Chapter 29: Feeding

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Tan Mo says if you don't like it, throw it away.

An onlooker might say that as a threat, but he wasn't at all, that's what he thought.

I brought it to you on purpose, and since you don't like it, you can throw it away.

Qiao Lan looked at the motionless teenager in front of her and suddenly felt a little powerless.

It's not that she doesn't like it, she just can't accept it.

It is because Tan Mo understands Tan Mo's good intentions that he refuses, but for Tan Mo, he does not understand the intention behind Qiao Lan's refusal, that refusal is a sign of dislike, a sign of fractiousness, a sign of a bad relationship.

Qiao Lan glanced at the adolescent's obstinate side, sighed silently and opened the box.

The ingredients of the congee were matched by the nutritionist and the good taste was made by Aunt Chan who has been looking after Tan Mo. Although almost everyone in the class was eating breakfast during the morning study period, when the box was opened, the smell still made the students sitting behind Qiao Lan Tan Mo look over curiously.

Tan Mo's cold, grim face finally regained its composure as he saw Qiao Lan finally open the box and turn around again.

"Is it good," Tan Mo asks Qiao Lan.

Qiao Lan took another bite and replied genuinely, "It's exceptionally good."

Tan Mo was in such a good mood that the anger she had just felt was forgotten in an instant.

Qiao Lan washed the small lunch box after eating and put it away when she returned to class. After thanking Tan Mo, she thought about it and said to Tan Mo, "I eat breakfast every morning, so there's really no need to bring me breakfast."

Tan Mo stared at the little pendant that moved around her neck and gave an obedient "hmm" as if she had been told.

Qiao Lan was relieved when the next day, instead of breakfast, Tan Mo, who had clearly promised him yesterday, brought fresh fruit in a glass box with a carton of still-warm milk.

Qiao Lan.

The third day was another breakfast, this time instead of seafood porridge, it was lean pork porridge with a carton of milk.

"I really did eat breakfast already," Qiao Lan said seriously, adding, "and a lot of it."

Tan Mo thought about it, "Tomorrow morning, then, eat less."

He brings all the high protein stuff, which is much better than what Qiao Lan himself eats.

Qiao Lan ate less breakfast so that he could eat more of the nutritious meals he brought with him.

Qiao Lan, who could not be persuaded, could not think of any other way out.

If you don't succeed in refusing once, then you can't succeed in refusing later.

Qiao Lan inexplicably began a routine of being fed, and Tan Mo even found pleasure in the daily feeding, which later intensified.

For example, one day, in addition to the nutritional meal, there will be a few more lemon slices in your cup, two beautiful oranges in the table hole, a neatly arranged box of small tomatoes or peeled walnuts, or even a nutritional product that you don't even know in English.

Tan Mo is happy to do so.

As each day passes, he slowly discovers Qiao Lan's food preferences, what he likes to eat and what he dislikes relatively, and it's all very interesting to him.

But there were some things that Qiao Lan was determined not to accept, such as the nutritional products that he had someone buy from abroad, which Qiao Lan did not want, but Uncle Chan gave him an idea.

Qiao Lan goes downstairs to fetch a jug of water and returns to the table with a bottle of nutrient solution with a small straw already in place, in addition to the usual breakfast.

Qiao Lan.

Although Tan Mo didn't quite understand the difference, Uncle Chan's method proved to be very effective.

As time passed, not only the two students sitting behind Qiao Lan, but also Pei Ning and Qin Yang, who sat a little further away but often looked over at Qiao Lan, inevitably noticed something.

"Tan Mo used to ignore Qiao Lan, but now he seems to be treating him well?"

"It's not quite good anywhere, it's as good as it gets."

Tan Mo occasionally hears people talking, and hears from others that they feel even better about being nice to Qiao Lan than he does about being nice to her himself.

Qiao Lan gradually became numb from her initial resolute resistance to her later ineffective resistance.

The temperature outside had already dropped to several degrees below zero, and it was cold enough to make people shiver when they went out to get hot water.

