Chapter 146: attribution

Chapter List

Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

Liping Jiang was in a muddled state for several days after receiving this assignment.

She couldn't believe it, but she had to.

Those few short sentences on the internal mission file were turned over and over by her, almost to the point of perforation.

Lanpei Jiang ...... Lanpei Jiang ......

Is Lanpei Jiang Xiuhe Jin?

It was as if that voice was the only thing left in her head.

She mechanically prepares to kill Jicheng Liang's wife and son, and takes the original files belonging to Lanpei Jiang out of the Liang family safe.

The first person to come home and grab the information was Jicheng Liang's wife.

Liping Jiang killed her, then took a stack of long-yellowed papers from her open file cabinet, trembling.

So she saw Lanpei Jiang's complete and authentic profile, along with a photo of ...... before she was given a face-lift.

The woman in red held the stack of information, page by page, although already know the truth, tears are still flowing down in no one knows where.

It's her ......

It really is her!!!

Liping Jiang didn't know how much control it took for him to gather himself before Jicheng Liang's son came back and he actually had a complete emotional breakdown.

She put the file, the paper with Xiuhe Jin's old photo on it, back into the file bag and pressed it against her chest with a shudder.

She just stood there at the bottom of the stairs, in the shadows, waiting for Jicheng Liang's son to come home and complete the second killing she had been given by the organization.

Only during this short waiting time can she be " Ping Sun " and not " Liping Jiang ".

She was able to hold the pile of files, allowing the tears to flow down her face without a sound, but freely.

It hurts ...... it really hurts ...... it hurts too much ......

Why ...... did she not know that she had not died until nearly twenty years later?

Why do such good people have to suffer so much?

Liping Jiang mourned silently until she heard the panicked opening of the door by Jicheng Liang's son, who ran in and into her field of vision and began to quickly search the file bag ...... Then he noticed his mother's body and he began to scream... ...

She only hates him for not screaming enough! Death to the pain!!!

She went out from the gloom, handed the pile of files over his back, and sang, full of resentment and extremely morose, the song that belonged to her memory of Xiuhe Jin, as if she was demanding life from these sinners as Xiuhe Jin: "Throw it, throw it, throw the handkerchief, put it gently behind the little child, don't tell him, everyone ......"

"Is that what you're looking for?"

The man turned back - !


She pressed the trigger.

Liping Jiang, for the first time since he fell down the black road, fired so decisively and so quickly.

--She killed Jicheng Liang's son, and before she left the villa, she opened the file for the last time and gazed at the yellowed pages of the photo that belonged to Xiuhe Jin.

She knew that when she got out of this door and into the pick-up truck, she would never be able to show any semblance of true emotion again.

She glanced deeply at the photo.

And then closed his eyes, put the information back in his bag, his red dress swayed, and walked out in stride.


Later, Liping Jiang learned that Xiuhe Jin was hand-delivered to Chengkang Mental Hospital by Zhilong Huang.

Zhilong Huang did not kill his wife that day, he saw her slowly raise her bloodied face when he was about to put a knife in her neck at the end, the eyes full of contempt and loathing.

His sword froze, and then he could be said to be furious!

It was this look ...... that regarded him as mortar, a look that was simply going to knock him back ......! This look evoked the jealousy and resentment he had accumulated over the years against his wife's entire family.

He simply did not want her to die ...... how easy it was to die? How painful it is to die! So he thought of a more sinister trick, he gave her to the Liang brothers, let them change the name of this woman, the rest of her life, to ensure that she was locked in Chengkang Mental Hospital, whether dead or alive has nothing to do with him, the only requirement is that she can not be found by anyone.

He knew it was the perfect place to dispose of the bodies or the victims who were not dead.

Jicheng Liang and Zhongkang Liang were already coveting Zhilong Huang's wife, and when Xiuhe Jin fell into their hands, she became a tool for their lust. Zhilong Huang did not care about this at all.

Xiuhe Jin was a normal person when he was first admitted to Chengkang Mental Hospital.

Yet how do you distinguish a normal person from a mentally ill person in a psychiatric hospital?

In 1887, a journalist named Nellie Bly did a similar experiment. She was a person with a normal thinking brain and was admitted to the local mental hospital by pretending to be crazy.

