Chapter 68: I'm not gay

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

He later met Qingcheng Xie many times, each time just want to pester Qingcheng Xie to hug him more, each time is back home only to suddenly remember - oops, forgot to add back the WeChat again.

In fact, Yu He can directly add Qingcheng Xie back to his address book using black technology.

But he didn't do that because he felt it would defeat the purpose of adding each other.

And Qingcheng Xie's attitude towards him now makes him a little uncomfortable, he even rarely scolds him anymore, just sleeps with him like he's on official business, like he's at work, like he's dealing with a client, and then ignores him.

Or, rather, rarely pay attention to him.

Yu He began to indulge in sex, but gradually felt some difficulty, he did not know where the old Qingcheng Xie had gone, he wanted to dig out of his body some shadow of the former Qingcheng Xie to control him, scold him.

Even if it's a lie, that can make him drink hemlock.

But Qingcheng Xie did not.

Qingcheng Xie does not cheat Yu He anymore.

But in Qingcheng Xie's eyes, there is no more Yu He.

The teenager's heart and desires are gradually unsatisfied, and he seems to have a man who treats him truthfully, but then again, he doesn't.

This relationship lasted muddled for some time.

At the end of the semester, Professor Xie was reinstated.

By this time, winter had arrived, more than two months had passed since the incident of Broadcasting Tower, the storm of Ciyan Qin had gradually passed, and the university had quietly invited Qingcheng Xie back to the lecture hall. Yu He rode his newly bought bicycle through the two colleges with light snow and arrived at the entrance of the faculty dormitory of Medical University.

This is the first time Yu He went to see Qingcheng Xie after he was reinstated.

It was good to be reinstated, and Yu He thought Qingcheng Xie's mood might be better too. So he went upstairs in three steps, breathing hot air under his breath, the keys twirling briskly between his fingers.

" Qingcheng Xie ."

Qingcheng Xie was not there, but a female teacher happened to come down from upstairs.

"You're looking for Professor Xie?" The female teacher surveyed Yu He standing in front of Qingcheng Xie's door and took him as the school bully who sought truth and goodness in his own school, Chengmen Lixue.

She said, "Go to the library to look for it, this broken dormitory winter air conditioning heating is not very good, he may be in the library to prepare for class."

Yu He then went.

In fact, this is only the beginning of winter, but the leaden gray sky has been floating snow, this year the winter in Jiangnan is extra cold and long.

The study room was crowded, and he found an isolated position by the window on the third floor before he saw Professor Xie's elegant silhouette. He had lost some weight recently, perhaps because he was getting older and lacked exercise, always staying up all night doing research, as if he had an endless amount of research to do. It's strange, how he has so many papers to write and do and organize?

And now Qingcheng Xie's health is getting worse and worse, Yu He walked far away and saw him coughing gently all the time.

There was a thermos on the desk, and Qingcheng Xie was coughing so much that he tried to pour himself a lid of warm water, but when he tipped the cup, he realized that the water was gone, and he was too lazy to get up, so he covered the cup again unhappily and picked up his pen to continue writing something in his book.

The tip of the pen rustles across the page.

But after a moment, there was a pause - a disposable cup filled with hot water was placed in front of him.

He looked up and met Yu He's almond eyes. The boy had just brought him water from the library water fountain, then pulled a chair and sat down opposite him.

Qingcheng Xie looked cold, packed his books and notebooks and prepared to leave.

The laptop was snapped down by Yu He.

"Where are you going? There's no seats anywhere else."

Qingcheng Xie originally wanted to go back to the dormitory, but then thought, in the library this psychopath is not so crazy, if you go back is not to throw yourself into the net?

Just sit down again with a sullen face.

Yu He today wore a white cashmere winter coat, carrying a shoulder canvas bag, wrapped in a wide warm scarf, the line of the harsh jaw and thin some gangster lips are hidden, only a pair of dog-like almond eyes. He looks no different from Medical University's well-read academics, because of his broad forehead and black eyebrows, his nose is straight, and he even looks more likeable.

Very gentle look.

