Chapter 95: University

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

"Why do you want to learn this..."

Tan Mo said, but when he finished asking, he suddenly felt he had asked a nonsense question.

There is only one reason for this, because of him.

Tan Mo didn't know what to feel, whether it was emotion, joy or sorrow.

After a long moment of silence, Tan Mo squeezed Qiao Lan's hand and whispered, "No need for that."

No need to give up what you like for him and force yourself to accept these things that were not expected.

"Don't do this for me, just learn what you like", Tan Mo said.

Qiao Lan laughed and said, "I'm loving this right now."

Tan Mo was silent, Qiao Lan closed her book and walked over to sit next to Tan Mo, holding Tan Mo's hand, "I said I wanted to study finance because I was interested in stock speculation, and you are now speculating in stocks, so you know better than I do that studying finance at university actually has little to do with stock speculation, even if I want to try it later, you can teach me, right? Isn't that right?"

When Tan Mo did not speak, Qiao Lan could only continue.

"The idea of studying psychology isn't a recent one, it's been on my mind for almost a year now, and you wouldn't believe me if I said it wasn't for you, it's true that I want to study this because of you, but there's absolutely no need to feel like I'm giving anything up. I do find psychology interesting now, and I want to understand you better and care more about you by studying it, just like you purposely learned to speculate in stocks."

"I don't feel aggrieved at all, it's a blessing to go for someone you like."

It doesn't matter that you can't read everyone's expressions to express your feelings, I'll just learn and I'll try to read you.

Qiao Lan raised his hand and touched Tan Mo's cheek, "I'm so happy to be able to study a university major that is related to you, okay? What are you going to do?"

Tan Mo stared at Qiao Lan for a long time before finally resting his eyes on the computer.


Tan Mo has an excellent memory and has been sensitive to numbers since he was a child, so a major in mathematics would suit him best.

Qiao Lan thought about it and said, "You studied maths to continue to speculate in the stock market, and you did it because of me, so rounding up means you studied it because of me too."

Tan Mo: ...something isn't quite right, but it doesn't seem wrong.

"So that's right!"

Qiao Lan clapped her hands together and said, "You see I studied my major because of you and you studied yours because of me, isn't that fair?"

How is that fair? Although I started out with speculation because of you, later it was because I liked it.

Does Qiao Lan like psychology? Tan Mo doesn't know.

But whether Tan Mo knows it or not, since Qiao Lan has made his decision, Tan Mo can't care.

Finally, Qiao Lan and Tan Mo's scores were so high that they were among the first to be accepted, much earlier than the other students.

Tan Mo's major was normal, but when he saw Qiao Lan's major, even the class teacher thought Qiao Lan had chosen the wrong one.

"That's right," Qiao Lan explained, "that's the first volunteer."

"Why do you want to study this all of a sudden", Bai Yu said, "I thought you wanted to study finance before?"

"You said earlier you wanted to study law, now why did you go into management."


That's true.

Many students do not choose the major they had previously thought about studying, after all, when they were at school they knew so little about the major that many of them just said it off the top of their heads.

I just think Qiao Lan is a bit of a biased major.

"Although I didn't get into the same city, but it's not far away, I can get there in an hour by high speed train, I'll definitely go over to you when I have time on the weekend", Bai Yu said, "By the way, do you and Tan Mo live at school or are you living outside?"

Bai Yu is one of the few people who knows that Qiao Lan is living in Tan Mo's house today. He knows that Qiao Lan and Tan Mo have already met their parents and that Tan Mo's family is so well off that it is perfectly normal for them to rent or even buy a house outside their home.

Mostly, Bai Yu couldn't imagine Tan Mo living in a dormitory with other people.

It was probably because he had known Tan Mo for two years and Tan Mo had no friends other than Qiao Lan, so Bai Yu could not imagine that he was close to anyone else, even living under the same roof.

Qiao Lan hadn't thought of this problem yet, as she had been practicing every day recently, Qiao Lan was full of traffic rules and braking in gear.

The plan was to go with Tan Mo to learn how to drive, but Tan Mo was not old enough to learn and get a driving license, so Qiao Lan learned from Tan Mo and watched.

At first, Qiao Lan was worried that she would be scolded for not learning well, after all, people on the internet often say that driving instructors teach people one thing after another, but Uncle Chan directly enrolled Qiao Lan in the VIP class.

Qiao Lan was under even more pressure, fearing that she would be missing out on the money Uncle Chan had spent, so she had to give 200% of her attention to her driving lessons every day.