When Qiao Lan returns to his seat, he sees Tan Mo pulling out the familiar little bottle, his pale fingers holding a small straw. It was so cold outside that he never wore gloves, and although he didn't feel the cold, his fingers had actually frozen.

Qiao Lan put down the water bottle and said, "I'll do it," and reached out to take the bottle from Tan Mo's hand, but accidentally touched Tan Mo's finger.

Qiao Lan's hands weren't too hot when he went out, but when he accidentally touched Tan Mo's fingers, he could still feel the temperature of Tan Mo's ice-like fingers.

Qiao Lan's hands moved, his eyes fell on Tan Mo's stiff fingers, and after a moment of silence, he pulled the scarf off his neck, grabbed Tan Mo's arms before he could react, and wrapped his hands in the scarf, "Why don't you wear gloves? It's freezing like a block of ice."

Tan Mo didn't react from the moment he was grabbed by Qiao Lan's arm until he was released again.

The soft white furry scarf, tinged with the warmth of the girl's neck, was still warm, and Tan Mo's unconscious hands, little by little, finally woke up inside the scarf and became less stiff.

He moved his fingers in a dazed manner, and only after a long moment did he suddenly realise, in retrospect, where the warmth in his hand was coming from, and looked up at Qiao Lan's neck.

Even the tips of the ears, for some reason, suddenly burned uncontrollably, as they once did in the hospital after the doctor had given them a light prick.

"Not cold anymore, are you", the girl asked him with a smile, and Tan Mo nodded mechanically.

"It's not cold."

In fact, he didn't even feel the cold.

"Although you are not very sensitive to temperature, you should still wear thicker clothes."

Qiao Lan is still talking and Tan Mo can't help but look over at the girl, the scarf has been returned to Qiao Lan, but the warmth is still on her hands.

When class started, even the maths teacher standing at the lectern noticed.

The blackboard is here, not on Qiao Lan's face. Even if Tan Mo doesn't have to look at the blackboard every day when he doesn't listen to the lecture, it's a nuisance to others, isn't it?

A roll call focused the attention of all the students on Tan Mo, and Tan Mo's eyes retracted, instantly transforming back into the expressionless, cold teenager.

The teenager was in a wheelchair and did not have to stand up like the other students when they were called upon. He looked at the maths teacher with a cold gaze, half feeling that he had done something wrong, and even that the maths teacher was a bit annoying and intrusive.

The maths teacher nodded at the board with no good grace, "This question, how do you solve it."

A large number of students in the class were confused as to why Tan Mo was suddenly called and told to answer the question, but the question was really difficult and was one that the maths teacher had written on the board for a special talk.

Tan Mo picked up a pen with a cold face, scribbled in his notebook and spoke after half a minute.

Qiao Lan had just read the question and thought it would take a lot of steps to complete it, but Tan Mo gave the answer in a few sentences, interspersed with formulas that were not part of high school knowledge.

The maths teacher stood at the lectern, frowning as he listened and then joined in the discussion with Tan Mo.

Qiao Lan was able to keep up at least until her sophomore year, but the rest of the class couldn't. The whole class looked at Tan Mo and the maths teacher in confusion, sighing that we mortals couldn't understand the conversation.

Everyone was just amazed by Tan Mo's amazing exam results before. This was the first time Tan Mo showed an unusual side of himself in front of everyone, and by the time Tan Mo finished his answers, many students looked at Tan Mo with a slightly disoriented look in their eyes.

Qiao Lan looks at Tan Mo like this and somehow feels a little lighter in his face.

Tan Mo turned his head to see Qiao Lan looking at him, and suddenly averted his eyes as if he had thought of something.

So it was time for the final exams of the semester. This time, the final exams were finally written by our teachers themselves and would not be as difficult and perverse as last time, which was a relief to the students.

In the days before, there was a lot of talk in the class and even in other classes about how many perfect scores Tan Mo would get this time and how many points Tan Mo would pull away from the second place.

