Chapter 104: The Caring Orphanage

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

The three children were obviously not as strong as the adults, but the little Bai six started running as soon as 9:30 had passed, so they had a certain time advantage and the teachers behind them could not catch up with them in a short time.

As they approached the gate, Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang had that look of elation on their faces, but it soon froze on Miao Feichi's face like wax dripping in cold water.

He froze in place, stopped at the edge of the open doorway, not moving out. He even took two steps back.

Outside the door, numerous [long, thin, ghostly] investors with hats and bandaged faces loitered in the shadows.

Their mouths chewed up the bandages used to bind them and lay bare, their sharp teeth wide open as if they were smiling down to their ears, their noses tilted up in the air as they sniffed at the fresh child prey that was about to approach them, their mouths dripping with sticky saliva.

They are all black, and in the night it is hard to see them clearly. It is only when they reach the door that Miao Feichi can see that it is not the moonlight that is moving in shadow-like white patches outside the door.

Rather, it was the bandaged faces of this group of things.

They are stopped by the half-open, half-closed door of the orphanage, their long, thin hands reaching through the barred door to reach the child inside, the sharp teeth in their mouths clicking up and down as if they were mimicking chewing something, dripping drool down.

Looking at the monster outside the door, all the children are motionless, and Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang, carrying Muke and Liu Jiayi on their backs, sit down on their knees in disbelief.

little Bai six also sat down, he adjusted his breathing and swept a very calm glance at the door: "...... failed ah, really not so easy to escape."

These monsters would have been the same investors who had not received the right blood for the children and had died horribly ill, prowling outside the children's home late at night, the children who had escaped were most likely split up by this group of investors.

The teachers came up behind them, spitting at the children who dared to run away, and little Bai six was slapped into the ground by one of the teachers.

He was held down and given a few hard whacks with a broom, but there was no expression on his face, and he seemed to have expected these actions. The dean, who came close behind, locked the door and turned to examine the mischievous children grimly and condescendingly.

Her face was so grim that water was about to drip out of it, and she turned to look at the group of children with an eerie tone, "Now explain to me whose idea it was to run away, and the children who do can do so without having to be punished so severely, and if they don't ......"

Before the Dean's threat could be uttered, Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang, who had run wild, looked at little Bai six with hatred and identified him without hesitation: "It's him!"

The Mother Superior's gaze moved to the little Bai six who was still on the floor from the beating and was slowly getting up, she paused and intoned Buming, "Looks like that baptism during the day hasn't washed away your sins, Bai six."

"You need to be washed a little cleaner." The dean smiled amiably, but there was no smile in her eyes at all, "Just tonight, before you are sent to the hospital on Wednesday to be paired with the other investors, I will wash the sin from you thoroughly."

"The other children were kept together for a day of fasting and Bai six I took to church alone for confinement."

The little Bai six had just stood up when the dean took them individually by the back of the collar and was roughly and brutally dragged in the direction of the church.

He had run all night and now had little strength left, still dragged away unresistingly by the dean, stumbling and breathing messily as he was flung into the church.

It's a good thing that the dean only punished him in the same way as before, by putting him in the baptismal pool and making him choke repeatedly.

But this time, it seems that the mother of the house has been completely offended by the fact that Bai six has run away with the child, and she takes the trouble to push his head into the water of the baptismal font, chanting words that little Bai six can't really hear.

"Disgusting little beast."

"How dare you do such a thing when you've survived this far only thanks to the kind charity of your investors?!"

Little Bai Six's eyes were half-open, his eyelashes dripping with water as he struggled again and again to rise from the sensation of drowning and to be pushed back down, the water pouring into his nostrils making him try to choke and cough, but often Little Bai Six was pushed down again by the furious dean before he could do so.

"Do you know how much trouble you'll get us into if you run away? She roared hysterically, shaking little Bai six in the water by his hair, "You inhuman little monster, your parents really gave us trouble by throwing you away, they should have drowned you at birth for the good of society ...... "

Little Bai six's eyes gradually drooped as he began to lose interest in this game of [gopher in the water].

It also lost its strength.

