Chapter 177: The Rose Factory

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Bai Liu is sincere: "We have a very high level of labour coordination, one person can be a hundred."

Liu Jiayi nodded repeatedly, "Well, well!"

Even if the processor was not convinced, and even if he was not willing to do so, the two hundred kilograms of roses were actually in front of the tent, and the processor could not deny it.

The processors could only give them a hateful glare, flung them four bottles of low grade rose perfume, dragged the huge sack with the roses, and turned to give them the "follow me" gesture.

"You have been promoted to processor." The processor said coldly, "Competition is fierce in this line of work, if you don't do it properly you will be pushed down the ranks to become a lowly flower picker at any time, now follow me and learn how to become a qualified processor."

[System Alert: Congratulations to player Bai Liu for over-completing the side quest]

[Mission Reward: Player Bai Liu receives 4 bottles of low-level perfume and gains progress in the main mission (promoted to Processor)]

Bai Liu and Liu Jiayi looked at each other and followed them, once again entering the rose factory where they worked day and night.


This is the second time Bai Liu has stepped into the piazza outside the Rose Factory.

The rose petals collected on the piazza are sorted and dried on thick plastic sheets, and the processors come and go in tight protective clothing, while several huge pots are set up to dry the petals.

"The processors are responsible for going to collect freshly picked dried leaf roses from the lower level of flower pickers."

The processors led Bai Liu inside without a glance, explaining as they went, "Once collected, they are simply washed and dried in this piazza and on the roof, and the fresh petals are dried in daylight and moonlight for twelve hours after the leaves and stems have been removed before moving on to the next step."

The processor pointed to the cauldrons in the corner, and the workers who were pouring petals into them.

"Once the petals have dried sufficiently, they will be tossed or dried in this pot until they turn a light pink colour similar to the inner lips of a young girl, at which point the dried leaf roses are ready for pre-processing and you will need to deliver them to the official factory workers who will do the next step."

The processors led them down the same long corridor they had first walked down, but instead of going straight ahead, they turned right as they passed the exhibition hall and, with a twist of vision, entered another long corridor.

To the left and right of the gallery are serially numbered, prison general rooms, with a staircase at the end corner upwards.

"This is the processors' dormitory, you don't have to live in tents." The processors pointed to the rooms, "Generally our dormitories are eight rooms, spread over the first, second and third floors, you can go up from the stairs there, further up are the factory workers' rooms, their rooms are two-person rooms, and on the top floor are the perfumers' rooms, a single flat structure with a spacious and bright structure - the factory workers and perfumer's room floors were not accessible to lowly processors like us."

"The top floor is the perfumer's room, so where is the factory manager's room?" Bai Liu asked.

The processor choked on Bai Liu's question, which seemed like a sick question, and angrily scolded, "The factory manager's room is even less for you to go to!"

Bai Liu looked innocently at the processor, "But at least I need to know where the factory manager's room is so I can avoid it, right? Otherwise what if I accidentally break into the factory manager's room?"

The processor's face froze slightly and he sneered back, "The factory manager's room is not something you can barge into by just wandering around."

"Well, I'll move on to the rest of you." He skimmed over the subject with a twinkle in his eye, "Up ahead on the stairs to the right is the infirmary, we allow staff to call in sick here, but to avoid you being lazy, you must come here to the infirmary after calling in sick and come back to work as soon as you are cured."

"Finally, let's talk to you about the salary of the processors." This processor turned to look at Bai Liu, "After you become processors, you are considered half full time employees of the Rose Factory, and you will receive a base salary of 3 bottles of low grade perfume every day as long as you complete your basic tasks."

Bai Liu asked, "What is the basic task?"

"You will each be processing 240kg of fresh dried leaf roses per day to the factory workers." The processors said.

Liu Jiayi slowly looked up and asked back in a strained tone, "...... How many kg of roses did you just say?"

The processor gave her a sneering look, "240kg, your job includes sifting, drying and drying the 240kg of roses, this is just the most basic task, you won't get your basic salary if you don't finish and you will be eliminated by the other promoted flower pickers after three days."

"For you new processors, it's the norm to work all night to get things done, and the dormitory is a showstopper for you."

The processor falsely patted the silent Bai Liu on the shoulder, "Oh, by the way, it's probably useless for you to know, but I can tell you that the May Rose Festival is coming up, and we processors have been given an incentive to work in the factory recently, for every additional 60kg of roses processed after the basic task, you get a bottle of medium grade rose perfume. ."

"Do a good job." The processor snorted with mockery on his face, "Don't keep wandering east and west thinking about our factory manager, if you don't finish your basic tasks, you might become stragglers after three days."

"With your current work badges you can levy roses from the flower pickers, remember, levy as much as you can handle, the roses you pick will not be fresh for half a day at most, by then the wasted roses will be deducted from your pay - over there is where you can collect your processors' uniforms, change and start work."

