Chapter 88: Drinking

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Qiao Lan was far more relaxed after the exam than she had been during the previous one.

It turns out that relying on one person, with someone behind you who can be seen when you turn your head, feels like this.

Once upon a time, Qiao Lan and all the other students around her finished their exams together and went back to their homes to enjoy the three-month-long holiday. Most of the students were relaxed and happy, not worrying about their future university, not worrying that they would have no place to go once they graduated, everyone had a home and a pair of parents behind them.

Qiao Lan remembers being the last graduate to leave school and the busiest graduate that summer, as she began her busy job search on the first day after her entrance exams.

What would have happened if we hadn't met Tan Mo this time?

It is still, by and large, the same busy life it once was, perhaps even more difficult, both to make money and to avoid the vampire-like Qiao Family people.

But everything is different now. Qiao Lan still has no parents, but she has a home and someone to love.

Qiao Lan doesn't know if she relies on Tan Mo too much or if the security Tan Mo gives her is so real that it can make Qiao Lan feel so secure that she can go to a casual dinner like the rest of her classmates and not have to live so much during the three-month long holidays.

When I opened WeChat, the messages on my phone never stopped, and Xiang Xiaohan's message to Qiao Lan had long been suppressed by others.

As a top student, Qiao Lan was at her best at this time, although there were Bai Yu who were not so sure about the answer after the exam, but there were also those who were not sure about the answer after the exam, and Qiao Lan had many messages on her mobile phone from students asking what the question was.

What did you choose for the last multiple choice question in maths and was there a preposition used incorrectly in the English correction?

After all those who are not particularly well connected have finished replying, the remaining few who are well connected, Qiao Lan dislikes people while replying to the answers, after all, now that the exam is over, there is no way to change the answers if they are right or wrong, it is just as well, if they are not the same the ten days before the results come out should not be lived.

Pei Ning replied to Qiao Lan, saying that he understood this, but he just couldn't help it.

He also kept urging Qiao Lan to stop talking nonsense and give him the answer.

[I can't guarantee that mine is all right either]

[I don't expect you to get it all right, so can you help by asking your boyfriend?]

Qiao Lan: "......"

Tan Mo turned his head to look at Qiao Lan for a few moments, wondering who he was having such a good time talking to that he wasn't even talking to him.

"Bai Yu?" Tan Mo couldn't resist asking.

"No," Qiao Lan said with a smile, "Pei Ning , it's still for you."

Qiao Lan was about to give the phone to Tan Mo, then hesitated and deleted Xiang Xiaohan's message when Tan Mo wasn't looking, before giving the phone to Tan Mo.

Tan Mo takes Qiao Lan's phone and quickly taps his finger on it.

Three minutes later, Tan Mo returned the phone to Qiao Lan.

Qiao Lan was dumbfounded after reading it.

The difference between people and people is really big. The maths test was yesterday afternoon, and I still remember the answers to the big questions, but the answers to the multiple choice questions Qiao Lan only remember the last two.

But Tan Mo remembered clearly that Pei Ning was annoyed by all the questions, and Tan Mo sent all the multiple-choice questions and the answers to the big questions that could be used to arrive at an accurate result, except for the proof questions.

Pei Ning drops the phrase [it's still the big man who's powerful] and quickly runs away, a perfect example of Qiao Lan's role as a tool.

Qiao Lan :......

A few minutes later, however, Pei Ning sent another cautious message asking Qiao Lan if she was sure this was the answer to the last fill-in-the-blank question.

You don't even have to think about it to know that the answer to Pei Ning's question is not the same as Tan Mo's.

Qiao Lan was happy and turned to Tan Mo and said, "Let's just say we should never correct the answers after the test, it will affect our mood, just have fun while the results are still fresh."

Uncle Chan, who was sitting in front of us, agreed, "Rest up after the exams, what is LanLan going to do for the holidays?"

"I don't know", Qiao Lan shook her head, she really didn't know, she didn't have to work as hard as she used to, Qiao Lan was still a bit confused, after a moment of confusion she turned to Tan Mo and asked what she was going to do.

Tan Mo has been thinking about it for a long time and the holiday planning is simple.

Learn to drive and get a driving licence, then follow up with speculation.

When it comes to stock trading, Qiao Lan is interested.