In addition, there was a discussion about who could have done better this time, Qiao Lan or Chen Yaoyang.

Qiao Lan was aware of the speculation, but was quite confident this time compared to the last monthly exam.

Nothing else, but Tan Mo taught her physics by hand for a month.

Before Qiao Lan wore the book, she didn't like maths very much in her first year of high school, and her performance in maths was only average.

A good teacher can completely transform a student.

Qiao Lan started to enjoy maths at that time. She spent more time on maths because she liked it, and gradually discovered the fun of it, and later on she was always very good at it.

It used to be maths, so now it's roughly physics.

Before, Qiao Lan had been studying by rote and brushing up on her physics, but after Tan Mo taught her for about 20 days, Qiao Lan gradually got the hang of it.

Qiao Lan couldn't help but feel that she wasn't completely untalented in physics, but that she hadn't found a way.

Having been most worried about physics in the past, Qiao Lan is now looking forward to the exams and wants to see how the recent results are going.

The exams in the senior school are staggered, with senior one being the first, then senior two, and finally senior three. I heard that senior three will have to make up some time after the exams, until the 28th of the Chinese New Year.

It was snowing again on the day of the senior exams, and as there was no morning exercise, all the students came to school at different times. Qiao Lan saw Tan Mo still dressed in thin clothes and looked at his gloveless hands, ran over to greet Uncle Chan and said to Tan Mo, "I'll push you in.

The weather was already cold, and now it's snowing, so Tan Mo is pushing his wheelchair by himself.

Last time Qiao Lan told Tan Mo to wear gloves, but Tan Mo never did.

Tan Mo looked at Qiao Lan and did not refuse. Uncle Chan smiled and watched Qiao Lan and Tan Mo go away, then his mobile phone rang before he hurried back to answer the phone.

Qiao Lan pushed Tan Mo in the direction of the school building, and the students passing by inevitably gave him a second glance.

It's always too much trouble to go out in the winter and Tan Mo doesn't like to go out himself. He enjoys sitting alone in his room all day reading a book, which to the casual observer is boring but to him it's fun.

He recently found another great book, a general history of world history, in pure English.

It's a great set, and although Tan Mo doesn't agree with some of the ideas, it takes away from how great the book is, and Tan Mo suddenly wants Qiao Lan to read it too, he thinks Qiao Lan would like it too, and it would give them more common language.

The only thing is that this set is in English only, so you can search for a translation when you get home and bring it to Qiao Lan when you go to the Western restaurant after the exam.

As a result, before Tan Mo could buy the translation book and finish the last part of the exam, Uncle Chan found the school and took him out of the exam hall, telling him that his grandfather was not feeling well, so he had to fly to the United States immediately.

Tan Mo followed his mother to the United States because the medical technology was better there and because his grandparents were also in the United States and she was close to them, taking him to spend a day with them almost every weekend.

The two elderly men feel for their daughter who is divorced at a young age, but for Tan Mo in general, because of Tan Father's betrayal of his marriage and because Tan Mo has dragged his daughter down for so many years.

So for Tan Mo, grandparents are not as close as Uncle Chan Aunt Chan.

But despite this, Tan Mo did not refuse.

To him, the two old men were not the closest people to him, but to his late mother they were, and when she was still alive she always told him to honour his grandparents when he grew up.

Tan Mo was rushed to the airport by Uncle Chan before he even finished his last language exam, and as Tan Mo looked out of the car window at the speeding snow, he felt he had forgotten something.

The exam wasn't finished, Tan Mo didn't care at all, so what the hell was it.

It wasn't until he arrived at the airport that Tan Mo suddenly remembered that he hadn't had the chance to tell Qiao Lan that yesterday he had even thought of giving her his favourite book to read during the winter holidays.

Now he has to go far away, but he hasn't even left Qiao Lan his contact details.

Uncle Chan took in Tan Mo's anxiety and asked him what was wrong, and Tan Mo was silent for a long time before he said, "She doesn't know I'm leaving."

