Chapter 186: The Rose Factory

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Muke held his horn blankly, holding it up through the last minute of his life he wanted to remember, and let the broken horn call the last word.

After the speakers shut up, the young master, already embarrassed to the point of curling his toes, pretended nothing had happened and picked up where he left off, but his tone was noticeably weaker, "-- Bai Liu Liu asked us to come to you, to bring you to build a better guild. "

The eyes of the Scavenging Guild players below look in unison at the broken brass trumpet in Xiang Muke's hand, pause, and then move subtly back to Muke's face standing on the table.

Although nothing is said, Muke reads "Is that all?" in their eyes. in their eyes.

Muke: "......"

The two sides entered a strange, as if they didn't know who had pressed the pause button, stalemate.

Mu Sicheng is standing in front of the hall doorway, and there is no one in the room who can topple him and run out.

But equally, these men were firm in their stance and even if they were trapped here, they would not be easily persuaded by Muke to give up their right to join the King's Guild to help a new president who they had never met and who was now under siege.

If they have survived in this game for so long, they can't do anything else, but they are good at avoiding harm.

Muke takes a deep breath and raises his horn again, the piercing whine of the PA echoing through the small ground floor of the low-rent building with Muke's clear voice.

"We won't stop players from joining the King's Guild, if you want to go, you can go, but we want to persuade those who don't want to continue to be exploited and enslaved in the guilds, but have no better way out."

"If anyone is tired of being at the bottom of the guild, of being squeezed and harvested, of living in fear that no matter how much you struggle you will only be a leek in a different place just to survive, without any dignity or ability, then you can listen to what I have to say and it might give you a very different choice."

Muke's eyes were clear: "When I have finished, we will let you go, whatever you choose."

The players below still looked unbelieving, but curiosity was evident on their faces because of Muke's words.

Although it is clear that the ideal of Muke's words is unlikely to exist in the current order of the game, it would be interesting to hear what else the young player has to say.

Or perhaps it is that they do still have a modest hope of a better option than the King's Guild, even though they rationally know that this is not possible.

There are very few casual players in the game who can survive without joining a guild.

It is a well understood survival rate axiom - in extreme circumstances, such as in this game, individuals in a group will survive at a much higher rate than individuals alone.

It's like being stranded in the snow in the wilderness, where a group of people holding each other for warmth is far more likely to survive than a single person left alone.

Even if the weak in the group may be exploited, sacrificed, or even trampled on for the pleasure of the strong, if they give up their dignity they can survive a little longer, and this is the way ordinary people survive when they enter the game, and this is the way they can find the most success, even if it is cowardly.

The crowd pressing towards the Mu Sicheng exit is gradually converging back.

They looked at Muke standing on the table with wary, disbelieving eyes, but their bodies stayed in the opposite direction, clustered around the table where Muke was standing, choosing to stay and listen to the alternative that they didn't know was real or not.

This group of players who have been living in low-cost housing for a long time have the same dirty faces as those who have lived in low-cost housing for decades in the normal world, wretched, unkempt and mentally depressed.

There is a subconscious dullness to the eyes and expression as they relax, looking as if they have been tortured to the point of being mentally unbalanced.

The way these players piled up, standing squeezed against each other, looking up at Muke with vacant, unseeing eyes, reminded him inexplicably of a refugee ghetto.

In a game where you can adjust your appearance at will, players with this look are usually the lowest level of the game, who don't care about their appearance and don't have any other requirements.

Their only requirement is to live.

Muke stood on a table more than a metre above the others and, with so many people looking on, he looked around these people who surrounded him in a condescending manner.

In this moment, Muke is even in a trance, seeing the same faint light in the numb, stony eyes of these people that he once had, crying out for help.

--The faint anticipation of the legendary newcomer, the beleaguered wanderer, their new president, the god who had saved him, Bai Liu, lit up in the silent eyes of these men as Muke spoke.

"You said ...... the new president, that Bai Liu gave us another option, what is this option?" Someone finally couldn't help himself, he stepped forward and raised his head to question Muke .

Muke took a deep breath, "It's a deal, Bai Liu will make a deal with you and after that he will take care of developing your abilities so that they can pass the game on their own to support themselves."

"But you as a group will pay him a regular monthly salary, shared equally by each of you - after paying his monthly salary, whatever points and props you earn in the game will be yours, and he will not ask you for a single penny, let alone charge you an astronomical commission like other guilds. "

The eyes of the players below widened as they looked at Muke in bewilderment and disbelief, raising their hands one after another to ask the following question.

