Chapter 39: She never forgot to hate either

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Xue Xie has a laptop in her bedroom, and she is one of those rare people in modern society who doesn't have a password.

Yu He opened his laptop, his hands flying over the keyboard, his almond eyes fixed on the screen, lines of code swept through his deep black eyes at breakneck speed.

A few minutes later, Yu He's long fingers pressed enter. A deciphered message popped up and was reflected on his retina.

"L is actually not a search area anymore." Yu He stared at the line in the pop-up box, and said softly, "So the police have already clearly known who WZL is respectively."

Qingcheng Xie had tried his best to calm himself down by now, but I don't know if it was because he was too emotional before, but he was sweating a lot. His back was tense and he stood straight next to Yu He, leaning down to look at the code in his notebook.

It was an internal communication message, Yu He intercepted three of them. The messages were partly in code, but for the two men, who already knew part of the inside story, the meaning was easy to guess.

" Jiankang Wang , Yong Zhang has been killed."

"There's a mole, change the channel."

"Line up the last location where the Yuzhu Lu signal appeared and move fast."

Not to mention Qingcheng Xie, even Yu He was stunned.

The last person is ...... Yuzhu Lu ?

Yuzhu Lu is the most honest and simple looking person in the crowd.

She was in her forties and helped in the school's medical office, a very bright and talkative aunt. Both Yu He and Qingcheng Xie had been to the infirmary of HU for some reason, and both had a few words with her.

How could it be her ......?

At the same time, near the scene of Yong Zhang's murder, next to the academic building of HUST.

Superintendent Zheng sat rigidly in the command car, a pair of leopard eyes filled with blood, the police behind them are silent.

They all heard Jingfeng Zheng just in a phone call by a man cursing. Who this man is, the old police officers know, the young even if they do not know, also heard a eleven two three.

But what dumbfounded them most was the two murders they failed to stop in front of them.

The fire was still burning and part of the officers were taking pictures of the crime scene, protecting it and seeking evidence.

Jingfeng Zheng unscrewed the thermos, drank a sip of water, and barely calmed his heart.

"Can we still contact the informant who provided the information?"

His protégé shook his head, "The informant hasn't been seen since the guestbook was found and sent to our facility. He said he had been unsafe for a while then, and WZL was the last message he could give us recently."

Jingfeng Zheng leaned back heavily on the back of his chair, his fingers squeezing the eye point. He sighed deeply.

HUDA WZL will be killed, this is a warning given to them by the informant in advance.

Jiang. Lan. Pei. In turn, the informant agreed with the police to mark the drop.

But the water of that mysterious organization is too deep, the message between the top sometimes do not interchange, many of the transmission is used in coded language, so the informant to the police clues, he did not know wzl exactly what it means, just as usual, this encrypted message to the police counterpart conveyed.

It took Jingfeng Zheng some time to finally decipher that wzl was not one person at all, but three, using various detective techniques and correlating clues from all sides, which was a deliberately misleading encrypted language of the mysterious organization.

The three people who deciphered it are Jiankang Wang, Yong Zhang, and Yuzhu Lu.

All three are involved in the case and will be "cleaned up" in the near future.

After the clue was detected, the police had to protect the informant on the one hand and communicate with the three targets who belonged to the "darkness" on the other, which was actually very difficult. They can never tell the truth with Wang, Zhang and Lu, otherwise they will alert the snake, they can only send people to keep an eye on them 24 hours a day and start acting as soon as there is a situation.

However, when it comes to 24-hour surveillance, no one can focus on every second. What's more, the informant only knows the approximate time they were killed, and can't determine exactly when it was.

Jiankang Wang is a lecherous man who loves to cheat on his wife behind her back. This love of cheating makes him act with a certain sense of anti-surveillance in the first place.

The place where he was killed was at the school hotel. He had been to the dormitory building when he went to his destination and changed cars with his colleague. After Jiankang Wang changed cars, the plainclothesman mistook his colleague for him, resulting in a gap of more than an hour when he was not able to keep an eye on him.

An hour later, Jiankang Wang was strangled to death in the hotel and replaced with women's shoes by his killer.

Yong Zhang is a cautious and timid person. Both want money and are afraid of things.

He may also have sensed that the organization's upper echelons distrusted him, and the police had tried to start with him, promising him that they would protect his safety and make him reveal known information.

But this kind of person is alert and thoughtful, and lacks trust in anyone. Faced with the plainclothes test, this absolute fool's first reaction was to think that the plainclothes was a fake, sent by the organization to determine his loyalty.

He therefore guarded it closely and refused to say anything, and after that day he told his superiors about it in order to show his heart.

From then on, the matter of tracking Yong Zhang has become extremely difficult and dangerous, because the mantis cicada, the yellow bird in the back, the police stalking Yong Zhang, the mysterious organization of people, also in the darker eye on the police.

Yong Zhang's trace thus created a certain distance and time difference. He had called the police in the last few hours before he was run over, but then he saw the photos of Jiankang Wang's murder and feared that the phone's location system would not only help the police find him, but would also most likely become a trail for the organization to dig him up, so he lost the phone.

He was lucky to get away with it until he met Liping Jiang, hiding in a deserted office, thinking he was safe from all the electronic devices that could track him.

But Yong Zhang did not anticipate that he carried the Buddha medallion, the organization has left a tracking locator ......

The last known live entrance is Yuzhu Lu.

Yuzhu Lu is the most difficult of the three.

Because she is different from the first few greasy money-grubbing horny men, she is not for profit. She is because of her own misfortune, and natural hatred of the public prosecutor and the law, hatred of society.