Uncle Chan hadn't thought of this for a while, and while sighing that Qiao Lan was more important to Tan Mo than he thought, he came up with a solution.

"I'll text your homeroom teacher to give Qiao Lan your phone number so she can call you when it's winter break, okay?"

"She doesn't have a mobile phone," Tan Mo said.

"Even if Qiao Lan's family is in a difficult situation, it is unlikely that her parents don't have a mobile phone, as long as they have one they can always make a call or send a text message.

Tan Mo was silent for a moment and finally agreed.

By the time Tan Mo's plane had taken off, Qiao Lan had just finished her last language exam.

Qiao Lan is now a celebrity and comes to Tan Mo's classroom after every exam. The students sitting behind Tan Mo know who Qiao Lan is coming to see as soon as she enters.

"Tan Mo was halfway through his exam when someone came looking for him and left, in quite a hurry", explained a classmate and Qiao Lan.

Qiao Lan froze, thanked her classmates and walked out of the classroom.

It was someone who came to pick him up, so it wasn't Tan Mo who had a sudden health problem, which put Qiao Lan's mind at ease.

He left without even finishing his exams, so there should be some kind of emergency at home.

Qiao Lan is at a bit of a loss even if she wants to ask around. She doesn't have a mobile phone herself, and even if she did, she doesn't have Tan Mo's contact details.

After standing in the snow for a while, Qiao Lan picked up her school bag and left school.

After the final exams, the teachers had a day off and they were grading papers like crazy. Students started to enjoy the winter break early, waiting for a day off to come to school, not having to run morning exercises or go to morning study, just being able to arrive at school at 8:10 to listen to the teachers' papers.

When Qiao Lan arrived at the classroom, Tan Mo was still not there. Some people in the class were inevitably curious and asked around and found out that Tan Mo had left without finishing his last exam.

The focus of the students was not on why Tan Mo didn't turn up and left suddenly because of something, but on the fact that Tan Mo only got half a mark in the language and that would not have been able to keep up.

So the previous bet on how many points the first could pull in second this time was gone and it reverted to who would actually be first this time.

It was felt that even if Tan Mo was good, he might not be able to sit at the top with half a grade missing, and Qiao Lan and Chen Yaoyang were no slouches, and the paper was not as hard as the last one, so there was no way to get as many points as last time.

There was even a poll on the school's posting board, with all ten of the top ten people from the last exam on it. In the end, Chen Yaoyang came first with a small lead of 33%, Qiao Lan came second with 31%, and Tan Mo was pushed to third, with a small percentage of the others.

Many students thought that Qiao Lan had beaten Chen Yaoyang in the mid-term exam because Chen Yaoyang had not studied much, and after studying a little bit, he had tied with Qiao Lan.

Of course, if Tan Mo had taken the whole test, it would have been back in second.

The students in other classes were curious, and the students in Class 13 were even more excited. They were about to go on holiday and no one had the heart to listen to the lectures until the final report card came out, and they all came to life as if they had been hit with chicken blood.

Yelling, he rushed to the podium to open the campus network and went straight to the age rankings.

Even Chen Yaoyang is looking forward to it, after all he has been working hard for the longest time in his life.

But when they saw the name at the top of the page, they were all struck dumb as if they had been knocked to the ground again.

Read it once, think you've read it wrong, read it again, OK, that's right.

The name at the top is still Tan Mo.!!!?

Didn't you say you only got half of the language test?

Looking more closely at the results, it is true that I only got half way through the exam.

Because the language score was only 62, but even with only 62 points in the language, it was surprising to see that it still held on to the top spot with a total score of 1086.

Looking at this sick score, everyone went silent.

After a good half day everyone finally understood the truth that geniuses, even if they make a small mistake, are still a big step above the norm, just looking at a clear colour of full marks and smelling the tears.


Tan Mo was followed in second place by Qiao Lan, not Chen Yaoyang, who was the favourite.

This time it was not a tie, as Qiao Lan scored 17 points higher than Chen Yaoyang, relentlessly pushing Chen Yaoyang back into third place.

