Chapter 78: I pick up a boat scene

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

The director came over, also to do the guidance of the emergency side, but need him now to keep an eye on the scene is not much, in a couple of days will go back to the hospital.

That first cousin are here, even if the relationship is lighter, Yu He can not dry hang him out.

At this time, an actor needed to ask Qingcheng Xie some professional questions, and the assistant came to ask someone, so Qingcheng Xie left.

Yu He then accompanied his older cousin for a walk outside the shed.

The director also smokes and smells like disinfectant, but it smells different from Qingcheng Xie for some reason, Yu He just feels very nasal.

"You and Qingcheng Xie know each other, too." The director asks, using a declarative sentence.

"Did the family talk to you?"

The director smoked a cigarette and said, "No. I read it in the newspaper, before the Huzhou University incident, there is a detailed report."


"Those old videos were released, and he was considered a disgraced man in the eyes of many people." The director said, "Are you still so close to him?"

Yu He did not answer the director's words, but he did realize it.

This cousin is also the first Shanghai, some things back then, maybe he knows some specifics may also be.

So Yu He asked, "Were you there when those two videos were shot?"

"You're really asking the right person. I am."

"That site ......"

"It's the same as the video, no wrongdoing. What else do you think, the video is a composite?" The director raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu He teasingly.

The two cousins walked side by side.

After a while, the director said, "But I do think, Qingcheng Xie this person is hiding too deep, he seems to have been hiding a secret, do not want to be known."

"...... Do you think so?"

"Well. When people have something on their mind, they are often mentally tense. He is very calm and restrained three hundred and sixty-five days a year, and every second is the look of full alert. That's a classic case of a heavy heart." The director flicked the cigarette ash, "But if you really want to know, you ask him yourself. The two of you are in the case of the Shanghai transmission radio tower, also considered to be in trouble together."

He did not mention this is fine, mention this, Yu He's eyes darkened again.

Director: "What, he won't even talk to you?"

Yu He said, "No. I don't know him that well either."

Because of this conversation with the director, Yu He was not in a very good mood when he left the scene.

He did not follow the director's car back to the hotel, anyway, today's shed is not too far from the hotel, he was accompanied by the director, the two brothers while walking back.

When he was passing a night market stall, Yu He saw Qingcheng Xie and Man Chen, who were having a late night snack together after work.

The director obviously saw it too.

Qingcheng Xie sitting in this greasy street store, is indeed too eye-catching presence, his temperament noble and cold, straight back, it is difficult to be covered by the crowd.

He seemed to want to smoke a cigarette, and Man Chen persuaded him to do so, and even pressed his lighter, but Qingcheng Xie didn't bother to pay attention to him, and got up straight away, asked a big brother with a flowery arm at the next table for a lighter, and lit the filter paper with a snap.

Man Chen had to return the lighter to him.

Director: "I've seen this guy. He's a police officer."

Yu He corrected: "He's a cop who doesn't even have a flower on his shoulder."

The director recognized for a while: "Last time I saw it looked a little familiar ...... he is Yanzhou Wang political commissar's grandson, right?"

Man Chen does not recognize his ancestors, but in terms of status, he is still a third generation similar to him, which is something that makes Yu He uncomfortable when he thinks about it these days.

After the director finished this is not enough, he also unsavoury again: "They two are a pair?"

"A pair of what?" Yu He turned his face away expressionlessly.

The director raised his eyebrows, "What else could it be a pair of."

"...... Why do you say that."

"Last time I was on emergency duty, Qingcheng Xie had a fever and was brought to the hospital, and this was the policeman who accompanied him. Nurse Zhou said that there was another time even earlier, and it was also this Mr. Chen who watched him hang water." I didn't expect these doctors to look serious on the surface, but actually gossip enough.

The director said, "Although they both admitted that they did not admit, but last time I even Qingcheng Xie body hickeys were seen, you said he had directly made people to high fever to send to the hospital, I suspect that this little police look quite honest, but in fact is a violent maniac."

Violent madness does not move to listen, half of the wind does not show.

But he was also simmering inside -

Those hickeys were left by him, the evidence of their intense sex, what does it have to do with Man Chen?

After saying goodbye to his cousin and returning to the hotel, Yu He's bloodthirsty and manic lust became even deeper.

The elevator door opened and he headed to his room, trying not to see anyone alive, lest he have a desire for a violent confrontation. But when he got near his room, he saw Qingcheng Xie's door open and a cart parked outside it, presumably because Qingcheng Xie had called room service on the phone to clean the bathtub.

Yu He knows his habit of taking a bath very well, when Qingcheng Xie lived in their house, as long as the day is too busy, he usually want to take a hot bath at night to ease the nerves of the whole day.

Sure enough, he looked a little sideways and saw a room service attendant shuffling around in the shower room.


He knows that now Qingcheng Xie and Man Chen have not happened anything, Qingcheng Xie simply does not believe that Man Chen is gay, not to mention cleaning the bathtub, changing the sheets can not mean that there is something dirty between them.

