that you'd better reduce the amount of feelings you project on Bai Liu and not really think of him as the object of your [parents'] empathy."

He stood up on his knees, crumpled up the empty bottle of rejuvenator next to his hand and threw it into the bin in front of Muke in a sort of basketball position.

Muke remained motionless in his place.

Mu Sicheng walks past him with his pockets in his eyes.

"The guy plays too crazy to stay out there and gets targeted by everyone, and it's a thankless task for you to be his son in such a hurry." Mu Sicheng snorted and said, "He's fit for a crazier little brat."

Muke's head is bowed, his expression unreadable, and the empty bottle clutched in his hand has been twisted into a coiled mass of plastic.

Within seconds of the standoff between the two men, a member came running back, panting and sweating, and he dropped to his knees breathing heavily before shouting with all his strength.

"I... I saw Bai Liu's little TV!"

Both Muke and Mu Sicheng's eyes snapped over.

Published at: 05/17/2022 05:10