"Earlier I asked you how your stock speculation was going and you said it was okay, so what about now?"

Tan Mo looked sideways at Qiao Lan and smiled, but his eyes didn't hold back from lighting up like a child who has scored full marks on a test and is ready to teach the paper to his parents, "Guess how much your 10,000 is now."

A principal of $10,000 for a little over a year...

Qiao Lan had studied a little bit before, when I heard that one of the teachers at the school invested 20,000 yuan and became 60,000 yuan after one year, which is very, very good.

But Qiao Lan was so confident in Tan Mo that he took Tan Mo to a higher level.

Others 20,000 to 60,000, Tan Mo 10,000 if...

"Fifty thousand?"

Qiao Lan asks tentatively.

The corners of Tan Mo's lips lifted and she didn't say anything, letting Qiao Lan guess for a long time before saying helplessly, "Do you never look at your bank card balance, not afraid that I'll lose it all?"

"If it's gone, it's gone," laughs Qiao Lan, whose money was a waste of Tan Mo's money in the first place.

Qiao Lan hasn't checked her balance since she handed over her bank card to Tan Mo. She remembers exactly how much she spends each month, so even without looking at her balance, she can pretty much tell how much is left, but Tan Mo says so now.

Qiao Lan downloaded the mobile app, which led to her logging in and clicking on her card number.

After clicking in, Qiao Lan looked at the numbers on the screen and was confused for a long time, then silently backed out of the software and re-entered it again.

Frozen, he turned his head to Tan Mo and

"It really wasn't you who secretly transferred the money to me?"

I don't blame Qiao Lan for not believing it. A capital of $10,000 has turned into $310,000 in just over a year, it's magic!

"No," Tan Mo shook his head and looked at Qiao Lan with narrowed eyes, "is this a case of not trusting my skills, or not trusting my credibility?"

Qiao Lan: "...I can't believe I can have such an awesome boyfriend."

It's really, really scary!

Qiao Lan really has some doubts, is Qiao Lan really just a supporting actor? Even Chen Yaoyang, the hero of this book, couldn't do what Tan Mo does.

When I first read the novel, I was so in love with Tan Mo that Qiao Lan abandoned the book after Tan Mo's death.

But no matter what happens to Chen Yaoyang, as long as Tan Mo is safe and sound, Qiao Lan is absolutely sure that Tan Mo will be able to live more like the hero than Chen Yaoyang.

Qiao Lan has a lot on his mind, but Tan Mo is simple and this awesome boyfriend is successfully entertained.

After hearing Qiao Lan's admiration for the stock market god, Tan Mo had the idea to speculate in the stock market, and now after hearing Qiao Lan's words, Tan Mo feels that everything is worthwhile.

Qiao Lan swears she was just curious.

"Apart from my little ten thousand, which you put in yourself, how much is it now?"

Tan Mo thought for a moment before whispering in Qiao Lan's ear, "It's enough if I feed you."

Qiao Lan: "......???"

Forget it, Qiao Lan, I'm not going to ask.

She had sometimes felt like she had come here to meet Tan Mo as a dream, but after this moment it felt even more like a dream, that there was really such a brilliant and talented young man in the world, who was also her boyfriend.

When he got home, Tan Father called Tan Mo to celebrate Tan Mo's graduation, but Tan Mo refused, so Tan Father had to wait until Tan Mo's exam results came out to celebrate.

When I opened WeChat, the class leader had repeatedly @ the whole team, stressing that everyone must be there tomorrow, and after the @, he even asked Qiao Lan to bring Tan Mo to the class.

Even the class teacher has started to ask her about Tan Mo in a more open manner.

Qiao Lan repeatedly promised that one of the two would be there tomorrow, and the phone finally calmed down.

The next day, Qiao Lan woke up almost at noon, having never slept so soundly, and woke up in a daze to Tan Mo sitting on the sofa reading a book.

After a quick look in the mirror, I found that apart from my hair, which was slightly dishevelled, my face was still in good shape.

That was a relief, and I started to wash my face and brush my teeth.

When Tan Mo outside understood why Qiao Lan had rushed into hiding, she couldn't help smiling, although the tips of her ears were a little red.

He not only entered the room, but also sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Qiao Lan for a long time, and finally saw Qiao Lan's long, thin legs exposed by the heat.