After that, Nali found that the treatment in the hospital was quite brutal and the nurses were extremely perfunctory in caring for the patients. When it was decided that she was mentally ill, no matter how she explained to the nurses, they would treat her behavior as a symptom of a psychotic episode. And when she was honest with the doctors and said, "I'm a journalist and I'm here to learn more about the situation," they thought her illness had gotten worse, and she was treated in a more brutal way.

While Nali's frightening adventure finally came to an end with the guarantee of the New York World, Xiuhe Jin, more than 200 years later, was apparently not so lucky.

She was kept in a special ward, changed into a psychiatric uniform, and introduced to everyone by the Liang brothers as suffering from severe mental problems and being extremely aggressive.

Like Nali back then, Xiuhe Jin was not believed no matter what she said or who she asked for help. The nurse was also careful when changing her medication, perfunctorily saying what she said, and then leaving her room as fast as she could.

When everyone thinks she's a patient, she isn't and she is.

In order to control her better, the Liang brothers gave her the "listening water" provided by the organization, just when the organization needed to test the efficacy of the listening water, this woman became their test subject, one time after the drug was poured down, Xiuhe Jin really died, living in the mental hospital, is a woman who can not remember The woman who lives in the mental hospital is a crazy woman named Lanpei Jiang who can not remember who she is ......

In order to hold her more safely in their hands, the Liang brothers even gave her several face-lifts while using her as a test subject.

The woman who emerged with a stiff face and damaged nerves was, to Zhilong Huang's utter satisfaction, a woman who had been told...

Xiuhe Jin's parents were in poor health, bedridden and unconscious, and both unfortunately passed away soon after. Who else but his own parents would really be concerned about Xiuhe Jin's death or survival?

Looking at Lanpei Jiang's face today, even those who know her very well would not be able to recognize the face of Xiuhe Jin hidden under this plastic surgery face.

Zhilong Huang listened to the Liang brothers' report and finally settled down completely.

"She is now a crazy woman, do not remember what her original name, sometimes pull the nurse also told people to read well, see the doctor asked how the children, nothing to do when a person over there humming handkerchief song, she took chalk on the wall to draw a window, humming a song when you look at the fake window, and do not know what to look at. When people asked her, she said something like, "Stand up."

Zhilong Huang : "It's really crazy."

"Yeah, there's just ...... one more thing ......"


"A few students came to volunteer at the mental hospital before and were seen by Lanpei Jiang. She was humming a song, but she became emotional all of a sudden, and we noticed that what caused her to overreact was the school uniform those students were wearing." Jicheng Liang said cautiously, "Some of them look like the uniforms of Hu Chuan."

Zhilong Huang's writing pen paused for a moment, and his eyes glanced at the photo of Xiuhe Jin that he had placed on the corner of his desk for show. The girl in the photo was still wearing her school uniform, and the first time he and she struck up a conversation was because of her school uniform. Xiuhe Jin has become Lanpei Jiang, many things have been forgotten, but deep down she must still remember the hatred for him, Zhilong Huang thought, and when he came back to his senses, the tip of his pen had already cut through the paper ......


"Throw ah throw ah throw handkerchief ......"

Inside the police car, Liping Jiang listened to the nursery rhyme, reminiscing about the past and, very briefly, talking to the officers about their experiences back then.

Cigarette finished another one, she threw the butt away, the look of loss and peace half mixed.

The officers listened to her narrative with a lot of sadness in their hearts.

Someone asked: " Lanpei Jiang changed into Xue Xie's clothes when she killed Jicheng Liang, and our investigation has been directed at wondering why she changed into women's clothes for a man, when in fact the key is not women's clothes, but the teacher's uniform of Hu Chuan... ... Lanpei Jiang instinctively hated Zhilong Huang, an act that would give her a misplaced sense of being on a mission of revenge, wouldn't it?"

"I think so."

Someone else asked, "So you used Lanpei Jiang's death wish in the Canton Tower case to create a countdown to the killings, because you wanted to kill those people for her, right?"

"That's right."

Police: "If you do this, aren't you afraid that Zhilong Huang will find out?"

Liping Jiang laughed coldly: "The beast has been a long time, ghosts and gods are not afraid. Zhilong Huang does not believe this, and he never thought that the person who served him under his bed to please him would be a former student of Xiuhe Jin."

