Chapter 102: Loving Welfare Home

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

The coin on his chest kept vibrating and little Bai six tapped on the system panel on his chest and saw a number of prompts.

[System Alert: Player Bai Liu's main identity line stamina slot is restored, you can use stamina restorer to restore stamina, is it restored?

[System Alert: Player Bai Liu's main identity line stamina is restored to full]

[System Alert: Player Bai Liu Main Identity Line Does he use his personal skill (Thief Monkey Claw)?

Little Bai six took a deep breath and closed the system panel, he watched the teacher approaching his bedroom in the darkness, little Bai six wandered outside and after a phone call with Bai Liu to step on the escape point, he crept back in, pretending nothing had happened and lying in bed, breathing evenly as if asleep.

After lying in bed to make sure the teacher had finished her rounds of their room, little Bai six, who was pretending to be asleep, jumped out of bed quickly, while little Miao Feichi, little Miao Gaojiang and little Muke also jumped out of their beds.

They looked over at little Bai six who had reached the door of the bedroom, exchanged a knowing glance and then gingerly followed little Bai six out of the bedroom and into the unlit corridor. little Bai six into the darkness of the night.

The floor directly opposite Bai six's bedroom is Liu Jiayi's bedroom, and in the middle of the two buildings is a small square like a children's playground, on which there are already deformed children roaming.

The window of the women's toilet over there, and then the back of the building to the ground floor of Liu Jiayi's floor, was a good way to avoid being seen by the deformed children and catching up with them - a route that Liu Jiayi had told them about.

Bai six broke into the women's room with a sharp movement, looking directly to the left and right, and then went straight in, tumbling neatly out of the ventilation window next to the last cubicle of the women's room and landing in the grass, behind which their building was covered with thick bushes and grasses - Bai six touched the wall and followed the edge of it towards the other building Walk.

As they walked they could still hear, faintly, the clear and indistinct laughter of a child coming from the building.

The laughter grew closer and closer and finally became a shadow following the Bai six, as if something had tumbled out of the building and was following them as they touched the wall towards the other building, also touching the wall and following them, playing this fun game with them

Muke, who was at the end of the pack, had to turn back every now and then at the sound of the approaching child's laughter, and his face was already turning white with fear - he felt that something was following them.

"Don't look back." As Muke couldn't help but turn back at the sound of someone's footsteps in the grass once again, little Bai six suddenly spoke calmly, "Something is indeed following us, but it probably thinks we're playing a game, so go and don't let it catch up with us."

The faces of the deformed children in the grass finally emerged in the ghastly white moonlight, and they lifted their mangled or not-so-mangled faces with those huge smiles that are too innocent to be eerie, and raised a pair of hands that were red with crimson mud after crawling in the mud, and said intermittently.

"Play! Play with me! Stay and play!"

Muke's heart burst from watching, and the group ran as fast as they could, finally managing to flip through the window of the ladies' room in the other building before being whisked away by the monstrous child behind them.

Miao Gaojiang was so distraught that he fell to the ground with a pale face. He was the last one to flip in and had one of his shoes ripped off by the deformed children who were chasing him. At this point, the deformed children who could not get through the window were clustered around the tiny air vent in the ladies' room.

A few almost human but bizarre faces, white in the moonlight, crowded and stacked in that ventilation window, a few pairs of large, dead, motionless eyes staring at Bai Liu and them, still trying to climb in and reach out, mumbling.

"I want to play! You're going to play with me! Come out!"

Bai six handed the shoes he had snatched back to Miao Gaojiang with a faint glance at the deformed children, "They can't get in for now, put them on so you can run away later."

Miao Gaojiang took it with a complicated look, he said thank you, Bai six answered dispassionately and turned around to exit the ladies' room - they had finally reached the building where Liu Jiayi's bedroom was located.

Little Bai six As they walked down the corridor to Liu Jiayi's bedroom, they heard Liu Jiayi whispering to one of the teachers, pestering her, "Teacher, I don't feel well."

Her tone was weak, her tone was realistic, and she had a slight choking cough. As a [commodity] to be collected tomorrow, being sick on the first night was not a good thing for the teacher of this orphanage.

After the teacher had repeatedly asked Liu Jiayi about her symptoms, Liu Jiayi dilly-dallied for a while, and only after Bai six had made two cats' cries outside, Liu Jiayi said to the teacher, "Okay, let's go to the doctor. The teacher turned around and exposed her back to the little Bai six who were waiting at the door.

