Chapter 194: The Rose Factory

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

After seeing the King's Guild member's reaction, Liu Jiayi wasted no time in removing her right visibility prop, leaving only her left eye visible, as she looked up and around.

In the four corners of the large bunkhouse lay a huge, spider-like thing, or human.

The skin of the creature splits from the centre of its head, flap by flap, across the upper half of its body, and instead of peeling away from them, it bends at the end like a rose in full bloom, turning into a hard, spider-like attachment embedded in the wall, allowing them to move quickly.

The flaking siding and hollow spots on the walls are the result of them cracking and disintegrating as they move.

In the middle of the "rose", the bloody, skinned human column becomes the stamen of the "blooming rose".

The upper parts of the "pistils" were dripping with blood, as fresh as if they hadn't been "blooming" for a long time, dropping a mixture of flesh and blood as they moved around, while their faces were completely disfigured, with bare teeth and a pair of half-exposed, dead white eyes staring at them. Their faces were even more unrecognisable, with bare teeth and a pair of half-exposed, dead white eyes staring at them motionlessly.

Liu Jiayi turns her head and looks around, her face grim.

In addition to these eight larger monsters, there are many more in this dormitory that appear to be not yet in full 'bloom', with the 'pistil' only half or less than half of their faces showing, and these are even smaller and seemingly unable to fly.

Most of these little monsters were sleeping under Liu Jiayi's bed, their eyes staring straight at them through the bedpan, which is why the King's Guild member had just turned pale with fear.

A "petal" from the creature's bloom beneath his bed was pressed against his hand through the bedpan, the skin's muscular edges writhing and oozing blood, just short of the member's reach.

They had slept last night under the watchful gaze of these invisible monsters.

This palpitating aftermath is linked to this scene now, and this member, even if he has experienced a lot of big storms in the game, is still scared to the point of his heart trembling at this moment.

He'd never seen such a bizarre monster before, and it was fine that he could only see with one eye, but it had stayed with them all night without attacking them!

But this strange, night-long plunge into tranquillity was to be broken at the moment.

The monsters seemed to sense that the two could see them, and all the monsters in a large dormitory, large and small, twisted their heads in various ways, their eyes turning and aiming at them, shaving their bright red "petals" and slowly forming a circle around Liu Jiayi and the others.

The member shuddered and turned his head over to Liu Jiayi, who was on the verge of tears: "What about ......?"

"I wish I could just pretend I didn't see this pile of monsters." Liu Jiayi stood up on the bed, her face turning dark, "But that doesn't seem possible now, trigger first, see if you can kill one, if you can't, just run!"

As soon as she said this, the large monster lying in the eight corners of this room gave a shrill wailing sound and all the monsters in the entire dormitory began to dart towards Liu Jiayi.

But the weird thing was that after all the noise these monsters made, the people sleeping on the bunk were like corpses, lying motionless in place, not woken up at all, and the things ran past the processors without causing any shock at all, as if they only existed inside the world seen by the players.

But once the player senses them, they are in the same dimension as the player and can kill the player.

And the availability of the right and left eyes that hold desire is the key to breaking the dimension and seeing another world in this factory.

Liu Jiayi was chased and ran as fast as she could, trying to shake awake another King's Guild member who was still asleep, but it was not the guild member's face she saw when she ran to his bed.

Instead, it was the face of another processor who was completely new to her and whom she did not recognise.

The face was withered and decayed, as if it had been dead for a long time, the processing uniform covered in dust and cobwebs, and with the strength of an eight-year-old girl like Liu Jiayi, she shook the man's body twice before his skeleton fell apart and his dried skin crumbled into froth.

Liu Jiayi looks up and around, the large bunkhouse that was just full of living people has now become a morgue.

As far as the eye can see, it is all dull grey, dusty white cloths covering the heads of the bodies lying on the bunks, huge cobwebs fluttering around and tumbling into willow flotsam in the room, and as far as the eye can see, it is all decrepit and dead, and the dust on the floor is so heavy that it raises a cough when you run two steps.

Another member, still running madly, saw the scene and turned to Liu Jiayi and hissed: "Little witch, we've entered the inner world where these monsters are! Do something! They're moving too fast, we can't hold out much longer!"

Liu Jiayi side-steps fluently to avoid one of the monster's sharp petals that thrusts from behind: "I know, I'm trying to figure out how to get out."