"No charge for our commission and props?!"


"And give the resources to train us??!"

"Yes." Muke nodded with utmost certainty as he exhaled a breath to look at the players, " Bai Liu he will not, nor does he want to exist as an upper class that rules over you, he will not control and exploit you, he will only help and train you so that you can afford to earn more points and money and then pay him a monthly salary."

"You know the entertainment company? Bai Liu prefers to exist as your manager than the president, who manages you, gives each of you a development plan and resources, and plans the route you can take to develop optimally in this game,"

Muke's face brought out a little smile, "Your new president doesn't like to be a man of the people, he told me that if you would work and trade with him, then you were the bosses who paid him a monthly salary, so it was only logical that each of you would be the owner of the guild and have the most power in it."

"He will delegate the power of the presidency to each of you and allow the guild to exist as a community."

The players below were already in disarray, they had never heard such an outlandish idea for a guild, it was almost as if someone was building them a utopia full of pitfalls, but seemingly perfect.

The audience, still fearful, still sceptical, even more fearful because the composition looked so beautiful and hopeful, could not help but gather and discuss and whisper among themselves, but they were getting closer and closer to the round table where Muke was, and now, further and further away from the door guarded by Mu Sicheng.

How could anyone want to do such a thing as delegate their rights to a group?

It looks too much like a beautiful lie woven specifically to tempt them, and it's not the first time such a full-bodied, bright-looking "lie" has been told by players who are smarter than they are.

This time, however, they could not help but ask about the follow-up to this lie.

Someone asked in a shaky tone, " Bai Liu, no, President Bai, how was he going to delegate his privileges?"

"If you all agree to cooperate." Muke looked to all of them, he was quiet and clicked on the game panel, "Your new president, before entering the game signed a number of documents to send to me, I will now show you this document."

Muke held up his system panel with a copy of the Seventy-Eight Explanatory Regulations for the Splitting of the Transfer of the Management Rights of the Food and Corruption Guild, and scrolling down he could see that Bai Liu had already signed it, leaving only Party B's handwriting blank.

"There are thousands of copies of this document signed by Bai Liu." Muke slides one by one, showing it to the players below, "If you are willing to accept Bai Liu's terms, I will now hand out this contract for you to sign on the B side."

Muke's eyes were calm as he explained word for word, " Bai Liu will transfer the interest of the guild to each of you, making each of you own a part of this guild, he will not just talk about it, he will really make you the president in the true sense of the word with a black and white, system recognized contract regulation."

After this document appeared, a pin-drop silence fell over the entire low-rent building.

The players breathe heavily, their pupils dilate and their chests heave as they look at the document held aloft by Muke, tilting their heads in a desperate attempt to read every word on it.

Muke also thoughtfully got down on one knee on the table and lowered the system panel so that those players who came close could get a closer look at the contract.

In the game, everything can be fake, names, appearances, props, skills, all of these can be faked in a variety of ways to deceive the public, but there is one thing that cannot be fake -

--That's the contract after the system has been stamped and certified.

This stuff is real!!!

"It's a real contract!!! President Bai signed a real contract!!!" After the first player erupted in a roar of authenticity, the originally silent low-cost building was instantly thrown into a wave of clamour that rose higher and higher.

The numb and pale expressions on these faces faded into unbelievable excitement, red-faced arguments, silent tilting of heads and tears, colourful emotions surfaced one by one on the faces of these bottom-feeders who had been as stereotypically indifferent as corpses.

After Muke managed to calm down the crowd that was about to boil over, the first player who managed to calm down started to ask him: "Look, we're all grateful to Bai Liu, no, no, no! It was President Bai who was willing to make this decision! We would love to work with President Bai in this way!"

The man gave a beat and turned his words around, "But we all want to ask one thing."

Muke asks, "What is it?"

The players looked at each other, looked at Xiang Muke, they clenched their fists on their chests and rubbed them together nervously twice, and, without their previous attitude of contempt, leaned forward and asked a very sincere question: "We would like to ask, what is the deal that President Bai wants to make with us? Can we ...... really afford the items President Bai is asking for?"

"You can totally afford it, and you have something in you that President Bai finds very valuable." Muke said.

"What ...... could we have on us that would make President Bai think there's value in this contract?" The others scratched their heads in doubt from the bottom of their hearts.

Muke smiles gently: " President Bai wants your souls."

Published at: 04/30/2022 05:10