Many people thought that Qiao Lan did so well because he worked hard and Chen Yaoyang did well because he was smart, but now that Chen Yaoyang has failed to beat Qiao Lan three times in a row, some students have finally realised that Qiao Lan is actually smart too.

At first, many people thought that if Qiao Lan was top of the class, then they must be able to do the same, but after a semester, Qiao Lan was still at the top, but they were still the same.

It's not fun to fool yourself.

The other classes have turned from amazement to numbness at the fact that Class 13 has once again dominated the top three classes in their year, and they may be surprised to find that the top three classes have changed one day.

Class XIII once again took the highest marks in the year, and the class teacher happily sent the students away until he finally finished the work in hand and lay on the sofa at home, which suddenly reminded him of something.

Teng got up from the couch and found his phone and opened his text messages. After scrolling down several pages, he finally found the text message Uncle Chan had sent him many days ago.

The class teacher does not know the identity of this Uncle Chan, but every time Tan Mo is contacted, it is this old man who is approached.

Many days ago, on the day after his exams, this Uncle Chan called him to tell him that Tan Mo had to leave the country and finally asked him to pass on a phone number to Qiao Lan.

When they hung up the phone, the class teacher received a string of phone numbers.

The class teacher didn't know why, but she agreed, thinking at the time that the two children seemed to be on good terms.

He gave Uncle Chan a "yes" back, but then forgot about it in a flash because of other work.

Later on, when I was done, I remembered that I had forgotten to tell Qiao Lan this number.

Now I can't find Qiao Lan even if I want to, it's been a few days since the winter break.

But after agreeing to Uncle Chan, the class teacher mulled over the phone number of Qiao Lan's parents and sent a text message to Qiao Lan's parents, informing them of his identity and then asking them to pass it on to Qiao Lan.

Qiao's mother, who received the text message, stared at her phone for a long time.

The person claiming to be Qiao Lan's class teacher specifically texted her a series of phone numbers saying that it belonged to a student called something or other and asked her to pass it on to Qiao Lan.

Qiao's mother stared at the name she didn't know and was furious when she thought of Qiao Lan, who had done well in her exams this time.

Qiao Lan doesn't care about Qiao Yuan, and she doesn't bother to care about Qiao Lan. The text messages sent to her by her class teacher are lost to her.

At first, I didn't want to talk about it, and then, gradually, I forgot about it.

Qiao Lan didn't know what had happened. The winter of the year seemed to be extraordinarily cold, but unfortunately Qiao Lan didn't have time to feel it, as the New Year was approaching and everyone was on holiday, but Qiao Lan was getting busier and busier.

There is no respite for those who have no way back and no back to lean on.

Westerners don't celebrate New Year, but Western restaurants are still open during New Year's Eve, and even get busier as the year goes on. By the 27th day of the Lunar New Year, New Year's Eve and even the third day of the Lunar New Year are already booked out in advance. Some people can continue to work on New Year's Day, while others go home to their families, so the already busy restaurants are even more understaffed.

The owner's wife tried to persuade some of the waiters to stay with a salary that was several times higher than usual, but Qiao Lan decided in less than three seconds to stay and work in the shop after calculating the extra money she would earn in a few days during the New Year and thinking about the atmosphere of Qiao Family's New Year gathering.

Instead of looking at Qiao's grandmother, Qiao's mother, Qiao's second aunt and even Qiao Lu's mood-destroying face, it would be better to earn more money.

After all, there was still one more semester to go before her sophomore year, and when she started her evening classes in her sophomore year, she would not be able to do this job, and she had to prepare as much as possible for the next two years, and she could not guarantee that at some point Qiao's mother would not allow her to study or provide tuition.

On New Year's Day, Qiao Lan finally had a moment of rest after 2am, when the boss's wife treated her to a steak she had grilled herself, said Happy New Year and then said she could come back to work the next afternoon.

When Qiao Lan returned home, the Qiao Family had gone to bed and the house was a mess.