But Qingcheng Xie is not dirty, Man Chen is too obscene.

Yu He thought indifferently - Man Chen he stole a kiss from Qingcheng Xie.

Yu He thought, you really are a man, you will be open and honest kiss, the big deal is to be slapped and scolded, the result? Man Chen does not dare.

Yu He is not without dark thoughts.

In gay, Chen Gongzi are a waste.

But he was still uncomfortable, and the thought of Qingcheng Xie taking a bath in this room, with Man Chen right outside, made him uncomfortable all over.

To keep from feeling worse, Yu He averted his eyes and intended to go on to his room.

Who knew that when his eyes strayed, he saw the two beds in their room again.

Both beds were neatly folded, but it was easy to tell which one was Man Chen's, because Man Chen had a PSP thrown on that bed, and a police uniform.

Man Chen The bed was against the wall.


Yu He ironically went back to his room, threw open the door with a bang, and the first thing he did was roll up his sleeves and move his big bed back to the wall, which he could not easily move last night.

He should never get so close to Duke Chen.

Yu He was so bored that when he heard the room attendant next door was leaving, he didn't know if he was brain-dead or what, but he shouted at the person to stop.

"May I ask what you want, sir?"

Yu He said, seemingly calmly, "Could you please clean the bathtub for me too, please?"

After the room service left, Yu He took a bath just like Qingcheng Xie, and when he lay down in it, he felt the warm water pressure, as if it could fill up the vacancy in his chest.

He didn't turn on the bathroom light, and in the darkness, lay in the warm water for a while with his eyes closed, silently swirling by the waves.

Man Chen's identity.

Cousin's words.

Qingcheng Xie's cold and quiet back ......

-- "He's got secrets, he's always tight."

"He won't even talk about you? You guys were kind of in trouble during the Hutuan Radio Tower incident."

"They are a pair, right? ...... Qingcheng Xie had hickeys on her body when she was brought in ......"

Yu He's breathing is gradually heavy, there is a sore feeling tearing his heart, so that his once attempted to quit Qingcheng Xie's thoughts, the death of the complete bottom.

He resented and resisted rejection on one side, but in the end, he could not resist the lush lustful heat of the teenager.

That is even more difficult to restrain than the bloodthirsty rage of his illness, he can still suppress the urge to hurt people, but can not restrain his desire to ruthlessly possess Qingcheng Xie's thoughts.

Yes, he was unable to pry a word of truth out of Qingcheng Xie's well-disguised, lie-filled mouth.

Qingcheng Xie indeed refused to say anything to him.

But at least in bed, Qingcheng Xie was made to lose his mind, that face is real, mastered in his hands of emotions, is also half unadulterated.

He did not believe that Qingcheng Xie and Ruoqiu Li were like this when they were together, so the only person in the world who had seen Qingcheng Xie in that posture was himself.

Thinking about this, he finally found a little solace in the double mental and physical depression.

But when he sobered up a bit, changed into clean clothes and came out of the bathroom, Yu He took a look at himself in the mirror, and somehow felt that the lonely boy with water dripping from his hair in the mirror seemed a bit pathetic.

"Mr. He, are you there?"

After the hair is blown out, there is suddenly a knock on the door outside.

These days, people in society who do not know each other well are used to calling each other "teacher" with respect.

Yu He opened the door and outside stood Mr. Huang's assistant.

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh, that's right." The young assistant pushed her glasses, she was still nervous facing Yu He, "This is the script, this is the announcement for the next few days, and this, this is the list of some characters with short lines and scenes. Mr. Huang said that they were originally looking for experienced group actors to take these roles as well, and he wondered if you were interested in picking one to try out as well."

The attention of Mr. Zhilong Huang, the executive producer, and his mother, Zhishu Lv, who told him on the phone to arrange more internship and experience opportunities for Yu He.

So Yu He, in addition to learning alongside the director on a daily basis, Mr. Huang also put in a friendly cameo.

Yu He took the thick stack of information: "Thank you, thank you for your hard work."

At night Yu He read the script alone in bed for a long time. Mr. Huang's assistant did a very thoughtful job, underlining all those guest scenes with different colored pens and making a directory to sort them out, which didn't seem too much effort.

After Yu He finished reading it all, he sent a message to Zhilong Huang, thanking him for his special attention with the same polite routine.

Then he picked a role and said he was interested in learning to guest star.

Mr. Huang froze as soon as he heard the name of that character, he originally thought Yu He would be the first to eliminate that character.

"You're not kidding me, are you Koga."

"I mean seriously."

On the slightly disorganized bed, notice sheets were scattered, and one of the latter sheets, marked with a guest character, was finally circled by Yu He and selected for him. Next to that character's name, there was a line highlighted in red pen suggesting that

This role has a bed / scene.

In the notes section of the notice sheet, it is clearly written: this scene needs a psychological medical expert to follow the group. Expert of the day: Qingcheng Xie.

Published at: 12/12/2021 20:00