Chapter 13: Full Marks

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Qiao Lan is inexplicable.

But when the papers were found, I didn't care about the students behind me. I had two exams in one morning, so who was in the mood to care about the others.

And there was Qiao Lan's least confident physics in the morning.

However, when Qiao Lan got the paper and did it again without any problems, the heart that had been raised slowly fell back.

Qiao Lan has been studying more diligently than ever before, and with a good grounding in the past, the results are now far better than Qiao Lan could have imagined.

In the afternoon, we did well in Chemistry and Maths, but for Qiao Lan, who had already studied Advanced Maths, it was a bit easy.

Qiao Lan handed in her paper in a good mood, not hearing the boy who had asked her if she was good at maths today breathe a sigh of relief and say to the boys next to her that she was sure this time.

"The girl in front of me is massively quick with questions, so I'm sure I'll be fine if I go along with her choices this time."

When Hao Ying thought of his last monthly exam, he almost got beaten up by his father for not recognising his mother because he got such a low score in maths. He could only think of some devious ways. With his long hands and long feet, and his eyes not even a little nearsighted, he had managed to get all of Qiao Lan's multiple choice answers onto his own answer key when Qiao Lan didn't even know it.

I was relieved to be done with my maths exam, so I sighed to my friends next to me, but two girls looked at each other and hesitated for a few seconds before striking up a conversation with Hao Ying.

"That...classmate, you just said you copied the girl in front of you on the multiple choice fill-in-the-blank."

Hao Ying looked back at the two girls, he didn't know them, but he had a good personality and a good temper, he was a familiar face to anyone he met, let alone girls, and in a few words he enquired about the two girls' classes and then asked the two girls why they suddenly said this.

The girl said hastily, with a look of my heart for you.

"That girl in front of you is in our class, last time I took the last thirteenth place in my class in the monthly exam", the girl sighed, "worst in maths, sixty-six points on a hundred and fifty paper, copying her choices, it's really better to make it up yourself."

Hao Ying: ......

Suddenly gobsmacked.

After a long while she covered her head, "No, I asked her how she was doing in maths and she said she was okay."

"Top students and poor students have different standards of okay, ah, top students think it's okay to take a hundred and four, poor students might be okay to take seventy", the two girls said, "Really, don't ever copy her papers again."

Hao Ying's just ecstatic mood froze in an instant.

But still, good naturedly, I said thank you to the two girls.

I thought I'd finally get out of the beatings, but who would have thought I'd be in for it!

Hao Ying was still a bit disbelieving and thought that the two girls had just scared him on purpose, so he went back to look at the name of the girl sitting in front of him and then went to check his last exam results.

Each time the results are released by the Annexe, they are released by the whole school and each student can check the results of anyone through the campus website.

I found Senior 13 and looked from the top to the bottom and finally saw Qiao Lan's name at the very back.

Maths 66, Physics 68, Chemistry 79, English 82...

It's all 150 mark papers!

Hao Ying is devastated.

The last time I did a maths paper, I got 77, but this girl got 66. Where in the world did she get the confidence to say she was okay at maths?

For a moment, Hao Ying seemed to have seen what was in store for her as the results came in.

This time it's not the men's singles, maybe his parents will play together in the doubles, Hao Ying is covering his handsome face, which will probably break in a few days when the results come out.

If he could turn back the clock, he would not have copied the papers of the students in front of him, he would have answered the questions properly...

God he wanted to cry so badly.

When Qiao Lan came back to the classroom the next day, the big white teeth that were so bright yesterday were gone and the handsome man who looked like a celebrity looked like a battered aubergine, his eyes full of complaints and resentment when he saw him.

A handsome man with so many expressions every day is like an expression bag, which is too much to affect his face.

When she thought of this, Qiao Lan inexplicably thought of Tan Mo again.

Tan Mo's hair was so long that it covered his eyes and eyebrows, and he looked so gloomy and cold that even she could not see his face clearly, except once when he looked at Qiao Lan and Qiao Lan noticed that Tan Mo's eyes were light brown.

That's a good looking boy too.

The next few subjects, all of which Qiao Lan is very good at, were very easy compared to yesterday's Chemistry and Physics, and Qiao Lan even gave herself an estimate of her marks while sitting around.

Qiao Lan feels that she can still look forward to her overall results as she is worried about Physics.

On the way home, I met Qiao Lu again, who was talking to some girls next to her, and saw her chin raised high, unwilling to pay any attention to Qiao Lan, and turned her head to confront some girls next to her with her answer.

"What did you choose for the last multiple choice question in geography."

"I went with C."

"I chose D. C isn't right, isn't it? Didn't the teacher talk about...this question I can guarantee is definitely C."

Qiao Lu said it with such certainty that the two girls next to her wailed. Qiao Lan thought about the last question of geography, which is choice C, where is choice D.

Qiao Lu was still talking when a girl said that the maths was very difficult this time, but Qiao Lu said it was okay.

Qiao Lu's voice fades away with the sound of envy.


The next day was the same as usual, but all the teachers would not be teaching anything new for the two days, but would instead start working on the papers, a process that was intense and exciting for the students.