The light in the bathroom is soft but slightly dim, the face is slightly tired but not dishevelled, and the jade pendant around her neck has a clear sheen in the light.

Qiao Lan suddenly remembered Tan Mo.

I wonder where Tan Mo is now and what he is doing.

Halfway through the winter holidays and she hadn't seen the teenager for many days.

As her best friend since the book, she should have sent a text message on such a New Year's Eve, but unfortunately Tan Mo was in a hurry to leave and did not get Tan Mo's contact information.

Tan Mo's contact details

Qiao Lan was lying on his back when he suddenly thought of something and rolled out of bed.

She vaguely remembered that for the next three days, there seemed to be a reservation for Tan Mo's father in the western restaurant!

After a long day of work, Qiao Lan was quite sleepy, but when she suddenly thought of this, her sleepiness was gone and she was so energized that she wanted to go at dawn to make sure Tan Father's appointment was really available.

Qiao Lan was working the night shift last night and would just come back the next afternoon, but it was just after noon when Qiao Lan came over.

Qiao Lan went to the cashier's desk and found the reservation slips for the next few days, and finally saw the words Mr. Tan.

Qiao Lan sighs that it's a good thing Tan Mo's last name is Tan, because if his surname was Zhang, Li or Wang, she wouldn't know how to find him.

The surname Tan is so rare that Qiao Lan would not have known of it if he had not known Tan Mo.

Tan Mo's father has a reservation for 7:30 pm the day after tomorrow.

Tan Mo and Tan Father have been to the restaurant a few times before and Qiao Lan helped them order. Tan Mo also told Tan Father that she was Tan Mo's classmate, so Tan Father would ask for Tan Mo's mobile phone number when the time comes, and Tan Father would not fail to tell him, right?

Tan Mo, who lives twelve hours away from Qiao Lan's city, has been away since that day, and now the New Year has come. From the beginning when he thought Qiao Lan would give him a message as soon as he got his phone number, Uncle Chan reassured him that maybe Qiao Lan was too busy to take care of him, and that he would definitely wish him a happy New Year when it came.

From an unhappy start to an increasingly sombre one, Tan Mo spent just ten days learning a word he had never understood before.


Until the last bell of the New Year rang and the New Year passed, but the phone never received a message from the person he was hoping for.

That day he sat with his grandmother, Uncle Chan Aunt Chan, watching the Chinese New Year party. Tan Mo couldn't understand why the crowd on the TV was bursting into laughter after laughter, and he didn't have the heart to see what was on the party, while the others, because of Grandpa's condition, found it hard to smile on such a festive day.

It was long past nightfall in the country, but it was still bright here. Tan Mo rolled his wheelchair back to his room and sat alone in his wheelchair for the rest of the afternoon until nightfall too.

Uncle Chan came in carefully from the outside and, seeing the young man in this state, wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't. He left the room with a sigh.

He called the class teacher again to confirm that she had given the number to Qiao Lan's family, but Qiao Lan did not hear back at all.

Uncle Chan has lived for so many years and still feels that he can't be wrong about people. Qiao Lan's previous kindness to Tan Mo was definitely not fake.

So perhaps Qiao Lan was delayed by something? Or did Qiao Lan's family not give the number to Qiao Lan?

Uncle Chan couldn't figure it out either.

This New Year was not a happy one for Tan Mo's family.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Tan Mo's grandfather passed away.

Tan Mo sat in the hospital with her grandfather's white fingers in her eyes and inaudible cries in her ears.

There were a lot of people coming, and my mother had a brother and a sister and a brother. Tan Mo doesn't remember much about them, except that when he was very young, his great-uncle's cousin pushed him into the stairway and he rolled crying from the first floor to the first.

He cried in pain and his cousin, who was standing on the first floor, cried in fear.

But that was a long, long time ago, and everyone had grown up, and there were a dozen people standing in the room, and Tan Mo only knew a few of them sporadically.

Everyone was crying but him, and Tan Mo was like a different kind of person, out of place in this sad atmosphere.