Now that Bai Yu is talking about living at school or not, Qiao Lan naturally wants to live at school, not because of herself but because of Tan Mo, who still needs to integrate into the community.

Although she will always be there for him, she cannot replace all of them. Tan Mo also needs to have like-minded friends, especially of the same sex.

Peking University is one of the highest institutions in the country, and the students who go there are all excellent and generally high quality, and in that environment Tan Mo might actually make good friends.

This is what Qiao Lan is looking forward to.

Tan Mo has never lived under the same roof as a stranger, and Tan Mo's Asperger syndrome is always a concern.

Qiao Lan shook his lips, this was something he still had to discuss with Tan Mo.

Qiao Lan searched for Tan Mo, who was not sure what she wanted, before she saw her class teacher, who was tingling, and Tan Mo, who was indifferent.

Upon asking, I found out that with all the provincial results out, the top students from each province in National Paper 1 emerged one after another, but Tan Mo still held on to the top title.

All the top students in arts and science were interviewed and then photographed, and the class teacher thought it was important to take more photos of Tan Mo, who was so good at his studies and so handsome.

As a result, Tan Mo was not even interviewed, let alone photographed.

When the class teacher saw Qiao Lan coming, her eyes lit up and she asked her to persuade Tan Mo.

Qiao Lan is totally on her boyfriend's side.

"No more interviews then," Qiao Lan said, "he doesn't like it."

With the recent release of the gaokao results, there has been an endless stream of online talk about the gaokao, at first from the celebrities who took it, and later from these gaokao toppers.

Tan Mo has never paid attention to these things, so she didn't know, but Qiao Lan had read about it. When the amazingly high score of 738 came out, many people were discussing it on the internet, and the comments below actually had a blurb from a student of the attached school, claiming to be a student of the same school, saying a lot of things that were not true.

Qiao Lan also enjoys reading comments that praise Tan Mo's awesomeness and say he has a good name, but hates to see the schoolboys who go around scientifically.

In particular, someone wrote about Tan Mo's former inability to stand up after a leg injury, which many people found inspiring, but Qiao Lan still felt uncomfortable watching it.

So at the end of the day, Tan Mo didn't give an interview either, and the reporter had no choice but to interview the class teacher and a few very gossipy students.

Qiao Lan searched a few related news articles and found that Tan Mo was a genius, excelling in science and topping his class even when he didn't pay much attention, and then, as expected, he mentioned Tan Mo's inability to stand up.

The news, especially when it comes to positive characters like Tan Mo, always likes to highlight his hardships, and then through the hardships, his difficulties, just like chicken soup for the soul.

The news is not about other students' gossip, such as the fact that Tan Mo doesn't really listen to lectures, that he doesn't listen to lectures at all, and that Tan Mo has a Bentley to drive him around every day while he studies and falls in love.

After all, this is considered negative news and does not fit into this type of positive news.

In the past two days, there have been a lot of hot searches for high-faced students.

The good news is that Tan Mo was not interviewed, was not photographed and was not allowed to use his own portrait, and no photos of Tan Mo were found online, so the buzz was not too high.

The three-month summer holiday seemed long, but it went by very quickly. Qiao Lan was given a bonus of $250,000, and with the dividends from Tan Mo's stock trading, Qiao Lan felt like a rich woman. On top of that, Qiao Lan had managed to get her driving licence, and Tan Mo was still a month away from her 18th birthday.

Qiao Lan Tan Mo and Uncle Chan had a long discussion about living at school, but finally decided to live at school first, and if Tan Mo didn't like it or didn't fit in, then they would move out.

At the beginning of September, Qiao Lan and Tan Mo boarded a flight to the capital together, stayed in a hotel outside the school for two days and went for a walk around the neighbourhood and the school a day before.

The school hasn't officially started orientation yet, but the atmosphere on campus is already buzzing.

Qiao Lan pointed to the sign that had been erected on the boulevard in front of him and said hesitantly, "I'd better accompany you to register tomorrow."

Uncle Chan Aunt Chan didn't come this time, so we couldn't let the two old people help them with their luggage, and Qiao Lan and Tan Mo had very little stuff with them.

But there are already so many people today, and tomorrow there will be even more.

Tan Mo rubbed Qiao Lan's hair, "I'll be an adult next month, don't always treat me like a child."

"Okay," Qiao Lan could only nod, "then tomorrow we'll split up and I'll come back to you after we've signed up."

Published at: 12/17/2021 16:00