Chapter 11: He became a hostage

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Original Translations: Crafted with Care, No Unauthorized Reposting Allowed.

The office door is closed and locked, because it is specially designed anti-theft explosion-proof door, Qingcheng Xie and Yu He can't hit it, the receptionist downstairs feels something wrong, also hurried up with the key.

"There are voices inside." Yu He said.

Qingcheng Xie pounded on the door, Yu He had never seen such a terrible look on his face since he had known him, the whole person seemed to be crazy, lost in thought: " Xue Xie! Xue Xie! Are you there! Anyone inside can hear me! Xue Xie!!!"

No one responded to him.

There was just the gentle woman's voice, slyly coiled in it: "Throw ah throw ah throw handkerchief ......"

"Key, key ...... key!!!" The receptionist rushed up and handed him the keys.

Qingcheng Xie took it, his hands trembling badly, twice before aligning the lock eye, clicked a few turns after the lock unlocked, he banged open the door, came a heavy smell of blood, Xue Xie's bloody body in an instant into Qingcheng Xie's eyes!

Qingcheng Xie a sudden black, as if the head, the sky is like a collapse on his limbs, his tall body instantly tilted forward, if not in time to hold the door frame, he may just fall to his knees may not be.

The fan is still wobbling around the house, setting off a thick stench of fishy air.

Qingcheng Xie is not blood-sick, but at this moment, his whole person seems to be drowned by the rich blood color, he saw Xue Xie's corpse after everything can no longer see really, the soul in the collapse has been withdrawn before, he began to lose consciousness, hearing, vision, touch ...... what is very The sense of hearing, sight, touch everything is very vague.

Someone seemed to be screaming behind them, it seemed to be the receptionist who had accompanied them up, but he wasn't sure, he couldn't seem to hear anything.

Only the sense of smell is suddenly terribly clear.

The smell of blood fought its way into his sensory organs to rip his lungs apart and tear them apart.

He staggered in, life and death and danger are nothing to him, even if the killer inside can now come up and kill him directly he does not matter.

...... That's his sister!!!

He didn't know who he was listening to mumbling, " Xue Xie ...... Xue Xie ......"

The voice trembled horribly.

But, again, it seemed to be a humming that leaked from his own broken, hoarse throat.

" Xue Xie ---!!!"

"Don't go over there!!!"

Suddenly a man grabbed his hand and yanked him back, holding him by the waist: "Don't go over there! Qingcheng Xie!!!"

He did not blink, nor did he try to break free of the man, he only managed to move forward on his own, the force was amazing, he was already numb, he only cared so little about people in this world ......

At this moment he seemed to suddenly rain in front of him, the rain was fishy, he stood withered in the rain, that was the first time he saw death-

His parents were dead in a pool of blood, their bodies were battered and broken, half of his mother's body was almost rolled into mud, and there was a broken hand that rolled out so far that he walked over to it, and it was right in front of his toes.

He looked with vacant eyes at ......

"Qingcheng Xie! Not Xue Xie! Wake up! Look carefully!

The words were like a spell that shattered the magic mirror of terror, suddenly hitting him hard in the heart and dragging his consciousness back from the great fear.

He slowly turned his head, his eyes focused in his peach blossom eyes, fixed on the face of the person who said this to him.

Yes ......

Yu He .

Yu He was talking to him about this.

It's fake.

Not really.

No death ......

He suddenly returned to his senses and jerked back to fix his eyes -

Xue Xie's Huzhou University teacher's uniform was barely on top of the corpse, and the chest area could not even be buttoned ...... That's a male corpse!

Qingcheng Xie's feet went limp, and the soul that left his body was forcibly shoved back into his flesh and blood in an instant, with a force so rough that he could barely bear it.

He closed his eyes to slow down for a while, before allowing himself to swim ashore from the kind of extinction of the frightening fright, but he was already drenched, with cold sweat between his eyebrows.

A normal person would not be able to tell the identity of the body, which had been diluted, in such a short time.

The smell of blood alone already makes people unconscious and unable to keep their minds clear.

But Yu He is a unique case of mental illness, a patient with a disease called "mental Ebola". And he is the number 4 case of mental Ebola with the highest acceptance of gore.

He is not afraid of blood, crazy he is even bloodthirsty.

That's why he was able to determine the identity of the deceased in such a short time.

He chillingly asked " Jicheng Liang" inside: "Where is the girl?"