Only Qingcheng Xie knew it was a complete illusion. This man is sick, the gangrene of the bones, can not be removed.

And crazy to yourself.

"The first time I asked you, I wanted to ask you." Yu He didn't even realize he was being hated, he sat down in front of Qingcheng Xie and played with Qingcheng Xie's pen, "Why are you wearing glasses?"

"Naturally, it's because of the disgusting things to see too much, blind."

Yu He was not impressed and smiled, "How many degrees of myopia?"

Qingcheng Xie ignored him and kept his head down to write his own stuff.

Unexpectedly the hand of the youth reached over and took off his glasses from the bridge of his nose and gestured in front of his eyes.

"So dizzy. How is it so powerful, you used to have pretty good eyesight."

Qingcheng Xie took the glasses back with his hands, pinned them to his face and said, "What does this have to do with you?"

But Qingcheng Xie is too unrestrained with his eyes, Yu He knows.

He has to read many large books a day, those books are often fly-headed, obscure and difficult, and normal people can read but three lines to meet with the Duke of Zhou.

Yu He did not understand why he had to work so hard on his research when he was so young and a leader in his field of study. While onlookers might think that Qingcheng Xie was born with a passion for medicine and would die if he didn't learn it, Yu He knows that Qingcheng Xie's original dream wasn't to join the medical profession.

He should not be that obsessed with medicine.

Then it might be ......

"Do you enjoy teaching?"

Qingcheng Xie didn't even look up: "I like money."

He was listing a series of formulas, which he probably thought were much better than Yu He, and after that he was going to ignore Yu He altogether.

The library demanded silence, and Yu He could not keep talking to Qingcheng Xie to save the medical students around him from having a word of caution, so he stopped talking. He took a copy of "Save the Cat" from his book bag and flipped through it while reflecting on why he had to come to Medical University's atmospheric library to waste his time as a good student of the art school of Shanghai University.

He raised his eyes and then glanced at Qingcheng Xie's cell phone sitting on the side.

He was watching Qingcheng Xie's reaction when he brought his cell phone over, but unfortunately, Qingcheng Xie was so focused on writing his lesson plan that he didn't notice that Yu He had taken his communication tool.

Yu He inexplicably wondered if he wouldn't notice even if he kissed him at this time.

He thought so, a little stupid inside, but in the way of all the students around, he did not have the nerve to come to the surface, so he put out the faint fire.

He took Qingcheng Xie's phone and unlocked it.

This time he remembered to add weibo in person.

The password is simple, nothing more than 12345, after the screen is turned on, Yu He took his WeChat and swept his QR code to add himself back.

After all this, he was slightly disappointed to find that Qingcheng Xie was still unresponsive.

He really wants to make Qingcheng Xie angry with him, so Qingcheng Xie is not so visible to hold.

So he thought about it and changed his note on Qingcheng Xie's phone: "Experienced skilled and handsome man."


When he quit and looked at it, he felt that he was not the first in the address book and was even behind Man Chen, so he thought about it and fixed the notes again.

"Ah, the experienced skilled and handsome man."

A hit the head, as expected the first place.

After doing all this, he took his phone and sent Qingcheng Xie an emoji he made when he was bored, the emoji was also very good, he took Qingcheng Xie's sleeping face in the clubhouse, and a selfie of himself leaning on the pillow together.

He felt that the picture was quite nice and harmonious, and added some floating translucent jellyfish effects to the top, plus earthy text good morning.


The sound of the message made Qingcheng Xie come back to his senses and found the phone in Yu He's hand, grabbing it with a sullen face: "What are you doing?"

Yu He did not speak, let him take the phone away from his own hands, look askance at him, finally as hoped to see Qingcheng Xie see the note and emoji packet after the face from white to blue. Although Qingcheng Xie has seen the photo, but now see such a silly photo p picture emoji package, as well as such a stupid note, or shocked to.

" Yu He!"

Fierce tone of voice.

Yu He was happy: "Professor, pay attention to the occasion, you concentrate on your book. I'll mute my voice and play with my phone."

The company's main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

Qingcheng Xie face like sunken iron, the stupid emoji deleted, abruptly got up, pack books ready to go.