On another little Bai six floating up to take a breath and being pushed into the water, he didn't change his breath enough and choked.

Dean's face was expressionless as he held little Bai six's head under the water across the surface, bubbles spilling from little Bai six's mouth and nose, his expression was calm without the twisted fear of a drowning man, although he now felt like he was really going to drown, he was getting a little used to the painful feeling of drowning.

Bai six's eyes closed completely and he completely released his grip on the sides of the baptismal pool and slipped off into the water, floating as if in a coma in the clear, swaying water of the pool, the coin on his chest floating out of his shirt and glistening in the waves of water.

"Fine!" Dean yanked viciously at the coin with a tug as she screamed, "How dare you steal from an investor! You sinful, devil-born child!"

As she continued to torment little Bai six, and as little Bai six really thought she was going to drown in boredom, there was a loud explosion outside the church and a bright red system warning popped up in front of little Bai six.

[System warning: Warning! Warning! Player Bai Liu's main identity line life value is dropping dramatically! Please move away from the dangerous scene!

[...... Player Bai Liu main identity line life value reduced to 2 ...... reduced to 1 ...... Warning! Player Bai Liu main identity line is about to die!

The church also shook a few times from the explosion, and the dean finally stopped torturing little Bai six as she turned and cursed her way outside the church, "What's all the commotion about?"

Little Bai Six struggled to get up from the baptismal font, sitting with no emotion on his face, breathing weakly while looking up at the strange and young idol beside the font, his eyes reflecting the red warning screen that kept popping up in the system.

It didn't take long for the dean to return, her face grim: "There's been an explosion at the private hospital, tomorrow's matching ceremony has to be cancelled, did you do something with the stuff you stole from the investors!"

As she said this, she grabbed little Bai six by the throat again and pushed him back into the water.

little Bai six did not struggle; indeed he had no strength left to struggle.

He lay under the water, his eyes half-open, his face ghastly white with purple lips, his black, somewhat lax pupils contracted slightly from asphyxiation and lack of oxygen, and behind the red transparent modern datamined panel in his eyes was the sleeping face of the strange god tied by thorns to a reverse cross.

This bizarre scene makes the little Bai six's mind wander a bit as he is held under the water.

Is there really a god in this world? Didn't he say that if he changed his name to Bai Liu, the gods would look after him?

He was, probably, barely a good boy tonight, so why didn't the gods bless him?

The god's eyelids suddenly moved, and it opened its pure white, pupil-less eyes to look into the pool at little Bai six who was being forced to be baptized, a warm, white light glowing from his body, the thorns sliding strangely over his body as if trying to bind him tighter, but the holy glow still put little Bai six into a trance, as if he was for a moment being sheltered by something sheltered in general.

[System Warning: Player Bai Liu's life level continues to drop ...... Player Bai Liu's life level has stopped dropping, remaining life level is 0.5, Player Bai Liu main identity line survives]

[System warning: Attempted strangulation of child in church by npc dean triggers divine taboo]

[The gods send down punishment]

The dean was bounced off as if by an invisible air-waving thing and hit the church pillar hard, letting out a scream.

But the punishment did not stop there. The thorns on the reverse cross grew in abundance, and from the ground sprang countless branches that wrapped around the abbess, and she was wrapped in thorny thorns all over her body, with only one pair of eyes looking in terror through the jungle of thorns at the little Bai six crawling out of the baptismal font, and the god behind the little Bai six with open eyes, trembling with fear. She fell to her knees and prayed for mercy.

In the next moment, the thorns tighten.

The dean's blood splattered onto the marble floor of the church and she threw back her hair in an ear-splitting scream as the thorns burrowed through her skin, her wide open mouth, and rolled violently through the inside of her body like a meat grinder, and soon she was twitching and tilting her head as she was tied to the thorns.

Blood stains dripped from her body like drops of water from a little Bai six, dripping to the ground and pooling together.

She instantly turned into a corpse, and the thorn strip slowly placed the body on the floor, which existed for no more than a few seconds, and soon disappeared again as a data point of light within the church.

[System Alert: Dean npc was attacked and died, data recovery in progress ......]

Published at: 03/20/2022 05:10