Chapter 188: The Rose Factory

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Perhaps it is a long-standing understanding between assassins and thieves.

Although Muke had not informed Mu Sicheng of what he would be doing before he acted, Mu Sicheng seized the opportunity as a thief with a keen eye for "loot" the moment Muke drew the King's Guild's fire.

Mu Sicheng's gaze is sharp as he clasps the shoulder of the man Muke is pushing forward with one hand, holds it down and jumps up, stepping on the back of the unprepared King's Guild member.

Mu Sicheng then gives a very nasty middle finger to the Queen of Hearts at the very back of the group, raises an eyebrow and smiles, then puts this middle finger to his neck and slashes it hard!

After the King's Guild men inside had come after him after being pissed off by Mu Sicheng, he stepped all the way around the edge on the shoulders of these guardsmen, balancing perfectly on them.

The human walls of the King's Guild holding the edge fell to the east at once.

"Now is the time!!!" Muke yelled, "Charge in! Ransom Bai Liu out!!!"

One side was shouted at by Muke and pushed in, the other was stomped on by Mu Sicheng and tried to defend himself. Muke jumps out every now and then to make a mess with his [Flash Strike] skill.

The whole scene was as chaotic as the morning rush hour on Mirror City Line 4, with only the "human pie" rolled up and broken into pieces.

While the two parties are fighting, the ransom money by Bai Liu's small TV is rising, which means that people are charging into it.

The system panel is constantly being opened and pressed down in the melee, with intermittent blue screens of light lighting up under Bai Liu's small TV.

And Bai Liu, chained to a small television screen in a high, old barred shelf, his eyes flat and serene, seems to penetrate the screen to see what is happening below because of him.

He seemed to know what was about to happen, and yet he seemed to be unaware of what was happening beyond the screen, withdrawing his gaze with a single glance, like a god who is cold and unfeeling and has no regard for mortal life.

But it is indeed this money-hungry god who dominates all that is mad about him.

The only person standing in the middle of the chaotic crowd is Hearts, who is holding down her hat and skirt to prevent people from scattering around her, oblivious to the chaos around her, and instead tilting her head slightly to watch Bai Liu on the small TV with a sizing, scrutinising, and amused look.

"No wonder Jiayi picked you." Hearts' loving eyes half-closed and her red lips ticked haughtily, "- you're a really good fit for her [brother]."

-- Why not the most perfect brother, or the one she likes best, or the one who treats her best, or even the one she really is?

Why did you choose Bai Liu?

Bai Liu is a man who can be described as selfish and self-serving, a man who can be described as devious and cunning, a man who has only a very shallow slice of humanity that can only be peeled off from the professionally false smile on Bai Liu's face that he uses to fool others, calculating and loyal to his dealings, never turning his back on his desires.

With so many better [villagers] around as an alternative, why would a witch willingly offer her antidote and soul for a character who is almost as good as a werewolf at heart?

The wind from the brawl in the viewing area ruffled the burgundy curls at Hearts' temples as she watched Bai Liu on the small TV with misty eyes.

--when a person has already revealed themselves to be [a werewolf], doesn't this also show that there is no need for that person to be suspected?

Liu Jiayi would never have doubted Bai Liu, and that is why she chose him.

The little witch will not be back, she has found the best [brother] for her.

Hearts looks back as Mu Sicheng suddenly appears to her left, and the man stomps on the player's head a few times, and darts in front of Hearts

Immediately to her right appeared the remnant of a dagger-wielding assailant, Muke, who had come in hot pursuit to join Mu Sicheng.

Muke daggers Hearts' ankles from below, Mu Sicheng leaps above a player's shoulders and unceremoniously delivers a flying kick to Hearts' face, the two working together as if they've done it a thousand times before, not saying a word but working together to jam every possible escape path for Hearts.

While Mu Sicheng's face was one of gritted teeth and indignation, Muke was a little more composed - as soon as he saw Mu Sicheng running this way, he knew what this guy was up to, and he reasoned that it seemed a little ill-conceived and pointless.

Muke knew there was no point in attacking someone in the game because there was no way to hit them.

But Muke was still somewhat immaturely negative in this moment, thinking of Bai Liu being trapped and all the tabs this King's Guild had been putting on Bai Liu ......

So before Muke's mind could come up with a result, his body pre-emptively cooperated with Mu Sicheng's prank.

Mu Sicheng was much more impulsive than Muke and thought that even if he couldn't beat her, it would be good to make a fool of the Queen of Hearts in front of her members! He had come to attack Hearts to take his anger out!

Mu Sicheng has had enough of the oddball organization that is the King's Guild!