" Jicheng Liang" raised his head -

She is indeed the same as Xue Xie's last message, an extremely beautiful woman, even overcoming time, the years have not left too cruel a mark on her face, she is far more beautiful than the women of the same age demure.

Behind Qingcheng Xie and Yu He, the waiter, who was already paralyzed with fear and had pissed himself, let out a distorted scream, or rather a wail, when he saw the face of " Jicheng Liang".

"It's her!!! It's her!!!"

At this time the security guards also asked questions one after another rushed up to see the scene in front of all scared out of their souls, only a few people broke their voices and shouted out a sentence -

" Lanpei Jiang!!!"

"How did she get out?!!!?"

Lanpei Jiang is the "elder" of Chengkang Mental Hospital. There is an unwritten rule in such hospitals, including the funeral homes of general hospitals - "unclaimed" patients or bodies that have gone unclaimed for too long are called "elders".

Lanpei Jiang has been here for almost 20 years.

No one ever came to visit her.

Even how she first came to be has been lost in the archives because of the change of paper and electronic information, and cannot be found.

The people at Chengkang Mental Hospital only know her as a crazy person who can't be messed with, because she is the least obvious, and while others are disheveled and incoherent, she grooms herself every day, and she often answers questions when spoken to.

But everyone in the hospital knows that although what she says is logically fine, the content is all fictional and, to put it bluntly, very much like the normal words of madness.

"Don't interact with her much, leave immediately after nursing, this crazy woman is very good at compelling people."

This rule has remained unchanged since Zhongkang Liang, the hospital's owner, set it up, until Zhongkang Liang died and his brother Jicheng Liang and other partners took over the hospital.

The man who fell to the ground was the real Jicheng Liang.

Lanpei Jiang looked sorrowfully at the growing number of people outside and spoke, "No police."

"Hurry up and report-"

"I'll see who dares to report it!"

Lanpei Jiang brushed up his scalpel and pointed at an individual in front of him, his eyes flashing with a frantic light.

"I've been here for almost 20 years and I've had enough! I want to get out now, I want to go home! My children are waiting for me!"

"You, where you have a child ah Lanpei Jiang!" The head of the security team is a bold one, catcalls forward and shouts nervously at Lanpei Jiang, "You don't have a child! You're all alone! We've been taking care of you for twenty years--"

"Bullshit! You took care of me for 20 years? You call that taking care of me? Let me go! I want to go now! Get out of the way! Get out of my way! Or ...... or you'll never know where another girl is!!!"

Yu He and Qingcheng Xie both looked very ugly when they heard this sentence.

Qingcheng Xie : "Where is she?"

"You think I'm stupid! Why should I tell you! If I tell you they can take me away!"

Qingcheng Xie iron blue face, suddenly thought of something, step forward.

Lanpei Jiang took two steps back, the tip of the knife brushed against his chest, the sharp scalpel still dripping blood down: "What are you doing? I said don't come any closer!"

"You captured her in order to make her a hostage, didn't you?"


Qingcheng Xie lifted his hand, stared into her eyes, and suddenly, took hold of the bloody, sharp blade. Lanpei Jiang screamed and tried to pull the blade out of his hand, and Qingcheng Xie's palm was instantly cut and blood was pouring down.

"What are you doing - you don't want her life? You--"

The blade was carried by Qingcheng Xie and rested against his own chest.

Everyone around them changed color.

Qingcheng Xie said, without blinking, "I'll do it."

Lanpei Jiang froze.

Qingcheng Xie slowly released his hand from clutching the blade and said in one word: "I will replace her. You tell them where she is immediately, and have someone bring her to me! I'm waiting right here, if anything happens to her, I don't care if you're really crazy or just stupid, I'll fucking kill you!"

Lanpei Jiang thought about it for a while, but her mind was also a bit scrambled and she couldn't consider it.

Qingcheng Xie's eyes are too horrific, she stared, so a murderous demon, but was actually overwhelmed by him some breath, simply no longer think, a dragged him over, the blade against the artery of Qingcheng Xie's neck.

Yu He : "...... Qingcheng Xie!"

"That little girl is in B3009, my room."

"I've seen it before! Don't fall for her!" A security guard shouted, " Lanpei Jiang! There's no one in your room!!!"

Lanpei Jiang sneered twice: "Move the bed, there's a loose board underneath, pry it open and it's a very small dark room. You'd better go there together, there are other surprises waiting for you besides the little girl."