[System Alert: Congratulations to player Liu Jiayi for triggering the Monster Book]

[The Rose Factory Monster Book Refresh - Celiac Staff (2/3)]

[Monster Name: Celiac Staff (Processors, Factory Workers and Perfumers)

[Characteristics: The upper class who had adapted to the low concentration of rose perfume soon could not get satisfaction from the low concentration of fragrance and they had to use higher and higher concentrations of rose perfume in ......]

[...... As they use more and more concentrated rose perfume, they become radiant, youthful and beautiful, as green and perfect as a dried leaf rose in flower for life ......]

[...... But soon they find themselves becoming more and more like roses, with enough energy in their muscles to burst into bloom before they can be satisfied. In order to delay such a bloom, the addicted roses have to tame their bodies with higher concentrations of perfume, delaying the arrival of their flowering... ...]

...... bloom is the destiny of roses, refuse to wither then will usher in the bloom of destiny, crazy crazy aristocrats tear off their hypocrisy to reveal their bloody true heart, at this moment, you see a group of high class slaves bred by roses, enjoy watching their last magnificent bloom, if you refuse, will be forced to If you refuse, you will be taken away to another world to see them in all their former glory ......]

[Weakness: ????? (to be explored)]

[Mode of Attack: Rose Crushing Limb (A+), attacking the opponent with a knuckle]

Liu Jiayi read the monster's description in ten lines, while her mind raced as she dodged the pursuers behind her - in games with an in-world setting, there is usually more information hidden in the game.

If Bai Liu, the psychopath, wants to play [ture ending], then he must turn the world upside down and find out all the information hidden in the smallest details before he can play [ture ending].

But in this situation Liu Jiayi just wants to run, she's not good at fighting this kind of weak, head-to-head stuff, just like Bai Liu wasn't good at the kind of Gou battles she was in before.

While Liu Jiayi, as a nanny, doesn't want to praise this kind of desperation, Bai Liu is indeed good at gambling battles - that is, matchups where his side has no chance of winning at all and forcing himself to take a chance.

And this type of combat can work very brightly in situations where the opponent is indeed much stronger than you.

The riskiest way to fight is to leave it to those who are good at what they do, rather than taking all the risks on your own - this is Liu Jiayi's tactical guideline, something she taught Bai Liu before and is now about to implement.

Liu Jiayi took a deep breath and said a sincere apology in his mind to the King's Guild member who was still hiding from the monster - this member, in a moment I'm going to leave you in the hands of one of your unreliable lunatics.

-- You must be careful working with him; while he generally won't let you die, he generally won't make it easy for you to live either.

With your intelligence, just trust him.

After mumbling these words, Liu Jiayi opened his system panel and took a Spades Ace playing card from his prop library.

The skillful playing cards left by the Queen of Hearts for Liu Jiayi are a pair of Aces, Hearts and Spades.

However, in the absence of Hearts, these two skill cards are basically useful only for Hearts A - as the other Spades A skill is called [Hearts Heart].

The [Hearts A] skill means that after Liu Jiayi has used the card Hearts A, if she agrees with the appearance of anyone on the field, she can use the playing card [Spades A] to implement the [Hearts A] skill and perform three opponent-irresistible identity swaps with her opponent.

This card is generally only useful in the presence of the Queen of Hearts, as she is the only one who can turn into whoever Liu Jiayi wants to be, and then in the event of an extreme emergency that Liu Jiayi cannot handle herself, Liu Jiayi can use this deck of cards to alternate with the Queen of Hearts, allowing the Queen of Hearts to take the risk for her.

--This is a skill set used in combination, and is Queen of Hearts' life-saving code for Liu Jiayi in the league, which is equivalent to sacrificing herself once so that Liu Jiayi can have a chance to escape.

The result is that Liu Jiayi has now given it to Bai Liu first.

A running Liu Jiayi lets out a long breath as she closes her eyes and holds up the Spades A card.

[System Alert: Does player Liu Jiayi use skill card (Telekinesis)?


The black peach heart on the top of the playing card began to rotate rapidly, and the face in the heart gradually changed from her face to Bai Liu, while her body jumped gently as if it had taken off, and the next second, [Liu Jiayi] opened her eyes.

[She] looked at the situation before her and raised an eyebrow in a smile.

Well done little witch, found the source of information I was looking for.

Published at: 05/04/2022 05:10