Didn't you always pretend to be a beautiful woman and compel your men! I'll see how you can pretend now that you've fallen on your ass!

Mu Sicheng's eyes were ruthless, his feet so hard that the loose sweatpants on his feet rippled in the air, and Muke's dagger scraped against the ground with an ear-splitting squeak as he angled his body outward and pressed his wrist down sideways, the sharp tip of the blade stabbing at Hearts' bony ankle.

The two men, an assassin and a thief, are both extremely fast professions, but all of this is set off in slow motion by Hearts' movements.

The lady in the hip-hugging skirt pressed the end of her skirt and jumped unsteadily on her knees, with the delicacy of a little girl jumping rope, but as she landed her spiky heel caught the round hole in Muke's dagger by accident, stopping him in his tracks as he lunged forward, unable to pull it out.

At the same time, Hearts leaned gracefully forward as she lowered the brim of her wide hat to duck under Mu Sicheng's flying kick.

The hat was not kicked, but only slightly scuffed, and this slight scuffing brought off Hearts' hat.

The wide red round hat fell lazily between Hearts and Mu Sicheng.

Hearts reversed, the woman's heel still on the round hole of Muke's dagger, she held the brim of the hat back with one hand, the other hand burrowed out under the cover of the brim and took hold of Mu Sicheng's ankle, yanking him upwards a little.

Mu Sicheng was caught unawares and fell backwards to the ground when Hearts pulled him.

The woman slowly lowered the hat that covered her face, and she wore a standardised smile as if on the face of a model, but much more seductive and mysterious than that, for she was indeed beautiful.

The red lips, the snowy skin, the crimson eyes that seem to suck the soul out of her, and the burgundy curls that just fell out of her face during the fight, give Hearts' otherwise deadly pretty features an irresistible charm.

Hearts leans forward and drops her eyes close to Mu Sicheng on the ground, her face quickly contorts and changes, her long curly hair becomes a long clean ponytail, her smart suit becomes a clean school uniform, and her narrow, upturned red eyes become round, kindly looking almond eyes ......

Halfway through this change, Mu Sicheng seems to have been taken in.

He stares at Hearts' face, unable to take his eyes off it, and the expression on his face is not one of fascinated obsession, but one of reminiscence somewhere between fear and dead silence.

Hearts curled her lips into a smile as she extended her index finger to hook the jaw of the trance-like Mu Sicheng: "...... That's who you're most afraid of, isn't it?"

The second Hearts touches Mu Sicheng, Muke kicks him away, and Mu Sicheng lies on her back, breathing heavily with her eyes ajar.

He had just seen the skill of Hearts, Muke Buming white what this skill was exactly, but in any case it was not good - just now Mu Sicheng looked as if he had seen an incredible vision.

" Muke." Bai Liu's voice suddenly rang out in front of Muke.

Muke subconsciously raised his head, and the next second his pupils contracted violently.

Hearts, who has turned into Bai Liu, looks at him with a smile on his face, just like Bai Liu.

Hearts held out her hand slowly to Muke, a smile and a lure in her voice: "Want to get out of here with me?"

"Want to play with me all the time?" Bai Liu's voice had never been so gentle with him, "You're my most useful teammate, I trust you Muke, I trust you more than I trust Mu Sicheng, I'm sorry for treating you coldly before, I didn't actually hate you."

"Even if we didn't start off on the right foot, I personally don't mind because you've proven how much you mean to me."

Muke's breath caught, and before his eyes was a summer heat and watery mist, all in a cloud, except for the Bai Liu who approached him so slowly, so real, so mesmerising, so willing to follow.

" Muke ." This Bai Liu looked at him with a smile, his palms spread upwards, "What are you hesitating about?"

Muke felt the ground drop beneath his feet and his surroundings shake from side to side. He staggered back two steps and shook his head as hard as he could to wake up from this beautiful dream, but it was like a ghost on his bed, knowing it was fake, knowing it was a dream, but he couldn't move and couldn't wake up.

Like a puppet being manipulated, he had to take one step towards Hearts, dully lifting his hand to place it in hers.

[System Alert: Player Bai Liu's small TV has reached 100,000 points, officially unbanned!

[Now re-posting Bai Liu's TV to (Multiplayer Zone)]

Muke, who had almost put his hand on Hearts' palm, snapped to attention as Hearts, or rather Bai Liu as Hearts pretended to be, glanced up at the small television that was beeping, and suddenly the corners of his mouth curled into a Buming smile.

It was the first time that anyone had managed to escape from the King's Guild blockade.

Published at: 05/01/2022 05:10