Several security guards looked at each other and three of them were ready to go.

Lanpei Jiang suddenly said, "Wait a minute! ...... All of you, take your phones out and drop them on the ground."


All could only do as they were told, one cell phone was thrown on the ground, and after leaving their communication tools behind, the three bodyguards were allowed to go to B3009 not far away to find someone, while the others remained here.

But a moment later, the security guard who had gone ran back.

The three men didn't know what they saw in the dark room, but their faces were as gray as half-dried cement that had been unevenly mixed. They used the sheet as a makeshift stretcher to carry the unconscious Xue Xie over.

Qingcheng Xie can't stand Xue Xie once he sees it.

The heart can't take it.

On the one hand, he was completely relieved that Xue Xie was indeed fine, probably just drugged up and passed out. On the other hand, he was devastated because Xue Xie's clothes had been taken off. It was the summer and fall season, and the weather was very hot.

Qingcheng Xie took one look and averted his gaze, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

He raised his hand -

Lanpei Jiang: "What are you doing? Don't move!"

"That's my fucking sister!" Qingcheng Xie loosened his shirt and tossed it to Yu He under Lanpei Jiang's trembling, hard against his blade.

His eyes were red as he ordered Yu He, "Put it on her!"

Yu He did not need him to say, already took the clothes to Xue Xie put on to cover up. He picked her up, and she leaned softly in his arms, Yu He turned his head and asked Qingcheng Xie: "What about you."

"What to do!" Qingcheng Xie sternly said, "What else can be done, it's bad luck to meet you, why didn't you turn over the Singrila at first, and eat the poison inside as sugar to poison you clean!"

Yu He squinted his eyes for a moment.

He knew what Qingcheng Xie's words meant when they seemed to be complaining about him.

But while he knows that, Lanpei Jiang doesn't.

Lanpei Jiang said, "You all follow me up to the roof."

"When we get to the roof, I'll let him go."

The murderer wants to escape, the hostage how to say it should be "call me a car, no police, I drive out will let people go". This Lanpei Jiang is really a seemingly normal psychopath, she actually did not go down, to go to the rooftop.

Can there be a helicopter on the rooftop?

But since she ordered this, the others could only do as they were told.

Lanpei Jiang said: "Go! You go first! Go in front! Go to the top of the most building! Go!"

She urged them to go up one by one, and when all of them went out, she set up Qingcheng Xie and moved up carefully.

Chengkang Mental Hospital is located in the middle of nowhere, far away from the city, the rooftop is sparsely lit, and the night wind is very strong, making people's bodies dry with cold sweat and goose bumps.

Lanpei Jiang ordered everyone to sit some distance away from her and retreated to the water tower, with the scalpel still pressed against Qingcheng Xie's neck.

Qingcheng Xie said, "Purpose."

"I said my purpose was to escape!"

"That's not what you're about."

Lanpei Jiang: "What do you know? The people in the sky will come to get me ......" The blade was pressed tightly against Qingcheng Xie's skin and blood was already dripping out.

She stood on her tiptoes and whispered to Qingcheng Xie, "You will all be dead by then."

Qingcheng Xie After Xue Xie is safe, the whole person is completely calm, he is clear-headed, his own life is really nothing in his eyes.

He said coldly to Lanpei Jiang, "In that case, why don't you kill me now? According to you, you'll have to die in the end anyway."


"Afraid to kill?"


"What are you waiting for, people in the sky? Where is there someone in the sky, the fog is so heavy, there are no stars."

Lanpei Jiang slyly: "Anyway, you wait, that's it."

She said, this time probably also feel that physical strength can not keep up, she is after all a woman of about 50, has been on tiptoe tense body to coerce Qingcheng Xie, but also to divert energy to watch out for others, she some can not stand. So her afterglow swept around the water tower and found a twine used by others for construction and maintenance, she hooked the twine over with her feet while still pressed against Qingcheng Xie's throat.

Then she began to tie him, tying him in knots to the water tower, tying several knots.

Qingcheng Xie laughed coldly: "You are quite skilled in your business. This is what you've been practicing in the asylum for the past twenty years?"

The woman seemed to have been touched by him and slapped him in the face with a loud slap, spitting, "Shut up."

She tied him up solidly and pushed back a few steps, always relieved.

A light of hatred flashed in his eyes, "You men are all beastly things."