Miao Feichi and Miao Gaojiang, two children with the shape of adults, strangled the teacher with great effort, and he soon fainted as his eyes rolled back.

The "weak" Liu Jiayi instantly let go of the teacher's hand and got up from the floor to love, her dazed eyes "looking" anxiously at the little Bai six: "I can't see. Find the key on her! There'll be other teachers on patrol later! We're running out of time to escape tonight!"

Liu Jiayi couldn't see and it was difficult to run. little Bai six asked Miao Gaojiang, a relatively strong boy, to carry Liu Jiayi on his back and they straddled the teacher, who was lying face down with his eyes rolled back, and ran away as fast as they could.

Apart from Muke, none of the children looked back at the teacher whom they had strangled to death.

They all seem to be born criminals among children, gifted in the art of murder, bad boys who don't feel guilty about being murdered, and Muke, a relatively normal child, follows them, looking back with frightened eyes at the teacher lying on the floor, but soon he withdraws his gaze and runs after him in apprehension.

After all, tonight, they had no more time to waste giving sympathy to the murdered.

Miao Feichi Miao Gaojiang, two fast runners, dashed out first and entered the square to lure the deformed children away for a while, little Bai six took this opportunity to open the child carriage locked at the edge of the children's playground, Miao Gaojiang came with Liu Jiayi on his back, the two ran panting and got into the car, while little Muke...

Little Muke hissed with his legs crossed over the walker and his eyes tearing up as he ran with his feet bent: " Bai six, drive faster! Stop fucking calling! The kid behind me is catching up!"

The little Bai six was in the driver's seat. The toy car was already not fast, and with four children crammed into it, except for Liu Jiayi who was a little lighter, the others were teenagers and not light at all, so they drove even slower, almost languishing.

The deformed children behind them were enjoying the chase, laughing, dragging their feet on the ground or crawling on all fours, and were about to catch up with the little Bai six, but the moment the gleeful deformed children reached out to touch the little Bai six on the toy car, a flame of black smoke erupted from the car.

The black smoke boils and rolls upwards, churning out a myriad of hissing and clawing charred corpses that look like smoke and seem real, a mixture of illusion and illusion, as they roar and spew forth a blazing fire from their mouths to chase away the deformed children running towards them.

[System Alert: Player Bai Liu's secondary identity line uses a prop (Passenger's Blessing) to ride in a vehicle where the spirits of these passengers will help you drive away other monsters]

The monstrous children, frightened, chattered and scattered, but remained at a distance, wary, curious and reluctant, following the little Bai six.

Little Muke, who was screaming his heart out and tearing up, burped in surprise at the sight, and little Bai six, with one hand on the child's mobile phone and the other on the steering wheel of his toy car, said into the receiver with a quiet, bemused look, "Hello, Bai Liu, how are you?"

It was silent there - no one answered his call.

Little Bai six was still dialing, he hadn't heard Bai Liu's voice for fifteen minutes, after that brief call at 9.15am.

He quickly tapped on the system panel and found that Bai Liu's life had slipped from 6 to 3 in the few minutes that he had just escaped in his car, and was still slipping at an alarming rate, with values jumping across the board in a dazzling fashion.

In particular, the stamina level is almost only full and empty, and personal skills are used more like a frenzy of desperation.

The system coin kept vibrating, popping up this various red warning boxes and prompts.

From the orphanage's it was possible to see the private hospital building across the street. little Bai six looked up at the dark and dreary building that seemed to be eating him, his eyes darkly reflecting the other building he was in, his lips tightly pursed.

Suddenly, the orphanage behind little Bai six lights up and there is a panicked scream from a teacher: "A child has knocked out the teacher and run away!"

It was as if all the lights in the orphanage were voice-activated, brightened by the scream, and the teachers stood by the windows with sullen, terrified faces, their shadows pulled back by the light, like [long, thin ghostly shadows] eerily watching the disobedient, runaway children through the windows.

In this moment, these teachers seem to have shed their daytime veneer of kindness and friendliness and become the same monsters as the hospital investors.

"Get them back!" The Director's voice rang out impermeably and somberly through the radio loudspeaker throughout the orphanage as she roared like a hysterical, controlling parent, "Get those kids who tried to run away and punish them severely! Drown the lead child in the baptismal font!"

Published at: 03/19/2022 05:10