Yu He's long legs gently touched him under the table: "Where are you going? Sit down quickly."

Qingcheng Xie ignored him.

Yu He became more gentle and softly spoke a few words, "Or you want to go home."

Qingcheng Xie looked like it wasn't far from breaking out, but he finally weighed the pros and cons, clenched his back teeth and sat down again. But he's not in the mood to read a book, the notebook heavily closed, turning his head to look out the window.

The first snow is like flurries, beautiful as it is, but like Yu He, it is a beautiful and bone-chilling thing.

Yu He just managed to play the game by himself.

After two games, I was about to chat with Qingcheng Xie for a few more minutes when two girls from Medical University approached their table hesitantly, not to ask the professor a question, but to...

"Excuse me, are you Yu He?"

"What's wrong?"

And his gaze on, the two girls immediately blushed like boiled shrimp.

"We ...... we watched the "100 sick students" campus drama before, think you are so handsome, want to ask you, can you ......"

"Can we both get an autograph."

"Is it okay if it's just in my book?"

"I'd like to sign the book bag on ......"

Yu He paused for a moment, and finally he smiled and looked at Qingcheng Xie: "Can you lend me a pen, Professor Xie?"

"I have a pen I have a pen!"

"I have one too! Do you want a ballpoint pen or a water pen?"

Yu He only looked at Qingcheng Xie, thin lips topped with a smile, born with some complacency, but also born with some tenderness: "I want a pen."

Few people carry pens these days.

But Qingcheng Xie has one on hand.

The two girls are not Qingcheng Xie's students, but Qingcheng Xie is also a well-known figure in Medical University, they recognize it, so they speak hesitantly: "Professor Xie, can you ...... "

"May I borrow your pen?" Another one with a little more guts followed her companion and put the words down.

Qingcheng Xie and Yu He eyes met silently, Qingcheng Xie just wanted to say no, but then felt that it would be a lot more nonsense with Yu He, so coldly said:

"...... is fine. Take it."

"Thank you! Thank you!" The girl leapt over his old man's signature pen and handed it to Yu He attentively.

Yu He saw Qingcheng Xie again not much heat of the living, smile converge some, he had the intention to provoke him, so he took the pen, but then a deep gaze handed Qingcheng Xie: "Professor Xie you can dip some ink for me? A little more, not too dry."


He thought Qingcheng Xie should always refuse this time.

Who knows Qingcheng Xie glanced at him with a cold face, unscrewed the ink bottle without any expression, drew some blue ink, and threw it to Yu He: "Take it."

"......" He is indifferent, he does not care, Yu He's heart then blocked.

The young man did not smile at all and took it, his fingers touching Qingcheng Xie's fingers if anything: "Thank you."

The two girls got Yu He's autograph and held it to their chests like a treasure. The best friends exchanged a look of excitement and plucked up the courage again...


"Then can we add a WeChat?"

Although Qingcheng Xie did not care about them, he was not deaf, and all these conversations were heard in his ears.

He thought that Yu He, with his fake politeness, was bound to agree to the girls' small request. But to his surprise, Yu He did not nod this time, but politely refused them.

The girls were a little lost, but then they looked at the autographs in their arms and rejoiced.

The two men thanked Yu He and went away happily.

Qingcheng Xie didn't even look up, minding his own paper: "Why did you reject them."

Yu He was asked by him this very light words, are energized, re-energized like a small dragon, invisible tail are wagging: "Ah, why should I promise them?"

"You relish in it."

"You only look at appearances." Yu He paused, "I only add people who can give me pleasure now."

Qingcheng Xie faded: "Then you delete me too."

Yu He stared at him for a while, then really opened his phone again in front of him, flipped open the communication software, and then-

Under Qingcheng Xie's gaze, the big lahar marked Qingcheng Xie with a top spot.

Qingcheng Xie : "......"

[Please open the words, don't block them, there are more than 1000 words of drama inside the words without billing. These you can watch for free.

Don't be surprised to see a new lock chapter, yes, or maliciously reported.]

Published at: 12/02/2021 20:00