Behind them, the guards couldn't help but whisper, and the one who didn't save Xue Xie asked the three who did: "Is there really a secret room in Lanpei Jiang's room?"

The three security guards looked much worse than the others, and two of them couldn't look back, staring at Lanpei Jiang with fear in their eyes.

Only one barely managed to pick up: "Yes."

"What's inside?"

--what's inside?

The three guards shuddered in unison.

Before they had a chance to speak, Lanpei Jiang heard her, and she slowly turned back, holding the sharp knife in her hand.

She smiled, "What is it?"

The hatred in the smile gradually burned up like a blaze, and the smoky breath seemed to materialize at this moment -

"What's inside? Hahaha ...... hahahahaha ...... is love! It's a special, special intimate love ......! Right?" Lanpei Jiang twisted her face, she was indeed a madman.

The only one of the three guards who could still speak held his head in his hands, he was quite old and had a daughter, so he spoke in pain: " Jicheng Liang raped and insulted her."


"It's been more than a decade ...... doing this every night, no matter what her body ...... Every night Jicheng Liang leaves a picture in that dark room and goes in, on all sides, all ......"

"No, it doesn't." Lanpei Jiang laughed softly, "See that skeleton in the corner?"


"That's the 'morsel' Jicheng Liang brought." She said to them with the gesture of whispering, but her voice was put very loud and hoarse, like a crow in mock mourning, "He eats it outside, afraid of dropping the snack crumbs, afraid that the scent will provoke the cat! He then brought to the madhouse, my room from the beginning of the dark room, only he and his brother know, they eat that snack ...... little girl can not stand the humiliation, hit the wall and died!"

With each additional sentence she spoke, the horror on the faces of those who heard it grew.

Only Yu He's face was always calm.

And Qingcheng Xie is hating anger more.

"Dim sum crashed to death by itself, can not be dumped in the trash, difficult to deal with, it has been thrown in the dark room, take sulfuric acid dip, the meat is soon gone, the bones are not too much left ...... but they also left some, to show me, to scare me. Let me not seek death, death will be the same fate." Lanpei Jiang recalled these things, the brain because the stimulation is too strong, and some muddled, speech began to intermittent, but the face of the crazy did not lose.

"I pretended to be scared and I catered to them every day ...... and then he died ...... and there was only one brother ...... yuck! That brother is even more disgusting than him, a complete and utter pervert ......"

"Why didn't you tell us! Why didn't you let us call the police!!!"

The little nurse couldn't listen to it anymore, her eyes were full of tears: "You call the police we can help you!"

"Who would believe my words! I'm a lunatic! A lunatic!!! They told you not to talk to me! Stay as far away from me as you can! And you'll give me pills every day! Take pills! You give me pills every day! Has anyone ever listened to me? Has anyone ever believed me? Lanpei Jiang shouted angrily, "I am mentally ill! That's why I'm a beast in your eyes! No need to listen carefully, no need to be genuinely concerned, what do I dare to tell you? If I tell you, Jicheng Liang can kill me later!"

B3006 is like a rusty furnace, with nearly two decades of desire and sin floating inside.

Because of the disease, there is always a preconceived judgment in the eyes of normal people, the crazy woman and the director of the madhouse, who will only believe the latter. Slowly, the dark room under the woman's bed, it became a spider's nest where the sun does not shine, the woman's flesh and blood rotting in the cobwebs.

"I'm disgusted with you guys."

"I hate all of you!!!"

Lanpei Jiang said here, the light in his eyes became more horrible, his voice slowly lightened, holding his head.

"No one can help me ...... I've long ...... I've long since lost track of who I am and where I came from ...... I can only ...... I can only go back to the sky."

She jerked her head up to look at them.

"You all have to stay with me."

The words fell, she suddenly found that one of the security guards looked at her oddly, seemingly revealing some kind of nervousness that should not be there, she froze for a second, suddenly reacted and abruptly turned back to--

At the same time, she felt a strong wind hit her face! She barely avoided it, but then she was kicked by the other party's long legs and crushed to the coarse concrete floor of the rooftop, and she stared incredulously at the naked/naked man with strong thin shoulders and a stern look against the background of the cloudy night.

"That knot, you ...... how could you ......"

"I forgot to tell you." Qingcheng Xie said icily, "My parents are both cops. You're a knot that I fucking grew up playing with."

Published at: 10/06/2021 20:00