When they left the room, Qiao Lan's long, thin, white legs were still dangling in front of her eyes.

Really beautiful.

It just looks...and feels so good in the hand...

He just thought about it that way, just thought it was nice to touch...didn't think much of it...

When Qiao Lan came out, he saw Tan Mo sitting on the sofa, wondering what he was thinking.

"What are you thinking about, you're blushing."

"," Tan Mo turned her cheek away and then changed the subject not so naturally, "what time do we go over there this afternoon, Uncle Chan Aunt Chan is not at home these two days, we have to find our way there ourselves. "

"We'll be at the hotel at five, and we'll leave at four," Qiao Lan said, "so we can take a break after eating."

Tan Mo thought about it and stood up and said, "No more breaks, let's go outside and finish eating and take you somewhere afterwards."

Two hours later, Qiao Lan, who had finished her meal, was taken into the mall by Tan Mo.

Another hour later, Tan Mo and Qiao Lan emerged from the mall in good spirits, the two of them dressed as a beautiful couple in extraordinarily harmonious outfits.

It's so hard to finally graduate and finally deliberately show off your love in a proper way.

Tan Mo was not looking forward to the meal, but he found it a bit more interesting.

By the time the two showed up at the restaurant on time, Tan Mo was satisfied to hear all sorts of "crap" and sighs of choking on dog food from all directions.

"That's enough of you!"

"No more food! The dog food is full already!"

The class teacher, who had previously been holding Qiao Lan Tan Mo for thoughtfulness, finally smiled happily this time and patted Qiao Lan on the shoulder, "Very good, very good."

After briefly speaking to everyone, the class teacher then stood up, "Quiet, class, let me say a few words!"

The crowd laughed out loud, usually afraid of the class teacher, but now that they had graduated, they weren't so afraid anymore.

The class teacher laughed and scolded a few of the skinniest students before saying, "The college entrance exams are finally over, everyone has worked hard for three years, no matter what the result is at the end of the day, everyone has worked hard and that's the best."


A few boys yelled out, and the crowd laughed for a good half day before the class teacher continued, "The college entrance exams are over, and in another ten or twenty days, your volunteering will be over, and then you will have to leave your hometown and run across the country. I am very happy for you and for myself, and my mission will be completed by that time."

The crowd gradually fell silent, and the class teacher's voice took on a slight tone of emotion and sadness.

"I know I was usually too mean to you, but I don't regret it at all. Now that you have graduated, it's time for me as a teacher to let go, I can't control you anymore, you all have to go on your own in your life in the future. you will all be better off than you are now."

"I know you guys are going to continue playing somewhere else later, so the teacher won't follow you, I can't let go of you over there and you can't play to your heart's content, so let's drink now!"

The crowd took up their glasses and some boys shouted if they could have a drink.

"Since we're all adults, we can drink if we want to", the class teacher didn't hold everyone back this time, "If you've had too much to drink, go back to bed early and don't go crazy! Class monitor, you'll be watching!"

On hearing this the squad leader stood up and said he promised to finish the job, then replaced the beer in his glass with a Sprite.

The class teacher laughed again at this.

Before leaving, he urged everyone to remember to tweet him when they got back in the evening to report their safety.

Only after the class teacher left did everyone start to let loose and play, those who hadn't eaten enough went on to eat and those who had eaten enough moved on to the ktv next door.

Qiao Lan and Tan Mo ate slowly, mainly because Qiao Lan didn't want Tan Mo to go to ktv, Tan Mo's hearing is much better than normal people, so it's better to avoid such occasions. So Qiao Lan ate very slowly, and when they finished eating, they walked around the area to cool off, before finally being pushed by Bai Yu to go to ktv.

The ktv there had been singing for almost an hour.

When Qiao Lan and Tan Mo pushed the door in, the place was already a mass of demons.

Qiao Lan pulled Tan Mo to sit away from the speakers and sat in a pile with some of the lesser singers, chatting and eating fruit, leaving space for Bai Yu and the rest of the moshers.

Qiao Lan wanted to sit in peace, but someone wouldn't let her.

Ten minutes later, Hao Ying brought over a crate of beer and sat down on a small square pier directly opposite Qiao Lan and Tan Mo and confronted Tan Mo.


Published at: 12/10/2021 16:00