The processors showed Bai Liu where they could change and then turned around with Rose in tow and hurried off to work in the open air factory.

[System Prompt: Trigger a side quest - Get a bottle of medium grade Rose Dried Leaf Gas perfume]

Liu Jiayi was silent for a long time before speaking: "240kg for daily tasks and 60kg for bonus tasks, a total of 300kg of dried leaf roses to process, even if we do it 24 hours without sleep, we still have to process 12.5kg per hour ...... "

"No, it's more than that, because it takes a day and a night to dry from the time of collection." Bai Liu rubbed his chin in contemplation, "That means we won't be able to start work on the first day, and according to what the processor just said, if we don't finish the basic task in three days we will be replaced by the upgraded flower pickers, so in total our average task for the next two days should be 360kg, if we also add the daily bonus task ......"

Bai Liu added calmly, "Well, it's a normal overtime routine for social animals, so I can live with that."

Liu Jiayi: "......"

Liu Jiayi is beginning to dread the prospect of entering society in advance.


Bai Liu and his team went to collect their uniforms and normally they would have gone to the flower fields to collect the roses as instructed, but Bai Liu was relieved to leave Liu Jiayi alone to collect 720kg of roses, waving his hand and saying he had to leave.

Liu Jiayi was speechless: "I can't handle that much on my own, you'd better come back soon."

"I know." Bai Liu hooked the corners of her mouth and lowered her eyes to the four bottles of perfume she was holding, "I'm just going to get help with this, aren't I?"

As Bai Liu turned to leave, Liu Jiayi shouted at him, "Wait!"

Bai Liu raised an eyebrow and turned back.

[System Alert: Player Liu Jiayi spent 200 points to open the (Small TV Mute) service]

Liu Jiayi looked around to make sure no one was near before frowning and approaching Bai Liu and whispering, "I told you about the four players you lured in last night, three of whom were senior players of the King's Guild, didn't I?"

Bai Liu nods his head.

"I think it's that hunter who's working with the King's Guild." Liu Jiayi's brow knitted tighter and tighter, "The hunter's target is obviously you, and the reason the King's Guild is working with the hunter, I think their target would be me."

Liu Jiayi pursed her lips and was silent for a moment before speaking, " Hearts ...... Queen thinks highly of me, she is training me as a tactician for this time, if I betray the guild, it should have a great impact on the King's Guild's league this time ......"

"With you blatantly bringing me into the game like that, this group should be coming for you, and with the way the Queen is going, she's sure to think that if I kill you, I'll return to the King's Guild ......"

Liu Jiayi tugged a little uncomfortably at the oversized protective suit she was wearing, her fingers twisting and tangling behind her back as she looked away and whispered a few quick words, "Sorry, it's what's on me that's pissing you off."

There is a reason why Liu Jiayi would say this. If Bai Liu had simply saved Liu Jiayi and healed Liu Jiayi's injuries, he could have simply thrown Liu Jiayi into the Level 3 game and let her pass and come out on her own.

This avoids Bai Liu being targeted directly by the Hearts guild, and also allows Liu Jiayi to quickly heal himself and get out, which is indeed the best solution except for the fact that it doesn't seem to have much of a conscience.

But with this approach, Liu Jiayi would certainly have been surrounded by the King's Guild alone and in a situation where he would have been on all sides.

The King's Guild will not harm Liu Jiayi, but they will certainly try to restrict her freedom and keep her trapped in the King's Guild to play in this tournament.

Hearts' brainwashing skills are quite good, and with all the mental props and Hearts' skills stored in the guild, it is not difficult for Hearts to control Liu Jiayi's dedication to the King's Guild.

Liu Jiayi fears that she will once again fall under the Queen's spell and turn back into the spellbinding little witch who has fallen into a spiral of doubt.

Bai Liu followed Liu Jiayi in, obviously to protect her, and stood up for herself as a diversionary target, willing to take on the King's Guild directly for her.

Liu Jiayi is not stupid, on the contrary she is smart enough to understand that Bai Liu is asking for trouble for her sake and that is why she said this apology.

--Although she saved Bai Liu's life once by taking the bullet for him, it was only to return the favour.

Little Bai six saved her once at the orphanage and Bai Liu saved her from death at the church, so to speak.

Now it is her turn to owe Bai Liu - Liu Jiayi is somewhat chagrined that she feels that her debt with Bai Liu will not be settled anytime soon.

But after this subtle apology, Liu Jiayi surreptitiously lifted her head to catch a glimpse of Bai Liu's reaction with a "casual" glance at the end of her eyes, when she heard Bai Liu say back rather calmly, "You want to apologize to me in such a low voice? "

Liu Jiayi: "......"

Published at: 04/25/2022 17:10