"What's more, given his character, he doesn't believe that there are any favors in this world, so naturally he doesn't suspect my relationship with Xiuhe Jin. He also thought I had a good idea to scare Jiankang Wang and the others, and to wrap up the Chengkang Hospital case once and for all - how could he have thought that a woman would approach him for benevolence and righteousness? He had always looked down on women, much less thought that a woman could be an informant. Didn't Zhilong Huang unabashedly say that to many of his acquaintances in the entertainment industry?"

"Say what?"

Liping Jiang lightly repeated what Zhilong Huang once said: "- I despise those female celebrities, I took the capital to promote them, but came back to me to take the gesture, do the bitch / son also want to set up a pagoda. "

She learned, the smile is more sarcastic to the bone: "can really have fun, even the case of the radio tower, they finally want to use to close, but also a their mouths of the bitch / child - Yuzhu Lu. These people both despise women and can't live without them ...... I really want Zhilong Huang to die in my hands, at that moment, I have to ask him if he still remembers Xiuhe Jin who was killed by him back then! Remember Xiuhe Jin once took care of a clumsy and timid girl who was caught every time she threw her handkerchief - he - remember!

That rhyme of throwing handkerchiefs is a terrifying beckoning song for the demons and spirits who ask questions.

But for Liping Jiang, it is the best memory for President Jin ......

She mourns her in song, she misses her in song, she avenges her in song, and she knows she will live in this one nursery rhyme for the rest of her life.

Liping Jiang tilted her head, she remembered in to kill Jiankang Wang those people, on the eve of going out of the Canton Tower mission, she murmured over and over again in her heart: "Teacher, I came to give you revenge ...... I came to give you revenge ......"

She was so ecstatic and so angry that her beautiful face was distorted in the lamp.

The handkerchief throwing song played over and over again, and she wrote, over and over again, in the song, the name that was so ironic to her, the name of the teacher who was alive but of whom she knew nothing.

Lanpei Jiang ......

Lanpei Jiang ......

Jiang. Lan. Pei!

Tears wet the paper, she crouched on the table, undercover for so many years she endured countless pressure have endured, and this moment she finally broke down and bawled -

Twenty years! Twenty years!!! Her teacher ...... just lived and died being abused/abused by the Liang brothers, twenty years ah! The darkness, the valiant woman who used to smile and encourage her was forced to become a real madman ......

"Twenty years ...... Lanpei Jiang ...... twenty years!!!" She cried out, her throat full of the fishy sweetness of blood, and in the end, sobbed uncontrollably.

She took revenge for her.

She could have killed those people in a simpler and safer way for herself, but she chose the handkerchief throwing song, the murder song.

She insisted on wearing a red dress and putting red shoes on men, creating a terrifying image reminiscent of the vengeful spirit, Lanpei Jiang...

Even at that time, in her private message to Jingfeng Zheng, she abandoned her usual JLP abbreviation, and after a long pause in her pen, Liping Jiang, who knew all the secrets of Chengkang Mental Hospital, wrote, with tears in her eyes, for the first time, in a single word, her own signature: "Jiang: "Jiang. Lan. Pei."

Teacher. I will take your place and do these things.


Jiang. Lan. Pei.

Teacher, I am you. I want to live as you. I will clear your name.

I, for one, have no regrets.


Meanwhile, inside the police station office.

A large screen projected Liping Jiang's every move on it, and a number of smaller screens followed the police car in real time. In front of the screen sat the police officer in charge of the temporary emergency case, the cadres, and all relevant personnel.

Among them was Yu He, who got in touch with Ting Hu in time.

In the basement trio, only Yu He is sitting in the police station watching the situation, Qingcheng Xie is still at Meiyu Private Hospital dealing with the RN-13 sample, and Man Chen is trapped by his family crying and hugging after he went back to inform his grandfather of the situation. Although he could know the situation, he was not at the police station to see the first scene.

Only Yu He sits in front of the monitor, watching the police team's movements, and occasionally sends a message to Qingcheng Xie, telling him the real-time situation.

He could sense that Qingcheng Xie was shocked to learn Lanpei Jiang's true identity, but like him, after the shock, he immediately understood why many things had gone that way before.

Qingcheng Xie wrote back, "Take care of Liping Jiang's safety, as well as your own."

Yu He : "Are you worried about me?"

The message was not returned.

