Chapter 127: Finally

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Although Tan Mo says he will get married as soon as he graduates, reality does not allow him to do so.

Even after Tan Mo graduated, he was still not of legal age to get married.

There are still more than three months to go.

Qiao Lan laughs when she thinks about it.

She is not as concerned about the rituals as Tan Mo is, and it feels good to be with Tan Mo every day.

It's just funny to see Tan Mo waiting for the day to come.

Qiao Lan's senior year has been easier than the average student's. Because of her excellent grades, Qiao Lan has already enrolled in a graduate school and recently she has even had time to help Tan Mo with her work, translating and so on.

Tan Mo has become even busier than usual.

During graduation season, when all the students are planning for their future, Tan Mo has become an incredibly wealthy capitalist. The house she had been renting was coming to an end and Tan Mo had spent a lot of money on a new house and a new car, so Qiao Lan suddenly wanted to go to the office to see Tan Mo.

Qiao Lan knew Tan Mo's roommates best, Xie Hongyi, but later on, because Kong Sha had been working with Tan Mo, she got to know him better.

Kong Sha, who had never been very talkative, had probably gotten to know Qiao Lan well enough to crack a few jokes when they met.

Kong Sha smiled and asked Qiao Lan if he had to prepare money for his share soon, and Qiao Lan smiled and told him to prepare more.

As he watched Qiao Lan's back as he went upstairs, Kong Sha's heart was suddenly filled with an indescribable feeling.

Blessings were natural, but more than that, there was an indescribable feeling of envy.

He had met Qiao Lan in high school, but in the end, he had not been able to get together with Qiao Lan Tan Mo.

When Qiao Lan was gone, the lady asked Kong Sha who she was, and how angry the boss would be if she went up to him like that.

Kong Sha looked at the lady and said, "No."


What wouldn't.

"This is the boss's wife."

In mid-October, Tan Mo finally turned twenty-two.

Tan Mo, who had already graduated, didn't even go to the office, and his boss skipped work to take his girlfriend to get her license.

He ended up backtracking halfway.

"No," Tan Mo said, and then turned the car back again.

Qiao Lan looked confused, "What can't I do?"

"Not today," Tan Mo said, "we'll go tomorrow."

Qiao Lan thought for a long time but couldn't figure out why.

Tan Mo explained in all seriousness, "It's my birthday."

"So what."

"It's a waste to have a birthday and an anniversary together," Tan Mo said, "we'll come back tomorrow."

That way, we can have the birthday and then the anniversary.


How clever of him.

Qiao Lan stared at the side of her boyfriend's face for a long time, then turned her head away in amusement and bemusement.

On the day she actually got the marriage certificate, Tan Mo stared at the little red book in her hand for almost a whole day.

Finally, he grabbed Qiao Lan in his arms and said with satisfaction.

"You'll never get away with it."

Finally, in the evening, Qiao Lan came out of the shower to see Tan Mo taking pictures of the wedding with his mobile phone for a long time.

Five minutes later, Qiao Lan saw Tan Mo's first ever friend circle in her circle of friends.

The comment section exploded with comments from high school and college friends, familiar and unfamiliar ones, awe and congratulations, and Tan Mo spent the whole night following other people's comments.

Tan Father was watching TV when his daughter rushed down from upstairs, "Dad, Tan, my brother got married?"

Tan Father was stunned for a few seconds, "Married?"

What marriage?

Married to who?

"It's just a joke," Tan Father said.

"They've got a license."

Tan Mo looked at his phone for a long time. The boy and girl in the photo were both very good-looking.

Later, Uncle Chan told him that this girl was Tan Mo's classmate, and that they had later entered the same university together.

She was a good kid.

She was good and pretty.

Tan Father was very happy.

But he was very unhappy with his son, who did not tell him about his marriage.

Tan Father was depressed for half a night, but finally took the initiative to call Tan Mo and did his part as an elder to arrange Tan Mo's next wedding.

"By the way, you should contact your daughter-in-law's family yourself."


Tan Father froze.

No, what no?

Tan Mo said lightly that she had no family.

"It's enough that she has me."

When Tan Mo hung up the phone, Tan Father held it for a long time in silence.

He thought back to when he was young, when he had no money, no status, no one to help him, and when a girl had gently said to him that it was okay, that I was enough for you.

But then he had everything, but there was no trace of her.

On the day of the wedding, Qiao Lan saw many old friends whom he had not seen for a long time.

Pei Ning, Bai Yu, Hao Ying, and even Song Yao.