Qiao Lan's classmates cheered in English for a whole class and then started to wail in Maths.

When the class ended Song Yao and Chen Yaoyang were instantly packed with people.

"Song Yao , how did you do in maths this time?"

"Yaoyang , lend me the physics paper!"

"Yaoyang, can we keep the first place?"

Chen Yaoyang leaned back in his chair and laughed, "Pretty much."

The main reason for this is the fact that he is mainly relying on these doors to get points, and last time he relied on these doors to directly pull the second highest in age by almost 30 points.

This maths paper was more difficult than the last one and the pulling of marks will only get worse.

While the students were frantically assessing their marks, the teachers were working non-stop to correct their papers. The English teachers had the easiest time, as they were only responsible for correcting mistakes and essays, as the machines were used to correct the answer cards.

Mr. Liu is counting the English papers of the students in his two classes and is going to hand them in to the head of the teaching team later.

Mr. Liu is very proud of the fact that Mr. Liu's class 13 is doing very well in English, and the last tie score was the top one in the year, and the whole year said that there were three out of ten perfect scores in this class out of several classes.

Normally in English papers, even if the front is really all right, a mark or two will be deducted from the essay, but the head of year said there was no need to be fussy about giving students a certain amount of marks, and that if the essay was well written then it would be full marks.

Wouldn't that be more encouraging for those good students.

The results are now being posted one by one, and when I got to Song Yao, it was good, just like last time, full marks.

Waiting for Xue Yutong, 144, full marks lost.

The last course, Chen Yaoyang, was very good, and the top of the grade was worthy of the top of the grade, still full marks, still very, very good.

Mr. Liu sighed, this time the questions were difficult and it was normal that there was one less full mark than last time, but it was still a bit disappointing, there might not be a single full mark in other classes.

Without purposely looking for any more papers, the results were recorded one by one in order, only to have, suddenly, another paper with a perfect 150 appear!

Mr. Liu :!!!

There's actually one?


Pei Ning and Zhao Tong? The English of these students is fine.

At last the eyes fell on the name of this full mark paper.

Not just any imaginary person, but, Qiao Lan!

Mr. Liu was stunned.

Is it Qiao Lan?

He remembered that Qiao Lan's English score was just above average, and she had failed the last monthly exam, but this time she got a perfect score?

Mr. Liu found this unbelievable, but then he remembered that the last few times he had asked Qiao Lan to come in to dictate the words, Qiao Lan had got them all right, and when he was checking his recitation, Qiao Lan had recited them very quickly.

He was very pleased that the student was finally learning properly.

Mr. Liu thought Qiao Lan's result would improve this time, but he didn't expect it to be so much better, a perfect score! So, if you are willing to work hard, there is nothing you cannot do.

Even students who were not very good at their studies before can do wonders if they make good use of the time they have now!

Isn't Qiao Lan the proof?

So, this time, they still had three full marks in the class, Mr. Liu got excited and called the class rep over when the results were posted so that the class rep could discover the papers to go.

Qiao Lan's tablemate was so nervous that he and a few other students in front and behind him estimated their marks.

She got a very good grade in English, last time she got over 130, this time the questions were a little harder, I wonder if she can keep the hundred and thirty, just as she thought about it she heard the boys in the class yelling, " Song Yao Yao, full marks again!"

The table was a little jealous inside.

I heard that Song Yao had spent a year in the United States. Under such circumstances, Song Yao's English must have been much better than theirs, and she fell almost 20 points behind Song Yao's English in the last monthly exam.

This time, Song Yao got a hundred and fifty again, and she was not far behind Song Yao in other subjects, so she might not be able to beat Song Yao again this time.

The tablemate could not hide her disappointment, but the next moment her paper was handed out.

"Zhao Tong, one hundred and thirty-seven!"

"Wow, Zhao Tong is even taller than last time!"

The girls around her didn't do as well as Zhao Tong, and although Zhao Tong's paper wasn't a freakish score of 150, 137 was very high!

Definitely in the top five in his class for a single subject.

Zhao Tong just thought he might not be able to pass Song Yao's exams, but now he suddenly felt confident again.

Even if you don't get second place, you can still get third and fourth. If your English is higher this time than last time, your overall ranking might be higher.

Looking at Chen Yaoyang sitting at the table in front of him, Zhao Tong's heart beat even faster.

When he looked away, he saw that Qiao Lan's paper had not yet been distributed and snorted inwardly.

Even if I get the English words right every time, I don't know how many words I can get in this test. Eighty? Maybe ninety.

Ninety points is tops.

Zhao Tong put away his own paper and looked at Qiao Lan with a smug look on his face, then glanced at the class rep handing out the papers, "Hurry up, there are still people waiting."

"What's the rush," the class rep let out a laugh and looked down to pick up the next paper, when suddenly the smile froze on his face and he burst out an expletive half a day later.



One by one, the students looked over, curious.

"Qiao Lan ..." the class rep hesitantly pronounced Qiao Lan's name, glanced incredulously at the paper again, and slowly said.

"Qiao Lan hundred and fifty...full marks!"

Published at: 09/26/2021 16:00