One minute, two minutes ......

The phone shook a little.

"No. More worried about her."

Yu He glanced at the screen and quickly returned his message: "Why so, then I'm jealous. Do you think she is so beautiful and powerful, or a woman, to please you?"

This time wait for five minutes, Qingcheng Xie still did not answer him, is probably too lazy to take care of him.

Yu He then stared at the Police station projection for a while, still did not wait for a message, the screen Liping Jiang smoking a cigarette, Yu He watched, and then looked down, and typed a series of words to Qingcheng Xie: "Right, I forgot to tell you before, brother, although you smoke her cigarettes I do not like, but I I like the way you smoke women's cigarettes. So beautiful."


It's really too beautiful.

Qingcheng Xie's wrist, wrapped around a monogram tattoo, is slightly exposed under the cuff of his shirt.

So hard and sharp, manly man, but the slender fingers are holding a flowery branch of the delicate female cigarette.

At that time in Zhilon entertainment, Yu He could not help but keep staring at him, pure man touching such fragile things most deadly, his eyes almost want to take the female cigarette down, push the man against the wall, clutch his wrist, kiss his thin soft lips with the taste of mint and rose, in that soft taste of female cigarette, kiss him like a woman, rub him, anger him, offend him, bully uncle.

But at that time the situation was urgent, Yu He did not have time to think about it, and could not say much, now finally slowed down some, and from Qingcheng Xie mouth can not get any good words, acidity on the head, so gangster up, deliberately teasing him like this.

Who knows Qingcheng Xie actually replied to him this time, but the reply was: "Now is not the time for you to be playful, must not relax, must pay attention to safety. Contact me again if you have any situation. Talk to you later."


Yu He thinks his wife does not understand the style can not be helped, alas, science and technology, do not know how important the romance in danger.

But he put the phone down and refocused his attention on the surveillance screen as Qingcheng Xie had instructed.

The convoy is currently moving in batches through the traffic hub and back toward the Police station.

Because the police cars are publicly equipped with cameras, what Liping Jiang says in one of them can be heard very clearly by the people at headquarters. They are now asking Liping Jiang the truth about those -

"Then ...... all these years, you have not exposed yourself and endured humiliation around Zhilong Huang, just to get more, higher level evidence, is that right?"

The video and audio message came simultaneously, and the police officer accompanying him asked Liping Jiang in this way.

Liping Jiang dusted off her cigarette, the anti-leakage bracelet in her hand had not yet been removed, but she had already noticed that its mechanism had changed.

The bracelet is expensive and has a very powerful judgment ability. Since there are some high level people in this organization who need to sell some irrelevant information in order to achieve their goals, the bracelet cannot be killed by mistake. So its settings are much more relaxed than those of the Zhilong Huang imitations, and it can also combine human language and internal reactions to identify whether the wearer's speech touches the organization's bottom line.

What's even more exquisite is that it facilitates the wearer's good offices for the sake of the organization, and can weed out those who have been dropped from the top at a very fast pace.

For example, Zhilong Huang.

Liping Jiang had just sensed that the Leak Bracelet no longer protected Zhilong Huang's secrets; she could tell people most things related to Huang. Only when the content clearly touches the organization's red line will the hit-and-kill feature trigger.

She paused and said hoarsely, "Yes, we must eliminate the root of the grass. Otherwise, what is the use of killing a Zhilong Huang alone? I'm not so small-minded, a personal vendetta to be avenged, but since I've seen the skeletons piled up in their lair, what I'm going to do is to bring them to justice one by one ...... even if I get a handful of blood myself, I have no regrets."

The carriage was quiet.

"Now, apart from Zhilong Huang, who are the other people who colluded with him that you can identify?"

"It's all in that black safe." Liping Jiang in order to prevent the hand ring, shall not say more, and can not directly inform the police to open the method, she estimated that she just say how to open the box will have to die, so only said, " Zhilong Huang this person is very suspicious, before and after doing things will leave a hand. These years and he twisted together with the officials, entrepreneurs, scientists ...... can prove their illegal and criminal behavior of evidence information, he kept all."

"Zhilong Huang had intended to hold these levers to blackmail these people into giving him what he wanted, to force them to cooperate, or to exchange benefits," Liping Jiang said. Liping Jiang said, "Although it is only a safe deposit box, its value is immeasurably high, both for Zhilong Huang and for justice in the trial."