Qiao Lan wonders if her presence has caused a butterfly effect, as Song Yao and Chen Yaoyang, who were supposed to be together in the book, never got together.

Four years ago, Hao Ying cried and got Tan Mo drunk, and now, four years later, Hao Ying is the main force behind Tan Mo's drunkenness, while shouting that Qiao Lan is getting prettier and prettier.

Luo Man grabbed the hem of Qiao Lan's skirt and pointed at Hao Ying, asking Qiao Lan, "Lan Lan Lan, this is your high school friend! This is too handsome!"

A student sitting next to him instantly blushed.

So that day, apart from Tan Mo's housemates, this student, whom Tan Mo didn't know well at all, also joined in to block the drinks, or to be more precise, to get Hao Ying drunk.

Qiao Lan didn't know how Hao Ying ended up going home, but all of his attention was focused on Tan Mo, who was already drunk.

Tan Mo grabbed Qiao Lan's hand and giggled at Qiao Lan, then closed his eyes and whispered, "I want a kiss."

After saying that, he pointed to his lips, which were wet with wine, and said, "Kiss here."

As soon as Kong Sha pushed the door open, he saw Tan Mo, who had always been aloof, looking silly, stiffened for half a second, then thoughtfully closed the door and retreated.

That wedding night, as the saying goes, was a wedding night.

Nothing really happened.

Tan Mo was so drunk that he couldn't even get up, let alone do anything else.

The next day, Tan Mo woke up with the covers over her head and almost burst into tears.

Although she made up for it many times on her honeymoon, the incident became a lifelong grievance for Tan Mo.

Drinking is a mistake.

Tan Mo never touched a glass of wine again.

Although the marriage was early, the baby came a few years later.

After all, Qiao Lan was still in school.

After all, Tan Mo loved his wife extraordinarily.

When Qiao Lan graduated with a master's degree and became a psychologist, Qiao Lan was finally ready to have a baby.

Tan Mo is always a man of action.

Qiao Lan's decision was finally made and not long afterwards Qiao Lan won the lottery.

Tan Mo is not only a man of action, but also a man of accuracy.

On their way home from the hospital, Qiao Lan asked Tan Mo if she preferred a boy or a girl.

Tan Mo didn't even think, "Girl. "

Qiao Lan could have guessed the reason for Tan Mo's answer and said with a smile on his face, "What if it's a boy?"

Tan Mo calmed down for a few seconds, "Let's see how he behaves."

If he dares to steal his wife from him, then don't blame him for being "too much".

A few months later, Qiao Lan gave birth to a little girl.

Tan Mo, who had promised to spoil Qiao Lan with a daughter, forgot about his daughter the first day she was born and took Qiao Lan's hand and looked at the pale Qiao Lan, whose hand was trembling gently.

He never wanted to make Qiao Lan suffer so much again.

The little baby, who at first could not be seen as beautiful or ugly, grew up day by day, her eyebrows finally becoming clearer and more beautiful.

It looks exactly like Qiao Lan when he was a child.

But her personality is more like Tan Mo's.

She is aloof to outsiders, but when she sees her family, she is like a soft little kitten, but when she gets angry, she is fierce as hell.

On her first day at kindergarten today, she made a lot of children cry.

When Tan Mo went to pick up her daughter, she heard her little girl's stern voice as soon as she walked in.

"My mummy is the best looking in the world!"

Uncle Chan Aunt Chan was the one who took the little girl to register in the morning, so the teachers didn't expect the parent to be so handsome.

The teachers, all of whom were young girls, blushed at the sight of Tan Mo's face and came up to talk to him.

Tan Mo easily picked up his daughter with one hand, "What do you care?"

"My wife does look the best."

The teacher, who wanted to say something but was stopped in his tracks by the words, walked away with his daughter on his long legs.


The next day Qiao Lan himself picked up his daughter from school and several teachers finally met the world's best looking mum and wife and finally silently admitted it.

Forget it, they are really good looking.

She is really good looking, she could have been a star.

Qiao Lan didn't know what happened yesterday and kissed her daughter's round cheeks after settling down, "Shall we go home now or go to dinner and dinner first?"

"Let's go and pick up the poop for dinner!"

Qiao Lan's eyebrows arched in a smile, "Okay, let's have dinner together."

We'll eat together, we'll go home together.

We will walk through the rest of tomorrow together.

Author's Note: This is the end of the book~ Thank you for your company, we will see you in the next book ~~~~~

Published at: 01/18/2022 16:00
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