The sound of crying penetrated into his ears, and even his nerves were inexplicably strained. Tan Mo looked at his grandfather's body in silence, and after a long time said to Uncle Chan, "Let's go."

Hospitals, doctors, dead people, he never wanted to see anything like that again that brought him to the verge of a mental breakdown.

He pushed his wheelchair out of the ward with an expressionless face, and as he left he heard someone in the ward say, "It's almost like the boy has no heart."

Tan Mo touched his heart in silence.

He could feel the heart beating.

Only he didn't feel anything, he couldn't feel the grief.

Uncle Chan's eyes dimmed and he followed quietly, looking at Tan Mo's thin back and wiping away another tear without holding back.

Uncle Chan bowed his head and prepared to push Tan Mo away when someone ran out behind him and questioned, "You can't even stand this for a moment?"

Can't remember who it was, can't remember which cousin it was, Tan Mo turned back, mostly to frown, but didn't know how to move his face, so he remained exactly as expressionless as usual.

"Is there anything else."

The young man looked at Tan Mo and thought he was unbelievable. His aunt had been right when she said Tan Mo had no heart.

"That's your grandfather in there, the one who took care of you since you were a child, and it doesn't bother you at all that he's gone? You don't even have the most basic manners now do you?"

Uncle Chan spoke up hastily, "Our young master is just having a hard time accepting this environment."

Tan Mo's biological father said he wanted to make up for his son and brought him back to his country, but he didn't have the time to find out, he just thought Tan Mo was simply autistic.

Tan Mo Do you like it?

Was he willing to be born a cold alternative who could not feel emotions?

He wants to be a normal person too, doesn't he.

Tan Mo doesn't feel it, but Uncle Chan does. He tries his best to make Tan Mo seem less aloof, to make him appear more often after Grandpa's death, but it doesn't seem to help, the older ones don't like him and the younger cousins are afraid of him.

Uncle Chan wanted to say too much, but Tan Mo blandly said, "He didn't take care of me."

The young man froze, "What?"

"It's my grandfather in there, but he didn't look after me", Tan Mo looked at Chen Lang , "Can I go now?"

Chen Lang stared at him blankly, watching Tan Mo's back fade away and cursing again in anger.

Cold-blooded, heartless, insane, and all the other words he had long been used to hearing.

Tan Mo lowered his eyelashes, it didn't matter, he was used to hearing it long ago.

"They actually said you were pathetic, you were pathetic? What do you pity? Even if you are pitiful, you must have something to hate, just the kind of person you are, cold, selfish and eccentric, no one can stand you, no one will love you, you just live your whole life alone in pity!"

Tan Mo's hand on the wheelchair suddenly clenched, and his mind buzzed as if someone had hit him with a heavy fist.

"He hits people, we don't want to play with him!"

"He's a madman, you ah all stay away from him."

"Growing up your father didn't want you, and your mother was dragged to her death by you and didn't want you."

"People like you, cold, selfish and eccentric, no one can stand you, no one will love you, you'll just be miserable and alone for the rest of your life!"

His mind roared, he couldn't hear anything that was being said, his eyes were black and he couldn't see anything but the evil words that had been left in the recesses of his memory that he didn't want to think about, taking over all his thoughts for a while.

His father didn't love him as a child, his mother had worked for him for over a decade, and the one person he thought he could trust didn't care about him at all

The fingers clutching the wheelchair were blue and white from too much force, and the phone rang at an inopportune moment.

Tan Mo, breathing unsteadily, looked down at the unfamiliar number on the top and picked up the phone.

"Hello," the noise continued, but the young girl's clear voice split the eardrums like a thunderclap.

"Hello," Qiao Lan's voice didn't sound very real on the other end of the line, "Tan Mo, is that you, what's wrong with you, do you have a cold, why do you sound a bit mute?"

Tan Mo froze in place with his phone.

After a long moment, he pressed the phone tightly against his cold cheek.

Published at: 10/12/2021 16:00