When the people in command heard this, someone took off the microphone and confirmed with the people around them, "Where's that safe?"

"In the car, the captain took it. The code box is specially designed, can not be hard to open, otherwise the contents inside will be all destroyed, have to take back to the technical section of the people to study carefully."

Huzhou International Airport is not too far from the police station headquarters, and it should take about an hour to get there if you take a detour.

Liping Jiang was slightly relieved that the dust was finally settling.

-- "How long will I be sentenced?" She finally asked the police officer accompanying her very plaintively.

The little cop couldn't answer.

Liping Jiang then said to himself, "I'll take as long as it takes, as long as I can see those people in prison together."

She listened to the lilting nursery rhyme on her phone and leaned her head against the car, the sunlight reflecting on her face through the leaves and window glass, dipping the pupils of her eyes into a light brown.

In this treacherous song, she only felt infinite peace, as if her soul could finally be settled.

Although the various lines of the organization are clearly cut and many people do not know each other, once they reach the police station and try to open the coded box, everything will be revealed and no one will be able to escape. She was not able to kill Zhilong Huang, but Zhilong Huang was at least dead in front of her.

And those maggots behind the curtain will soon be exposed to the bright sun.

She could rest easy.

"Throw it, throw it, throw the handkerchief, put it gently behind the child, and don't tell her, everyone ......"

The music continues.

This time there was no blood, no death, just the lively sound of children's songs in the playground of a small mountain village. Liping Jiang felt that she had unlimited courage and could ride the waves from then on, racing toward the goal of becoming a woman like her.

Her slowly relaxed look was projected on top of the command screen.

Someone in the police station let out a low sigh, and Yu He glanced over - it was Jingfeng Zheng.

Jingfeng Zheng also really did not expect that the informant who had been providing him with information before would be such a woman in hell, and for whatever reason, this woman had killed people and done a lot of things in collaboration with criminal organizations, and although they could ask for mitigation for her, the situation was not expected to be optimistic.

Having worked as a detective all his life, Jingfeng Zheng has met many people who are both good and evil, but there are few like Liping Jiang who make him sigh with contempt.

He almost felt a little sick to his stomach, wondering how many similar crimes Liping Jiang had been involved in; she may not have been the one to kill, but her heart was constantly being condemned and tortured in this one murder after another.

This woman could not deliver justice in time, she was so easily transformed into a demon and embedded in the devil's cave of the red snake, she had to hide the heart she was born with. So she can only try her best to avoid innocent casualties by giving tips to the police again and again.

Even risking their own exposure ......

The more Jingfeng Zheng thought about it, the more unpleasant it was, and even more, he sighed long and closed his eyes.

It would be nice if she had never killed anyone.


That's what he thinks, but Liping Jiang is not at all.

She no longer cares about the rest of her life, her biggest regret now is that she did not kill one more person - Zhilong Huang, the one she wanted to cut her heart out of.

She thinks it's too bad.

In countless dreams, she dreamt that she was holding a knife and cutting off Zhilong Huang's flesh piece by piece, she really couldn't stand this man with a human face. When she entered the Zhilon Group, she thought that if only one day she could make Zhilong Huang's life end in her hands, she could die right away.

However Zhilong Huang was killed in the hands of snipers, in the end is not experienced too much pain ......

Too bad.

If Zhilong Huang's business hadn't suddenly fallen apart, then -


As his thoughts drifted away, Liping Jiang suddenly remembered something, and his eyes pause.

After the Zhilong Huang case was over, many of the previous mysteries had been accounted for, and she could, at her discretion, avoid the confidential touch of the ring on her hand and give careful testimony to the police about the causes and consequences of it all.

Yet there was one link, which in her haste she had overlooked, that now suddenly made her vaguely uneasy -

Yi Hu .

The young master Hu who was soaked in a tank and made into a prop in the water tank murder case of the crew.

Once this person died, Zhilong Huang was under pressure from all sides and Liping Jiang was sure that Yi Hu was not the one who did it.

So who did he kill?

Why would that person want to kill such a powerful person in Zhilong Huang's project?

Liping Jiang The more he thought about it, the more he thought something was wrong, could it mean-!

Her face turned white instantly.

Published at: 02/18/2022 20:00