Yuzhu Lu's path to crime was unique in that she was once the first female graduate student in their county, and after graduation she returned to her hometown and became the secretary of the County Committee in their hometown.

However, one year, the provincial capital came a trainee reporter, the trainee reporter new officials on three fires, full of a simple sense of justice, decided to visit the following village violations of the law, bent on exploding a fierce news to.

Yuzhu Lu is very big-headed in character, plus the place is small, anti-corruption and integrity work to be torn with folk customs and folkways, she is very clear on the big issues, but the small details of some places really did not do. She has received some project gifts from her family, the number is not much, that is, the village agreed on a favor amount, at most enough to buy a pig.

As a result, the reporter took a broad brush and gave her a hard string of zeros behind that pig.

This is still great, a small county out of such a large corrupt officials, but also not suspended for thorough investigation?

Originally, this matter, a little investigation will be over, it is also known that is a lack of ancestral virtue of the journalist wrote a lie. But Yuzhu Lu was unlucky, the County Committee secretary just re-elected, and she fought for the position of the rival, the family's best friend, who happens to be in charge of the case of the workman.

County village closed, often much darker than the big city, Yuzhu Lu to them a few times after the trap, in partnership with the layout, but really sat on the charge of corruption and bribery.

She was still very young and her child was two years old when she was jailed, and the child was just able to vaguely say "Mom".

By the time she came out, her husband had already had a new love, and her daughter had no recollection of having such a mother, being held in her stepmother's arms and looking fearfully at the emotional woman in front of her.

Yuzhu Lu finally left their small county with his heart in his mouth and left his hometown.

A report written by a journalist who thought he was speaking out for justice, exaggerating his writing. In the bottom departments of small counties, the dark dealings not known to superiors, the husband's weakness and betrayal ...... all this, all lightly fall on this woman, a few words, a few money, a County Committee clerk's chair, it ruined the life of an ordinary person.

Yuzhu Lu because of a criminal record, after getting out also can not find too good job, she washed dishes, as a caregiver, did domestic ...... time are not long, employers know her previous experience, or euphemistic or blunt, are to dismiss her.

At the most difficult time of his life, Yuzhu Lu went to work on the stage.

Of those who have come to toy with her, she has seen too many professions, including those who least deserve to be in such places.

Later, a customer saw her hands and feet, and talk does not seem to be a bookless, out of curiosity, asked her experience. Yuzhu Lu originally did not want to say more, but there are always times when people are vulnerable, that day she did not hold back, in the ambiguous light of the private room to tell everything, said at the end, is sobbing.

The guest smoked a cigarette, thought about it, and wrote her an address where she could go to a friend of his if she wanted, and that friend would arrange a stable and decent job for her.

That's how Yuzhu Lu came to work as a nurse at the medical clinic at HU.

She has been here for a long time, about two or three years ago, the higher public prosecution department to thoroughly investigate the old wrongdoing, to find the Yuzhu Lu when the corruption and bribery case, to her case, double regulation of the reporter, the layout of the year involved in the relevant public officials all caught in.

The young prosecutor personally came to Yuzhu Lu's door and apologized and presented him with compensation, followed by their county's new public prosecutor and law functionary.

Yuzhu Lu, who had just finished taking medicine for a few students at that time, looked at them and smiled, quite calmly: "What's past is past. Keep this money for yourselves, I won't accept it."

The prosecutor asked her why.

She looked at them coldly and said, "Do you think that this money can buy a person's life?"


"My life is ruined, what do I need this for. Can you guys take me back to the year I was twenty-five?"


"Will you give me back my children, my husband, my family?"


"Go away, you guys."

But the prosecutor insisted that she receive compensation.

Yuzhu Lu said: "Then you should take this money to set up a foundation, to teach those media, beg them to be more cautious, more impartial, more reserved when writing about a person, a matter. They are happy with the stroke of a pen, they have earned enough eyeballs and money, and the locusts are passing through, what is left for the person concerned?"

She smiled, when the county's most thunderous young female secretary, now has deep wrinkles at the end of her eyes.

"That's a lifetime of wretchedness and pain."

Yuzhu Lu , is definitely not going to defect to the police.

But the question is, such a person who is very far from the police psychologically, but has high recognition and obedience to the organization, the organization "cleaning", why should she be cleaned?

" Yuzhu Lu did not carry any electronic communication tools, but it is also possible that she used someone else's cell phone, which we could not trace and locate." The police officer in charge of information detection tapped on the keyboard while reporting the situation to Superintendent Zheng, "There are currently 15,890 cell phones in this area that are sending and receiving signals, and it makes absolutely no sense to locate them all."

Another female police officer finished answering the phone and went to the command car, with a very serious face, and Superintendent Zheng said: "Zheng team, not tracked, Yuzhu Lu's anti-surveillance ability is the top level we have seen over the years, she must have been trained in this area, and equipped with jamming devices, according to the current situation, only those few Class A fugitives can be compared with her. "

Jingfeng Zheng did not say anything, a pair of leopard eyes stared at the radio and television tower still rotating "handkerchief throwing" electronic figures.

The piercing L letter is like a blood-stained curved hook.


The old detective kept wondering if they had made a mistake in deciphering the L? Maybe it wasn't Yuzhu Lu who was represented? What was the need for such a highly loyal woman to be killed by her superiors.

This was the only one of the three that he was unsure about. Because in terms of the other man's motive, killing Yuzhu Lu did not make sense.

Although it is true that no other targets have appeared either.

But until this moment, Jingfeng Zheng still wondered if there was another deeper meaning to the letter L...... that they had not explored.

Published at: 11/03/2021 20:00