Chapter 22: The small town of Siren

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

There was a lot of bickering on the forum about whether Bai Liu was a good operation or not, but Wang Shun was expecting this.

Bai Liu's previous performance was so spectacular that he got so many charge points for that one point that his total charge was over 500 - Mu Sicheng, the previous record holder in Siren Village, only got over 1,000 charge points.

At over 500 points, this is quite a lot for a pure newcomer like Bai Liu.

While other players at the bottom of the table have to survive a game of Siren, and end up with a couple of hundred points after deducting the cost of props, Bai Liu can easily fight monsters with a few dozen points of props and still earn a few hundred points.

The show is incredibly effective and cost-effective, and in Wang Shun's eyes, if nothing else, Bai Liu will be on the Nightmare Rising Stars list.

But Wang Shun was also curious about what Bai Liu was doing with the extra barrels of alcohol he had bought.

Wang Shun thought Bai Liu was the kind of player who wouldn't spend a single point indiscriminately, but this operation of idling 5 barrels of alcohol and buying bubbles in water was something he just couldn't understand.

According to the process, the next player will have to go ashore, the shore are mermaid wax figures, alcohol simply can not burn, and the brightness of the light emitted by the burning of alcohol is not to the extent of the strong light, and the mermaid wax figures are afraid of the strong light ......

Wang Shun watched Bai Liu ascend to the small TV screen in the single player section and was lost in thought.

Bai Liu's single-player section is much larger than the previous Death Comedy section, which looked like a 1980s video hall.

The single player section is a large, clean and tidy gaming room divided into different recommended areas.

Bai Liu is currently in the [system recommendation] section.

[System recommendation] This area's at the entrance to the single game division lobby, with a fairly good flow of spectators, and the conditions for getting up there are relatively lenient, so competition is always fierce.

It is usually the veteran players who have a certain fan base who enter the game and rely on their own accumulated audience from the previous round to vault into this promotional slot at the beginning of the next round.

This promotion is considered a very standard springboard promotion, the traffic can be, the location is good, the conditions for boarding are not demanding, as long as the player plays well, they can go to higher promotions, so it is also considered half a soldier's place.

This promotional spot is also generally where veteran players rely on their fans to fight, and many lower and middle tier players will tear their hair out to get to this spot, and very few newcomers make it up there.

Bai Liu, a pure rookie, got this position, which sparked a lot of controversy and attracted a lot of curious eyes from the audience, and with the addition of the forum still tearing into his previous actions, people kept coming over to watch this new player with a strange brain in the game.

While Wang Shun was still thinking, the crowd gathered behind him grew larger and larger.

The viewing area of each player's small TV within the game is an infinitely expandable space that can accommodate countless players. From the outside it still looks like such a small area, but when you're inside you'll find that it can hold thousands of viewers.

A dense crowd of viewing players discusses under Bai Liu's small TV.

"Didn't the system recommendation hit hard this issue? How come there are still new people coming up?"

"Hiss- this newbie little TV stat is a bit of a bull, pure newbie this stat is very beatable, the system will support it, no wonder it gave the recommended spot."

"But with this newcomer coming up, then the person who was previously in the [system recommended] promotion slot will have to go down a ...... Who did this Bai Liu guy squeeze out?"

"Let's see... ...... Holy fuck! The person he squeezed down was Dog!"

"Holy fuck! This newcomer is going cold!"

"I read on the forum that Dog has game cleared out and should have known by now that he's been squeezed out of the promotion spot, wax for the newcomer."

A tall, burly man with a long scar over his right eye and a visual estimation of over two metres tall walked into the area.

The man's face was full of flesh, the flesh of his cheeks stacked and slumped downwards, his teeth clenched like a savage shaggy dog about to bite, the man's fat, naked upper body was slung over a black steel studded belt carrying a machete as wide as two palms.

A member of the audience peeked out of the way.

This man is Dog. It is said that his last game was a multiplayer game and this man killed his other teammates before passing the game for show effect and robbing them of their props and points for show effect, and there are quite a few perverts in this game who are into watching such scenes.

This dog should have had blood on his hands before he entered the game, and is particularly skilled at this kind of work.

Wang Shun's left eye slanted across Wang Shun's face as he walked up next to him, and Wang Shun instantly jolted, backing away from his best viewing position.

Dog immediately plopped down on the ground, grunted with hostility and stared at the screen without turning his eyes, saying, "I'd like to see what little brat has stolen my Dog's position, and I'll follow him in the next game to see just how good he is."

The players who had just been whispering were silent.

Although Bai Liu made it to this list on his own merit, after messing with this vicious dog, even if he survives this game, he won't survive the next one.

In his last game, Dog robbed his dead teammate by killing him to get more than 36,000 points and some props from his dead teammate, his family's wealth was so strong that it was not something a small newcomer could compete with.

Wang Shun frowned and clicked on his game manager, using his skills to look up this [Dog]'s profile.

[Player name: Li Gou].

[Player Occupation (before entering the game): Butcher]

[Reason for entering the game: Jailed for brutally raping and killing a high school girl who bought meat from him in the afternoon, he entered the game after being inspired by a strong desire to live during the trial stage].

[Core Desire: Want to get out of jail, want to take revenge on all the people who sued him, have drawn up a revenge plan, decided to accumulate points to get out of jail and then set fire to the family of the high school girl who sued him]

[Wish Fulfillment Game Shop Recommended Items: Crime Erasing Face Cream (can change your face, give all the poor people who have committed a certain death crime a new life and a new face, one bottle lasts for ten years, one bottle 12,000 points), No Trace Arson Match (just light one, it can start a fire caused by an accident at that location, remember it's an accident ~ it has nothing to do with you, one 21,000 points)]

The details of Li Gou's criminal record were also included underneath the profile, and Wang Shun hesitated for a moment before clicking on it.

This Li Gou has a criminal record for forcing and killing a female high school student in an alleyway.

The girl, who was in her senior year of high school, had come down to help her parents, who were cooking, to buy some meat during a break in their studies, and was raped by an embittered Li Gou, who cut off the girl's hand in anger because she resisted so violently, bleeding to death in the process.

Li Gou, who didn't want to be discovered, destroyed the girl's body.

The girl's parents, who thought their daughter had gone for a walk because she was tired from revision and had come down to buy meat for herself, almost collapsed when they learned the truth afterwards.

Li Gou, on the other hand, insisted that he had killed her unintentionally, that he had only seen her pretty and wanted to flirt with her, but that he had accidentally killed her and subsequently destroyed her body because he regretted it, not because of any intentional abuse.

The girl's parents, on the other hand, bit the bullet and sued him to death even though they had lost all their money, and he was indeed sentenced to death, thus stirring up his resentment and vengeance, which became the occasion for Li Gou to enter the game.

Published at: 02/07/2022 05:10